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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday May 20th, 2024

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Another sea day. The wind has picked up and the Atlantic is responding with 2-3 meter swells. It is also cooler today and that is bringing our planned dinner under the stars inside for tonight.

Moving rather slow last two days as I’m having some lower  back pain and strain.  It happens now and then and time will heal. Tomorrow is the last sea day on this long stretch and I’m ready for some terra firma and new sights.

Thanks for the reports and post. Bruce

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Good Monday Morning Dailyites!   @Denise T I love your picture today, it's exactly how I feel. 

@StLouisCruisersthe cakes look marvelous.  On our last Carnival cruise they had a Cake day, but the ones that looked the most tempting were all non sugar cakes, and I do have an allergy to artificial sugar.  I hope you got to taste them all and can give us an idea of which was the best. (
For future knowledge)


Yes I love the quote, I love Camus.  The salads look good, I buy spring salad in a bag all year long (guess it's always spring somewhere)


@HeartgroveI am sorry to read that Sam fell down the stairs.


How can this be?  The mom cat is in heat again, and the "boys" are now showing up for some action.  We need to find out how soon we can get her spayed.  Guess we cant do it if she is still nursing, so those younguns need to learn how to eat.


Two of the kittens have learned to use the litter box.  Pictures will follow later today.  

@grapau27Thank you for Father Davids address yesterday, and all the information that you bring us every day. 


I went out Saturday night and on the way home bought some Reeces.  They are still in the fridge. I told the man at the counter that it was Reeces day, he asked why.  Was it the anniversary of the peanut butter cup?  I have no idea I said, just that my friends told me it was.  


@Norseh2oI know I am late -but Happy anniversary.


I just couldnt get it together this weekend, but did find out yesterday morning, that I am not working on Saturday.  Or Monday for one of my campaigns. But the other campaign wants us to call on Memorial Day.  If DH has Monday off, (which I think we both should) I will take it off, but I just cant think that a holiday is a good sales day.  A holiday that is about being with family, friends, and the Memory of those that served.



@NickelpennyI am glad that even though there were complications, you are managing so well after your surgery.  Dont over do it!  Take care of yourself!

@kazuNice to see you posting again, you too must take it easy.  I hope the foot gets better each day.

@JazzyVI too am glad to read about your sleeping more.  Good luck this week with your BFF.

@smitty34877I am glad that you have a serenity place park by the river.  I hope you get a chance to go there often.


Love to you all!

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Good cloudy morning, it’s supposed to be warm this afternoon and getting warmer each day.

My vet’s office just sent a birthday card to Mr Trouble, he is now 6 years old. Mommy is promising a nipper party later today. 🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂.

Blessings and prayers to all on our journey.

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No way am I drawing Mohammed. In addition to respect for the prohibition, I can't draw at all.


Asparagus season here is over, and we don't have spring greens yet. An organic grower who sets up a stand nearby on Monday afternoons may have some from his hoop houses, but I think that he will mainly be selling vegetable plants today.


OK on the spritz. We'll be having hot weather for the next few days. For the wine, Heron Hill 2021 Pinot Blanc. "Lively and energetic wine with an intense aroma and long refreshing finish. Harvested from Morris Vineyard situated on the west side of Seneca Lake," $25.


I intended to do some yard and garden work early today, but woke up with severe back pain, probably from the folding chairs yesterday afternoon, so I'm waiting for ibuprofen to work. BTW, the bakers for the dessert buffet, contrary to their usual practice, made lots of gluten-free cookies (disproportionate to the number of guests who required them) but one person was very upset about the absence of sugar-free desserts.


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HAPPY VICTORIA DAY to all our Canadian Dailyites. 


Good morning from a sunny central Texas.  It is 72F with a predicted high of 88F and 10 to 15mph winds today.  Unfortunately, I'll be spending part of the afternoon at the dentist office getting two teeth pulled and starting the implant process.  I already have one implant, so I know what to expect.  This morning, I'll be making some Jello and chocolate pudding for tonight.


