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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday April 19th, 2024

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Thanks to The Daily leaders who start my day with prayers, remembrances, and smiles.😎 There is something powerful about praying with a group and for folks you don’t know but care about.

Max the chihuahua and I rushed our morning walk today because of storms coming  any minute.  By the time we returned, the storms had moved south and will miss us completely, at least until later today. Our ac went out last night but today’s high is expected to be only in the 60’s. Great timing.😎


On a garden note, below is the first bloom of the season on my one and only rose bush. It was given to me last year to honor my mom, who passed away at age 98. It bloomed on the 1st anniversary of her passing. Feels like a message from her.



The recipe sounds interesting- I will try it with riced cauliflower since I am trying to be a better cook for DH.

I add my wish for blessings to all on The Daily.


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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Sure hope the hernia is caught early in a child's life, respect to John Parker and anyone involved in wars, and oh my gosh, what would the world be without garlic?  I used 5 cloves in last night's lemon garlic shrimp pasta and could have used more.


@kazusafe travels today; I hope you and your BFF enjoy your cruise to the fullest!

@RMLincolnprayers for an easy transition for your DSIL; waiting is difficult.

@Mr. Bostongood luck with your move!

@Haljo1935is there a neighbour you could call on to care for your kitty?  We have a Ragdoll who is v-e-r-y social and for our absences of about a week, have a neighbour come in twice a day to feed her and scoop the litter box.  For longer trips, we hire one of her sons to live in; that way it keeps the insurance people happy that the house isn't vacant, and Sochi is happy also.

@JazzyVhang in there girl, relief is in sight - I hope you get relief from your pain with your upcoming surgery.

@smitty34877sending good vibes your way for comfort for Tana, and rest for you; your tank must be almost empty.


It might have stopped snowing, we can't be sure.  Listening to the radio, it appears the highways in and out of the city are listed as "travel not recommended" due to ice and low visibility.  One fellow just reported that coming from one of the bedroom communities about 20 miles away, there were 5 cars and 2 semis in the ditch between his house and the city.  SO glad we don't have to go anywhere.  Our shoveler showed up again yesterday and he'll be needed again today; it's April 19th, the snow has to stop soon!!!


Yesterday we called the TAVR clinic and spoke with the coordinator who told us that 2 weeks ago when DH's case was to be presented before the provincial panel, the cardiologist who was to present it was ill with pneumonia, so it didn't happen.  Another meet is scheduled for this coming week and after listening to what DH had to say about how he feels himself deteriorating, she said she would put him on the "urgent" list and is hopeful that he will be able to get the aortic valve implant by the end of May.  Prayers that it will be!


Not much on our agenda; while we stopped at the Walmarts along the way to and from Calgary, I picked up some additional fabric that I can put to use for making coasters.  I've washed, dried and ironed(I never iron anything except when I'm sewing) the fabric, so today I think I'll spend time cutting out the pieces and getting them ready for assembly-line sewing.  


I'm going to pass on the drink of the day, think the wine would be quite sweet (Juicy Fruit), and will pass on the menu suggestion.  It's Friday night pizza night here, so later this afternoon we'll check the online menus to see what cheesy goodness will be served at our kitchen table tonight.  And wine.



Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in turmoil.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Good morning.  The sun is shining and it's in the 40's here.  It rained much of yesterday and our grass will need to be cut very soon.  Several neighbors have already started.  Thanks for the info.  Diaphragmatic hernias are very serious, usually diagnosed with a prenatal ultrasound.  Haven't been to the port. The meal today looks good!  I'd also substitute riced cauliflower. 

@kazuSo glad you're able to go on your cruise...enjoy!  

@RMLincolnthinking of you and your family during these difficult days. 

@JazzyVthinking of you as you get ready for surgery...prayers it all goes well!  

@marshhawkthinking of you...hoping all is well, and that your grand kitties are doing well.  My 2 nieces love cats, and both are fostering some now.  One has had many, and they just got 4 one month old cuties.  They just got one adopted...she was scared and very un-social when they got her, but their love helped her to bloom and find a new home.  Niece # 2 just got a foster from a hoarding situation...they got him yesterday, and he was very scared...a few hours later he was exploring and looking for some loving! 

@smitty34877thinking good thoughts for you and your family, hoping Tana is stable.

