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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday March 21st, 2024


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Happy Thursday!  Watching the Today Show this morning, I was reminded that March is Best Buddies month, a wonderful organization that had an active group in the high school where I formerly taught. Started in 1993 as a one-day event, it has become a month-long celebration promoting one-to-one friendships, integrated employment, leadership development and inclusive living for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.  IMG_0318.png.a53c5e7a6e5b71a12a1aac04c4711649.png


I tended bar in Baltimore for 10 years and I’ve never heard of a Baltimore Bang. Baltimore is known for rye whiskey, not bourbon, so I think it should at least be made with rye.  

Positive thoughts for those who need them.  Cheers to those celebrating and cruising.

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Good morning Dailyites from a 58 degree morning warming to 63 with rain. Oliver looked at me when I opened the door to let him out, then ran back to bed and snuggled with Allen. SRD (spoiled rotten dog) 


Today Allen has bloodwork for his appt at Nephrologist next week, then on we go to his skin check at the dermatologist. His eczema breakout is so painful, especially the tops of his feet. 


Vanessa, thanks for keeping Ron on the care list. He's struggling from Alzheimers and it's heartbreaking to see him. He is on his next round of chemo meds which makes him feel queasy, and another strong med to help with shoulder/back pain. He turned 81 Monday and said he should have given up the ghost 5 year's ago.


If the weather isn't too crazy, we will go downtown for lunch. I miss the French onion soup at one of our favorite restaurants. 


Our group of friends are rounding up invites to a local winery where the eclipse should be awesome. Up on the hilltop overlooking the vineyards. We signed up, but it's going to be really crazy here with so many people flocking to Austin and vicinity to watch the total eclipse. Exciting!


I would enjoy today's recipe. Thanks for posting Debbie. No to the drink and wine.


I accept the big bang theory.




I was so saddened to hear about the PA family. I read where the mom was burned trying to get to her kids, and one of the saved kid's has broken leg and bones. 


Heartfelt prayers lifted for so many suffering today. Tana, Jacqui, Vanessa, Debbie, Penny, and many more in my prayer book.





Blessings to each of you this Thursday. 


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50 minutes ago, Nickelpenny said:

... After a tiring day at the Jr High, my surgeon and I came up with a plan.  I will schedule a CT but as long as it doesn't show anything worse, I will have spinal decompression surgery mid-May (the scheduler will let me know when but pre-op appt is made).  I could have had it in April but I have subbing commitments that I don't want to cancel.  It is a more conservative surgery than a huge deconstruction surgery he first talked about but after evaluating my response to PT and the steroid shots, along with my increasing difficulty and pain when walking, this, he feels, is the best route now.  Tomorrow will be my last PT session and then continue with my exercise program with my trainer, which today is my first day back after my cruise!!  I am keeping my fingers crossed this will help...

Good you have a plan that you seem to feel good about. Hope the exercise program helps set you up for success on the May surgery and that it goes well. 

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Chilly in north Jersey, 25F this morning, not getting even to 40 today. 

Yesterday was crammed but we got a lot done. Bloodwork for DH for semiannual post prostate cancer treatment; has been going up a notch each time. We’ll see where we’re at this time… consult in April with oncologist in Houston at MDAnderson by phone. 🤞

Then Costco, because it’s next to financial office where we met with new advisor. Still have stuff to bring up from car.  Then my almost-weekly phone mentoring visit with now 3 teenage girls in my old NM fire department. Hustled ourselves to very early supper so I could make my phone-in with Maryland church group Centering prayer… needed some centering time!  

Happy for Brenda’s news!  I remember my masters defense like it was yesterday, 1977; it was at Rutgers-Newark, very near us here now, never thought I’d be living around here!  Sad news about the fire!  We never know what tomorrow brings. Or where we’ll be. 

Today we need to figure out how to deal with a dead-end we reached for our NJ tax return with TurboTax. It’s requiring data we don’t have regarding some very small non-taxable retirement plan contributions for DH in the early 1970s, data we don’t have. And TurboTax won’t move forward without it. Ugh. Probably time for printing out forms and filing that return by pen paper. Guessing it’s too late to find a cpa. But it’ll all happen. Federal, New Mexico and Maryland are completed, not filed. 
We have a monthly church service this afternoon that DH was asked to do a reading for, then I have a zoom yoga class. Maybe tonight we’ll catch up with some NCAA basketball. Last night there were 2 games on in the background and I fell asleep, woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep. I think too much stimulation. 

