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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday May 21st, 2024

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Thanks so much @dfish @StLouisCruisers @smitty34877n @Nickelpenny @Haljo1935 & @ger_77  @JazzyV for your good wishes today.  Hope I didn’t miss anyone 🤞  If I did, forgive me, I am tired form the trip, visit and last night.  No definitive answer - have to go back.  More tomorrow.

@JazzyV very best wishes for your BFF’s surgery and recovery


@ger_77 thinking of you an Maurice and praying his surgery can go as planned tomorrow, is successful and he can recover easily 🙏 



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Posted (edited)

So, I'm 0 for 2 this morning  - shoulder surgeon was not in (he's at the hospital) so they told me to come back tomorrow and the tire had to be replaced. 

The good news is I got a wild hair and called the tree🌳 removal guy; he was only a few blocks away and came right over. He's able to get us on the schedule in less than a month, likely 2ish weeks depending on how much room he has on the trailers when he's near us. I told him I'd be flexible and to fit us in w/whatever works in his schedule. I understand all the rain has really messed everyone up and I appreciate his partnership. So, I guess the Universe traded me time w/an Ortho for an Arborist- it knows the damage the trees are causing to the roof & gutters. Silver lining?🤷‍♀️ I'll take my wins where I can find them.

Edited by Haljo1935
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I am back from doctor visit, all is fine.  My shoulder is giving some grief but the heating pad and advil seem to work. I am putting off getting more injections since I can't have them too often and it is not that bad yet.


It is still pretty hot out and of course our a/c has decided to die.  We ordered a new unit, and now have a temporary fix which are hoping holds out until we get our new unit. I guess there went booking another cruise for us.


I hope everyone's surgeries and procedures go well and those post op are doing great. Gerry I hope that Maurice gets approved to have the surgery tomorrow.  Jacqui I do hope your foot gets better soon. These types of infections are horrible.  Penney you never cease to amaze me. I don't  know how you are doing all you do right after complicated back surgery. Vanessa I hope your BFF surgery went well today and you get to go back to his house and take a nap.  


@RMLincolnI am sorry you can't cruise but if you like classical music there may still be some tickets for Tanglewood available. It runs all summer and it is an easy drive for you if you head up to I 84 and go right across into the Berkshires.  They have a variety of performances and loads to do in that area and it is not far from your grandkids so you can add in a visit as well :).  Just an idea.  We are actually doing this next summer - we rented a home and will get some concert tickets and be out of the FL heat. We just have to decide if we are going for one or two weeks, in addition to visiting all our kids and grandkids in the NE.  


Not much on the agenda for today for the rest of the day.  My work slows down when schools are closed and we only have 2 more weeks to go here in FL.  It will be a much needed rest and I won't feel guilty being away for a good bit of this summer.  


Terry - I do hope you feel better soon.  I am sorry that so much rests on your shoulders.  It is hard being the only one to do everything plus have all the responsibility for your DH as well.  I hope today you feel a bit better and get some rest.  


Sending best wishes to everyone who posts here and reads the daily.  



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Good afternoon from a pleasant but cloudy central Texas.  We both enjoyed our donuts this morning, and have enough for two more days.  We've also gotten a couple of chores out of the way.  Will probably be heading to W-M later this afternoon to finally pick up the prescriptions.  It turns out they did not go through when they were called in yesterday, but they were called in quickly after I called the dentist's office.


4 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!   We've had a lot of false raptures - Y2K, the Mayan Calendar, etc.; if/when it happens, there's not a whole lot anyone will be able to do about it, so go ahead and enjoy life.  I need a patch that will do all my housework/spring cleaning for me - anyone got an idea where I can buy one?  I make tea for us every morning; in fact, I told DH I had to book another cruise because I was out of Bigelow's I Love Lemon tea that I normally drink on a BHB.  He just rolled his eyes, so I ordered more from Amazon.


We've got a grey, cloudy, rainy day in the offing today.  Because we heard it was only going down to +3 overnight, we decided to leave all the plants on the deck last night rather than bringing them all into the house.  We closed all the windows and closed the heavy curtains, hoping that would suffice to keep the heat in - as I look out this morning, everyone looks happy out there, and it's still raining, so it means it didn't freeze overnight.   