Two of the days today are not ones I really want to celebrate or honor, so I'll celebrate Eliza Doolittle Day.


I am one that likes the Albert Camus quote.


The spring salad could be good, but not today.  We'll pass on the drink and the wine.


We have not been to Miyako.


The 1927 flight by Charles Lindbergh helped prove the value of airplanes.


@superoma  Eva, I hope you feel better and get rid of that cough soon.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, the cakes look yummy.  Thanks for the pictures.

@0106  Tina, thanks for the explanation of draw a picture of Mohammed.  

@grapau27  Graham, thanks for the explanation of Eliza Doolittle Day.

@smitty34877  Terry, I'm happy your helpers made a big difference in the work load this weekend.

@kazu  Jacqui, I hope your yard work can be accomplished without too much pain from you foot.

@ottahand7  Nancy, I'm glad you and John arrived at the cabin safely yesterday.  I was sad to read about your iris bed being decimated.

@Heartgrove Jack, I'm sorry Sam fell down the stairs.

@aliaschief  I hope your back is better soon, Bruce.
















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Good morning from a rainy day in Wisconsin.  Woke up to thunder, forecast is storms today and tomorrow.  I don't think DGD will be playing softball tonight.  Maybe the Wednesday game will be ok. 

Thanks for all of the pictures and sharing here!   @StLouisCruisersThe cakes look yummy!  I think I tried the Black Forest Torte in February...it was good!   

Cheers and prayers for all who need them.  Karen

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Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie I’ll celebrate Eliza Doolitle and HR but pass on drawing Mohammed.  Happy Victoria to our Canadian Dailyites.

Not sure what to think about the Camus quote...

A great day in Aviation history.

I have not been to Conflict Islands...

I’ll pass on the meal.  My alternative is Chilled Anjou Pear Soup and Penne Primavera as served on MS Prinsendam May 20, 2015,.:              


Have not seen the sun recently but it should make an appearance today.  The Dali is finally almost moored at Seagirt Marine Terminal..



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Good morning. Got back from the dog shows yesterday evening and picked up the dogs on the way home. They seemed happy to see me, but they do like the excitement of boarding. The shows went well without incident but I am tired. I think this will be the last year I will go down to Farmington to work them. Just too much of a mental strain.


Weather there was hot.... in Durango it is cooler. Today's high will maybe be 70 and it was just above freezing when I walked the dogs about 6:30. It is supposed to stay that way and dry the rest of week. Flowers are slow blooming this year. I will take it for now and hope the lawn survives.


Off to unpack, do laundry and put things away in the right places. I would like the salad. Would not draw Mohammad even if I could draw. That seems to be needlessly mean suggestion.


Will try to keep up during the day.... someway I think my pace today will be slow.



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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I'll celebrate Eliza Doolittle, will respect the religious beliefs and won't draw Mohammad, and have a dear friend who worked in Human Resources for most of her career - not an easy job.


Happy Victoria day to my fellow Canadians - I hope you enjoy this long weekend!


It's a cloudy, windy morning out there for us and according to the forecast, we have a 65% chance of rain today.  Last night the temperature went down to +1 so we covered the Boston fern and dipladenia that DH decided to put out yesterday; the rest of the plants came in and are hanging out in the dining room.  


@Heartgroveoh my gosh, my heart hurt when I read that Sam fell down the stairs; that's sad.

@kazuplease take it easy and only do a little until you can find out exactly what's wrong with your foot!

@57redbirdI've been meaning to ask how your mouth is after your major dental implant surgery?  I hope it's healing well.

@Quartzsite Cruisergood luck to you at the dentist's this afternoon.


We heard from DH's daughter yesterday (she was flying to PV for dental work); the plane was delayed in Calgary because just before the aircraft was to depart, someone decided they didn't want to go to Mexico after all.  Who does that???  The flight was delayed 1.5 hours while they took all the luggage out to find the reluctant passenger's suitcases.  She was not impressed, nor would I have been!