DGD and her DH arrived safely in Boise and have started on projects for her mom’s house. They were here a couple of weeks ago installing new lighting!  I’ll put them in the Incredible Kids category!  They’re really why we moved here, to be closer for their long-term oversight. 

DH just got a call from medical about blood work results from yesterday…. the tech’s info sounds goofy, we’ll walk over and get a print out. Still struggling with their portal!  Gosh, does every office have a different portal?  I have a folder on my phone’s “notes” just for medical portals!  

DH’s eye pressures were stabilizing but dropped today, and today we reduce the steroid so I guess we’ll see what that does. One day at a time!   

Sending blessings to all in need of healing, comfort, hope, relief, direction…. for your country and mine and lifting up all the strife in the world. 

Celebrating all the happy events🎉. Life is Good🌈

Smooth travels to all away, especially all our cruisers!  

Thanks all for being here🌷


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Posted (edited)

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I think we've all known some pretty incredible kids.  The Big Bang Theory is just that - a theory, no one really knows how we came into existence.  A big salute to companies that care, and a large raspberry to those who don't.


Well it's cold again; this morning we're sitting at -23C (-9F) and looking out the window I can see we've got a stiff wind blowing as well.  Brrr, but that's usually what happens here on the "frozen tundra" in spring - we get a few warm sunny days and then back in the deep freeze for a while and back to warm again.  Looking at the forecast for the next 7 days it doesn't look like we'll be above 0, so we can't put away the heavy jackets just yet.


@bennybearI'm happy to hear your DS's defense of his Masters went well!

@Heartgrovehow is Sam doing?

@aliaschiefthe laser show is quite spectacular.  Try to be on one of the back decks and see if you're followed by a drone - when we were there on the Maasdam a drone followed us out rather close and the Captain came out to see what was going on.  He told us it wasn't one of theirs, so . . . . .

Absolutely heartbreaking news about the PA family in the fire; prayers for all involved, including the firefighters who could do so little with the water situation.


I'm going to pass on the drink, might enjoy the rose and would definitely like the menu suggestion, even though turnips aren't my favourite.  I often toss a beef roast with vegetables into the slow cooker along with a container of beef broth and let it cook throughout the day, then thicken the broth into a gravy and we have a full meal (with lots of leftovers) with very little effort.  I do brown the meat before putting it into the slow cooker, though.  Looking through the freezer I realize we have way too much salmon, so tonight we'll have panko crusted salmon, parmesan baked potatoes and asparagus at the kitchen table for dinner.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in pain, in need, in grief and in general turmoil.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️


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Good morning friends.  We had a bad start to the day, Cooper woke us up barking at 5 am...let him outside, he had lots of diarrhea, came back in to find more  💩 in his bed.  Poor pup.  He had a bath, bedding is washed and he seems to be fine now.  


Today is also Rock Your Socks Day, 3-21, World Down Syndrome Day.  "On 21 March, choose some socks that are going to get noticed!
They might be mismatched socks or your craziest and most colorful socks, whatever takes your fancy!
The idea is to start a conversation, so when people ask you about your socks you can tell them, “I’m wearing them to raise awareness of Down syndrome”.
And then you can tell them everything you want them to know about Down syndrome".  Here are my socks!  I made these a few years ago with a sock loom.  I know how to knit, but scarves are my specialty!  


I'm not sure about the meal, drink or wine today.  Haven't been to the port.  Thanks for all of the pictures.

Prayers for all who need them, and cheers for the rest.  K


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Posted (edited)

Thank you Rich, Jacqui, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie.  Three interesting days to celebrate today.  I'm not convinced by the Helen Hayes quote.


I think three days in history this time that I really like but I have not been to Salerno.


The meal sounds interesting but I would gladly pass on the turnips:  My alternative is Chilled Pear, Cucumber, and Melon Gazpacho, Oven Roasted Chicken, and Cherry Garcia Ice Cream, my first dinner on Zaandam's 2017 repositioning cruise from Buenos Aires to San Diego:



A cold day here, and the accountant has raised some questions to my first submission about the Fire Department taxes.


I'll have a look when I get to the station this afternoon.



Edited by rafinmd
excess space
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Today's sunrise is from my 2014 Crystal World Cruise segment Singapore to Cape Town.  March 21 was a sea day from Mauritius to Durban:





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1 hour ago, Haljo1935 said:

Interesting collection of days - I do not believe in the Big Bang Theory, but quite enjoyed the show, so I'll celebrate that & it's talented cast, crew & writers. Thanks @grapau27 for the info on Incredible Kid day - I definitely support that. And wish my company cared more - it did before we were sold off. 