Yesterday, to get DH out of the house, we took a drive to a couple of grocery run pop-up greenhouses to see what we could find.  I drove around all of them so DH could get a good idea what was there and if he saw anything that piqued his interest, I went to inspect.  It turned out to be a good method, because at the end of a couple of hours we had the back of the Ford Escape filled with plants and now we just have to wait for good weather so I can put them in our outdoor pots.


Thanks for your thoughts on DH; he had a bit of a cough yesterday morning, but that was it for the majority of the day.  He's been continuing with the Tetley Immune Tea, oranges and zinc, and hopefully he's got it under control.  I didn't hear him cough last night, but that's not unusual - I sleep like the dead most nights.  I'm pretty sure tomorrow will be a "go" for his valve replacement.


@JazzyVyou're going to be a tired girl by the end of the day; would you consider heading out to your car and having a nap later, rather than sitting in a hospital waiting room?

@kazusending prayers for answers about your foot today.

@Heartgrovethanks for the photo of Sam yesterday; although I'm more of a cat person, I can see why you love him so much - I would, too!

@StLouisCruiserssorry to hear you've got a cold - like you need that on a cruise!

@ottahand7the other day you mentioned vole damage; this winter we had voles create a mess on our front, side and back lawns.  We've been in our house for 41 years and have never had them before - I've bought lawn seed to cover the patches they carved out and will have to figure out what to put on the lawn before next winter so they don't come back.  I've heard that garlic water deters them, but that would involve lots of garlic!  LOL

@Haljo1935good luck at the doctor's today.

@Quartzsite CruiserI'm glad you had a good number of hours of sleep - hopefully the extra pain meds keep you comfortable.


Not much on our agenda today, just kicking around - DH will work on his book, I'll do some laundry and work on more blankets.  I counted up and I've got another 15 ready to go whenever I decide to take them over to the distribution centre.  I'm not sure about the drink of the day, will let others enjoy the wine, but I do like the recipes for today's menu suggestion.  We eat a lot of salmon, so looking at the recipes, I'm going to thaw a couple of filets and will likely make the second recipe, accompanied by mashed potatoes and green beans that we'll enjoy at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in pain, in grief, in need and in the paths of destructive storms or fires.  Cheers to all who have celebrations happening today.


Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, I'm glad your DH is doing better, and you could get out of the house yesterday. Best wishes for the valve replacement tomorrow.


3 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

Hot today!  Summer temps in north NJ. Not ready for summer yet. 

Happy to celebrate first solo flights across Atlantic, both Lindbergh and A.E!  Risk-taking pioneers paved the way!  

Yesterday’s eye doctor visit was pretty good. We’re not “there” yet but hanging in. He said eye is healing well, the new drain is open and flowing, pressure is not as low as desired, after one more week start tapering down the steroids, stay at current regime for now. Hoping it’ll all stabilize lower but it might not be as low as the other eye, which is doing great!  Might have to consider a pressure-lowering med but we’ll wait on that decision. Return 2 weeks. We’re not giving up!  Vanessa, I think keeping DH on the rotation is appropriate. Thanks all for your Amazing support!  


Sunday was totally consumed with looking at travel options for my 70th. Started with Ireland tours, then looked at cruises. We put a Hold on a cruise in July/August for the next-to-last cabin that could be selected, not a guarantee, but it didn’t feel joyful. We talked the whole thing through over dinner and late into the night… and let it evaporate. It was an OV, not a good price, not a good time…. what was I thinking?  I dunno, it was all very confusing. DH was so caring helping me sort through unexpected feelings!  But through it all we now have a new PCC so maybe that’ll be a good thing for the future.  We might consider a regional trip. Right now cruising just feels too difficult to get to, far too pricey, too far away!  Last September we went on an Eastern Canada cruise (missed all New England ports due to hurricanes) and struggled to get Wi-Fi connections to track eye pressure readings- tonometer needs Wi-Fi. But we were close to land and managed well enough albeit sporadically. We’ll wait to cruise till the timing is right. 

Saturday we found our way to the Newark Performing Arts Center to hear Beethoven’s 3rd. Great music!  Nice venue!  Not too hard to get to and from. It was a “family” concert with good explanations between movements, interesting. But Family meant kids shrieking and screaming, plus the constant parade of parents walking kiddos out and in, and I do mean constant parade- very distracting. So we’re not doing that again. BUT we discovered the NJ-PAC sends a bus to our community for those with subscriptions for their Thursday matinee symphonies!  And the bus charge about equals the parking garage fee we paid, such a deal!  We’ll sign up for next season, starts November. 

