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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday May 19th, 2024

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Happy Sunday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

After a day of rain yesterday, expecting partly cloudy and warm. I will be cleaning out the beds for new plantings. The vegetable garden will be going in and an herb garden going into the bed that is in the yard. Hope to have crops of vegetables and herbs this year. 

Thinking of all on the care list. 

Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 

Have a safe and healthy day. 

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Good Morning from a cloudy and warm day at the beach

    Some crazy thunder storms came in late yesterday. People stayed on the beach under canopies. Not smart or safe. The big races are today and already the beach is filling up.

    We stopped at Conflict Islands in 2022. It was a substitute port. Didnt know what to expect. No one lives there. DH and I decided to check it out. It was like Gilligan`s Island ! The water was clear and warm. Lots of palm trees on the beach. Walked a long sandy path from the tender. We went back to the ship and put on bathing suits. Beautiful. No infrastructure. Bathrooms were Very basic. We didnt take pictures but I would love to go there again.

      Have a wonderful Sunday.

  Stay safe and enjoy today


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Good morning from central Texas.  It is a cloudy start to the day, but the sun will make an appearance shortly.  It is 74F with a predicted high of 89F.  There is a slight breeze, but the wind will increase to 10+mph this afternoon.  The plan to to pressure wash the driveway today.  Last year, the concrete was so dirty, it took three days to clean.  It doesn't look too bad this year, and I'm hoping it will all get done today.  All the rain this spring seems to have washed a lot of the dirt into the port, that will wait for another day.


The Boys and Girls clubs do a lot for children, especially in the inter cities.  I won't be getting tested for hepatitis today.  I'd not heard of May Ray Day before this morning.


I found the Jay Leno quote amusing.


When I fix salmon it is with a teriyaki glaze, but I don't think I'll turn it into a salad.  We'll pass on the drink, but the merlot sounds nice.


We have not been to the Conflict Islands.


The 1649 unification of the three colonies was a big step forward in the early history of the US.


@grapau27  Graham, thank you for letting us know about May Ray Day.

@1ANGELCAT  I hope your friend can adjust to the changes she is facing, and will accept moving near her son.  As we grow older, it is difficult to accept some of the changes in our bodies and the other changes that come with them.

@Heartgrove  Jack, thank you for letting us know that Sam did well while you were on your cruise.  I hope he continues to do well, and you can take your fall cruise.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I'm sorry you were feeling so ill this week.  I hope the "bug" is behind you and you are recovering nicely.















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Good morning everyone.  Thanks for the daily report.  Three nice days to recognize.  I’m also celebrating my nephew Nick who is graduating from Notre Dame as I type this!  I wish him much success in his career and life!  The quote is humorous.  I think that both the meal suggestion and drink sound like winners.  I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for those on our prayer list.  Cheers to those of you who are celebrating happy events! 🍾🎉

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  The Boys & Girls Clubs do great work for inner city children and we support them fully.  I don't think I need to be tested for hepatitis, as we've had shots for all kinds.  I had no idea what May Ray day was, thanks for the explanation.  I always enjoyed Jay Leno's humour; often it was intellectual and not vulgar at all.


The dining room table and floor are covered in plants as the forecast for last night was only +2C (35) which meant because we are a bit lower, the plants could have frozen, even on the deck.  Thankfully we haven't bought all the baskets, etc., for the yard, or we'd have had a full kitchen as well.  I think next weekend (after DH's procedure) we may go out and buy the rest of the plants that are needed.


DH's daughter and a friend are flying to Puerto Vallarta today so the DD can get dental work done (apparently it's less than half the cost, even with flights and hotels).  At 4:15 this morning I received a text from her saying they were at the airport.  Normally I turn my phone off before going to bed, but last night I forgot, so I've been awake for a while already and think a nap is in my future this afternoon.


@1ANGELCATsending prayers for your friend Shirl; it can't be easy for her or her son.  I hope she's able to have a smooth transition into a facility that will provide the care she needs.

@Cruzin Terrisorry to hear you've been under the weather, I hope you're on the road to recovery now.

@dfishI love the furniture you've chosen - along with the fire table, it makes for a very inviting place to relax at any time of the day!

@JazzyVI was thinking about how early you have to pick up BFF to get him to the hospital - would it be an option for you to stay at his place overnight, rather than getting up in the middle of the night to pick him up?

