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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday October 14th, 2023


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Good morning everyone.  Thanks for the daily updates.  While I can’t celebrate bald day I did just enjoy a slice of homemade apple pie for breakfast!  Hats off to the incredible edible egg, one of the hardest working ingredients in the kitchen.  The Letterman quote is equal parts funny and true!  We’ll be having leftover meatloaf this evening.  Think I’ll pass on the drink.  Thanks for sharing your photos of today’s port, it’s on the bucket list.  Prayers for everyone on our prayer list.  Cheers to those of you who are celebrating happy events today!

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Good morning, everyone.


It is another chilly, rainy start to the day here in mid-Michigan.  It isn't going to warm up much but the rain should stop by early afternoon.  


My doctor visit ran long yesterday, mostly because this guy likes to talk.  We covered a lot of ground and eventually did get around to health issues.  I do have a ventral hernia and am being referred to a surgeon for repair.  He also referred me to the Spine and Pain clinic for my back and hip pain.  He agrees that the pain around my hip is most likely nerve pain as it isn't in the hip itself.  So, now I just have to wait until I hear from both offices to set up appointments.  


Meatloaf is a favorite of mine.  Mom made great meatloaf.  She added some tomato paste into the meat mixture and onion soup mix.  @Cruising-along Carolyn would have to leave that out due to the sodium content.  Some Worcestershire sauce is included as well.  It was always a family favorite.  What is your favorite meatloaf recipe?  


We'll get started with this one.   https://www.thewholesomedish.com/the-best-classic-meatloaf/




This recipe says the key to a great meatloaf is milk.  It also uses Italian seasoning.  https://www.budgetbytes.com/classic-homemade-meatloaf/




Mom never put a tomato topping on her meatloaf.  Dad didn't like desecrating a wonderful meatloaf with ketchup, so we didn't have that part of it.  But, it does seem to be a staple of the "classic" meatloaf.  This last recipe also uses milk in it and it sautes the onions before mixing them  with the ground meat.  https://selfproclaimedfoodie.com/grannys-classic-meatloaf-recipe/




Wishing you all a wonderful day!

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Good Morning to All!  Thanks for the daily and fleet reports.  While I am not bald my hair is thinning a lot.  Have toyed with the idea of shaving my head but not sure my head shape will support that!!  Never have been a fan of meatloaf and really don't like eggs.  I use them for cooking stuff and occasionally will have an omelet - very well done - but the yolk?  Yuck!  I even take out the yolk when I make hardboiled eggs and throw them away.  My mom used to say I didn't like eggs as a baby either.  Therefore, like milk, eggs are rarely in my frig.


Funny Letterman quote.  I will pass on the drink and wine.  Been to Victoria many times as a kid and a couple of times cruising.  Was there just less than 2 weeks ago but it was cold and rainy and I didn't get off the ship.


What a nice day yesterday was and we will have another one today.  Cool in the morning and warming up to the low 90s.  This is the best time to live in the desert.  You learn to layer clothing, slowly take things off during the day and as the sun goes down put things back on.  I went to the new restaurant for lunch yesterday.  Overall, ok but the taco dorados, which I ordered chicken ones, had some type of mystery chicken in it.  It looked like canned chicken.  The guacamole was fantastic as well as the beans.  The rice?  Not a fan though I did eat it.  They were a little disorganized but that is to be expected since they just opened.  Beautiful surroundings though.  I might try them again someday.


Gym this morning and the dryer repair guy will come at 1000.  He stopped by yesterday while I was eating lunch; he did call but why don't people leave messages????  I rarely answer my phone if it is from an unknown number.  I figure if it is important they can leave a message.


Thoughts for all on the care list and cheers to those celebrating.


Be safe if you are going to look at the eclipse!  Have a great day everyone!!



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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Now it's time for my final round of pictures.  There weren't any that were different in my 2015 pictures, and only a few from 2018.  The dragon boat races were being held that day, and there was a festival with performances by children from different cultures.





From the festival, we walked over to Chinatown and explored it a little.



We found this monument on our walk.



We decided to walk down Fan Tan Alley, which was very narrow and filled with little shops.





