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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday June 4th, 2024

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Happy Monday.  Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie.  I wish there was no reason to have a day for Innocent Child Victims, no cat to hug, and wonder if there is a day for old men...

I’m the opposite of the quote.  While I don’t like the taste of wine, I’m sure it comes in a lot of what I have eaten..

A great day in golf history.

I have not been to Molde..

I would substitute ham for greens on my omelet.  My alternative is Pineapple Boat, Baked Ricotta Stuffed Shells, and Black Forest Cake  as served on MS Prinsendam Junee 4, 2015.

It looks like another warm/hot day.  My Tuesday routine is to visit one of my more distant supermarkets in the morning and then be home for the rest of the day.



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Good morning, everyone!


We are supposed to get up to a toasty 85F today.  I opened all the windows last night to cool the house and will close them this morning to hold in the cooler air and not let the hot air in.  We'll see how this works.  This is a tip from the energy company.  We signed up for a program where we reduce energy consumption from 2pm to 7pm M-F.  Those are the higher rate hours.  They say if we're running the AC to turn the thermostat up during those hours.  If we've precooled the house, it won't warm up too much during that time.  So, we don't run the washer, dryer, or dishwasher during those hours.  I try to cook on the grill as often as I can.  It worked well last summer.  


Today is my day:  Old Maids Day!   My sister's MIL greeted me at her wedding asking if I was the Old Maid sister.  


I have yoga this morning and then lunch with an old friend from way back.  She is in town visiting family.  It will be nice to get together.  She's one of those friends where you easily pick up right where you left off.  


Today's meal would be a great one for breakfast if I took the time to cook something.  A protein packed breakfast helps control eating the rest of the day.  I can relate to what she says about eating cereal for breakfast and being hungry an hour later.  If I eat protein for breakfast I last until lunch and beyond.   https://www.healthyseasonalrecipes.com/cheese-greens-omelet/




You can use a variety of greens in the omelet as this recipe shows.  Or you can replace the greens with other vegetables to your liking.  I've never seen an omelet with carrots, but perhaps someone from the I Love Carrots Club can let us know.  https://gardentogriddle.com/cheesy-greens-omelet/




This one adds in some ham for good measure.  I mean, really, what's cheese without ham?  This one is for @rafinmd Roy.





I hope this finds you all well or improving.  @smitty34877 I hope you and Tana had a restful night.  Hugs to all of you!   @Cruzin Terri Enjoy Barbados!   @kazu Sorry you can't find someone to help with the weeding.  I once hired a lawn care company to do mine.  That was after a hip and knee surgery. 


Wishing you all a wonderful day!


Edited by dfish
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Good morning everyone!  I would hug my girls if they were still here with me, I hug them in my heart almost each day.  Innocent children of aggression is the picture of the children of Gaza and African countries always at war, children have no political opinions and should be thought of each day.  A fun quote from WC Fields, on many kitchen walls and t-shirts.  I would love today's meal with some chilis as the greens, I would like a Bloody Margarita and today's Rhone style blend from WS should be tasty. Thanks for researching these each day for us!  I look forward of more photos of Molde. 


Thanks for the cares and celebrations reports each day Vanessa, I hope your BFF continues to mend well.  Save travels to Barbados @Cruzin Terri.  Continuing prayers for @Vict0riann, Tana, Chuck and that the eye appointment went well yesterday @RMLincolnfor your DH.  @StLouisCruisersthinking of you on the day of your DS passing four years ago. @kazu Jacqui I will post of picture of a stirrup hoe at the end of my post since your weeds aren't established it is a great way to remove them from your seat or standing, prayers your foot continues to heal.  