Helen Hayes - ha ha. Yes to the meal but I would sub potatoes for turnips, pass on the drink, yes to the wine.

I was in Salerno in 2017 on a Princess ship - pictures are on computer & I'm on my phone, so I don't have any to share. We were scheduled to be there on NS Nov 2023, but a late evening collapse of their pier meant we went to Sorrento instead. From there, we went to Pompeii & Positano so I'll share a few of those pictures.

Important days in history.


Today is work, work, work and a call to see if Dr sent insurance what they wanted to fill Rx.

Currently 61° headed to rainy 64°.

Prayers 🙏 and positive thoughts for all. 


We went to Sorrento instead of Salerno Nov 8, 2023 on the NS - I hope you enjoy a few pictures from that day. It started rainy, but cleared to a beautiful blue sky by the end of the day. Sorrento is a tender port; it was raining when we arrived.






We went to Pompeii


Here the guide points out what she referred to as "the original graffiti" which were etchings in the stone walls. She said the colors are original. 


Here the awesome guide shows a rendering of what the area we were standing in would have looked like.


And here is what we saw.






The gardens are still quite lovely - imagine how exquisite they must have been when Pompeii was thriving.




An original "sidewalk" w/modern drain covers.


Hard, ok impossible, to get a picture w/o people - it was Nov (past season) and the crowds were still ridiculous. Pompeii is deservedly popular.






I am in awe of the designers and craftsmen who gave us such amazing architecture. 






Here's a glimpse at the backside of DH. Kind of our version of Love Among the Ruins.😏


We were told that although excavation continues, only a small % has been uncovered w/no plans to reach 100% as they're seeing decay to areas that have been exposed to the elements and humans. The way to best preserve Pompeii is to leave it buried.




Efforts to preserve what has already been uncovered is to close it off so people cannot walk through and/or touch. An indication of that - we were able to walk right up to this statue in 2017; it is now fenced off. I'm ok w/that and am happy to admire from a distance so future generations can enjoy these amazing sites.


We had a lovely drive along the Amalfi Coast, stopping in Positano. 




Enjoyed Pizza and calzones in Sorrento at the Aurora Bistro. Weather had cleared, so it was very nice outside.


Sorrento was a pretty little town. Here's something for the Garden Club.


Waiting for the final tender to return so we can leave Sorrento and head back to Rome. Weather was better for the afternoon tender trip.


Sunset views from our balcony on the NS.




We must have been passing Salerno during breakfast - the picture of handwashing sign registered Salerno. Why does it show Nov 7th?🤷‍♀️


This is as close to Salerno as we got - it was still listed as the port in the Daily. Silver lining to the last minute port change is we got an extra hour w/All Aboard moving to 4:30.






Fantastic photos.

Pauline looked at them with me too.

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Peet's has a blend of coffee called Big Bang, I think.


I wouldn't mind the menu suggestion, but isn't it pot roast again? Would not bother with the cocktail. For the wine, Sparkling Pinot Noir Brut Rosé from Goose Watch Winery.


It's colder today, but no likelihood of s-n-o-w. Acupuncture at 12:45, class from 4:00 to 7:00.




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1 hour ago, quilty964 said:

The idea is to start a conversation, so when people ask you about your socks you can tell them, “I’m wearing them to raise awareness of Down syndrome”.
And then you can tell them everything you want them to know about Down syndrome".  Here are my socks!

I love your socks! I wonder if there is an intentional link between Down syndrome day and Best Buddies month?  Many of the students in the Best Buddies program had Down syndrome.IMG_0319.thumb.jpeg.6ad614989f78a0598b12c455e7018adf.jpeg

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2 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

  After a tiring day at the Jr High, my surgeon and I came up with a plan.  I will schedule a CT but as long as it doesn't show anything worse, I will have spinal decompression surgery mid-May (the scheduler will let me know when but pre-op appt is made).  I could have had it in April but I have subbing commitments that I don't want to cancel.  It is a more conservative surgery than a huge deconstruction surgery he first talked about but after evaluating my response to PT and the steroid shots, along with my increasing difficulty and pain when walking, this, he feels, is the best route now.  Tomorrow will be my last PT session and then continue with my exercise program with my trainer, which today is my first day back after my cruise!!  I am keeping my fingers crossed this will help.