We then headed to the harbor and the dragon boat races.  On the way, we passed this statue of a soldier returning home.



The dragon boat races.







One thing I really like when visiting our neighbors to the north is all the flowers.



We also passed a building that was be completely demolished with the exception of three of the outer walls.  I wonder if they ever got it finished.




Interesting photos Lenda.

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57 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


We also passed a building that was be completely demolished with the exception of three of the outer walls.  I wonder if they ever got it finished.




Good Morning to the Dailyites. 
We are in Vancouver, but would love to live in Victoria if the stars aligned. It’s a favourite getaway. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser, this building is finished and is now a very high end condo development. https://customshouse.ca If you’re interested 😉.

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Baldness can certainly have a second day, I love dessert, and use a lot of eggs in baking, especially around the holidays.


As much as I'd love to see the annular solar eclipse today, it's not looking good right now as we've got heavy clouds over us.  Hopefully the wind will blow them away so we can use our pinhole cameras to view it.  Although we tend to have tons of sunshine, it seems whenever there's a celestial event, we end up under a blanket of clouds.


Well I found out the cause of my shoulder pain - it seems I managed to acquire a 1.8cm (3/4") tear in a tendon, commonly known as a torn rotator cuff.  How the heck that happened, I have no idea.  I spoke with the Dr. over the phone and he's referring me to an orthopedic surgeon to see what can be done.  I can manage it alright during the daytime, but find that I wake up because I'm stretching in my sleep, causing pain.   We'll see what happens; I'll just keep taking OTC anti-inflammatories for night time.  It isn't earth shattering or life threatening, so I'm not going to worry about it.


Not a lot on the agenda today except that DH and I have to get out in the back yard and empty the fountain for the year.  Every night it's getting cooler and cooler and before we know it, we'll be having frost on a regular basis, and we don't want to ruin the fountain or the pump.  


Someone told me a couple of days ago that they were worried their air miles were going to expire, so they ordered a new set of golf clubs.  That got me thinking about all the air miles we accrue through the daily use of our credit card, so I went onto the reward site and ordered a new air fryer.  I had been thinking of replacing our 2 year old one with something better, and in a couple of weeks should be the proud owner of a Ninja 12 in one double oven air fryer that looks like it does everything except knit socks.  


I love today's menu suggestion - I made meatloaf last week and it was enjoyed for a couple of meals.  @dfish I always add a good splash of milk along with a handful or two of oatmeal and onion soup mix to mine.  Topping is a combination of ketchup, dry mustard and nutmeg - yum!


I'm giving a pass on the drink of the day, the wine, and because we had meatloaf not that long ago, will pass on it as well.  DH brought home a couple of packages of breaded chicken wings that will be going into the air fryer before being tossed in the honey garlic sauce.  I think we'll just have crudites and dip along with the wings, so it'll look like pub grub for us at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone in Israel, especially the hostages for safety, and for the people of Ukraine.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Thanks for the Fleet Update and General Info from all contributors.


I have somewhat of a cruise story about going to Victoria BC. On July 01, 2017, the day Canada celebrated 150 years old, we were on the car ferry from Port Angeles Washington to Victoria BC. Great planning to arrive in Victoria the day of the massive celebration! After boarding the ferry and parking the car we all headed to their Lido Deck for eats and viewing. It was a smooth ride until 30 minutes into the cruise when a voice on the PA system said, “RedneckBob, you left your car engine running and you need to turn it off asap or you will have to drive off the ferry before we get there.” Well, it was not exactly like that, besides I did not know a car could drive off the plank! 😀 Had a great time in Victoria and Whistler for a week!

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Good Saturday morning!


Bald day is celebrated here - both DH and younger son are "hair challenged!!"  Older son takes after my side of the family, was born with a full head of hair and still has it. Love eggs, and meatloaf will probably be on the menu tonight - thanks for the suggestion!


We've been to Victoria 4 times, and enjoyed our visits.  On our first visit in 2008 (Amsterdam 7 days), we were traveling with DH's two sisters. His older DS and I went to high tea at the Empress Hotel (excellent!), and he went with his younger DS on a pub crawl, to 3 different pubs.