My DB has his knee surgery again, this time at a different hospital and a different surgeon.  Once again they removed 200mL of pus out of his knee prior to surgery.  Nothing cultures because he was still on Keflex.  They removed the graft, thoroughly sterilized and put it in with antibiotic laced cement.  I am sure they kept him overnight with the amount of infection in the joint.  We had a nice trip to town and our favorite pizza place was closed on Monday so we tried a newer restaurant in Crystal Falls.  John had the $7 daily special of burger, fries and soda, can't get a meal like that at McDonald's.  I had their fried chicken sandwich with tots and it was so huge I took it home and had the remainder for dinner.  Good thing, when I got out of the truck I could barely walk.  If we were in town when it started I would have gone to the ER, my right leg worked, my painful left leg took a 1/2 step to even up with it and so on.  I had no other choice here than to start on Prednisone.  I took 40mg and laid down for a two hour nap and by the time I woke I was back to 50%, this morning at 75% back to normal.  I will take another 40 today and then begin to taper and stay at 10 for another 10 days and hopefully it will last until we return home in the fall and I can get the injection in the SI joint.  We are having our neighbors over for ribs tonight, one is my now full time summer neighbor minus her husband and another closer neighbor who has sold his cabin to the other neighbor, his last night up here.  It will be nice to say goodbye and tell him to be sure to come back and visit.  Ribs on the Big Gree Egg tonight.  Have a lovely Tuesday.  Nancy 


Stirrup or Scuffle Hoe Home Depot

67-in. Adjustable Garden Action Hoe for Weeding, Stirrup Hoe and Hula-Hoe  for Gardening Weeder Cultivator







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@kazu I forgot to mention when you get your weeds out put down Preen so no more weed seeds germinate after your hard work removing them available at most garden supply centers.  


My kitties I miss so much.  

Beam Tiny.jpg

Birthday Lidia 17.jpg

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Good sunny warm morning. It’s going to be a hot one today. Thunderstorms are supposed to come this afternoon.

I will gladly hug my cats today. Last night I had Trouble sleeping with me, he takes up half the bed. 
Shirl called again yesterday, she was a little calmer but still very unhappy. Time will tell, she has no choice for now.

Blessings and prayers to all on our journey.

I wanted to add, today is also National Cheese Day.

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Today's sunrise is from my 2015 Prinsendam cruise.  June 4 was a sea day in the English channel from Ijmuiden to Portland.





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Good Morning from a warm and sunny day at the beach

       Havent post the past few days but have read the posts.

 My sister in law arrived unexpectedly on Wednesday until Sunday. I was happy to see her but why she thought a surprise was a good idea I will never know. So had to arrange appointments, plans etc.  Had a good time but she is hard company.

       We are all anxious to see if the Starligner goes tomorrow. They certainly have had their problems. In the meantime, Spacex is launching sometimes 2-3 times a week.

       Today is busy with rescheduled appointments. Off to Orlando to the dermatologist and then the hairdresser. DD coming with me. She looks a little shaggy!

       Stay safe and enjoy today



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Happy Tuesday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

Sunny and a high of 86 today. Not a fan of the hot weather. Working on my classes today which will keep me busy. Preparing for my trip to Charlotte next week. Leaving Saturday. 

Here are my cats that get hugs more than once a day. 










Thinking of all on the care list. 

Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 

Have a safe and healthy day. 

June 4 is Hug Your Cat Day

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Good morning Dailyites


Already 80 at 7:45 with a high due at 95.


Sandi, thinking of your sister and her Grand-twins in heaven. Happy anniversary to your DS and his wife.


Prayers lifted for all on the cares list. Thank you Vanessa for keeping up with everyone. 


Not much on the agenda. I'll be making turkey tetrazzini with a garden salad tonight. I have half a baguette left from last night and will toast it. 


Cheers to all our cruisers and those celebrating. 


Blessings to you.

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Good Tuesday Morning Daiyites!  Hug my cat day? Every day here is hug a cat day.  Furnando and I bump heads every morning, as he sits on the computer table, and he lets me wrap my arms around him, he purrs, and my blood pressure goes down.  And then I tell him to get his tail out of my coffee.


My neighbor informed me that she has another pool tournament this weekend, and needs me to walk the dog, several times during Saturday and Sunday.  As long as she keeps winning, she keeps playing.  She won the last tournament, so I am expecting her to be gone a long time.  And of course I work on Saturday.  So I have to figure out how long I really have to be at work if I am taking breaks to walk the dog. 