Following along with all the Dailyites. Lifting up everyone’s needs and hopes. Vanessa and your BFF, Jacqui, Gerry and Maurice, Pennie, Jack’s Sam (oh, I coujd hear his tumble 😱), Elizabeth, Shiel, Annie and Chuck, Terry and Tana, Terri and Jim, Lenda, Sandi, Debbie, Susan… all! (I can keep you all in my heart if not in my brain❤️) from the tops of our heads to the tips of our toes…. situations of loss, anxiety, frustration, despair or danger. Praying for Amazing!  Not giving up!  
Hugs to you all, near and far for a good day, and lots of healing, comfort and hope!  Peace in our hearts, families and countries. 

Love all the pictures!  Graham, I absorb your beach!  
Terry, I too made my prom dress, twice! I hope they have a memorable time!  They sound like very special kids, loving and caring!  You’re doing good things for them and the world! (like the quote says…)
Nancy, sorry about the iris bed, glad the house systems are coming “up” ok!  Always a bit of concern. 

Wonderful to hear of celebrations, reminding us all that Life is Good!  🌈

Oh yes, keep the seat belt on even if the sign is off!  Tragic. We all expect to walk off a flight, it’s so much safer than driving to the doctor!  

Hug you all, m—


Maureen, yesterday's doctor visit still sounds like the eye is improving and healing.  I hope in two weeks, the pressure is low enough to avoid a pressure lowering medicine.  Sorry the concert was not the best environment.


2 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning and Happy Tuesday. It’s a bright sunshiny day. 

Yesterday DM had a dental appointment and always takes antibiotics prior to the appointment. Somehow the home health must have discarded what she had left and she called the dentist office. They wanted her to come in Asap to take it there so that was a scramble to get ready quickly and pick her up. I ended up running errands since the wait was longer. We went to lunch at a seafood restaurant because we wanted lobster but I was also craving meat so ordered surf and turf with a filet as the turf. What came was not edible and not a filet. After alerting our server the manager came over and said he inspects all the beef each day, and even though he never said it I knew he didn’t believe me nor think I knew what I was talking about. I was beyond irritated. Goodness, it wasn’t even cut like a filet. After offers of a new steak I just asked for the steak charge to be taken off. Turns out they couldn’t do that so we ended up getting the entire entree taken off. Then, a new steak shows up, and it’s a filet!  Soft as butter and cooked perfectly. We packaged it up and I’m having it for lunch today. I am still ticked off about the whole thing. I’m going to write the restaurant and tell them that this manager not only needs better customer service skills but needs to go to cooking school and learn more about cuts of meat. 

Okay, sorry, off my soapbox. I hope everyone has a great day!


Sharon, I don't blame you for being upset yesterday at lunch.  There's not much worse than a ruined steak.  That manager needs to be retrained in customer service.


2 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good Tuesday morning.  

i was awake at 6 am. Was watching Morning Joe and DH was still asleep.  The plan was to call him at 7:30 am so that we would be ready for the Power Washing guy at 9 am.

Well, at 7:15 am the doorbell rings and guess who?  

I was still in my jammies and bathrobe.  Anyway, he was ready to start and since this was an outside job, I let him get started.  He was all done by 10:15 am.  

All the porch furniture is back in place as well.

DH was not happy to get up early, 

So all is nice and clean and the ACC should be happy.  I already sent the Email to let them know it is done.  Don’t want to be fined.

Next job for today is to get ready for DH’s appointment with the Dermatologist at 3:30.  Have to go to the supermarket as well.


@JazzyV Hope all goes well for BFF today.  Prayers for him and his surgeon.


Got to get moving. 

Have a good day everyone,

God Bless,



Terri, I'm glad the power washing was done, but why can't workers show up at the appointed time not before or after.


1 hour ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all! 
I love tea,  probably bordering on obsession.  My current fave is a passion fruit green tea from Taiwan, pricey but wonderful and I feel good about Taiwan as a tea producer.  And Japanese Matcha!  
I’m praying all goes well for those healing and for Maurice tomorrow! And for Jacqui today! 