 On our second visit in 2012 (Amsterdam 14 days), we went to Butchart Gardens.  If you get to Victoria, you really have to see it!!  DH wasn't sure about going, but once we got there he couldn't wait to see it all.  It really is amazing. I envy @VictOriann Ann who can visit as often as she likes!



We were in Victoria again in 2017 (Amsterdam 14 days), but don't have any different photos to share. We did visit Butchart Gardens again (as my DH's request)....and this time he walked to gardens with a boot due to a broken bone in his foot on the cruise!


Our last trip was in 2019 on the Maasdam (21 days), and we decided to do something different...we did a brewery tour.  We visited 3 different breweries and tasted some great beers.



As you can see, Victoria is one of our favorite ports!


Prayers for all ailing, both in hospital and at home. Cheers for all our cruisers and soon-to-be cruisers.


Take care of yourselves!


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For meatloaf, I use my mother's recipe, but I don't put any type of tomato topping on it.  It is a very simple recipe and easy to make.  It calls for milk and eggs mixed with cracker crumbs as a binding  ingredient.  It also has chopped onion, salt, pepper and sage added to the ground beef.  For several years, I tried another recipe that added chopped red and green bell peppers, with tomato sauce as a topping.  DH liked it better than I did, since to me, it didn't taste like meatloaf and made lousy meatloaf sandwiches.  😉


After my pneumonia vaccine, I had a slightly sore arm but as the morning has progressed, my arm is not sore now.  I had an interesting chat with the pharmacist about the RSV vaccine while getting the other shot.  She has the same PCP as DH and I do.  She told me she'd talked with him about the RSV vaccine, and he doesn't recommend it for seniors.  He says RSV is a baby's disease, and he's never seen it in adults.  She suggested we talk to him before getting the RSV vaccine, so it is on hold for now.


1 hour ago, ottahand7 said:

Good morning everyone.    Thanks for the daily and fleet reports each day @richwmn.   I recall the bald day too, nobody bald in my family.   I'd love to have some sugar free egg custard for dessert, they make a good one on BHBs.    I think Amazon has made the last minute shoppers life a lot easier.    I love meatloaf and look forward to the recipes.   When I lived in Maryland I would love Wegman's take and bake meatloaf, I haven't found a good substitute.  Pass on the minty cocktail but the Entre du Mers SB looks like a winner.  Thanks for the photos of Vancouver Sandi and Lenda.   We spent a couple of days there prior to our first Alaska cruise.   Our chance to walk the city was complicated by my DS having to rent a car and return to the US to SEATAC to get her correct suitcase.   What a mess and she said the line at the border was terrible.   It was a beautiful day and I walked around the city proper, nothing picture worth.   From now on we will book out of Seattle.  The airfare differential was massive.  

Thanks for the Cares and Celebrations reports @JazzyV.  I hope that you are getting some relief from your pain.  I am happy to read that Tana's aide is working out.   Prayers for the people of Israel and the people of Ukraine.  My heart aches for all the horror caused in these war zones.    Prayers for Baby Murphy and her family.  

I had planned on making a quick run to the store but it is absolutely miserable.    Windy and rainy.   Our experiment worked to get the touch panel on the double oven going.   I don't know for how long.  Tom complicate things we just can't buy any double oven.   It has an interior depth slightly more than 24", most are more like 29".   This house was built to have ADA hallways so I guess the choice for the shallow depth oven.    There are few alternatives unless they are very expensive.    John wants to get the cheap one ($2600  OUCH) and make it fit by fitting wood around it.  I am not going to allow that and will search for some kind of shallower depth one.    A good project for a rainy day.   Have a nice Saturday.   Nancy 


Nancy, I'm glad the oven trick worked.  Good luck finding a replacement oven.


1 hour ago, puppycanducruise said:

The leaves are starting to turn colour.  These trees are down the street from our house.



The tree is beautiful in it's fall colors.


52 minutes ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone.


It is another chilly, rainy start to the day here in mid-Michigan.  It isn't going to warm up much but the rain should stop by early afternoon.  