We are still having dialing problems in OH.  So after I started dialing, I noticed a text from my boss, that they were working on the problem (still or just I have no idea) and to go back to CA until 5. So after 15 minutes in OH I was back in CA, for a half hour, and then last night my OH boss said I only worked 4 hours.  Not true I worked 4.25.  I hate having to argue with a boss to get paid, Especially since I was the only one who got a sale yesterday.  ARghh!


Well, its time to walk the dog this morning, and since she is off today, but in and out, I need to be on time. Again, just to prove that I am working.  LIfe is so weird sometimes. 







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Good cloudy morning from central Texas.  It is 79R and feels like 87F and foggy.  The humidity is 97F with a dew point of 78F and an 11mph wind.  I'm glad I won't be working out side today since our predicted high will be 90F, and I don't want to think what the heat index will be.  Instead, it will laundry and a quick run to the store for a few essentials.


We are enjoying our new golf cart, and can't believe how quiet it is after having the gas powered one for more than 24 years.


I would love to hug one of our cats, but sadly they all crossed the Rainbow Bridge many years ago.  I wish there were no innocent children victims of aggression.  I will also honor all my unmarried friends.


I'm another one who resembles the W. C. Fields quote.


The meal sounds good, but I can't make a good omelet.  Instead, we'll be having chicken and dumplings along with collard greens and Watergate salads.  DH would like the drink, and we'll pass on the wine.


We were in Molde in 2011 on Prinsendam.


An interesting score for the first Ryder Cup in 1927.


@LambKnuckles  Lambie, I can't believe the heat index for the Austin area.  It's too early in the year for those temperatures.  I'm afraid we'll have a hot summer.

@richwmn  Rich, Callie and Leo are great looking cats.  Callie reminds me our our younger DD's Patches. 

@Haljo1935  Elizabeth, I'm sorry your shoulder is hurting so much.  I hope you can get the needle treatment today.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I'm glad things calmed down and the trip is going well.  I'm also glad you have two wheelchairs reserved in Miami.  Enjoy Barbados.

@ottahand7  Nancy, I'm glad the Prednisone is working for you.  The hoe looks a lot like my hula hoe, but I found it didn't work well in grass.  I'll add my second to using Preen after the weeding. 

@1ANGELCAT  I hope Shirl will adjust to her new home soon.

















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In 2011, the Prinsendam took us to Molde.  It's main claim to fame is the Atlantic Road, an 8.3-kilometer long section of County Road 64 that runs through an archipelago in Hustadvika and Averøy municipalities.  There is a very unusual bridge between two of the islands.  We did not see too much of the town, as we took a tour along the Atlantic Road.


Some of the WWII fortifications along the coast.




One of the two villages along the road.



The road and the bridge.



Molde from an overlook. P1030236.thumb.JPG.67bfae8ecc855bd87238c7c7ad81c115.JPG


The sports complex the locals are very proud of, as seen from the ship as we sailed away.



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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Every day is hug your cat day around here.  Children shouldn't be the victims of aggression; I feel terrible every time I think of children in war zones.  I thought Old Maids Day was for card playing - a game we always play with the grandsons when we're in Calgary.  To those older women who never married, you're not an Old Maid, you're a Single Lady.  That quote is SO me!


Another sunny start to the morning and already the clouds have rolled in from the west and according to the radio, we can expect some thundershowers later in the afternoon.  We had a good rain overnight, as I see there are puddles at the end of the driveway - a good thing, as we put some fertilizer on the lawns yesterday and needed the moisture.


@Seasick Sailorhow is the ankle, and your shoulder?

@Cruzin TerriI'm happy to hear you're on your way to Barbados, and that you've been able to arrange wheelchairs for the two of you to transit the airport.


This morning I have my monthly breakfast with retired colleagues, which is always a fun time.  Then late this afternoon we've been invited to dinner with one of DH's cousins who is in town for a medical appointment.  The family isn't close, but it will be nice to catch up with him and his wife, as we haven't seen them for a few years.  DH figures the cousin must have some serious medical issues, as he doesn't just call out of the blue - time will tell.


