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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday October 26th, 2023


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Good morning. It is 54 going up to the high sixties later. I salute those who are deployed. We have two National Guard reservists in the family. One is in Connecticut (that state with the boring drive to New Yawk) and the other Massachusetts. No one really likes turkey here so I doubt I will try the recipe. We have been to Scotland but not Oban. I found the quote funny too.

The hospice nurse was able to get a new IV in for Tana yesterday and left the very beepy machine in my hands. I am learning more than I ever cared to about IV’s!

We have been going through pictures of my DD DH in preparation for his  gathering next week. I have found some doozies that he would not have liked the public to see. He was quite heavy at one time and struggled with that for a few years. Today Tana and I are picking out the best ones to display. It is bittersweet.


Have a great day everyone.

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  We enjoy mincemeat in tarts; as a child my mother always added chopped apple so it wasn't quite as spicy.  I still do that today.  Our horseless carriage did it's job bringing us home safely yesterday.   Blessings on all those deployed; may they stay safe and return to their families whole.  The quote made me smile today.


Well we're back after a whirlwind of a week with our family in Calgary.  Two active boys, age 8 and almost 4 make for busy days.  We got them off to school and the sitters each weekday so their parents could just get ready and go.  After the kiddles were gone, we cleaned up the kitchen and headed out in our horseless carriage to see what Calgary had to offer in terms of shopping.  Of course one of the obligatory stops was made at IKEA, but after spending 2.5 hours there, I ended up feeling almost downhearted, as my bill was under $100.   Between school, drum lessons, swimming lessons, soccer and Japanese class, we were kept busy the entire time, so now that we're home we can relax again.  There's a reason why child rearing is left to the young.  Before we headed home (the roads were atrocious), we took some family photos - some were great, but there's one that as soon as our DS and DDIL saw it, they immediately turned to one another and said "Christmas card!"  Here it is:



On Tuesday morning we woke to snow - lots of snow, and it kept up throughout the day.  Yesterday when we got up the temperature was -16C (-3.2F) with a strong wind, making it feel like -20C (-4F); it took nearly 30 minutes of running the car with the defrost on high to clear both front and back windows.  The roads were terrible as mentioned previously, with snow and ice, but we were cautious, and about 2 hours northeast of Calgary the roads cleared up and it was normal driving the rest of the way home.  Here's a shot of one of the highways north of Calgary; we were only able to go about 60kmh (35mph) without slipping and sliding around.



Today is a day to restock the fridge, DH needs a haircut, and Sochi needs some much needed love, as she was very chatty and clingy when we got home yesterday.  I turned on the TV to see the terrible occurrence with a mass shooting in Lewiston; prayers for all involved.  I know, being off the boards for a week that I've missed a whole bunch - Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary, Bon Voyage to all who had celebrations, and heartfelt thoughts to those with losses.  


I like the drink of the day, will pass on the wine, and will take a look at the menu suggestion when I thaw out part of the turkey carcass that sits in our freezer.  For tonight because it's cold out (currently -15C), I've got hamburger thawing that will be made into hamburger soup for us to enjoy with crusty bread at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for all who are in need, in pain, and in grief.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Good morning, everyone!


It is a very mild 62F here in mid-Michigan, but that is accompanied by rain.  It is supposed to clear out late morning, early afternoon.  I have nothing on the agenda for today except for a trip to the grocery store.  There are very few leaves left in the trees here.  Next week may be the last time we rake to the curb.  My dad loved mincemeat pie with brandy sauce and I would make one for him every  Thanksgiving and Christmas.  He was particular about the mincemeat and I only used the Cross and Blackwell brand.  I haven't made it since he passed.


The shooting in Lewiston is so senseless and makes me angry.  Those who can make a difference refuse to do so.  That is what makes me so mad.  The tune might change if the victims were those they cared about, but as long as they aren't, they can turn a cold shoulder to the rest of us.


The surgeon suggested I get a brace to wear that will help keep my innards in place around the hernia.  It came yesterday, so I'll be trying it today.  At least I shouldn't look so lumpy.