Not much going on here today, we're laying low for a few days with Cooper.  He had some teeth extracted yesterday.  He seems to be doing ok today.  He's had some scrambled eggs and unsalted chicken broth.  He's not the best eater, so finding soft food he'll eat will be interesting.  


Have a good day, and a great weekend!  Karen


Here's a picture of Cooper! 

IMG_7652 copy.jpg

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1 hour ago, ottahand7 said:

Good Friday morning.   Thanks for the Daily Sandi.   Thanks in for all the pre-work in advance @richwmn.  An interesting group of days, thanks Graham for providing clarity for us today.  A good quote by Steven King, I read many of his books early in his career, my favorite being The Stand.  I look forward to today's port photos.   I will pass on all three, salmon, sambuca and bubblegum.  What a combination.....


@JazzyV I pray that you got some sleep last night and sad to read Terry @smitty34877 that you had little last night, I hope Tana is okay.   Prayers for Annie @marshhawk and @Lazeybear for relief of your pain.   Vanessa I was sad to read your BFF had to have a second wave of Mohs.    Prayers for all in our group needing prayers.    Prayers for those in war zones Ukraine, Israel and the innocents in Gaza.    


@kazu safe travels to your cruise port today. 


@MISTER 67 I thought @RedneckBob would have had a good joke about your typo on your golf shamble today.   I hope you do well and have a lot of fun. 

I had a long day yesterday with my Zoom talk starting almost an hour late and then heading over to garden club for our Arbor Day Tree project. The talk was delayed as the class had a long delay on Wednesday due to a tornado warning in their area near Lansing.  The bare root tree provider didn't have 600 small trees so we ended up with bushy trees that were almost three feet tall and bushy for the most part. 


I was sent home with about 30 trees that we will attempt to pot today for our plant sale.  I have enough potting mix but I don't think I have enough appropriate sized pots.  We will make it work.  Thankfully I got a call last night at 9:50 pm that someone else wanted trees so 9 of the trees won't be needing to be potted.  I had ordered 6 thinking I could pot them and bring them to the cabin but they are so big I don't know if they will fit.  I will probably donate some to my neighbor who loves native trees and always helps me out.    It is going to be 50 degrees when my helpers show up at 1pm but it has already started to blow.  I really hate working outside when it is so chilly but they have to be taken care of.  


Have a lovely Friday!  Nancy 

RNB has been resting for the past couple of weeks and has seen limited action on this hear thread. But as far as the Shamble, it is a senior tournament that moves very slowly! 😀. Is that ok.

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Happy Friday to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report.  I always start my day here and it is great to read all the contributions!! It will be a lovely day "in the neighborhood"!!




I can't imagine a world without garlic; that is one thing I always have in my kitchen - fresh, frozen, salt and powder.  No matter what the recipe calls for, I aways add some type of garlic.  😆 Congenital diaphragmatic hernia is very serious and usually found during a pregnancy ultrasound.  Had never heard of John Parker so the info was appreciated.  While I have never read King, it is a very true quote.  I will pass on the drink and wine, never been to the port, but the meal - yum!!  I may just have to try it tonight!  What an explorer Cook was.




I did take advantage of the $1 deposit so had a nice chat with my PCC.  Found out I need to re-authorize my AARP OBC request in July so that is on my calendar for something to do.  




Off to get my mani/pedi.  Nails will be coming off so I am sure I will start biting them again.  🥴  My nail biting has been a lifelong habit and one of the main reasons I get my nails done.  And since I haven't worked in direct patient care for years, it is one of the few things I do for myself.




Glad @kazu Jacqui gets to go on her cruise!!  Thoughts for all who are having difficulties and cheers for those celebrating.  Have a great day everyone!

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@Haljo1935...fellow cat lady here.  My vote is for closing the door and keeping your fur kid inside while you are away.

Maybe leave a radio on for some sound.

We were blessed with a wonderful pet sitter.  Ask your vet for suggestions.

I feel your kitty will be fine staying in the house while you are away.  I agree with the fellow poster who said she may bring unwanted guests into your home and/or she may decide to hit the road looking for you....that would be heart breaking for you.

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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @StLouisCruisers and maps @rafinmd. And to the F&B contributors.