Here's Sochi, who will get an extra hug today



I'm going to pass on the drink and the wine, but I think the menu suggestion would make a great brunch meal, or even a light evening meal.  For us though, we're not going to be worrying about what to cook, as we'll be joining DH's cousin and his wife for dinner tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in turmoil.  Cheers to all with celebrations. 


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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In my experience, most cats don't like to be hugged. Fergus did, but Mona Lisa and DaVinci wouldn't tolerate it. Child victims of aggression deserve more attention. Old Maid's Day is a good idea but the name is questionable.


I would like the omelet and actually have the ingredients for it. No on the drink (heat). For the wine, I'll nominate Salmon Run (Dr. Frank's second label) NV Coho White. "Intense aromatics and flavors married with dazzling acidity bursting with peaches, candied lemon, wildflower honey, and exotic tropical fruits. Succulently sweet, finishing crisp and clean with long-lasting flavors," $12.99.


The many neighborhood dogs are having a barkfest this morning.



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Cloudy and low 80s today. Yesterday it felt hotter than I like in high 80s but not too bad. It’s June so I need to get used to this. 

The eye doctor said he’s  happy with how the eye is healing BUT thinks the pressure is a tad high still and might need the pressure lowering drops again. Not sure why he’s happy about that, the whole reason to do the surgery is to get off the meds DH is allergic to. But for now just stay on the tapering regime for the steroids- 3x/day for 2 weeks, then 2x/day for 2 weeks with massages frequency to match. Return in 4 weeks. Do a visual field test then too. Other eye has been very itchy, maybe it started with grass pollen reaction. So DH began antihistamine drops but it got worse after a few days so maybe it’s the preservative in them 🤷🏼‍♀️. So back to Benadryl. We’re not giving up even if there are some steps going sideways. Still hoping the left eye will stabilize lower. Thank you Vanessa, Sandi, Nancy, all here who help keep me positive!  Means so much!  

Sandi, extra hugs to you and your family! 
Nancy, I’m glad you have the knowledge and meds to deal with your SI pain. Been there, it changes everything!  Saying goodbye to neighbors is always hard. I miss my NM community but I’m right where I belong and they are happy for us. 

Terri, extra blessings for smooth travels today!  

We stopped in Molde on our Hurtigruten cruise. It’s picturesque. Our weather was poor but I’m glad we did that cruise, 11 days for round trip Bergen to Kirkenes and back. I’d do it again!  

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope. Hoping Jane @Lazy1 can recover quickly without any longterm effects. Sometimes I think COVID reduced my sense of taste. We are still hearing of much worse from COVID including deaths, sigh. 

@1ANGELCAT I’m sorry Shirl is lashing out at people trying to help her. My mom was like that. It was tough on everyone. But she did come around and eventually admitted that her new environment was “a good place of old ladies!”  She became the life of the party there!  It took her maybe 6 months but she started out pretty ill after a heart attack. We didn’t expect her to live but maybe a few weeks. She healed up and enjoyed herself for another 4 years!  

Busy day… primary voting, hair cut, then I need to wrangle with social security. I thought I could do it all online but I might need to start by phone, which will mean setting aside a long time for being on hold. Trying to start benefits; website says I need documentation of first marriage, divorce, ex’s ss number…. That was a long, long time ago and about 7 moves! Don’t know why they need all that, I’m not claiming any benefits against his record, I have my own. But I have all my papers, just need to have the wherewithal to tackle it. 

Cheers to all celebrating, Life is Good!  🌈 Enjoy something special of this gift of a day! 

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3 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good morning from the Club at JAX—a bare bones lounge, but enough for breakfast.

We are doing well.  Thank God.

I like the quote.  I can relate—especially these days!


I have been to Molde, Norway but unable to pull up photos today.


I don’t think I should try a Bloody Maria, my tummy would revolt.  Not what I need.


We will go to the gate soon for our flight.  All is calm this morning after rising early.


Thank you Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report and thank you to Vanessa, Debbie, Ann and Dixie for your contributions.  Thank you Graham for your explanation of the Days we celebrate.

I will probably not post until we get to Barbados as we have a tight connection in Miami.  thankfully the flights are at Gates right across from each other.  Hope there are no changes.