@RMLincoln you have struck a chord with me a few times lately.  I so agree about the joy, sometimes it’s not there as travel gets more complicated.  And sometimes it’s the timing.  We chose to cancel a cruise after so many changes and it has been nothing but a hassle,  yesterday we received a cheque for DH FCD,  and now when we checked all have disappeared. Sigh, a phone call I don’t want to make.  We even decided to drive home for 12 hours after our recent one hour flight stretched to eight hours.  I’m hoping you find the right thing and the right time.  For us,  Hawaii is our heaven.  We celebrated a birthday and anniversary there, albeit delayed. 

@Sharon in AZ sometimes customer service attitude makes all the difference!  Don’t blame you for being so annoyed,  it should have been made right initially.   

have to head out as we get some rare sun, back to rain tomorrow.  Haven’t even got our plants yet!





Thanks for the beautiful picture, Brenda.


1 hour ago, grapau27 said:

Interesting photos Lenda.


Thank you, Graham.


49 minutes ago, kazu said:

Thanks so much @dfish @StLouisCruisers @smitty34877n @Nickelpenny @Haljo1935 & @ger_77  @JazzyV for your good wishes today.  Hope I didn’t miss anyone 🤞  If I did, forgive me, I am tired form the trip, visit and last night.  No definitive answer - have to go back.  More tomorrow.

@JazzyV very best wishes for your BFF’s surgery and recovery


@ger_77 thinking of you an Maurice and praying his surgery can go as planned tomorrow, is successful and he can recover easily 🙏 




Jacqui, I'm sorry you did not get a definitive answer and have to go back.  Get some rest in the meantime.


49 minutes ago, Haljo1935 said:

So, I'm 0 for 2 this morning  - shoulder surgeon was not in (he's at the hospital) so they told me to come back tomorrow and the tire had to be replaced. 

The good news is I got a wild hair and called the tree🌳 removal guy; he was only a few blocks away and came right over. He's able to get us on the schedule in less than a month, likely 2ish weeks depending on how much room he has on the trailers when he's near us. I told him I'd be flexible and to fit us in w/whatever works in his schedule. I understand all the rain has really messed everyone up and I appreciate his partnership. So, I guess the Universe traded me time w/an Ortho for an Arborist- it knows the damage the trees are causing to the roof & gutters. Silver lining?🤷‍♀️ I'll take my wins where I can find them.


Elizabeth, I'm sorry the surgeon was not in, and I hope you get good news tomorrow.  And sorry about needing a new tire.  I hope you can get the tree work done soon.


38 minutes ago, Copper10-8 said:


Brace yourselves End of the world jokes are coming - Brace Yourselves -  Borimir - quickmeme

End Of The World - FunSubstance | Funny pictures, Really funny, Jokes


What are some of the best jokes made on Mayan Prophecy of end of the world  on December 21, 2012? - Quora


Blogmas 2019 Day 9: The End of the World (repost) – The Girl in the Red  Rubber Boots


Mayan Doomsday Memes | History jokes, End of the world, Humor


2012 Humor and Fun Stuff | Funny kid memes, Funny cartoon memes, Funny  cartoons for kids


On 12/21/12 people will be making end of the world jokes like there's no  tomorrow... | Jokes, End of the world, Funny news


Collection of Science Jokes P2 | Page 21


Dinosaur jokes | Dinosaur funny, English teacher humor, Funny quotes


That's how they get ya : r/Paleontology


Loved the end of the world memes, John.



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3 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good Tuesday morning.  

i was awake at 6 am. Was watching Morning Joe and DH was still asleep.  The plan was to call him at 7:30 am so that we would be ready for the Power Washing guy at 9 am.

Well, at 7:15 am the doorbell rings and guess who?  

I was still in my jammies and bathrobe.  Anyway, he was ready to start and since this was an outside job, I let him get started.  He was all done by 10:15 am.  

All the porch furniture is back in place as well.

DH was not happy to get up early, 

So all is nice and clean and the ACC should be happy.  I already sent the Email to let them know it is done.  Don’t want to be fined.

Next job for today is to get ready for DH’s appointment with the Dermatologist at 3:30.  Have to go to the supermarket as well.


@JazzyV Hope all goes well for BFF today.  Prayers for him and his surgeon.


Got to get moving. 