@marshhawksounds like Momma Cat is really into tough love!!!

@Mr. Bostoncongratulations to your nephew on his graduation!


Not a lot happening here, we're just going to continue with the juices, fruit, and whatever else we can to help get rid of DH's cold.  So far he's not really coughing, so that's a good thing.  I may go out for a walk to the park later this afternoon, depending on the weather. 



I'd like to try the drink of the day, do enjoy Merlot, and will take down the recipe for the salmon (minus the avocado) for future reference.  DH has requested burgers for dinner, so I'll thaw some ground beef and put a couple of patties in the George Foreman that will be served along with pan fried potatoes and a side salad at the kitchen table tonight.   And wine.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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60s/70s and cloudy in north NJ. Maybe some sun breaks?  Yesterday on our drive back from the concert in Newark we had light rain, surprise! Not in the forecast so no telling how today will be. Getting a few May Rays would be nice but I’m not eager for full sun, I like it cooler as long as possible. 

I miss Jay Leno’s show but that quote I’ll leave behind. Not been to PNG, not likely to be. 

Today I think we’ll look at some travel options. Maybe email the HAL PCC about Zuiderdam Aug/Sept though we’re not too impressed with him; loved our last guy but he moved on during COVID. We did that cruise last year on NCL Joy out of NY in Sept but hurricanes attacked both legs and took out 3 ports plus shortened one leg. This year hurricanes forecast is intense. 🤷🏼‍♀️ We’ll look at Ireland too, DH has promised me we’d get there. My grandmother was from Tipperary but very few tours go across the island, just around the coast roads. I’m beyond renting a car in British Isles, and we’re probably too old now for their contracts. 

Blessings sent to all the Care list, all in need of healing, comfort or hope; our country, your country and the world for peaceful paths. And for @1ANGELCAT’s friend. My family all suffered from my mom’s distrust which magnified into paranoia as she aged. Makes it tough on everyone involved. 

🛳️ I got a happy text last night from a NM friend, a picture of her on a cruise!  She lost her partner, love of her life, in October 2022, moved into a smaller house closer to friends and is getting on with living life!  So proud of her, and so much more difficult with her MS in a wheelchair. Makes me so grateful!  
Cheers for all the cruisers 🎉

Safe travels for Nancy and John heading to the cabin. I remember last year when the road in was so bad it delayed their arrival. 🤞May it all go well! 🛻

🏒🥅 Hockey report:  Cheers for the Edmonton Oilers stretching their series to 7 games; Karen’s mom will get to have her Vancouver Canucks sweater out again Monday. We were disappointed in our Boston Bruins and Colorado Avalanche but happy for Elizabeth and her Dallas Stars!  I’ll be cheering for the NY Rangers in their next series!  Once a NYer always a NYer… born in Brooklyn!  Actually got to see them in the early 70s!  Tickets were near impossible to get, nearly all corporate held. 

May you each have a restful, refueling Sunday! We’re keeping up the eye regime, staying hopeful!  Thanks all for being here!  








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Good morning and Happy Sunday. The ice didn’t break yesterday and probably won’t for a bit because the forecast is just for the low to mid 90’s for the next ten days. 

Today we are taking our DD and her SO out for pizza along with her DS, our DGS, and my DM. This is to celebrate their birthdays and Mother’s Day that we missed. It should be fun. 

Not much else happening. I make a salmon bowl occasionally and I think I’ve posted the recipe before but here it is again. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ree-drummond/salmon-and-veggie-grain-bowl-3409067
It uses faro instead of rice which I think makes it much better. You can use any grain you like or cauliflower rice like Debbie @dfishsuggested. 

Have a great day everyone!

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3 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good cloudy morning. It’s supposed to be a nice day and getting in the 80’s this week.

 I’m asking for prayers and positive thoughts for a close family friend, Shirl is having difficulty accepting the fact that she can no longer live alone. Her mental and physical health has deteriorated and her short term memory is deteriorating. Her son lives out of state and is trying to get her to move to his area. This is going to be a difficult situation as she says she doesn’t trust him, but he has proof of his good intentions. 
Blessings and prayers to all on our journey.

Sending Prayers forShirl.