Have a good Tuesday everyone and I will update when I can.

God Bless.


Safe travels and have a wonderful trip.

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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

No cat here to hug, but many Dailyites will be hugging their cats. Innocent children as victims of aggression is terrible and shouldn't happen. I suppose Old Maid's Day applies to me, but I'd like it to be called something else. Famous W.C. Fields quote. Maybe on the meal, depending on what greens. Pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Molde. I didn't realize the Ryder Cup went that far back.


It's going to be hot (87F) and sunny today. The morning news was warning to drink water, wear sunscreen and not get overheated. Schools that have no AC are doing remote learning today. I guess I was worn out form my errands yesterday. I started to read in my recliner in the late afternoon, and the next thing I knew I'd napped 2.5 hours. I was worried I wouldn't sleep last night because of that, but I still got about 6 hours of sleep. No big plans for today, just some tidying around the house as I'm able.


@LambKnuckles Wow, that's hot!

@Haljo1935 I hope today's PT is helpful.

@Cruzin Terri I'm glad that things are calm so far. Safe flight to Miami, then Barbados. I'm glad you got wheelchairs to help with the distances you would otherwise have to walk. 

@StLouisCruisers Happy Anniversary to DS and DDIL. And hugs on the anniversary of DS Nancy's and the twins' passing. 

@kazu I hope you can find someone to help you weed, to give you a break. I have one bed that needs to be weeded, and my lawn mowers don't do that. Hopefully I can do that soon, using a tool that won't require much bending.

@ottahand7 Hopefully this knee surgery for your DB clears up all the issues he had after the last one. Oh no, about your leg; I'm glad you had the prednisone to take.

@Seasick Sailor I hope your ankle and shoulder are coming along.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Great Molde photos. 

@RMLincoln I hope DH is able to get off the drops that he is allergic to. Maybe it's too early to tell how this will all play out. 

@smitty34877 Thinking of you and Tana.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.

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We just got the itinerary in an email for a certain set of relatives for their next voyage, the Zuiderdam for 42 days, just like us! Oh boy...what a treat. 😕 They arrive Saturday at our turnover day in IJmuiden, Netherlands. I was afraid of this happening. I hope we can continue doing what we like to do without them trying to butt in or tag along with us everywhere.


The relationship sort of went downhill during DH's Mom's last few years. They may think this is a fine time to try to get back into our good graces. I'm on vacation here, not looking for therapy sessions. Give me strength!


Funny thing is they probably listed us as their emergency contact for this cruise, and we're on it too so basically that's not allowed. He is on the outs with his family too so we're their closest relative.

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Good morning and thanks for all contributions.  I wish I could hug Martina but........ and I detest that adults do not think of innocent children.  My hats off to all single women (not old maids!!) whether they have been all their life or not!  I have been single (not married) for 40 years and I love it!!




Why is Fields telling my cooking secret?  LOL!! I do like omelets (about the only way I eat an egg) and what is the difference between a bloody Mary and a bloody Maria?  The recipe looks very similar to how I concoct my bloody marys! No to the wine (white), never been to the port, and I just don't get golf.




"Plans" for yesterday never were accomplished but that is ok.  I was sent a slew of things (uploading documents, watching videos, etc) to do for onboarding as a sub for TUSD but the "contract" listed was when I worked for them as a Registered Nurse.  Sent an email and didn't really receive a satisfactory response but it did say they will reach out when the first orientation will be scheduled.  Hmmmmm.  So I did cook a very nice meal - filet mignon with parmesan/garlic mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, sliced tomatoes, and sautéed mushrooms.  I was stuffed!!  I usually only eat once a day and dinner is usually my meal that I like to cook.  I find it fun.




Received an email last night about an itinerary change and I thought it was for my upcoming TA.  No, it was for next year's.  They are very similar so that is why I was confused.  I am sort of glad of the change as the port would be a repeat of a port this year.  So the change is good!




Today?  Enjoy the day and maybe get something done.  


I hope everyone on the care list feels the virtual hug given and cheers to those celebrating!  Have a great day everyone!



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