I've known some people whose babies had CDH and required surgery. I hadn't heard of John Parker before. I like garlic! I knew that quote, but didn't realize it was from Stephen King. I've been too scared to read any of his books or see any of his movies. Pass on the meal ((fish), maybe for the drink, and pass on the wine. I haven't been to Porto Malai, A great find by Captain Cook.


It's been dreary and rainy this AM, but I see a little peak of sun now. Sleep was particularly elusive, about 2.5 hours. So this AM I look at my insurance website and see the prior auth for my surgery is listed as in process. I call, get some outsourced person, who really can only say it's in process and that it can take 14 business days to review and decide if the procedure is necessary. The request was submitted April 10th. So it was suggested I call the provider, to see if it can be made priority. I have left a message with the Neurosurgeon's nurse. Once I got myself in the mindset of having this, and the fact that I can't take much more of this pain and no sleep, I will not be happy if there has to be a delay. Plus BFF has altered his schedule to be here with me a while. Ugh.


@StLouisCruisers Thanks for starting us up today. 

@kazu Safe travels today.

@grapau27 Thanks for the information.

@MISTER 67 Good luck in the tournament.

@aliaschief Wonderful photos from India. That buffet looks fabulous! I'm glad you're getting some rest.

@smitty34877 I'm sorry you're up at all hours like I am. I hope Tana (and you) has better sleep soon.

@Cruzin Terri I'm glad to hear that everything seems to be coming together for your trip.

@RMLincoln Nice flowers along your walk yesterday.

@doobieb How wonderful on the timing of the blooming of that rose bush.

@ger_77 Hard to believe you're still getting snow! Prayers for DH to get approval for the TAVR.

@quilty964 I hope Cooper is feeling like his old self soon.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.



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36 minutes ago, RedneckBob said:

RNB has been resting for the past couple of weeks and has seen limited action on this hear thread. But as far as the Shamble, it is a senior tournament that moves very slowly! 😀. Is that ok.

I must have missed your earlier antics….


@kazu safe travels!


Good morning and thanks all,   Sorry to hear @smitty34877 about last night! Hope a nap and better night tonight for you! 

@doobieb welcome, gorgeous bloom! 
@aliaschief what a fabulous trip!

Off to the oncologist, a year out thankfully . 

We had a lovely visitor! 

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Yay! Just got word that insurance approved the procedure. Then registration called to get that done. I will hear between 2-4PM what time I'm scheduled for, but was already told I have to be there 2 hours before sugery.


@bennybear Prayers all goes well at the Oncologist's office.

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Good morning, 


We have another beautiful day today and temps in the high 60's although it was 28F on the front porch when I got up a couple of hours ago. 

Today is the service for DSIL. The funeral is at 11, reception at 12 and then burial at 2:00 so a full day. For my DBIL's sake I hope it all goes well. I have party platters to pick up at Safeway at 10:00 before heading to the church so have to be out in about an hour. 


Have a Good Friday!


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Good morning all!

It's going to be another beautiful day, and in the mid 60's.  Today I'll plant the Sweet Peas, also will be baking cookies for DGS.  DD has asked us to stay with the 8-year-old tomorrow for a few hours while DSIL and our other DGS are camping with the Scouts and DD has a lunch date.


Good collection of days, but I'll pass on the drink, wine and meal (not a fan of fennel or couscous). Love, love garlic.   We haven't been to Malaysia.  Good quote.  I've read all of Stephen King's earlier books, and seen most of the movies.  The one that scared me the most was the one with Kathy Bates "Misery".  😲  She sure can play the villain.


@Haljo1935 I agree with all the advice you've been given.  Close the doggie door.  Not only for the reasons already given, but your fur baby could get hurt outside and nobody would know. It happened to a friend's cat.   I was fortunate when our fur baby was alive, we have a great neighbor who is also a cat lover and she came over every day.  When DD's family are away they hire a teenager (son of a friend) to come over daily.  This summer they will be away for 35 days, and the two Grandkitties will be staying here with us.


@doobieb Welcome to the Daily!  What a lovely rose and how wonderful that it's blooming on the 1st anniversary of your DM's passing.  Brought tears to my eyes!


Vanessa @JazzyV  YES!!  I'm so happy to hear that your surgery is now approved.  I was worrying for you.  Prayers that this will be the answer and you will finally get the relief you deserve.  I really don't know how you've put up with it this long, I would have caved after the first week.