Today's meal is one to save for the leftover turkey we will have next month or that you already have if you are in Canada.  I'm sorry you didn't like the chicken rice soup recipe, Lorraine @cruising sister.  I prefer brothy soups to the cream ones and would probably just follow my own recipe for making the broth.   I suppose we will get a few recipes now and then that are not so great.   Today we'll start with A Taste of Home and see what they have cooked up.  https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/turkey-wild-rice-soup/




As I said, I prefer the broth based soups more, so here is one of those.  I usually add a bay leaf to my soups.   https://lexiscleankitchen.com/turkey-wild-rice-soup/




This next one uses a bit of white wine to flavor the liquid.  Wine usually helps just about everything.  https://www.thecookierookie.com/turkey-wild-rice-soup-recipe/




This one includes mushrooms.  You can really use any vegetables that you like.  I include brussels sprouts quite often as they hold up well. As for the carrots, I've learned that if I need them for "flavor" I use big chunks and fish them out at the end.  Or just eat around them.  Adjust the seasonings to your taste, not that of the recipe. I sometimes add a sprinkle or red pepper to the pot.    https://www.aheadofthyme.com/leftover-turkey-wild-rice-soup/




Wishing you all a wonderful day!

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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from a wet central Texas.  We got a lot of rain last night, and I slept through it.  DH's fancy rain gauge said we 1.69 inches and eyeballing my old fashioned rain gauge from a distance, it is showing almost 2 1/2 inches of rain. Whichever one is correct, it was enough that the roof leak dripped water onto the counter top and kitchen floor.  It is 67F and feels like 67F with 100% humidity and a dew point of 67F.  Our high is predicted to reach 81F.  It has started raining again, and could rain all day.  In fact, rain is predicted everyday except Saturday through Tuesday.  A cold front is headed our way, with Saturday's high predicted to be 44F.  In fact, we won't see 70F after Saturday until a week from Saturday.  That is more late November weather.


Today, neither of us are planning to go anywhere. I'll be keeping an eye on the brisket, making the sides and BBQ sauce while doing the laundry.  We also have a technician coming this afternoon to change our satellite tv receivers.  Ours are the first generation high definition receivers which are no longer supported, and they are beginning to be a pain to get to turn on.


Mincemeat is not something we keep in the house, but I used to make dessert around Christmas that used mincemeat and crushed pineapple. It was better than it sounds, but I haven't made it for 30 years.  Horseless Carriages really changed personal transportation.  I'll salute all the deployed service members and their families who miss them.


Today's quote made me smile, but I think it is inaccurate.


We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine.


Oban is another port in Scotland we have not visited.


Two interesting days in history.


@grapau27  Thank you, Graham, for the history behind National Day of the Deployed.  Also, thank you for including me in the list of contributors to the Daily.

@seagarsmoker  Safe travels tomorrow, and I hope you have a wonderful cruise for your anniversary.  What day is your anniversary?

@kazu  Welcome back to reality, Jacqui.  I think that's the worst part of a cruise.

@Nickelpenny  Penny, I'm glad you got your package.  Yesterday must have been the day for packages and letters going to the wrong address.  Our sweet neighbor brought our mail to us yesterday.  The funny thing is the "junk" mail was in our box.

@RMLincoln  Maureen, I'm sorry your are having back and leg pain too.  We found that Aspercreme helps and reduces the need for as many NSAIDs.  I hope the letter from legal arrives soon.














Yesterday 10/25. Thank you!

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Good morning. Temperatures are dropping here. It was 28Fwhen the dogs and I marched out this morning (Monty was wearing the jacket I had wrestled him in to). High will be around 62 this afternoon. It will get colder throughout the rest of this week and early next week and snow will fall north of us (I hope). I remember a Halloween snow one year when my neighbor ( a single Mom) was sick and I took her kids treat or treating. They had fun but I was miserable. Have been to Oban.... it used to be a rest day when I had students touring. They loved it.... and they also loved the day tour we took to Iona either just before or just after.


My only goal for today is to load up the car and take several boxes and bags out to the thrift store and also drop off some doggie bedding and towels with the shelter. Then I begin sorting on a dresser that was hidden at the back of a closet in my spare bedroom. I suspect most of what is in those drawers can be tossed. At least I hope so. Or maybe it will be more family treasures for the family to reject.


Like all, I am appalled to hear of the shooting in Lewiston. And we actually have had two shootings in Durango in the last couple of days which is most unusual. One a domestic dispute of sorts at a local motel with a very bad reputation and the other a fight between two groups of young people at a park led by older men who should know a lot better. The main suspect says they were just planning a fist fight but then he brought 3 guns to they fight. Somehow we all doubt his story. Fortunately the police were able to nab all shooters almost at once.


Best wishes and most positive thoughts to all. I am keeping a leery eye on the world in general these days. Life does not seem to get easier.