My doctor visit ran long yesterday, mostly because this guy likes to talk.  We covered a lot of ground and eventually did get around to health issues.  I do have a ventral hernia and am being referred to a surgeon for repair.  He also referred me to the Spine and Pain clinic for my back and hip pain.  He agrees that the pain around my hip is most likely nerve pain as it isn't in the hip itself.  So, now I just have to wait until I hear from both offices to set up appointments.  


Meatloaf is a favorite of mine.  Mom made great meatloaf.  She added some tomato paste into the meat mixture and onion soup mix.  @Cruising-along Carolyn would have to leave that out due to the sodium content.  Some Worcestershire sauce is included as well.  It was always a family favorite.  What is your favorite meatloaf recipe?  


We'll get started with this one.   https://www.thewholesomedish.com/the-best-classic-meatloaf/




This recipe says the key to a great meatloaf is milk.  It also uses Italian seasoning.  https://www.budgetbytes.com/classic-homemade-meatloaf/




Mom never put a tomato topping on her meatloaf.  Dad didn't like desecrating a wonderful meatloaf with ketchup, so we didn't have that part of it.  But, it does seem to be a staple of the "classic" meatloaf.  This last recipe also uses milk in it and it sautes the onions before mixing them  with the ground meat.  https://selfproclaimedfoodie.com/grannys-classic-meatloaf-recipe/




Wishing you all a wonderful day!


Debbie, I hope the two doctors call with appointments soon.  Here it takes the doctor's office at least a week if not more to send in the referrals.  


33 minutes ago, Nickelpenny said:

Good Morning to All!  Thanks for the daily and fleet reports.  While I am not bald my hair is thinning a lot.  Have toyed with the idea of shaving my head but not sure my head shape will support that!!  Never have been a fan of meatloaf and really don't like eggs.  I use them for cooking stuff and occasionally will have an omelet - very well done - but the yolk?  Yuck!  I even take out the yolk when I make hardboiled eggs and throw them away.  My mom used to say I didn't like eggs as a baby either.  Therefore, like milk, eggs are rarely in my frig.


Funny Letterman quote.  I will pass on the drink and wine.  Been to Victoria many times as a kid and a couple of times cruising.  Was there just less than 2 weeks ago but it was cold and rainy and I didn't get off the ship.


What a nice day yesterday was and we will have another one today.  Cool in the morning and warming up to the low 90s.  This is the best time to live in the desert.  You learn to layer clothing, slowly take things off during the day and as the sun goes down put things back on.  I went to the new restaurant for lunch yesterday.  Overall, ok but the taco dorados, which I ordered chicken ones, had some type of mystery chicken in it.  It looked like canned chicken.  The guacamole was fantastic as well as the beans.  The rice?  Not a fan though I did eat it.  They were a little disorganized but that is to be expected since they just opened.  Beautiful surroundings though.  I might try them again someday.


Gym this morning and the dryer repair guy will come at 1000.  He stopped by yesterday while I was eating lunch; he did call but why don't people leave messages????  I rarely answer my phone if it is from an unknown number.  I figure if it is important they can leave a message.


Thoughts for all on the care list and cheers to those celebrating.


Be safe if you are going to look at the eclipse!  Have a great day everyone!!




Penny, I love October in Arizona and hopefully, we will be able to enjoy it next year.


29 minutes ago, sunviking90 said:

Good Morning to the Dailyites. 
We are in Vancouver, but would love to live in Victoria if the stars aligned. It’s a favourite getaway. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser, this building is finished and is now a very high end condo development. https://customshouse.ca If you’re interested 😉.


Thanks for letting me know the building was finished.  I looked at the link, and was glad they had a picture of the original building.  I would not have recognized it from the picture of the completed project.


9 minutes ago, kplady said:

Good Saturday morning!


Bald day is celebrated here - both DH and younger son are "hair challenged!!"  Older son takes after my side of the family, was born with a full head of hair and still has it. Love eggs, and meatloaf will probably be on the menu tonight - thanks for the suggestion!


We've been to Victoria 4 times, and enjoyed our visits.  On our first visit in 2008 (Amsterdam 7 days), we were traveling with DH's two sisters. His older DS and I went to high tea at the Empress Hotel (excellent!), and he went with his younger DS on a pub crawl, to 3 different pubs.