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51 minutes ago, bennybear said:

I must have missed your earlier antics….


@kazu safe travels!


Good morning and thanks all,   Sorry to hear @smitty34877 about last night! Hope a nap and better night tonight for you! 

@doobieb welcome, gorgeous bloom! 
@aliaschief what a fabulous trip!

Off to the oncologist, a year out thankfully . 

We had a lovely visitor! 


Good luck and best wishes at the oncologist today.

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@JazzyV  good luck with your surgery. So glad it was approved.

@smitty34877 so sorry to hear about another sleepless night for you.  I hope tonight you get some relief.

@luvteaching I hope the service and luncheon go well today for you and your family.


Not much on the agenda for today.  It is getting warmer but still bearable outside. 


I hope everyone has a good day and Jacqui @kazu safe travels today.  I am so glad you were able to make the cruise.  



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1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Yay! Just got word that insurance approved the procedure. Then registration called to get that done. I will hear between 2-4PM what time I'm scheduled for, but was already told I have to be there 2 hours before sugery.


@bennybear Prayers all goes well at the Oncologist's office.

Fantastic news Vanessa.

Hopefully the operation will remove all of your pain. 

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1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Yay! Just got word that insurance approved the procedure. Then registration called to get that done. I will hear between 2-4PM what time I'm scheduled for, but was already told I have to be there 2 hours before sugery.


@bennybear Prayers all goes well at the Oncologist's office.

Praise be!

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4 hours ago, Haljo1935 said:

Good collection of days today  - DH believes there's no such thing as too much garlic, so today must be his day.



I am with him 100%.   I go through a ton of garlic.  And, there are some definite health benefits from garlic.


Garlic and garlic supplements may help prevent and reduce the severity of illnesses like the flu and common cold.


Garlic supplements appear to improve blood pressure for those with known high blood pressure. In some cases, supplements may be as effective as regular medications.  But don't go off your meds and substitute garlic without talking to your doctor.


Garlic supplements seem to reduce total and LDL (bad) cholesterol, particularly in those with slightly high cholesterol. There appears to be no effect on HDL (good) cholesterol and triglycerides.


Garlic contains antioxidants that can help protect against cognitive decline related to cell damage and aging. 




There are more benefits from garlic.  It also has some antibiotic and antiviral properties.  

1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Yay! Just got word that insurance approved the procedure. Then registration called to get that done. I will hear between 2-4PM what time I'm scheduled for, but was already told I have to be there 2 hours before sugery.


@bennybear Prayers all goes well at the Oncologist's office.


I am thrilled for you!  They don't understand how stressful it is waiting on them to get around to things.  And  you certainly don't want to have the surgery thinking it is covered to wake up and find out it wasn't.  

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Good day to all. Sunny, temps at 12c (57f) but the wind is chilly. We had some rain overnight so I spent some time in the flower beds removing weeds. I have a kneeler with bars on the side, otherwise not sure how I would get up. Our pansies are planted. To paraphrase bob ross, they are such happy little flowers. Leeks are planted in the garden both here and at one of the DD’s. Garlic is looking lovely. We are officially out of garden garlic and I need to pick some up at Costco. It has been Canadian or American garlic so far so we’ll see where there current supply is from. I refuse to buy Chinese garlic. 

for Sunday dinner at the other DD’s house I will be making leek and potato soup to use up some of our frozen leeks. My DSIL will make fresh bread for us. He has bread baking down to an art. 

here’s hoping that @kazuhas a good flight to her cruise and that Maurice @ger_77can get a date soon. Nothing more frustrating than waiting. Prayers for all that need them and a shout out to those celebrating.


a couple of garden pics to cheer those that are still waiting for spring 



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Thank you Rich, Sandi, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie.  Happy Friday.  @richwmn, shouldn’t the Noordam now be in the Western Hemisphere?  Great news Vanessa, as I expect the surgeon doesn’t have availability every day to do it so who knows how much longer than it could have been.  Save travels to Kazu.

Thank God the disease is rare, and like most of us I learned something new with John Parker.  I like Garlic in moderation.    A lot of truth in that King quote.

I have not been to today’s port.

