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Tuesday November 21st, 2023 -- The Fleet Report and Daily


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Good morning from Benson where it is 48F.  I'm up early as usual, but DH is sleeping until the sun comes up.  The swelling on my forehead has gone down considerably.  I'll take the bandaid off when i wash my face, but it doesn't hurt unless I have to bend over, and then it's not very bad.  I slept better than I expected, so that's good.


Gingerbread cookies are good, but I won't be making them until next month.  We usually have a tv on most times.  I think I got rid of most of the odd socks which usually happen when their mate gets tossed because of holes.  I keep one or two to pair with another one when its mate gets a hole.  I also like Tina's @0106 explanation of odd sock.


Confucius was a wish man, and the quote is good.


We'll pass on the meal and the drink.  The wine sounds good but unobtainable.


We were fortunate to overnight in Ashdod in 2017 on Prinsendam when our Egyptian port was cancelled.  Sandi, @StLouisCruisers for posting my p.ctures


An important day in Australian and tennis history.


43 minutes ago, puppycanducruise said:

Good morning.  Thanks for the Report.

We were out of town visiting with my mom for a couple of days.  Hubby got together with several friends at a sports bar to watch the Grey Cup game and socialize.  Yesterday I took mom shopping, we didn't get back home until late yesterday afternoon.  She enjoyed seeing us.  Bertie enjoyed chasing squirrels in her backyard.


Not a fan of gingerbread cookies, I love TV (too much probably) and I try not to wear odd socks.

Interesting quote.

The chicken sounds good, but I'm not a fan of butternut squash so maybe I'll leave that out.  I hope the drink and wine are tasty.

I've never been to today's port.

Prayers for everyone on the Care List.  Cheers for all the celebrations.

Have a great day.


Welcome home, Melanie.  I'm glad you had a nice visit with your DM.


15 minutes ago, summer slope said:

Many years ago, when you could go up to the gate to meet people our DD was returning from out of state at Christmas.  I told her I would meet her at the gate with bells on.  As an Elementary teacher I had many socks with bells.  She was not thrilled to see and hear me dancing as she got off the plane.  LOL


Charlene, how to embarrass you kids in one easy step.


Just now, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. It is 18 degrees going up to 30 later. I have been bundled up to take the puppy out as he came home last night. He was able to eat a little chicken and rice last night and this morning. He is such a seer boy and I hope there are no complications. The kids just left for school and the parents for work so Pippin and I have a quiet day ahead of us.

We make a Swedish Christmas cookie called pepparkarka that is similar to gingerbread but better but that will be in a few weeks. I have not been to the port and the recipe sounds good.

@Quartzsite Cruiser, Lenda,

I am so sorry you hurt your poor head yesterday and that the roads were so bumpy. Take care today.

@aliaschief, I hope the MRI goes well and that the knee situation can be taken care of.

Have a great day today 


Terry, I'm happy the puppy is home and doing well.


Just now, Nickelpenny said:

Good Morning to All and thanks for the daily and fleet reports.  I have never been a fan of gingerbread cookies, I also keep the tv on in the background and when I sleep (I like noise), and love odd socks.  My fav is one that has a giraffe on them; they go up to below the knees.  Confucius was wise.  Not sure about the meal or drink, I do like WA's wines, and I have never been to Israel.  Wow, over 100 years of Aussie tennis!!


It is windy here and a tad cool.  56F with winds occasionally predicted to get up to 20mph.  Only up to 70F today - Brrrrr!!!  Got up and put a log in the fireplace.  @Quartzsite Cruiser be careful driving in the wind.  Also, I10 through Tucson is under construction past Prince Road (I think it is) and it weaves back and forth.  Safe travels!!  (and you can still put ice on your head if it is swollen).


Never seem to remember names (edited to add  @aliaschief I saw it on the posts I just read!!  LOL!!) but good luck on the MRI for the torn meniscus.  As someone who has surgery for that on both knees, it sure helps!!


Only 2 things to get done today - mani/pedi and pick up the rental car.  I don't know why I am so excited for this cruise - more than others I have taken.  I will leave early, early Wed morning as it is only about a 6 hour drive.  I want to get there by ~0930 and hopefully I will be able to drop my luggage off.  We will see.  I am supposed to have the car at the rental place by 1000 and I will see if I can make it 1200 without paying more or at least a small amount. Oh, decisions, decisions!!


Cautiously optimistic on a deal in the conflict.  Thoughts for the entire world and those on the care list.  Cheers to those celebrating!!  Have a great day everyone!!





