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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday March 12th, 2024


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1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

An email from my brother's widow reminded me that this is the 3rd anniversary of his funeral.  I think someone thought I had a birthday in late February.  Not quite.  I remarked then that on February 23-24 I became older than Roger was when he died, 79 years and 8 months.



Best wishes today Roy.

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Good afternoon.  As soon as I finish here, I'm taking my book outside for a couple of hours.  then DH is going to grill a ribeye for us to share, while I bake two potatoes and throw a salad together.  We talked about going out for dinner but decided to have a nice dinner here.  Besides, the restaurant we were considering does not serve wine.  Such a first world problem.


4 hours ago, Denise T said:

An update on my Fiona. Waiting for the vet to call me back. She ate a little yesterday after coming home from her vet visit and seemed like she wanted to interact with us. Today, I have spent the entire morning trying to get her to eat. Tried everything including baby food. She just turns away. She has been sleeping in her bed all morning. Hoping the vet can let me know what the next steps should be. Please keep her in your thoughts. 


Denise, I hope Fiona is better by now and is eating.


3 hours ago, Overhead Fred said:


Thank you, Fred.


3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Busy thread today.

I'll salute equal pay and the Girl Scouts. My home office desk could use some organization. Interesting quote. Maybe for the meal and drink and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Newhaven. 3 good days in history.


It's sunny and 66F right now. I'm just back from PT. I got a late start as I wasn't feeling well from this cold and stayed in bed a while. I tried posting the Cares List from my phone; still lost the formatting and it came out in a huge size font. BFF will be picking me up to go collect our UK friends for dinner and watching the hockey game. I'm not infectious at this point, and if I don't see them soon, I might not.


@Quartzsite Cruiser, @Overhead Fred's DW Mitzi, and @VMax1700's DW Ellen Happy Birthday!

@Nickelpenny I am so sorry to hear of the loss of Martina, especially when you're not there. It was nice of the young man to make that memorial stone. Hugs. 

@StLouisCruisers I hope your annual physical went well. 

@aliaschief Wow, great photos!

@kazu I hope your weather improves soon.

@Haljo1935 I hope you don't hear bad news.

@smitty34877 Oh my, Camilla has grown so much! She's a cutie.

@tjcox9 Thanks for the Newhaven photos.

@RMLincoln I hope DSIL tolerates the radiation treatments. 

@grapau27 Wow, on Sarah's mam doing that with the condolence card you gave her. She must be very hard-hearted.

@Denise T I hope the vet can help with Fiona.

@Cruzin Terri I hope the Rheumatology visit is helpful today.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.


Thank you, Vanessa, for the birthday wishes.


2 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Pat's outing today included a  visit to the dump to dispose of some hazardous waste, and then on down the road to Butchart's.  It's very neat and tidy and green right now, but not too floriferous.  They do have an indoor "Spring Preview" in what will be the Blue Poppy restaurant next month, which is at least a taste (and the scent) of what's in store:








The sunken garden today




And another birthday today - granddog Oskar is 4!






Ann, the pictures from Butchart's Gardens are lovely.  HAPPY 4TH BIRTHDAY to Oskar.


1 hour ago, bennybear said:

Good morning, lol!  And thanks all!    I love the quote, the sunrise in the clouds yesterday made me think of my parents and brother.    It’s DGD’s 17 th birthday, how is that possible?  March is a busy month in our family,  me in a couple of days and then my late father and grandfather four days later.  DS was due mid March but came early, so all my kids and DSIL are February.   Forgive me for rambling. 

We went to bed at 10 pm local time, which I thought was respectable but at 1 am I was awake.   I guess with the time change, my body thought I had a nap, as it was 6 pm Hawaii time.  Finally, went back to sleep until 8 am Hawaii time.  Oh well.   

@marshhawk thanks for the update, I wish the news was better.  I hope you can solve the weight loss,  or slow it down.  Poor man!  And you!  Yikes on your LA adventures.  

@Quartzsite Cruiser Happy birthday Lenda!  Hope you have a great day! 
@Overhead Fred happy birthday to Mitzi! 

@smitty34877 I had been thinking of baby Camilla,  amazing how quickly they grow up!  Thanks for sharing the update!  Glad you can easily walk places! 

@cat shepard awesome on the gas!  I am looking at a new hybrid soon,  remind me of the type of vehicle? 

a couple more sunrise photos. You can see the mountains peaking through 😉




Brenda, the sunrise pictures are wonderful.  Thank you for the birthday wishes.  HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY to your granddaughter.  March 12 is a good day to be born, and it looks like a popular day too.


42 minutes ago, AncientWanderer said:

Happy Birthday @Quartzsite Cruiser  Lenda@Overhead Fred's  Mitzi, and  @VMax1700's   Ellen  !!


                                       🎂  🎁     🎊    😍   🎈     




Maxine, thank you for the birthday wishes.


30 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Greetings from Jacksonville,

We will be her until Thursday.