An interesting day in history, although I suspect the first residents were not happy to be sent there.

I’ll pass on the meal.  My alternative is Marinated Pineapple Spears, Classic Caesar Salad and Parmesan Crusted Turkey Tenderloin as served on MS Amsterdam April 19, 2014.

A chilly dry morning with rain expected later today so I’m glad to have my errands finished for the day.  Two new My Chart messages today, first the results from the long term heart monitor I wore last weekend.  I didn’t really understand it but was pleased that it said “No AFIB”, An hour later a message from my Cardiologist.  She wants me to resume one of the medications that was stopped when I was in the Florida Hospital in November but now at half the dose.


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3 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Sure hope the hernia is caught early in a child's life, respect to John Parker and anyone involved in wars, and oh my gosh, what would the world be without garlic?  I used 5 cloves in last night's lemon garlic shrimp pasta and could have used more.


@kazusafe travels today; I hope you and your BFF enjoy your cruise to the fullest!

@RMLincolnprayers for an easy transition for your DSIL; waiting is difficult.

@Mr. Bostongood luck with your move!

@Haljo1935is there a neighbour you could call on to care for your kitty?  We have a Ragdoll who is v-e-r-y social and for our absences of about a week, have a neighbour come in twice a day to feed her and scoop the litter box.  For longer trips, we hire one of her sons to live in; that way it keeps the insurance people happy that the house isn't vacant, and Sochi is happy also.

@JazzyVhang in there girl, relief is in sight - I hope you get relief from your pain with your upcoming surgery.

@smitty34877sending good vibes your way for comfort for Tana, and rest for you; your tank must be almost empty.


It might have stopped snowing, we can't be sure.  Listening to the radio, it appears the highways in and out of the city are listed as "travel not recommended" due to ice and low visibility.  One fellow just reported that coming from one of the bedroom communities about 20 miles away, there were 5 cars and 2 semis in the ditch between his house and the city.  SO glad we don't have to go anywhere.  Our shoveler showed up again yesterday and he'll be needed again today; it's April 19th, the snow has to stop soon!!!


Yesterday we called the TAVR clinic and spoke with the coordinator who told us that 2 weeks ago when DH's case was to be presented before the provincial panel, the cardiologist who was to present it was ill with pneumonia, so it didn't happen.  Another meet is scheduled for this coming week and after listening to what DH had to say about how he feels himself deteriorating, she said she would put him on the "urgent" list and is hopeful that he will be able to get the aortic valve implant by the end of May.  Prayers that it will be!


Not much on our agenda; while we stopped at the Walmarts along the way to and from Calgary, I picked up some additional fabric that I can put to use for making coasters.  I've washed, dried and ironed(I never iron anything except when I'm sewing) the fabric, so today I think I'll spend time cutting out the pieces and getting them ready for assembly-line sewing.  


I'm going to pass on the drink of the day, think the wine would be quite sweet (Juicy Fruit), and will pass on the menu suggestion.  It's Friday night pizza night here, so later this afternoon we'll check the online menus to see what cheesy goodness will be served at our kitchen table tonight.  And wine.



Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in turmoil.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, I'm glad you called the TAVR clinic, and supervisor was able to move your DH to the urgent list.  I hope he is approved for the surgery at the end of May.  I can't believe they did not all you to let you know his case wasn't presented at the last meeting.


4 hours ago, doobieb said:

Thanks to The Daily leaders who start my day with prayers, remembrances, and smiles.😎 There is something powerful about praying with a group and for folks you don’t know but care about.

Max the chihuahua and I rushed our morning walk today because of storms coming  any minute.  By the time we returned, the storms had moved south and will miss us completely, at least until later today. Our ac went out last night but today’s high is expected to be only in the 60’s. Great timing.😎


On a garden note, below is the first bloom of the season on my one and only rose bush. It was given to me last year to honor my mom, who passed away at age 98. It bloomed on the 1st anniversary of her passing. Feels like a message from her.



The recipe sounds interesting- I will try it with riced cauliflower since I am trying to be a better cook for DH.

I add my wish for blessings to all on The Daily.



Debbie, welcome to the Fleet Report/Daily.  That rose bloom is pretty, and a lovely reminder of your DM on the anniversary of her passing.


3 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Oh my this is going to be a special evening. Just setting up.