Penny, thanks for the information about the construction on I-10.  I'd seen it on Google Maps, but it's good to have more information.  At least, the wind will be from the east which will be from the back of the motorhome.  It seems to be a rare year when there isn't contruction on the road.  Safe travels to San Diego.



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Good morning everyone and thanks for the daily reports.   I love ginger cookies and make a tasty one for my cookie trays with crystallized ginger.   TV is always on here, most of the time with CNBC in the background as when news happens they report that too.   Fewer people in the house the lower the chance for odd socks.   Thanks @0106 for the definition of the day.   Good quote by Confucius. Thanks Sandi and Lenda for the photos of Asdod and nearby.  

I will pass on today's meal, we are having oven air fried crumb crusted pork chops.   I like Suntory whisky so would give today's cocktail a shot.   Wine sounds good too.  

Thanks for the cares and celebrations reports @JazzyV.   I hope that you are getting some relief from your leg pain and sleep disturbances.   @aliaschief positive thoughts on your knee MRI today.   @Quartzsite Cruiser I hope that your head injury isn't too serious.   Prayers for everyone on our care list and those in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, Israel and the innocents in Gaza.   Prayers that the hostage release is very soon. 

It is a dark, rainy day but people to the north are getting snow so no complaints.  So dark I turned on our front Christmas lights to brighten up the day.   I succeeded at getting a quick haircut another trip to Walmart in.   John wanted Wondra for his gravy but Meijer was out when he went so I went in to try to find him some.   I found a lone container and I was in and out quickly.   Parking wasn't bad either.   Today I will work on setting out all the plates and silverware so that when dinner is done tomorrow night I can set the table for Thanksgiving dinner, with one less thing to do on the holiday.   Have a lovely day and safe travels to everyone on the road today and coming up for cruises and Thanksgiving.  Nancy

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I am pretty sure I'll be making a batch of gingerbread cookies when we go to Calgary for Christmas.  We have the television on most of the time as well - I do like the background noise and both DH and I are news junkies.  Having said that though, I reached a maximum level of newsness the other night and settled in to knit and watch a couple of mindless Hallmark movies instead.  Odd socks day is also celebrated on March 21st honour those with Down Syndrome - we had a clerk in the court who taught us about that and it was fun seeing what people chose to wear with their judicial robes!  


@smitty34877what a sweet little dog - hope he recuperates quickly.

@cruising sisterI do hope your surgery went well.

@Quartzsite Cruiseryikes on your head, and I'm wondering how bad the roads must have been to give DH difficulty with his shunt . . . sounds like our roads up here!


I was thinking of @Quartzsite Cruiser and her DH maneuvering their big motorhome around, as we had terrible winds yesterday.  Across town there was an elderly person who was literally blown over and injured as they tried crossing the street to go to a grocery store.   I can't imagine being in a big motorhome in that kind of wind, I'd have just parked it for the day.


Not a lot happening today - DH has to get a haircut (mine is in a couple of weeks), and possibly going out for a bit of shopping.  I'm sure we'd like the drink of the day (our DDIL's father gifted us with some Suntory whisky that we thoroughly enjoyed), would like the wine, and think the menu suggestion would be good without the butternut squash.  Tonight we'll be having breaded chicken fingers in the air fryer accompanied by a fresh vegetable plate for an easy dinner at the kitchen table.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️




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Good Morning from a warm and sunny day at the beach

     I love gingerbread cookies and especially the smell of them baking.  Dont have any old socks as I never wear them. Only on a very cold day with my flipflops. LOL.

    The meal sounds interesting. Will have to wait and see what Debbie posts.

    Have not been to todays port. Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers and Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser for the pictures. Hope to make it someday but doesnt look promising at present.

     Bruce @aliaschief   Best of luck with the MRI. Hopefully it can be taken care of quickly.

     @Quartzsite Cruiser  Hope your head feels better. Rest when you can.

        @Nickelpenny   Safe travels and have a wonderful cruise

 Playing golf this afternoon. Course finally opening with limited access. 


Stay safe and enjoy today



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Good morning, everyone!


I slept like a rock last night and feel so much better today.  That's a good thing because I have a lot to do today to get ready for Thursday.  Today I go shopping for the fresh produce needed for Thursday and tomorrow I'll make the stuffing and pies.  Sue will arrive home tonight with River, so I'll need to have dinner ready for them.  


@Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda!  No more injuries!   Safe travels today.

@smitty34877 That puppy is so cute!   I bet he takes good care of you, too!