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Good morning, friends! I'm happy to be able to check in today!

The valve replacement and WAZE surgery went went well last week &I was released last Monday to come home. Now I have to be patient, rest and let my body heal -- not easy for me! I always have lots  that I think I need to do! My son is making a herotic effort to keep me reined in.! It appears that the AFib is gone, which makes me very happy!

Members of my church have brought food by, and neighbors send flowers.  My fuzzy freeloaders  are happy to have me back & curl up with me. 

It's all good! Thank you all for the prayers - they worked!

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4 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

At Frederick Douglass International. Although my trip is international, the first flight is only to Philadelphia. In some pain from yard work and lack of sleep, applying ibuprofen and diet cola internally.

Safe travels!

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Good morning all!

We had our first frost this morning!  And the next few nights will be down below freezing before the rains return and warms up.


Like Debbie @dfish I always made mincemeat pie for my Dad too.  After Mom passed he and I were the only ones who liked it, and since he passed I don't make it anymore.  All my gratitude to our servicemen and women who deploy.  I know first-hand how difficult it is for them and their families left behind.  I love my horseless carriage.


Funny quote, will pass on the soup.  We're having Halibut cakes from some leftover Halibut we had last night.  I would probably like the drink, have been to Scotland but not this port.  As for the wine, I've tried it (an employee at Total Wine really pushed it so we bought a bottle).  I will stick to my New Zealand Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc.  The Olema was "ok" but I haven't bought it again.


Prayers for all on the care list and for the victims and families of the senseless shooting in Maine.  Cheers for all who are celebrating.



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Good morning, everyone. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

Mild and warm here. 

My heart is very heavy today for the violence in Maine. I am struggling to understand. 

I continue to think about all on the care list. 

I will celebrate with all who are celebrating. 

Have a safe and healthy day. 

I am very thankful for these threads as they encourage connection. These daily posts mean so much to me. 

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I've never had mincemeat, but was always intrigued by it. I'll salute horseless carriages and the deployed (as well as their families). Funny quote. I like the meal, pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Oban. 2 good days in history. 


Another nice day here today. While I did get more sleep, my pain has been off the scale today. I went to bed early, after benadryl for my injection. I slept until about 2 AM, and when I attempted to sit up I had the most horrendous back and leg pain. I wondered if the manipulations at the pain clinic had anything to do with it. I managed to get that to settle down, and had a series of catnaps. After I posted the Cares list I slept until after 8! So about 5 hours total. But when I got up, my right leg was so painful and had tingling and numbness. I barely could put weight on it, and thought I might have to call 911. I managed to get dressed, as the plumbers were coming. It has eased up some, and I hope more so as the day goes on. I called to get an appointment with the recommended neurosurgeon (who has glowing reviews online), but she had nothing until January. So I'm going to see her PA next Friday, who may get the ball rolling with repeat imaging and anything else she thinks I need. I wanted to mow the lawn today; I'll see how I feel later. Some of the boiler plumbing is replaced and the new toilet is in!


@StLouisCruisers I know everyone appreciates your prayers. 

@grapau27 Thanks for the information on Day of the Deployed.

@cat shepard Can you remind me what vehicle you got?

@kazu Take some time to relax if you can; you've been so busy! I really need to find someone to do snow removal and mow the lawn. It's so hard to find anyone reliable.

@aliaschief It sounds like they're treating you very well. Enjoy!

@Nickelpenny Oops! I'll correct it. 

@RMLincoln I know you have a lot to do, just be careful not to injure yourself. And getting more sleep is great. Now just for the legal document to come!

@cruising sister Thanks for the updates. DB must have osteomyelitis (infection in the bone) to require antibiotics for that long. And I hope Murphy can get off the ventilator. Prayers for them both, and the families. I'm glad you feel ok from the vaccines. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser Oh no on the roof leak! Your meal is making me hungry. 

@smitty34877 I'm glad the hospice nurse could get a new IV in for Tana. Hugs to you and Tana as you go through the photos; I hope the good memories will help sustain you.

@ger_77 Welcome home! Great photo of the family. I'm glad you stayed safe on the nasty roads. 

@dfish I hope the brace helps. Great recipes. 

@kochleffel Feel better, and safe travels!

@NextOne Yay! Good to see you and know that you're doing well. Now just relax and heal.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.

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I thought the baking soda in the soup was a bit weird, but it is used to tenderize meat through a process called velveting.  