Have a good day everyone,

God Bless,


Sending good luck wishes to your DH at the dermatologists this afternoon Terri.

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@ger_77.  Voles drive me crazy.  They have population surges every few years and last year must have been one.   I do a talk for garden clubs Deer and Vole Control and I always start with Voles because they do the most damage and other than cats and planting plants in containers there is little one can do.   I pray all goes well for Maurice's surgery tomorrow. 🙏

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Good hot and sunny afternoon. I just wanted to give an update on Shirl. She is now willing to go down with her son for a “ trial “ visit  He is supposed to come on Thursday, she has now seen pictures of the apartment he rented for her 🤞🙏that she doesn’t charge her mind. My brother has been thru the wringer trying to convince her to go . She definitely needs help.

Have a peaceful night.

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59 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good hot and sunny afternoon. I just wanted to give an update on Shirl. She is now willing to go down with her son for a “ trial “ visit  He is supposed to come on Thursday, she has now seen pictures of the apartment he rented for her 🤞🙏that she doesn’t charge her mind. My brother has been thru the wringer trying to convince her to go . She definitely needs help.

Have a peaceful night.


I hope Shirl will be happy with the move, and the "trial" visit is made permanent.  Hats off to your brother for working to convince the move is necessary.


53 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

@StLouisCruisersand @Quartzsite Cruiser thanks for the photos of Rabaul NG.  We will be visiting there in 2026 on Grand Australia.  So nice to see what the ports look like ahead of time.  


Nancy, I think you would enjoy the island, especially if you find a way to tour the island.  It is very pretty and also interesting where the volcanoes did damage.  It can also be hot and sticky so be prepared.



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Good afternoon.  The weather forecast is for storms later.  We had a lot of rain yesterday.  DGD is supposed to have her spring concert at 5:30.  It's outside, so hopefully the rain holds off.  Our school had their outside "fun day" today.  The rain has held off for them.  I walked by the playground a bit ago, and they were having lots of fun!  We bought tomato and cucumber  plants when the rain paused yesterday!  Planting in raised beds instead of straw bales this year...hoping we get a good crop!  

Prayers for @kazu, @JazzyV and your BFF, and @ger_77and your DH.  May all go well!  

Have a good evening, Karen


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Wow!  We just got a hail storm that lasted several minutes.  No rain, just big hail.  I'm sitting out in the port, and it sounded like someone beating on the metal roof.  After it stopped, I gathered some of the larger ones which had already melted some.  For a size comparison, I put them by my book.






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5 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Wow!  We just got a hail storm that lasted several minutes.  No rain, just big hail.  I'm sitting out in the port, and it sounded like someone beating on the metal roof.  After it stopped, I gathered some of the larger ones which had already melted some.  For a size comparison, I put them by my book.






Wow those are big guys!  Hope you had no damages! 

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11 minutes ago, bennybear said:

Wow those are big guys!  Hope you had no damages! 


I hope no damages either.  The cars and motor ihome were under the port roof, and the golf cart seems okay.  Here may be a few dents in the metal stood.  Most of the siding in the path of the hail was protected by an overhang.  The rest is to high to know about for sure.



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Thanks Brenda. I don’t understand myself sometimes. I’m glad you can! 

@tupper10 great suggestion!  Haven’t been to Tanglewood since high school!  

Lenda, YIKES!  Those are dangerous!  

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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Wow!  We just got a hail storm that lasted several minutes.  No rain, just big hail.  I'm sitting out in the port, and it sounded like someone beating on the metal roof.  After it stopped, I gathered some of the larger ones which had already melted some.  For a size comparison, I put them by my book.






Yikes! Those aren't small. Good to read you didn't find any damage. We know how quickly hail storms can pop up - stay safe.

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@ottahand7 & @ger_77


 Nancy & Gerry 


not sure if your voles eat grubs as mine do. But if you can figure out their food source and eliminate it, they will go. 

I use a product called Grub-ex. I apply it with a spreader. It usually takes two bags to tackle my 1/2 acre - if that helps. But it is worth it. My voles are no more. 

Bit I have to do it every Spring. 

Good luck!



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Texas weather is known for being weird, but this afternoon, it got even weirder.  A while after the hail, it rained twice but while I heard it and smelled it, I couldn't see it.  It was like really low verga with only a very few drops hitting the driveway.  DH said later that we were under a hail warning.  Now, I'm glad the prescriptions weren't ready, or I clould have been driving in the hail.