1 hour ago, summer slope said:

Many years ago, when you could go up to the gate to meet people our DD was returning from out of state at Christmas.  I told her I would meet her at the gate with bells on.  As an Elementary teacher I had many socks with bells.  She was not thrilled to see and hear me dancing as she got off the plane.  LOL

Many years ago my family met me at the airport dressed in togas with maple leaf wreaths in their hair. The togas were bed sheets.  




We had a similar Meal of the Day a few weeks back where the chicken was braised in a mixture of apple cider and Dijon mustard.  I made that dish for Farkle night and it got rave reviews.  This one sounds good as well.  For those who are done with the butternut squash and want to leave it out, do so.  But I'm one who can never get enough of what mom called the winter squashes.  https://www.aheadofthyme.com/apple-cider-chicken-with-butternut-squash/




The garlic in this next one got my attention.  I love garlic.  It helps keep evil spirits away.  https://thelemonbowl.com/apple-cider-roasted-chicken-with-butternut-squash/




In this recipe the butternut squash is used to make fritters to go along with the cider soaked chicken.  https://www.foodnetwork.com/fnk/recipes/apple-cider-glazed-chicken-thighs-with-butternut-squash-fritters-9517319




Wishing you all a wonderful day!

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Good morning,

My surgery went well. I am in minimal pain and exercising my finger as prescribed. No driving until later today so a friend is bringing me breakfast. My tummy was not quite right yesterday after my night of misery but after 2 liters of fluid during surgery I feel pretty good today. Thanks for all the well wishes. 

Typing  is a bit of a pain so keeping it short. Have a great day everyone. 

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Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie.  That's a long history for Australian tennis.  I tend to have the TV on most of the time, and really prefer Oatmeal Raisin Cookies.  I like Tina's explanation of odd sock day although I seem to create my share of the real thing.  I like the Confucius quote.  I visit Ashdod way back in 2010 on a Crystal Serenity overnight call.  I think I'll pass on the meal.  My alternative is Classic Caesar Salad, BBQ pork ribs, and rum raisin ice cream as served November 19 in Rotterdam's Club Orange.


Captain Q&A coming up soon.



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8 minutes ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning,

My surgery went well. I am in minimal pain and exercising my finger as prescribed. No driving until later today so a friend is bringing me breakfast. My tummy was not quite right yesterday after my night of misery but after 2 liters of fluid during surgery I feel pretty good today. Thanks for all the well wishes. 

Typing  is a bit of a pain so keeping it short. Have a great day everyone. 


Lorraine, I'm so glad to hear you are doing alright with minimal pain after that surgery yesterday.  Also that your tummy is better now.  Take care today!



Terry @smitty34877 what a sweet little puppy and such a shame they were tempted by the sock left lying around.  This is a good lesson to all in the household that puppies are nosy and mischievous.  I know you will devote all your attention to the pup (at least until the kids and grandkids get home).  Have a good day!


Debbie @dfish good to hear you got some much needed sleep last night with such a busy next few days ahead of you.  Will you be having Farkle night again this weekend after the Thanksgiving holiday?  

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2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Continuing in Jerusalem, we got off the bus and walked through the Jaffa Gate, walking past stalls and shops.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhG


Entrance to a convent.



Very well worn stone pathways.



There was a huge gift shop we were allowed to look around in for some time but I stayed outside most of the time taking photos of fountains and small stalls.  From there we walked to the Holy Sepulchre Church which is believed to be the site where Jesus Christ was crucified and buried.





Inside the Church we saw the Crucifixion Altar



and the Tomb of Jesus



We continued on with the tour for several more hours and I have a lot more photos but wanted to cut to the end where we went to the Wailing Wall (also known as the Western Wall).



The area was divided with women on one half and men on the other.



From there we walked back through a different gate to our bus and the drive back to our new home away from home, the Prinsendam.  There really is too much to see and learn about on these tours so it is somewhere we should try to visit again.  It was the same way in Haifa when we went to Nazareth and the Jordan River.  I recommend a Holy Land cruise to everyone. 


Note:  the above comment was made by me in 2021 and it seems it will be a long time before we can go back.  My cruise there late in 2024 has cancelled Israeli ports, so we must wait, it seems.

Excellent photos Sandi.

Very interesting.

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Good morning Daily-ites. 


Windy! Windy! Morning outside. I thought someone was knocking at our backdoor. Oliver thought so too.


Allen is definitely a TV watcher and it's on a news channel all day. With the wars going on endlessly I find myself nervous listening to the carnage. 


I enjoy gingerbread once a year. Really enjoyed the ginger village on beautiful Rotterdam last year.


Thinking of and prayers going out to those on our Daily cares list. Thank you Vanessa for the well kept list. I appreciate your dedication. 