Bruce, they certainly seemed to have gone all out for the buffet.  That is a lot of food.  The decorations are a nice touch.


3 hours ago, quilty964 said:

Good morning.  The sun is shining and it's in the 40's here.  It rained much of yesterday and our grass will need to be cut very soon.  Several neighbors have already started.  Thanks for the info.  Diaphragmatic hernias are very serious, usually diagnosed with a prenatal ultrasound.  Haven't been to the port. The meal today looks good!  I'd also substitute riced cauliflower. 

@kazuSo glad you're able to go on your cruise...enjoy!  

@RMLincolnthinking of you and your family during these difficult days. 

@JazzyVthinking of you as you get ready for surgery...prayers it all goes well!  

@marshhawkthinking of you...hoping all is well, and that your grand kitties are doing well.  My 2 nieces love cats, and both are fostering some now.  One has had many, and they just got 4 one month old cuties.  They just got one adopted...she was scared and very un-social when they got her, but their love helped her to bloom and find a new home.  Niece # 2 just got a foster from a hoarding situation...they got him yesterday, and he was very scared...a few hours later he was exploring and looking for some loving! 

@smitty34877thinking good thoughts for you and your family, hoping Tana is stable.

Not much going on here today, we're laying low for a few days with Cooper.  He had some teeth extracted yesterday.  He seems to be doing ok today.  He's had some scrambled eggs and unsalted chicken broth.  He's not the best eater, so finding soft food he'll eat will be interesting.  


Have a good day, and a great weekend!  Karen


Here's a picture of Cooper! 

IMG_7652 copy.jpg


I hope Cooper recovers quickly from his teeth extraction.


1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Yay! Just got word that insurance approved the procedure. Then registration called to get that done. I will hear between 2-4PM what time I'm scheduled for, but was already told I have to be there 2 hours before sugery.


@bennybear Prayers all goes well at the Oncologist's office.


Vanessa, I'm very happy for you that your surgery was approved.  Sending positive thoughts for a successful surgery and smooth recovery.  I know you can't wait to be pain free.


1 hour ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 


We have another beautiful day today and temps in the high 60's although it was 28F on the front porch when I got up a couple of hours ago. 

Today is the service for DSIL. The funeral is at 11, reception at 12 and then burial at 2:00 so a full day. For my DBIL's sake I hope it all goes well. I have party platters to pick up at Safeway at 10:00 before heading to the church so have to be out in about an hour. 


Have a Good Friday!



Karen, I hope today goes smoothly, not only for your DBIL's sake, but for everyone.


1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

It's going to be another beautiful day, and in the mid 60's.  Today I'll plant the Sweet Peas, also will be baking cookies for DGS.  DD has asked us to stay with the 8-year-old tomorrow for a few hours while DSIL and our other DGS are camping with the Scouts and DD has a lunch date.


Good collection of days, but I'll pass on the drink, wine and meal (not a fan of fennel or couscous). Love, love garlic.   We haven't been to Malaysia.  Good quote.  I've read all of Stephen King's earlier books, and seen most of the movies.  The one that scared me the most was the one with Kathy Bates "Misery".  😲  She sure can play the villain.


@Haljo1935 I agree with all the advice you've been given.  Close the doggie door.  Not only for the reasons already given, but your fur baby could get hurt outside and nobody would know. It happened to a friend's cat.   I was fortunate when our fur baby was alive, we have a great neighbor who is also a cat lover and she came over every day.  When DD's family are away they hire a teenager (son of a friend) to come over daily.  This summer they will be away for 35 days, and the two Grandkitties will be staying here with us.


@doobieb Welcome to the Daily!  What a lovely rose and how wonderful that it's blooming on the 1st anniversary of your DM's passing.  Brought tears to my eyes!


Vanessa @JazzyV  YES!!  I'm so happy to hear that your surgery is now approved.  I was worrying for you.  Prayers that this will be the answer and you will finally get the relief you deserve.  I really don't know how you've put up with it this long, I would have caved after the first week.




Carolyn, have fun with the DGS today.  I had forgotten about "Misery", and yes, Kathy Bates can really play a villain.


2 hours ago, bennybear said:

I must have missed your earlier antics….


@kazu safe travels!