Before Christmas DH and I decided that we didn't need anything, so we purchased tickets to "It's a Kinda Magic", a tribute to Queen - I bought the tickets as soon as they were available so we were able to get 2nd row from stage, directly in the middle.  Well, the concert is Friday night and I'm certainly not going to be taking DH out to mingle, push and shove at a large venue like that right after his surgery, so I'm giving the tickets to our friends Wayne and Fran.  I'm sure DH has totally forgotten that we even had them, so I'm not even going to tell him about it.  Although Wayne was insistent about paying for them, I declined, saying rather that they could take us out for dinner once Maurice was feeling better.   


I will definitely accept the drink of the day (my go-to cocktail in the summer), will pass on the wine, and we have salads at least 4 times a week, often using spring mix with whatever else is in the fridge.  Wayne wanted us to come over for a burger barbecue today, but knows DH is isolating, so he said they would barbecue and deliver dinner for us tonight - how sweet is that?  I'm sure we'll enjoy whatever he and Fran cook up for us at the table on our deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, or in the path of destructive storms and fires.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!   ☺️☺️☺️


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Good Morning to all the Dailyites! 
Thank you for all the Victoria Day wishes from our American friends.

We were actually in today’s port of Miyako 3 weeks ago today. This was our first trip to Japan and loved it and the Japanese people. 

On arrival at the port we had many locals out to great us, including schoolchildren and dancers. When we left many townspeople lined the port to wave us off. (Very poor picture taken from the dining room shown). This happened at multiple ports in Japan and warmed our hearts each time.
This is a small town which suffered flooding and great losses in the tsunami  of 2011. In the years since they have built amazing infrastructure to protect against this happening again. 
We walked about 10 kilometres passing a lot of the new building to get to Jodogahama Beach. It was a beautiful sunny day. Sorry I don’t have any pictures of the town area.










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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

HAPPY VICTORIA DAY to all our Canadian Dailyites. 


Good morning from a sunny central Texas.  It is 72F with a predicted high of 88F and 10 to 15mph winds today.  Unfortunately, I'll be spending part of the afternoon at the dentist office getting two teeth pulled and starting the implant process.  I already have one implant, so I know what to expect.  This morning, I'll be making some Jello and chocolate pudding for tonight.


Two of the days today are not ones I really want to celebrate or honor, so I'll celebrate Eliza Doolittle Day.


I am one that likes the Albert Camus quote.


The spring salad could be good, but not today.  We'll pass on the drink and the wine.


We have not been to Miyako.


The 1927 flight by Charles Lindbergh helped prove the value of airplanes.


@superoma  Eva, I hope you feel better and get rid of that cough soon.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, the cakes look yummy.  Thanks for the pictures.

@0106  Tina, thanks for the explanation of draw a picture of Mohammed.  

@grapau27  Graham, thanks for the explanation of Eliza Doolittle Day.

@smitty34877  Terry, I'm happy your helpers made a big difference in the work load this weekend.

@kazu  Jacqui, I hope your yard work can be accomplished without too much pain from you foot.

@ottahand7  Nancy, I'm glad you and John arrived at the cabin safely yesterday.  I was sad to read about your iris bed being decimated.

@Heartgrove Jack, I'm sorry Sam fell down the stairs.

@aliaschief  I hope your back is better soon, Bruce.
















Good luck at the dentist!  I'm 4 days out & don't look like my DH punched me in the mouth - go back on the 30th to get the sutures out.


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I sampled two of the cakes today.  I asked for a tiny slice of Black Forest and got what I consider a full slice.  Then I asked for a smidge of carrot cake.  She gave me the pointy portion of a slice.  The petite baby carrot sticking out of the icing turned out to be a sugary confection, not a real carrot as it looked like.  It was delicious!  When I finished my cake, the lady at the next table in the Lido pool area asked if they were good and I said yes, as good as they look.  She normally doesn't eat much cake she said, but would today!  Happy to help with cake research today...😋

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Good morning,

I had a busy weekend now that Emmie wants sleep overs too. They spent the night both nights but were gone during the day some to give me a break. Emmie was trying to bargain for a third night. It is funny they want to sleep here since they go to bed so early. They are usually asleep before 7:30 which is not what they do at home. I guess they get cozy and catch up on needed rest. 