Thank you Debbie, Dixie, and Ann for the food

and beverage ideas. And of course to our star reporter Rich.


Yesterday's dental check ups went great. I was able to get in same time as DH due to a cancelation. I was pretty shocked when our bill was $600.


Today is lunch with our friends. We are meeting halfway. Then a manicure this afternoon with another friend, and taking her to dinner. 


Lenda I hope you are feeling better. @smitty34877 sweet dog, hoping there are no after effects. 


Thinking of you Vanessa and pray you get relief. Also to @aliaschief on getting well quick.


Have a great day. Be kind. 








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Gingerbread cookies are OK. Television does not deserve a special day, and there are too many odd socks already.


I'm roasting butternut squash today but it's for Thanksgiving. I would be unlikely to buy the whisky for the drink. We grow a lot of Syrah in the Finger Lakes, but it tends not to be as dark or heavy as when grown in hotter climates. I'll suggest Fulkerson's Bourbon Barrel Syrah 2021. Ashdod is no more Jerusalem than Warnemünde is Berlin, and not a place you want to be right now.


I'm also having problems with medical appointments. I need to have a possible skin cancer checked, and the largest medical group here promises immediate appointments for that -- but their idea of "immediate" was October 2024. My PCP referred me to an independent dermatology practice. I haven't heard from them yet.






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Ortho appointment with my Dr. next Monday. It’s all working. Hope I can read the radiology report later as I’m in their portal. Schedule is going fine.

Just received E-Mail on our itinerary changes no Israel but still Jordon and Egypt and some other Turkey and a couple of new Greek ports. On to You Tube and check out the new ports.





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@StLouisCruisers  I am sure we will Farkle after dinner on Thursday.  We'll have most of the family here so it will be a large group game.


I seem to go against the flow and don't turn the TV on until late in the day.  I catch the evening news and then usually turn it over to Sue.  She only likes to watch Househunters and Forensic Files.  I find other stuff to do.  This week I have found other shows to watch as well.  There is more out there than real estate and crime.  


@cruising sister I'm glad you are doing so well after your surgery.  Wishing you a very rapid recovery.  You have a cruise to get ready for!


@aliaschief I'm glad things are moving right along for you!

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Good morning everyone and Happy Tuesday from a chilly Tucson. I might have to turn on the heater soon. I hate being cold even though I was born and raised in Colorado. Problem with turning the heater on is that I then have to turn the air conditioner on in the afternoon to take a nap. 

We’ve been busy with “stuff” and dental and dermatology appointments and getting ready for Thanksgiving at our house. We are making everything except for the green beans with tomatoes which our DD is making. I gave her all the ingredients and the recipe. I chopped all my dressing ingredients yesterday morning and made the sweet potato casserole last night. Craig is working on his wonderful mashed potatoes right now. My fridge is getting full and I had to reorganize it in order for everything to fit along with the whole chicken and one Turkey breast defrosting. 

Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser, I read about your bump into the motor home—ouch!  I hope it’s not too windy going west after Tucson. I thought of you this morning as you were making your way through on I10. Hopefully you will arrive early and can settle in. I bet you are eager to see your house after missing last year. 

Joy @Seasick Sailor, so exciting that you sail Friday. I hope you are able to stay in touch. Oliver looked so cute in his picture with his tie on!  Do you have a friend taking care of him?


Vanessa @JazzyV, I also like the way you are putting the names in bold on the Celebration List. Thank you for all you do!  It’s a big job. I hope you feel better soon too. 

Debbie @dfish, I’m so glad to hear that River is spending Thanksgiving with you and Sue. She is making memories. 

Have a great day!

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Good morning, all.  There is a lot of excitement going on, accidents, puppy accidents, surgeries and ailments, it's hard to keep track.  I hope all goes well for all of you.  I've had a few bad days myself, and am on a liquid diet, doctor's appointment today about my hip, but I will ask him if it would be a good idea to delay my next week's colonoscopy for a bit.  The plan is to contact our PCC this afternoon, but I know she will be busy with the Black Friday sale.  Perhaps I'll just email.  


We had an amazing red sky this morning; we're due for rain, that will be a good thing.




We went to Israel twice on Prinsendam, the first time I was recovering from noro and was isolating in our room, Pat and DD went ashore, then the next day, they came down with the dreaded noro.  The next time we went from Asdod to Jerusalem and then a dip in the Dead Sea, my pictures are like the ones already on the thread.   The Dead Sea area we visited was crowded, a lot of people took sand away with them so there were big holes you could fall into. 



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Good afternoon from the lovely Oceania Vista.

This is the newest ship that just went into service in May of this year and she is a beauty.