I saw the Rheumatologist today and found out all the things I am doing wrong.  I was very pleased with the Consultation.

First of all I cannot get any more Covid vaccinations.  They are causing flare-ups working against my getting the PMR under control.  Part of the reason why I keep getting better and then getting worse.

Secondly, no more alcohol until this is under control and I am totally off the Prednisone.  No one ever told me not to drink.  All I drink is wine, but now that is not to be.  I will do what I am told.  

Thirdly, I am on a course to wean myself off the prednisone at one mg at a time.  Very slowly.  I am looking forward to the day when Prednisone is a thing of the past.

I have had a busy day and will have another tomorrow.  Have X-rays and MRI.  Both late in the day.  So we will go home on Thursday morning.

I have not had the opportunity to check on Anita and will try to do so this evening.

Thank you all for your well wishes and prayers.

God Bless,



Terri, I'm glad you were finally told what was causing some of the problems, but that should have been one of the first things that you were told.  I hope the new regimen will help your a lot.  


8 minutes ago, cat shepard said:

Lenda,we do not have a definite time, yet, but tomorrow is THE DAY!  Thank you and Steve both!


The current place is horrible. The only saving grace are the weekday/night nurses.  In addition to not getting supper one night, the nurses did not answer her call button for 27 minutes Saturday afternoon - not even to check to see what she needed. It was a fluke that we happened to see what time she pressed the button. Had it been an emergency and unable to call for help - who knows what would have happened.

The cleanliness of the place left so much to be desired. Fruit juice/punch that was spilled Saturday evening was still there today, when I was helping to pack my Sister’s bag. Cups, straw wrappers littering the floor.

I hope someone sends her a survey. I told her I would help her write some detailed comments. Her fingers are still sore from all the poking during the past two weeks. 


Encompass is like Heaven in comparison. 



Ann, I'm glad your sister will be going to Encompass tomorrow.  If that facility is like the one in Waco, which I'm sure it is, you won't have any worries.  Someone is always cleaning, and the nurses and support staff are very attentive and caring.  There is no excuse for the conditions your sister faced in the present facility.  Someone should let the hospital know that place is not on to keep on their list.



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10 hours ago, tjcox9 said:

Although I don't have a lot of info about New Haven, we did have it as a port for Edinburgh last summer on the Island Princess. We went to St Andrews and DH decided I needed to see the course that he had the opportunity to play several times.


It is a tender port and is fairly close to Leith where the Royal Yacht is available for touring. Here are a few pictures of the port area. 


A lighthouse near the tender dockNewhavenlanding(7).thumb.JPG.f6e6f8d79fc0c89d1242dc80cd9fca32.JPG

The view of the town from the lighthouse walkwayNewhavenlanding(3).thumb.JPG.714d5bf3eac86003d635334032c3bc44.JPG

A few shops near the tender dock.


Sorry, that is all we saw of New Haven, but most everyone went off to Edinburgh or elsewhere, I believe. We did get to drive over the Firth of Forth bridge near Queensferry where most ships dock on our way to St Andrews.


Originally a small fishing village, Newhaven is just a small district of Edinburgh, consumed by the city's rapid expansion in the 19th century.  The tender dock is in a former fishing harbour.  At one time you could have walked from one side of the harbour to the other, crossing from one small boat to another without getting your feet wet, and the red building that is now mainly restaurants was the local fishmarket.  For those interested in history, the Wikipedia entry is very informative: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newhaven,_Edinburgh


I believe this summer will see the first ever call by a HAL ship in Newhaven when we welcome Rotterdam in early August.


Oh, and I can even see myself in one of the pictures - I'll leave you to wonder just who!! 😉



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3 minutes ago, fruitmachine said:

Originally a small fishing village, Newhaven is just a small district of Edinburgh, consumed by the city's rapid expansion in the 19th century.  The tender dock is in a former fishing harbour.  At one time you could have walked from one side of the harbour to the other, crossing from one small boat to another without getting your feet wet, and the red building that is now mainly restaurants was the local fishmarket.  For those interested in history, the Wikipedia entry is very informative: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newhaven,_Edinburgh


I believe this summer will see the first ever call by a HAL ship in Newhaven when we welcome Rotterdam in early August.


Oh, and I can even see myself in one of the pictures - I'll leave you to wonder just who!! 😉



Welcome @fruitmachine.

Edinburgh is a lovely city.

Graham from North East England.

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@cat shepard thanks! I’m sure it’s awesome! 
@VMax1700 happy birthday to your DW! 

@grapau27 I am very sorry to hear the nastiness continues. So difficult for all of you but particularly Sarah!    Such good advice here on forgiveness.  Hard to do,   At times.   Our Nextdoor neighbor removed all our spring bulbs and peonies, pathway pavers  on our property against our expressed concerns, the day after we told him DH was having cancer surgery.   Leaving us no safe access to our water and losing our plants.  We could sue, but after spending significant $ for boundaries and legal advice it’s probably not worthwhile.  We wonder if he is developing dementia.  So my heart goes out to you. 