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Posted (edited)

3 good days now that I know what May Ray is. Pass on the meal (salmon), the drink sounds refreshing, DH would like the wine, not been to the port. The day in history was a big one for the future USA.


@1ANGELCAT prayers 🙏 for your friend Shirl and her son; that is a difficult time for both of them.

@Cruzin Terri I hope you feel better soon.

@Heartgrove happy to hear Sam🐕 is still doing well.

Congrats @Mr. Boston to Nick on his graduation 🎓 my DD DB the younger did his undergrad at Notre Dame.

@Sharon in AZ your multi-generation 🍕 celebration sounds lovely. 

Thanks @RMLincoln for the 🏒  update.😊


Today is a trip to pick up mulch then getting flowers in the ground.


Currently 73° headed to sunny 91° w/another ozone action day; I already can't breathe and my eyes itch soooo bad. 


Prayers 🙏 and positive thoughts for all. 


Edited by Haljo1935
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Happy Sunday morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report.  I think almost every day here in AZ we celebrate May Ray Day and I will toast the other 2 days.  I smiled at the quote.  The meals sounds good, I think I had the Caipirnha on my Amazon River Cruise so I could try the Caipiroska.  Wine sounds good and I have not been to the port. Interesting day in history.




Had a good day yesterday.  I drove to the PO as I had a box to mail (it was a bucal swab for an Alzheimer’s Prevention Registry GeneMatch).  A little slow getting in and out of the car (and differently than I normally get in and out) but it was nice to get behind the wheel.  I noticed when I got home, though, someone had come into my little patio at some time and took my clothes soap - but not my dryer sheets (my W&D are outside) - and had taken the stuff I had in a storage container (gardening stuff, bird feed, and cat food) out and taken the container!!!  I didn't notice anything else missing but I just felt violated and really ticked me off.  So I ordered a gate lock and a battery operated motion light from A.  One will arrive today and the other tomorrow.  We will see if I can install the light myself or.............🤷‍♀️ 




Today, I will try to get out and do some walking.  The goal is to be able to walk a mile by time I have my post op appt on May 29th.  I have walking sticks and I think I will take them to the river walk we have here.  We will see if I complete that task today.  Or maybe the farmer's market.  




@dfish I love the patio furniture!!  Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers for those celebrating!  Have a great day everyone.

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Thanks to all for commenting on our wedding anniversary. We hope to continue to celebrate all year long as our special anniversary dinner at a favorite restaurant was a bust. A long wait for a table, restaurant was out of our favorite dinner (salmon) & loud, rude couples at the next table.

Thanks to those “stay at home” pandemic days with time to study the cruise catalogs, we booked a cruise on Oceania’s Marina, London-London later in the summer. Looking forward to 45 days of delicious dinners! 

Thank you, Graham for the link to the sermon today. Prayers and kindness to all. 

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Oh no @Nickelpenny - an invasion is a violation and can be scary. I hope the light and lock prevent future "visits." They either moved quickly or were there a while to empty the container rather than just take it. 

Hapy to hear your "test drive " was a success and hope the walk goes well.

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21 minutes ago, Nickelpenny said:

Happy Sunday morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report.  I think almost every day here in AZ we celebrate May Ray Day and I will toast the other 2 days.  I smiled at the quote.  The meals sounds good, I think I had the Caipirnha on my Amazon River Cruise so I could try the Caipiroska.  Wine sounds good and I have not been to the port. Interesting day in history.




Had a good day yesterday.  I drove to the PO as I had a box to mail (it was a bucal swab for an Alzheimer’s Prevention Registry GeneMatch).  A little slow getting in and out of the car (and differently than I normally get in and out) but it was nice to get behind the wheel.  I noticed when I got home, though, someone had come into my little patio at some time and took my clothes soap - but not my dryer sheets (my W&D are outside) - and had taken the stuff I had in a storage container (gardening stuff, bird feed, and cat food) out and taken the container!!!  I didn't notice anything else missing but I just felt violated and really ticked me off.  So I ordered a gate lock and a battery operated motion light from A.  One will arrive today and the other tomorrow.  We will see if I can install the light myself or.............🤷‍♀️ 




Today, I will try to get out and do some walking.  The goal is to be able to walk a mile by time I have my post op appt on May 29th.  I have walking sticks and I think I will take them to the river walk we have here.  We will see if I complete that task today.  Or maybe the farmer's market.  