Good morning and thanks all,   Sorry to hear @smitty34877 about last night! Hope a nap and better night tonight for you! 

@doobieb welcome, gorgeous bloom! 
@aliaschief what a fabulous trip!

Off to the oncologist, a year out thankfully . 

We had a lovely visitor! 



Brenda, I hope the oncologist appointment goes well, and you get a good report.  Great video.


42 minutes ago, dfish said:


I am with him 100%.   I go through a ton of garlic.  And, there are some definite health benefits from garlic.


Garlic and garlic supplements may help prevent and reduce the severity of illnesses like the flu and common cold.


Garlic supplements appear to improve blood pressure for those with known high blood pressure. In some cases, supplements may be as effective as regular medications.  But don't go off your meds and substitute garlic without talking to your doctor.


Garlic supplements seem to reduce total and LDL (bad) cholesterol, particularly in those with slightly high cholesterol. There appears to be no effect on HDL (good) cholesterol and triglycerides.


Garlic contains antioxidants that can help protect against cognitive decline related to cell damage and aging. 




There are more benefits from garlic.  It also has some antibiotic and antiviral properties.  


I am thrilled for you!  They don't understand how stressful it is waiting on them to get around to things.  And  you certainly don't want to have the surgery thinking it is covered to wake up and find out it wasn't.  


Debbie, I'm with you about garlic.  It is hard to have too much garlic in a dish.  I usually add more than is called for in a recipe.  We also like a lot of onions in our food.


3 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

Thank you Rich, Sandi, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie.  Happy Friday.  @richwmn, shouldn’t the Noordam now be in the Western Hemisphere?  Great news Vanessa, as I expect the surgeon doesn’t have availability every day to do it so who knows how much longer than it could have been.  Save travels to Kazu.

Thank God the disease is rare, and like most of us I learned something new with John Parker.  I like Garlic in moderation.    A lot of truth in that King quote.

I have not been to today’s port.

An interesting day in history, although I suspect the first residents were not happy to be sent there.

I’ll pass on the meal.  My alternative is Marinated Pineapple Spears, Classic Caesar Salad and Parmesan Crusted Turkey Tenderloin as served on MS Amsterdam April 19, 2014.

A chilly dry morning with rain expected later today so I’m glad to have my errands finished for the day.  Two new My Chart messages today, first the results from the long term heart monitor I wore last weekend.  I didn’t really understand it but was pleased that it said “No AFIB”, An hour later a message from my Cardiologist.  She wants me to resume one of the medications that was stopped when I was in the Florida Hospital in November but now at half the dose.



Roy, that is good news the report said no Afib.  Even though the cardiologist wants you to resume one of the medications, it's good that it is at a lower dose.


In light of the quote of the day and all the talk about Stephen King, I thought this was appropriate.




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Today's sunrise is from my 2017 Zaandam cruise from Buenos Aires to San Diego.  April 19 was a sea day from Puerto Chiapas to Cabo San Lucas:






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27 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

Thank you Rich, Sandi, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie.  Happy Friday.  @richwmn, shouldn’t the Noordam now be in the Western Hemisphere?  Great news Vanessa, as I expect the surgeon doesn’t have availability every day to do it so who knows how much longer than it could have been.  Save travels to Kazu.

Thank God the disease is rare, and like most of us I learned something new with John Parker.  I like Garlic in moderation.    A lot of truth in that King quote.

I have not been to today’s port.

An interesting day in history, although I suspect the first residents were not happy to be sent there.

I’ll pass on the meal.  My alternative is Marinated Pineapple Spears, Classic Caesar Salad and Parmesan Crusted Turkey Tenderloin as served on MS Amsterdam April 19, 2014.

A chilly dry morning with rain expected later today so I’m glad to have my errands finished for the day.  Two new My Chart messages today, first the results from the long term heart monitor I wore last weekend.  I didn’t really understand it but was pleased that it said “No AFIB”, An hour later a message from my Cardiologist.  She wants me to resume one of the medications that was stopped when I was in the Florida Hospital in November but now at half the dose.


Your results sound good hopefully Roy.

Best wishes.


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27 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

@richwmn, shouldn’t the Noordam now be in the Western Hemisphere? 


I haven't been keeping up with the progress of Noordam, probably should have been transferred a day or two ago. It's been done now.


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