Oh wow, Pennie 😢 So sorry that surgery is a must but.  I’m relieved to hear that at least it is a more conservative surgery than the other option.  I hope that the surgery helps.  You are in my prayers 🙏 


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Hello everyone,

Sorry for not posting for a while.

Things have been hectic.  Trying to get taxes done and other things around the house.  It never ends,.

Not sure if I mentioned that I sustained a rotator cuff tear when I fell in Barbados on Feb. 5.  That makes it harder to do everything—especially since it is the right arm. Everything is a struggle.

I am on a path to wean off the prednisone, but very slowly.

DH is doing as well as he can.  So far so good, but must be reminded of everything.


Thank you to all of you for your contributions.  I read the posts when I am able.

Must comment that I have had the Santa Margherita Sparkling Rose and it is quite good.  I was able to get it at our local Publix for a while.  They don’t seem to carry it any more.


I hope everyone is doing fine.  

Even though I am not posting regularly, I do remember all of you in my daily prayers.

God Bless,


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Good morning, Dailyites.  Sorry about your rotator cuff, Terri.  I think that is probably a more difficult fix than DD's fractured humerus.  Good news on that front, I was afraid to mention it yesterday in case I would jinx it, but the surgeon, after offering surgery as a speedier resolution, said everything looked good and as long as it stays the same, would heal well.  It will take time, but DD seems to be expecting us to go on our cruise as planned, and she does have a brother nearby, along with cousins and good neighbours.  She has another appointment at the hospital in 10 days, just before we leave for Fort Lauderdale, so we'll keep our fingers crossed until then.   Thanks to all for your good wishes.  


The cherry blossoms in the shopping centre parking lot are in full bloom now.  But a lot of the other  trees still look completely dead, just a few have that "glow" of new life about them.  I do think that Spring has arrived.  Our last frost date is mid-April, though, so I won't start planting things until we get back.  I do want to prune my "almost white" fuchsia today and get the debris  cleared away by the gardeners.



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Good morning from another sunny, but windier day in Quartzsite.  It was 55F when I got up, and is now 62F.  The predicted high is 82F.  It looks like we'll be in the 70s to mid 80s until we leave, with the exception of one day.  Sunday we'll only reach 67F with 15mph winds.  I'm running a little late today since I slept until about 7:20 this morning.


Incredible kid deserve to be celebrated everyday.  I'll also celebrate Big Bang Day and the tv show The Big Bang Theory.  It's nice when we find a company that cares about it's customers and it's employees, but that is rare these days.


Loved the Helen Hayes quote, but I'm not sure the hardest years stop at 70.


We'll pass on the pot roast today, but I love a good pot roast with potatoes, lots of onions and lots of carrots.  We'll pass on the drink, but DH might like the wine.


We were in Salerno on Veendam in 2019 as a substitute port for one stop in Naples.  It is a much quieter city than Naples, but I enjoyed our day just walking around.  I'll look for my pictures shortly.


The Napoleonic Code in 1804 was a big step forward in writing laws.

Henry Morgan Stanley's 1871 African expedition is well known.

I'll definitely salute The Beatles first appearance at The Cavern in Liverpool.  I'm still a big fan.


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, fingers crossed 🤞 that the roof repair holds and that there are no surprises at the dermatologist today.

@grapau27  Graham, thank you for researching all of today's days.

@Crazy For Cats  Jake, I'm glad the Tamarind was excellent last night.

@Denise T  Denise, I hope the vet is pleased with Chases recovery, and that Chase can ditch the cone of shame.

@dfish  Debbie, I hope you get the evaluation you want and need for the procedure you need.

@aliaschief  Bruce, I hope you have a good view of the laser show.  It is really good if you are docked near the Star Ferry instead of the new cruise terminal.

@cat shepard  Ann, I hope Brayden has fun at the chocolate factory.  I also hope your DS gets a good report from the evaluation today.

@Nickelpenny  Pennie, that is good news you have a plan to help with the pain, and that the doctor wants to take a conservative approach with the surgery.

@marshhawk  Annie, that is good news the keyboard worked and you could work yesterday.  I hope the callbacks all result in sales.

@kazu  Jacqui, I'm sorry about the x-ray results, and I hope the physio helps.  Unfortunately, sometimes back surgery is necessary, but I hope you can avoid it.

@ottahand7  Nancy, I'm glad the spot on John's ear was not serious and that he got the pain meds for his knee.

@Seasick Sailor  Joy, I hope the dermatologist will prescribe the needed meds for Allen.  I hope you get to see the eclipse at the winery.  We're lucky we are in the country and will not have to deal with crowds for the eclipse though I think the state park and Corps of Engineer parks in the area will be crowded.