@dfish I love the patio furniture!!  Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers for those celebrating!  Have a great day everyone.

Pennie, so glad to hear that you are improving. Bummer on the things taken from your patio and laundry. Once when we were in a townhouse with shared outside laundry I had left my quarters to run inside for something and poof they were taken. I think the steps you are taking sound good to secure it all. 

Which farmers market do you go to?  There are none near us. We’ve gone to the one in Rincon Valley but I hate that drive because of all the bicyclists. It’s not so bad on a weekday but weekends are busy.  

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1 minute ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Pennie, so glad to hear that you are improving. Bummer on the things taken from your patio and laundry. Once when we were in a townhouse with shared outside laundry I had left my quarters to run inside for something and poof they were taken. I think the steps you are taking sound good to secure it all. 

Which farmers market do you go to?  There are none near us. We’ve gone to the one in Rincon Valley but I hate that drive because of all the bicyclists. It’s not so bad on a weekday but weekends are busy.  

I either go to the one at Rillito Racetrack or Phillips Plaza (there I can spy on my long time boyfriend from years ago - we broke up in ~2004 😆). 

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Good morning all!

Another cloudy morning, but we expect some "rays" this afternoon and better tomorrow.  I think we're getting the "June Gloom" early this year.


I'd like to try the drink but will pass on the Merlot.  The meal sounds good (minus the avocado) and I've never been to the Conflict Islands.  


Last night DH and I watched the 90-minute video we bought on the Grand Australia.  A big thanks to Rich @richwmn for helping us get it.  We had bought one onboard, and of course couldn't look at it until we got home.  It was a bad recording and stopped around 30 minutes in. 😞  Since Rich was on the Volendam for another month, he sped up the process we'd started with Guest Services (they were getting nowhere) and we now have a good recording. 🙂  I even recognized a few faces on the video.


Today will be more gardening and general puttering.  Slowly getting food together for when we take the DGSs to the water park on Wednesday-Friday.  Never can have too much food for them!


@1ANGELCAT Prayers for your friend Shirl.  It's a difficult time for her and her family.

@Cruzin Terri I'm sorry you've been ill.

Debbie @dfish I absolutely love your new patio furniture!  Kudos for getting it all put together.

@Nickelpenny How awful that someone came right onto your patio and stole those things.  I would feel violated too. 😡





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13 minutes ago, Nickelpenny said:

I either go to the one at Rillito Racetrack or Phillips Plaza (there I can spy on my long time boyfriend from years ago - we broke up in ~2004 😆). 

I’ve been to the Phillips Plaza one but it was a long time ago. The Rillito is run by the same as the Udall one. I keep forgetting about the Udall one. I need to check it out. It’s on Fridays. 

Take it easy though and don’t overdo. You don’t want a setback. 

@1ANGELCAT, thoughts and prayers for your friend and her family. It has to be difficult when the family member doesn’t trust the process. 

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Nickelpenny said:

Happy Sunday morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report.  I think almost every day here in AZ we celebrate May Ray Day and I will toast the other 2 days.  I smiled at the quote.  The meals sounds good, I think I had the Caipirnha on my Amazon River Cruise so I could try the Caipiroska.  Wine sounds good and I have not been to the port. Interesting day in history.




Had a good day yesterday.  I drove to the PO as I had a box to mail (it was a bucal swab for an Alzheimer’s Prevention Registry GeneMatch).  A little slow getting in and out of the car (and differently than I normally get in and out) but it was nice to get behind the wheel.  I noticed when I got home, though, someone had come into my little patio at some time and took my clothes soap - but not my dryer sheets (my W&D are outside) - and had taken the stuff I had in a storage container (gardening stuff, bird feed, and cat food) out and taken the container!!!  I didn't notice anything else missing but I just felt violated and really ticked me off.  So I ordered a gate lock and a battery operated motion light from A.  One will arrive today and the other tomorrow.  We will see if I can install the light myself or.............🤷‍♀️ 




Today, I will try to get out and do some walking.  The goal is to be able to walk a mile by time I have my post op appt on May 29th.  I have walking sticks and I think I will take them to the river walk we have here.  We will see if I complete that task today.  Or maybe the farmer's market.  




@dfish I love the patio furniture!!  Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers for those celebrating!  Have a great day everyone.