I canceled my place holder on the World 2026 and put a deposit on the Grand Australia 2026. It was considerably cheaper and I did not want to visit several of the areas on the world. I enjoyed the last Grand Australia so much and there are some new places we will visit. I will wait to make a decision on the Legendary Mediterranean cruise October of 2025 it was a low deposit so it is not tying up a lot of money. 

Jacqui, I am concerned there is still so much pain. If you don’t hear back today you need to call them. If the infection was cleared up the pain should be gone. Did they do an MRI?

Prayers for those on our list and others in need. Have a great day. 

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5 hours ago, richwmn said:


Today is Eliza Doolittle Day.................................







Julie Andrews starred as flower girl Eliza Doolittle in the Broadway premiere of <em>My Fair Lady.</em>


Digging in to the Queer Subtext of My Fair Lady ‹ Literary Hub








My Fair Lady': 1964 Film Review




Why was Julie Andrews replaced by Audrey Hepburn in the movie version of My  Fair Lady? Andrews had starred as Eliza on Broadway. - Quora




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Posted (edited)

Happy Victoria Day 🇨🇦 for those who celebrate it.🥂


Thanks @0106 for the explanation of Draw Mohammed Day - I will pass.

The 3rd salad from @dfish sounds & looks YUMMY, would try the drink & wine (if it were attainable), not been to the port.


Hugs @Heartgroveto you and Sam.


🙏 @RMLincoln for a smooth eye appointment today and @JazzyV BFF surgery tomorrow goes well.


Thanks @StLouisCruisers for the beautiful cake pictures - such a talented group of bakers. 


Currently 79° headed to sunny 91° w/rain returning Wed.


Prayers 🙏 and positive thoughts for all. 


Edited by Haljo1935
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Posted (edited)

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

Happy Victoria Day to all Canadians. I like the character Eliza Doolittle; I'm a big My Fair Lady fan. HR can be an important department, if run well. Interesting quote. I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. I haven't been to Miyako. An important day in history.


It's partly sunny right now, and already 76F. It's going to be hot. I'm starting to gather some things to take with me tomorrow, in preparation for staying at BFF's house. It's confirmed we have to be at the hospital at 5AM! My stomach was upset yesterday and I don't know why. So I'm eating gingerly today, as I don't need that today or tomorrow. It's 4 weeks today since my back surgery! I can't see the incision, so BFF has been taking photos of it for me.


@superoma I hope your cough goes away soon.

@MISTER 67 I can commiserate with you on the knee pain. Good luck with your golf game today.

@StLouisCruisers I hope you can fight off the possible cold. Those cakes look delicious, especially the chocolate ones. 

@0106 Thanks for the explanation. I've never seen South Park.

@smitty34877 I'm glad you got a bit of a break this weekend. I hope your week goes smoothly. 

@kazu Don't try to do too much in the garden. Thanks for the wishes, although it's BFF that's having surgery tomorrow.

@Heartgrove I'm sorry to hear that Sam fell down the steps last night. 

@ottahand7 I'm glad you had a safe and pleasant trip to the cabin.

@aliaschief I hope your lower back is feeling better soon.

@marshhawk Oh no on mama cat in heat again. 

@kochleffel Sorry to hear about your back pain today and I hope the Ibuprofen works for it.

@durangoscots I'm glad you're home safely, and I'm sure the dogs were happy to see you.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Good luck at the dentist today.

@ger_77 I've not heard of someone deciding they want to get off the plane at the last minute, then inconveniencing all the other passengers by a delay. I hope Maurice is feeling better. Nice of Wayne to offer to bring dinner over.

@sunviking90 Welcome back to the Daily and thanks for sharing your photos!

@Copper10-8 Great photos and video of Eliza Doolittle.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.

Edited by JazzyV
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