I know in that case you don't want to let it sit too long or the meat can get mushy.  Cornstarch is also used to do this as is egg white.  I'd be tempted to leave it out of the soup, but they do admonish us not to do that.  But, since I'm leaving out the rice, no problem.

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1 hour ago, Seasick Sailor said:

I like the look of recipe #2 but who uses baking soda in their soup?

I’m enjoying all the soup recipes!   I always use a pinch of baking soda in my tomato soup.  (I’ll admit to making a can of Campbell’s Tomato soup occasionally; I always add milk, not water.) It helps prevent the milk from curdling and cuts down on the acidity.  

After reading all the meatball recipes yesterday, I decided to try again with ground beef.  For the first time, I soaked the bread crumbs in milk and I tried not to over mix the meat.  They were much more tender than the ones I made the day before.  Now my freezer is stocked with meatballs for an evening I don’t feel like cooking.  Thanks @dfish Debbie!


Once again, I am saddened by another mass shooting.  I have been busy writing letters today.  Our voices do make a difference.  Let yours be heard.IMG_8528.jpeg.23572d9d27fe79f35c52bb6fdea28878.jpeg

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1 minute ago, 0106 said:

I’m enjoying all the soup recipes!   I always use a pinch of baking soda in my tomato soup.  (I’ll admit to making a can of Campbell’s Tomato soup occasionally; I always add milk, not water.) It helps prevent the milk from curdling and cuts down on the acidity.  

After reading all the meatball recipes yesterday, I decided to try again with ground beef.  For the first time, I soaked the bread crumbs in milk and I tried not to over mix the meat.  They were much more tender than the ones I made the day before.  Now my freezer is stocked with meatballs for an evening I don’t feel like cooking.  Thanks @dfish Debbie!


Once again, I am saddened by another mass shooting.  I have been busy writing letters today.  Our voices do make a difference.  Let yours be heard.IMG_8528.jpeg.23572d9d27fe79f35c52bb6fdea28878.jpeg


Once I learned how to make soup, I never bought a can of Campbell's again.  It just seems so gross to me!   I will make up a large batch of soup and freeze half of it.  Then I don't have to eat it every day till I'm sick of it and I do have it for when I want it again. 

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2 minutes ago, dfish said:

Once I learned how to make soup, I never bought a can of Campbell's again.

My freezer is full of homemade soup. I think I still eat canned tomato soup for nostalgic reasons.  It was one of my favorite meals as a kid.  My Mom always served it with grilled cheese that I dunked in the soup. 

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2 minutes ago, 0106 said:

My freezer is full of homemade soup. I think I still eat canned tomato soup for nostalgic reasons.  It was one of my favorite meals as a kid.  My Mom always served it with grilled cheese that I dunked in the soup. 

Grilled cheese and tomato soup is a staple to many households.  I have a friend who would only eat that for lunch.  Once in a while he'd have a ham and cheese sandwich.  

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1 hour ago, puppycanducruise said:

I've never heard of using baking soda in soup, but I guess it's supposed to break down fibers and make the soup creamier? 

In creamy soup it is supposed to help keep the cream from curdling and in bean soup it helps against flatulence, supposedly.  I use it when I cook up my dry beans but have not used it in soup.


should have finished reading posts before adding my two cents as I see others have answered. And now that we now longer use Pennie’s in Canada has that been rounded up to 5 cents? Lol

Edited by superoma
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Good morning and thanks all!  We visited Oban many years ago,  DS needed to see a Dr and the RX was free,  such are memories when travelling with children.  It is a cute port that has the ferry to the isle of Skye.  

@ger_77 glad you are home safely,  quite a rude introduction to winter especially when I see some dailylites with temps in the 80’s! 

@kochleffelsafe travels!  

1 hour ago, NextOne said:

Good morning, friends! I'm happy to be able to check in today!

The valve replacement and WAZE surgery went went well last week &I was released last Monday to come home. Now I have to be patient, rest and let my body heal -- not easy for me! I always have lots  that I think I need to do! My son is making a herotic effort to keep me reined in.! It appears that the AFib is gone, which makes me very happy!

Members of my church have brought food by, and neighbors send flowers.  My fuzzy freeloaders  are happy to have me back & curl up with me. 

It's all good! Thank you all for the prayers - they worked!

I am so happy you are home safely, may the healing progress quickly.  we have a friend having similar surgery in a week so that is very encouraging. 



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