I'm sorry to hear some low life stole some of your possessions.

Good luck with your operation recuperation.

Edited by grapau27
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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I'll salute the boys and girls club. Testing for hepatitis is important, to prevent long-term liver disease. I didn't know what May Ray Day was, until Graham's explanation. I don't think the quote is funny. I'll pass on the meal (fish), maybe for the drink, and yes to the wine. I haven't been to the Conflict Islands PNG. A good day in history. 


It's going to be pretty warm and sunny here today. It's already 76F. I slept pretty well last night. I made an early quick trip to Aldi for a few things. There were people all around my neighborhood; I thought the annual garage sale was yesterday, but it's two days I guess. I'm going to rest up again, as my knee and shoulder are bothering me. The shoulder from using the cane to go up stairs and putting a lot of weight on it; my right leg is still weak for stairs, and I need clearance before I can go back to PT. BFF has said I only need to stay with him until evening after his surgery; I told him I'd not be happy if he needed help during the night and I wasn't there, so no deal. He stayed with me for 2 weeks after my surgery!


@grapau27 Thanks for The link and also the explanation of Ray Day.

@StLouisCruisers I hope you get to visit Cobh; it's a lovely city I visited last year on my TA. 

@MISTER 67 Welcome back, and I'm glad you had a good cruise.

@RedneckBob Good one!

@1ANGELCAT Prayers for Shirl. It's a difficult issue. I was lucky that when my DM could no longer live alone, she didn't object to me bringing her from NJ to PA.

@Cruzin Terri I'm sorry to hear that you're still not feeling well. Prayers for a complete recovery soon.

@dfish Congrats on defeating the furniture and getting it assembled. Your deck and patio look great! 

@marshhawk I hope the days ahead get a bit easier.

@Quartzsite Cruiser You've been very industrious with all the cleaning you're doing; where do you get the energy for all that? 

@Mr. Boston Congratulations to your nephew Nick! 🎓

@ger_77 That's a thought. I'd been contemplating having to get up around 3:15 am (going to bed at 9, but who knows if I could sleep?). It's about a 25 minute drive to his house, but at 4 am should be faster. Prayers that DH's cold won't delay his surgery.

@RMLincoln Good luck with your travel planning. 

@Sharon in AZ Enjoy the time out with family and pizza.

@Nickelpenny I'm glad you're doing well. I wasn't allowed to drive for 2 weeks after the surgery, and it's still somewhat uncomfortable at the incision site against the seat back (I keep changing the position of it). Oh my on someone stealing from you; you're right to feel violated. I don't have anything outside much, but I do have cameras all around the outside of the house, and a motion detector floodlight on the garage.

@Norseh2o Sorry to hear your Anniversary dinner wasn't what it should have been. Enjoy the cruise later this summer.

@kazu Prayers for an answer for your foot pain.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.

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Thank you, everyone, for the kind comments about our new patio furniture.  We are thrilled!


@JazzyV I think you are correct in wanting to stay with BFF the night after surgery.  That is the usual recommendation anyways.  I had to fudge a bit when I had the parathyroid gland surgery as Sue wasn't here full time yet.  That was a very easy surgery and they did recommend that someone be here overnight.  


@1ANGELCAT Poor Shirl.  None of us want to recognize that we could reach that point, but it does happen. My BIL's mother was that way.  And she was very distrustful of BIL.  


@Nickelpenny What a low thing to do - steal someone's laundry supplies.  Sometimes it is surprising who the person is that does that.  I think the lock and light will help.  Glad to hear that your recovery is moving along well.  You want to be well for November 2025!  


@Cruzin Terri I hope you are feeling better soon.   Don't rush things,but do get well.


@RMLincoln I think it would be fun if you came on the Zuiderdam Boston-Quebec-Boston cruise.  However, Ireland is fantastic.  I didn't find the driving that difficult, but it has been several years.  My mom's side of the family came from the Abbeyfeale area where counties Limerick, Cork, and Kerry meet.  


My pool time was a fact finding mission.  I determined that the water is truly way too shallow to even try the water fitness classes.  If I kneel on the pool floor it would be the right depth, but who jogs on their knees?  I walked the lazy river, but with the shallow water there I did start to develop pain in my lower back and my neck after a while.  This lazy river is about 6 inches shallower than the one I used in Ohio.  



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