@quilty964  Karen, I hope Cooper is all right now.

@rafinmd  Roy, I hope the concerns about the fire station's tax returns are easily solved.

@Cruzin Terri  Terry, thanks for checking in today.  I hope you can get some help with the torn rotator cuff.  I'm glad your DH is doing as well as he can.

@Vict0riann  Ann, I'm happy that the surgeon does not think your DD needs surgery.  I hope you can go on your cruise.

@RMLincoln  Maureen, I hope you can get the NJ tax return straightened out.
















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On July 3, 2019, Veendam docked in Salerno instead of Naples.  We were told it was for operational reasons.  Since we were doing b2b2b2bs and would be stopping in Naples three times, we were glad to see a different town.


This is the area where the shuttle drop-off and pick-up was located.



This small church on the mail street is the Church of St. Lucia de Judacia.



Some pictures from our walk along the main street









This building is Palazzo Edilizia built in the 1920s.  In 2007 part of the plaster on a corner of the building collapsed, but no one was injured.






The Church of St. Mary of the Announcement.  We went inside, but did not know we could have visited the crypts.  By the time we found out, the church was closed and the doors were locked.







One of the smaller back streets





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4 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

Good very early morning from Tucson!  Thanks for the daily and fleet report.  I know several incredible kids.  I worked for a couple of companies that cared and the big bang theory was the start of everything!!  LOL!!  True quote.  The meal looks delicious, pass on the drink and wine and never been to the port.  


It should be a nice day today.  Presently it is 49F hoping to climb to mid 70s.  After a tiring day at the Jr High, my surgeon and I came up with a plan.  I will schedule a CT but as long as it doesn't show anything worse, I will have spinal decompression surgery mid-May (the scheduler will let me know when but pre-op appt is made).  I could have had it in April but I have subbing commitments that I don't want to cancel.  It is a more conservative surgery than a huge deconstruction surgery he first talked about but after evaluating my response to PT and the steroid shots, along with my increasing difficulty and pain when walking, this, he feels, is the best route now.  Tomorrow will be my last PT session and then continue with my exercise program with my trainer, which today is my first day back after my cruise!!  I am keeping my fingers crossed this will help.


Thoughts for those who are dealing with health issues also and cheers to those celebrating.  Have a great day everyone!!

You're in our thoughts Penny that you have a successful surgery. 

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Greetings friends.  I've been busy this morning working on cruise details. Triple staterooms all changed to doubles!  🤷‍♀️  

DD dropped off Tails again, her Pomeranian, for us to care for while they are on a short vacation.  Our Pocket does get jealous.  They maneuver who gets to sit closest to me on the sofa, and Pocket has figured out how to move both beds so he can be a greedy boy and lay across both at the same time.


The collection of days is interesting.  Absolutely Incredible Kid Day is the one I like best.  Kids around and a good pot roast.  Yes, please.


I'm sorry so many here are experiencing challenging health problems.  Wish there were better answers, easier fixes.


Many thanks to our Fleet Report and Daily team.  Wishing everyone a pleasant Thursday.  




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4 hours ago, quilty964 said:

Good morning friends.  We had a bad start to the day, Cooper woke us up barking at 5 am...let him outside, he had lots of diarrhea, came back in to find more  💩 in his bed.  Poor pup.  He had a bath, bedding is washed and he seems to be fine now...

...Here are my socks!  I made these a few years ago with a sock loom.  I know how to knit, but scarves are my specialty!  


Poor Cooper. Poor you AKA the clean-up crew 🥺

I love your socks - I'll take 2 and a side of whatever you would like me to know about Down Syndrome. I think it does need more awareness and education - the socks are a clever way to provide that.

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24 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

DH and I did well today at the dermatologist's office.  His skin is too dry so she made recommendations for that.  Thankful for nothing major this time.

Excellent news Sandi.

I'm happy for you both.

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Posted (edited)

Good day and thanks all! Appreciate all the good wishes for DS, thanks @JazzyV@dfish@ger_77 @RMLincoln  We will look forward to his May convocation. 

@kazu yikes, I’m so sorry to hear the results, I will hope and pray the physio helps things. 
@Nickelpenny hope the surgery provides relief. 
Sandi, glad your checks went well.  Mine did too, thankfully.  

Salerno is an interesting port,  provides access to Amalfi as well.  Unfortunately the day we were in port I had to travel to Naples for an ultrasound.  




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