 On our second visit in 2012 (Amsterdam 14 days), we went to Butchart Gardens.  If you get to Victoria, you really have to see it!!  DH wasn't sure about going, but once we got there he couldn't wait to see it all.  It really is amazing. I envy @VictOriann Ann who can visit as often as she likes!



We were in Victoria again in 2017 (Amsterdam 14 days), but don't have any different photos to share. We did visit Butchart Gardens again (as my DH's request)....and this time he walked to gardens with a boot due to a broken bone in his foot on the cruise!


Our last trip was in 2019 on the Maasdam (21 days), and we decided to do something different...we did a brewery tour.  We visited 3 different breweries and tasted some great beers.



As you can see, Victoria is one of our favorite ports!


Prayers for all ailing, both in hospital and at home. Cheers for all our cruisers and soon-to-be cruisers.


Take care of yourselves!



Great pictures, Laura.  Thanks.



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Linda, the advice you got is so wrong about RSV. All ages get RSV it is babies and seniors that have a bad time with it. I am saddened that a pharmacist is spreading such false claims. Babies have smaller airways so sound different with the disease.  My niece who is an intensive care doctor sees elderly people on vents from RSV every winter. She highly recommends it. Now off my soap box again. Vaccines is a pediatricians hot button. 

It is cold and cloudy here. DGD and I skipped DGS flag football this morning. My late DH loved meatloaf. Me not so much. His favorite thing to do with the leftovers was to make grilled meatloaf and cheese sandwiches. 

Now to find things to do with the DGK’s on this cold windy Saturday. I will sure miss them on my long cruise. 

Have a great Saturday. 


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Good morning everyone, 


My dad told everyone that he started going bald the day I was born! DH was thinning but still had a decent head of hair. 

The last few days have been busy. I did PT on Tuesday and Thursday. For some reason Thursday was a teary day and it wasn't the PT, just my body I guess. I did a drive afterwards and headed down Whidbey Island, wandered around Langley and treated myself to a chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream cone and the day got better as it went on. Yesterday was errands and then work around the house. Today is a Cruise and Travel show put on by our travel agency at the local casino just up the road. Since my TA retired at the end of September I'll stop in and meet my new TA and see what's on tap for 2025. I'm thinking about Boston-Quebec City-Boston but we'll see. Another one is Panama Canal repositioning. 

Tomorrow is DDIL's birthday dinner (birthday is Monday) and she's requested my crockpot stroganoff. I'll get it made today as it's easy with hamburger, onions, canned cream of mushroom soup and tomorrow add the sour cream. She couldn't decide if she wanted it over baked potatoes or noodles so we'll do both and I'll do a batch of egg noodles up from scratch. She's worth it! 

Have a good Saturday and enjoy the weekend!


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I'm spending the morning making a 2024 8 x 11 wall calendar on Shutterfly.  We've already got appointments next year that need a place to record them (on paper).  Not just on digital calendars.  I'm old fashioned like that!  😄


Lorraine, I'm glad you brought up the RSV myths going around.  I told my hairdresser about planning on getting that vaccine and she told me a client who either works at the hospital or her doctor's office (can't remember which) told her she'd "never seen adults or seniors get it before - it's only a problem for babies".  I said nothing back but I'm glad I don't listen to my hairdresser when she offers me medical advice!


I've used different meatloaf recipes over the year, but we now use a recipe that I sort of threw together once and we both like it a lot.  I use only beef in my meatloaf (1 lb.), then add chopped onion sautéed in butter, Italian bread crumbs, 1 Tbsp. of Dijon mustard, and 2 Tbsp. of ketchup, one egg yolk, salt and pepper.  After baking the loaf for about 45 minutes I add tomato sauce to the top after draining grease off, because I don't care for ketchup on top. Cover and bake 15 more minutes.  I love a meatloaf sandwich the following day, warmed in the microwave first of course.😋

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Nice pictures of Victoria today. Thanks. When we were there this year, in the spring, I felt like I was getting a buzz with all the pot smokers on the streets.
Not sure if it was a result of my RSV shot yesterday but after my coffee and earlier post I went back to bed. Feel better.