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Posted (edited)

Good evening. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I won't comment on the end of the world. Patches can be important. I hope tea workers are treated fairly. 'll drink iced tea, but not much hot tea. Not sure about the quote. I'll pass on the meal (fish), drink and wine. I haven't been to Rabaul; thanks to those who shared photos. I'll salute Earhart for her accomplishment.


It's quite hot here today. I'm beat. I'm just getting home. BFF did well with the surgery, but anesthesia was tricky with a cardiac issue he has, and they decided to watch him overnight. So I was there all day keeping him company, and doing much more walking than I'm used to (due to construction, there are many detours through this large hospital). And it's packed. People in the ER are waiting for rooms, and they can't find him one. So he'll spend the night in the PACU, but at least they moved him to a room with a door and not right in front of the nurses' station like he was. I subsisted mainly on coffee, so it's something to eat and an early bedtime for me I think. Thanks for all the good wishes for BFF.


@StLouisCruisers I'm sorry you have a cold, and upset tummy. I'm glad you feel better today. Great photos.

@smitty34877 Good to hear your street is getting paved finally. And how nice that the teenager is taking his girlfriend to her prom. My DM made all my prom dresses.

@Quartzsite Cruiser I hope your swelling and pain are both soon gone. Very interesting photos from Rabaul.Yikes on that hail.

@ger_77 I hope it's a go for DH's surgery tomorrow.

@RMLincoln It sounds like overall good news about DH's eye, and I hope the pressure lowers more as the drain continues to work.

@Sharon in AZ Sorry for the poor meal and service at that restaurant; at today's prices that's intolerable.

@kazu I'm sorry you didn't get a definitive answer today; hopefully soon.

@Haljo1935 Ugh on the doctor not being in and needing a new tire, but yay for getting the arborist to come by soon.

@Copper10-8 Cool memes

@tupper10 I'm happy the doctor's visit went well, but sorry to hear about the AC.


Prayers for those on the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.

Edited by JazzyV
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3 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Wow!  We just got a hail storm that lasted several minutes.  No rain, just big hail.  I'm sitting out in the port, and it sounded like someone beating on the metal roof.  After it stopped, I gathered some of the larger ones which had already melted some.  For a size comparison, I put them by my book.







Holy cow, Lenda! They could hurt a person! Never mind property!

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Today did not stay as planned, Dh was fudging around when I needed to leave to get to the pharmacy, so we got to the store when the pharmacy was closed.  When we were leaving they reopened from lunch, but then there were 8 people in line, and lets be honest, I did not want my gelato to melt, we got home, and i steamed some asparagus, had it with left over baked potatoes that I made into potato salad, and left over meatloaf.  We were watching the Jocalyn 's post race review, and my cell phone rang,  it was my boss from a job i was going to start when the opera ended-He wanted to know why I wasnt working with him yet-I explained that with the two campaigns i was on, I couldnt work more than 8 hours a week for him, i had sent him a text, he scrolled through the texts and found it and said -NO! You are contracted to work the opera, but you are to give me the rest of your hours!  What about Mike?  He knows, and he should have told you and let you go. And if he has a problem with letting you go, then tell him to call me.  I said good bye to Mike, and he said he didnt know they were going to steal me.  THEN the director of operations called me, and asked me what campaigns I was working, told him about the immediate change, and he said, that I was very popular, and all the BIG bosses wanted me.

When we were a small office that handled the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, I was the assistant manager. To the man who is now the Director of Operations.  I was well trained, and they pay the employees in Georgia much less than employees in California and New York.  And there are no raises. I think that is why I am in such high demand.


But now except for dog walking, my mornings are free, so it is time to take up walking again.  I miss the woods.


@RMLincolnWhen I was last in the office, I sold subscriptions to the NJ Symphony, take advantage of that bus service, and enjoy! 


I know I need a vacation, Instead of typing in the word Password, I keep in typing Passport.

If not for the kittens and you guys, I would be a very sad person.  Only 6 more months of work insanity until my north Florida vacation.  


One of my favorite series to read is the End of Times, there are signs, but then again, there are always signs.  I might be left behind, but I like to live on the wild side...NOT!

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