We booked at the last minute after cancelling our Italy trip and TA so we did not get the best of staterooms.  We are way forward and feel every bump.  We are also used to a larger cabin so it is a bit tight for us.  But hey, we are on a cruise—not too much to complain about.


Sorry i haven’t posted.  Just things going on.


To recap:

On Sunday we decided to leave our car at the Hotel—Marriott Biscayne Bay.  It is the same price as parking at the the port and with eight ships in port (all mega ships) we felt we would be better off with an UBER than driving ourselves.  Well, this turned out to be partially right.  We had the UBER driver from hell.   The access to our Terminal was blocked by a train and he did not want to wait because he had to go to work.  He stopped his car, unloaded our luggage and just dumped us on the side of the road on the opposite side of the port—all the while screaming at us.  Like it was our fault that the train was there.   We finally got a taxi to take us to our terminal.  When we finally got to the terminal, so did about 400 other cruisers and the line was out the door.  Priority was non-existent.  You just waited your turn,

As I said, our stateroom is way forward.  The only thing in front of us is a big suite.  We feel every bump and jolt.  Not making for very good sleeping at night.


On Monday our port was to be Great Stirrup Cay—Norwegian’s Private Island.  After arriving, it was determined that the waters were too rough and winds too high to allow for tendering.  So the call was cancelled.  So we would have a Sea Day and head to our next port of call, San Juan, Puerto Rico.  While I would have questioned this, I did notice that the two Royal Caribbean Ships we also leaving Coco Cay about the same time.  So I guess the decision was spot on.


While we were heading toward San Juan, we had a medical emergency and had to make an unscheduled stop in Nassau, Bahamas to disembark the patient.  You should have heard the complaints when the casino had to shut down.  After leaving Nassau, about 15 minutes later we had to turn around and go back to disembark another person due to a medical emergency.

Now we are racing like crazy to get to San Juan on time for a noon arrival tomorrow (Wednesday)


Now for the good stuff.

The food has been wonderful.

We ate in the dining room the first night.  Jim had Beef Bourguignon. And I had Cavatelli with fresh clams in a Pinot Grigio and garlic sauce. Both were delicious.

Last night we ate in the new specialty restaurant called Ember.  Jim had a Beef Tenderloin and I had Sea Bass.  Again the food was outstanding.

We are meeting many crew members from our past voyages who remember us.  That is always a nice touch.

And to finish off the night,  I WON $1200 IN THE CASINO AT THE SLOT MACHINE.  I could not believe it.  That was on a 60 cent bet.  You can be sure that it is safely stowed in the safe.


Today is our meet and greet in one of the Bars on the ship at 1:30 pm.  So I need to get ready.

The person running it is hosting a cocktail party.  She is very generous.

Will try to post more often.


I have not yet read the posts.  Internet is slow when everyone is on the ship.  Will try to post again late.

Take care, happy Tuesday and God Bless,




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We had a fantastic cruise in the Eastern Mediterranean , Greece , Albania , Italy , Cyprus , Israel , Malta , Spain, Portugal and after that all the way back to Ft Lauderdale on the beautiful Prinsendam in Oct / Nov 2016 .
Our good friends Ann @VictOriann  , with DH Pat and their DD had organized a wonderful tour to Jerusalem and the Dead Sea from Ashdad. It was a very long but amazing day one we will always remember , towards the end of the day floating in the Dead Sea healed us all .
Thank you all for your beautiful pictures  and the descriptions hope you like some of these , today without too many comments . 
An amazing day and wonderful tour we saw so much history and religion in just a few hours after that we went to the Dead Sea but I will show some pictures in a separate post . ( they will have to go through the  censor board first ! 😄😄 ) 
Tony 😄😄
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Ashdad tour Part 2 .
It was quite a warm day and we had already done a lot of walking so after a drive towards the Dead Sea  we stopped for a snack and drink before we took a “ dive “ into the sea .
Here you can see the sea in the distance 
The date palm farms 
It is not easy walking into the sea because of all the very uneven seafloor you can't see under the water  but once in it was wonderful what an experience .!
 I have to admit , I am not a swimmer , but I was so happy to float on my back for minutes without doing anything  . DW got some very , very salty water in her eyes ( yes she was warned …....) so she went quick to the showers .
I am sorry to do this to you but the speedo and bikini pictures I have on file did not make it through the Censor ! 
Our Israeli guide  , Ital , who had done an awesome job all day  but  did not talk about the settlements we saw in Palestinian territory nor about the places where the Palestinians are still able to live ..............
Tony 😄
OK Ann @VictOriann you can look now you are safe !
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