Tonight Sue has invited our neighbors over for a lasagna dinner and she’s making a cherry pie for dessert. Yum.

It’s turning out to be a beautiful breezy day but tomorrow will be cooler.

Time for my walk. B.

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Good morning all!

The fall rains have begun, I'm glad I was able to get so much done in the yard this past week.

Good set of days, I'll pass on the drink but would like the wine and meal.  Meatloaf sounds good for tonight, now I just need to decide which recipe.  The first 2 look good to me -- although whichever one I choose, I won't add brown sugar because catsup has enough sugar in it for me 😉 


We've been to Victoria many times, usually on day-trips from home and on a few cruises. Of course my favorite thing to do is to go to Butchart.  Which reminds me, we haven't gone in years.  One visit was with my 2 sisters, we chose it as one of our "sisters' weekends".  Our oldest sister was battling Lymphoma and each time she went into remission we would go on a sisters' weekend -- always to different places.  That time we stayed at the Empress (but I wasn't impressed with our room, it was small and hadn't been cleaned properly).  We also didn't do afternoon tea at the Empress, we chose a different locale and it was excellent at a fraction of the price.   


Lorraine @cruising sister Thank you for giving a physician's opinion about the RSV vaccine -- I had never heard anyone say that seniors don't need it and our DSIL who is a PA said their clinic highly recommends it for seniors.  That's why we got ours.


Debbie @dfish and Gerry @ger_77 I'm glad to hear you're both getting some answers to your problems, now to get them fixed!


The view out our window this morning.




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A big Thank You to all the contributors of the  “ Fleet Report and Daily “ , I should be doing other things but have to look up some nice pictures of Victoria , British Columbia the home of our dear friends Ann and Pat  @Vict0riann 
First a few pics from 2017 when we were on the Zaandam from Santiago to Vancouver  where our friends disembarked of coarse so they did not have to take the ferry back and they invited us to their home and also for a wonderful dinner at the “club “ in the yacht harbour .
And now a few pictures from 2007 when we did a Alaska cruise on the Zaandam  ( yes she is getting old )  and took the ferry after the cruise to visit the amazing Butchard Gardens .
Wow ………..who are those young people ……...
Back to rearrange my suitcase ….. Thank you all for the Bon Voyage , looking forward to be on the Oosterdam again and the Mediterranean .
We'll meet you in Barcelona Ann and Pat ! 
Have a wonderful weekend everybody ! 
Tony 😍😍
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Good Afternoon from a warm and sunny day at the beach

     Played golf with my wonderful son this AM. Beautiful morning and the greens are drying out after all our rain. 

     We were in Victoria in 2014 and went to Butchart Gardens. Loved it and it is on the return list. Funny story about our visit. The next day we were scheduled to fly out of Vancouver to home. DD`s wheelchair did not pass the "bomb test". We were all frantic trying to figure out what was wrong and if we would miss our flight.  My BIL finally said to the agent that we were at Butchart Gardens the day before. Next thing they are on the phone and then we were whisked very quickly to our plane that was ready to depart. Seems they called the Garden and some type of fertilizer was just used. It must have picked up on the wheels of her chair. They wiped down the chair and we were off. Quite an experience.

    Hope everyone has a nice relaxing weekend

Stay safe and enjoy today


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2 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Linda, the advice you got is so wrong about RSV. All ages get RSV it is babies and seniors that have a bad time with it. I am saddened that a pharmacist is spreading such false claims. Babies have smaller airways so sound different with the disease.  My niece who is an intensive care doctor sees elderly people on vents from RSV every winter. She highly recommends it. Now off my soap box again. Vaccines is a pediatricians hot button. 

It is cold and cloudy here. DGD and I skipped DGS flag football this morning. My late DH loved meatloaf. Me not so much. His favorite thing to do with the leftovers was to make grilled meatloaf and cheese sandwiches. 

Now to find things to do with the DGK’s on this cold windy Saturday. I will sure miss them on my long cruise. 

Have a great Saturday. 


Thanks for saying that!  I audibly gasped when I read that a pharmacist would actually say that!!