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5 minutes ago, bennybear said:

@cat shepard thanks! I’m sure it’s awesome! 
@VMax1700 happy birthday to your DW! 

@grapau27 I am very sorry to hear the nastiness continues. So difficult for all of you but particularly Sarah!    Such good advice here on forgiveness.  Hard to do,   At times.   Our Nextdoor neighbor removed all our spring bulbs and peonies, pathway pavers  on our property against our expressed concerns, the day after we told him DH was having cancer surgery.   Leaving us no safe access to our water and losing our plants.  We could sue, but after spending significant $ for boundaries and legal advice it’s probably not worthwhile.  We wonder if he is developing dementia.  So my heart goes out to you. 


Thank you @bennybear.

I'm sorry to hear what your nasty neighbour did and the timing it was done.

I pray your husband's surgery was a total success.


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3 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Pat's outing today included a  visit to the dump to dispose of some hazardous waste, and then on down the road to Butchart's.  It's very neat and tidy and green right now, but not too floriferous.  They do have an indoor "Spring Preview" in what will be the Blue Poppy restaurant next month, which is at least a taste (and the scent) of what's in store:








The sunken garden today




And another birthday today - granddog Oskar is 4!





Ann @Vict0riann.

Happy 4th birthday to the cute Oskar.


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38 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Thank you everyone for your kind understanding today.

This is my favourite photo of Pauline, Sarah and I.




Beautiful!!!! Cherish each other!

I so can relate to all of you!



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6 hours ago, rafinmd said:

I believe forgiveness is  as much to the benefit of the one who forgives as for the one forgiven.  Carrying resentment around is toxic.  As others have said, forgive and move on.




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@Denise Tprayers for you and kitty Fiona.


@grapau27You cant tell me that you and Pauline arent Sarah's parents.  Family looks are strong!  Also tell Pauline Happy Birthday early, in case I dont get on in the morning!


@fruitmachineWelcome to a new family!


Tomorrow DH has an immunotherapy at 10:40.  Which means leave here at 9:40, which means walk the neighbors dog at 9:25, which means get up early!


So early to bed tonight!

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3 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Thank you everyone for your kind understanding today.

This is my favourite photo of Pauline, Sarah and I.





A lovely picture of a lovely family.


3 hours ago, fruitmachine said:

Originally a small fishing village, Newhaven is just a small district of Edinburgh, consumed by the city's rapid expansion in the 19th century.  The tender dock is in a former fishing harbour.  At one time you could have walked from one side of the harbour to the other, crossing from one small boat to another without getting your feet wet, and the red building that is now mainly restaurants was the local fishmarket.  For those interested in history, the Wikipedia entry is very informative: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newhaven,_Edinburgh


I believe this summer will see the first ever call by a HAL ship in Newhaven when we welcome Rotterdam in early August.


Oh, and I can even see myself in one of the pictures - I'll leave you to wonder just who!! 😉




Welcome to The Fleet Report/Daily.  Please join us often.



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40 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:


Denise! My beautiful,  adorable,  sweet sister! Love and miss you terribly! 

🌺My sis, I  am still here just always busy!! Back at our home in Maui! 
celebrating our 53rd anniversary!

My CC family is my 2nd home!!!

Love ❤️ to all!! Enjoy reading!

Will be finishing a lot of my paintings.

want to send a picture that our daughter wanted to have!!

I just graduated HS and my David graduated boot camp in the Navy in San Diego! I Just got my acceptance to the begging of my journey in dentistry to USC and wanted to celebrate with my David! The rest is history with a lot of love!

🌺Mahalo and will be at Hula Bar and Grill tonight!

love you Joy!


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2 minutes ago, DeeniEncinitas said:

🌺My sis, I  am still here just always busy!! Back at our home in Maui! 
celebrating our 53rd anniversary!

My CC family is my 2nd home!!!

Love ❤️ to all!! Enjoy reading!

Will be finishing a lot of my paintings.

want to send a picture that our daughter wanted to have!!

I just graduated HS and my David graduated boot camp in the Navy in San Diego! I Just got my acceptance to the begging of my journey in dentistry to USC and wanted to celebrate with my David! The rest is history with a lot of love!

🌺Mahalo and will be at Hula Bar and Grill tonight!

love you Joy!



Beautiful couple!

We were luckily able to sell our Westin Kaanapali timeshare. Decided for less money, we could book the Hawaii/Tahiti cruise.

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1 minute ago, Seasick Sailor said:


Beautiful couple!

We were luckily able to sell our Westin Kaanapali timeshare. Decided for less money, we could book the Hawaii/Tahiti cruise.

🌺Good for you love! When are you going?

you and Allen deserve it and more! Remember 5 star is not all cracked up to be! Like Jacqui says 4 star is great! As 5 star not a big deal!


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