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Good morning (barely). I am late doing anything this morning. It took 3 cups of coffee to get me "jump started" although I did manage to get the dogs out at day break. Then slow motion for the rest of the morning. I did view the eclipse (with the proper eye wear) and it was pretty spectacular from my balcony. I understand they expected large crowds at Mesa Verde and Chimney Rock.


Little on the must do agenda today. I have a meeting at 12:30 for the kennel club which will not be much fun but is necessary. Any annoyance but not a major issue. Otherwise, just the usual trying to get things sorted. Someway when I throw something out another 2 seem to crowd that same space, but I know I making some progress.


My prayers and positive thoughts to all needing them. I am watching the Ukraine and the Middle East carefully and grieve for all those who have no choice but to be in the middle of the fighting. The civilians always are losers in any war. @cruising singleHope you feel better and that you can get a good rest. I am due for my covid shot on Monday. Earlier than I wanted it but we are having such problems getting it.... and it is on the rise in this area.... so now will be the time. On the subject of the RSV.... my doctor recommended that I get it and I have. Also flu shot is done. Right now my problem seems to be allergies - to what I don't know.


Take care all.







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@ottahand7I had to laugh when I read about renting a car and returning for a suitcase. DH had to do that just before we left from Vancouver to Santiago. One carryon was still on the porch which contained a CPAP machine and hiking boots. Luckily the car rental office was next door to the hotel and he got there just before closing. Our good neighbors picked up the suitcase, walked onto the ferry and handed over the bag-DH made it just before the ferry arrived. Then a race back to Vancouver-border guard asked what he was doing!! A short sleep and early departure to the airport.

@NickelpennyMy DSis and I are a good pair. She eats the yolks and I eat the whites.

We've made several trips from Seattle to Victoria, mainly on the Victoria Clipper. It's a fun trip. Once, with 3 friends, a stay at the Empress, and a few fabric shops added in. There is also a "castle" with amazing woodwork not too far out of town.

And we got to see the eclipse. Very few hazy clouds even though the weatherman said it would be too cloudy-while not the total eclipse it was fun to see the crescent sun from behind the moon. As time went by, the crescent moved from the left to over the top and on down.

Enjoy the weekend!

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Didn't we just have bald day? I like dessert and like eggs for their protein. My DM didn't like eggs, but made them for me so I wouldn't be prejudiced by her dislike of them. The quote is true for some men. I like the meal, pass on the drink and the wine. I have not been to Victoria BC. 2 important days in history.


We had rain overnight, and today is cloudy and rainy all day, with temps in the upper 50's. I'm glad I got the lawn mowed yesterday. Probably lots of leaves will come down with the rain. I watched the annular solar eclipse on NASA's YouTube channel earlier. We would see only a little bite out of the sun here, but we're socked in with clouds. I will do indoor tidying up, as my back allows.


@StLouisCruisers Thanks for the great Victoria photos.

@rafinmd Welcome home. I'm glad you were able to take your cruises.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Lovely photos. I too disagree with the pharmacist saying RSV is only a baby's disease.

@ottahand7 I hope the oven continues to function normally.

@dfish I'm glad you got the referrals. Thanks for the recipes. Your DM's meatloaf recipe sounds like my mother's.

@ger_77 Sorry to hear of the torn rotator cuff. I had a torn glenoid labrum, which people who fall on an outstretched arm and baseball pitchers get (I was the former, lol). I had surgery many years ago, and I'm always asked if it was a rotator cuff repair.

@kplady @GTVCRUISER Thank you for sharing your nice photos.

@dobiemom I'm glad you got to see the eclipse.

@Cruising-along Beautiful fall colors.

@sailingdutchy Great photos.

@cunnorl Wow that was some experience with DD's wheelchair!

@cruzn single I hope you're feeling ok.

@mamaofami Prayers for DH Sam.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those with something to Celebrate.


A composite photo from my trip to Nashville in 2017  to see my first solar eclipse.


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48 minutes ago, Nickelpenny said:

Thanks for saying that!  I audibly gasped when I read that a pharmacist would actually say that!!


Not just the pharmacist saying it.  She (the pharmacist) actually told Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser she had discussed it with the physician, and he told her that misinformation.  So it all started with the PCP!

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