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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday July 3rd, 2024

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Good cool and sunny morning. It’s going to be a beautiful day today and near 90 tomorrow with thunderstorms predicted for the late afternoon.

@kazuJacqui, hugs and prayers that you finally get relief from your pain. 
Blessings and prayers to all on our journey 

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Good morning from a clear central Texas where the sun is just now appearing over the tops of the trees.  Again we have a 5mph wind according to the weather app, but no wind according to the neighbor's flag.  it is 76F and feels like 76F with 85% humidity and a dew point of 71F.  Our predicted high is 99F.  The good news is there is rain in our future forecast beginning Friday and through most of next week.  The forecast is for scattered thunderstorms, some of which may be from Beryl, but this far inland the winds should not be a problem.  We'll take any rain we can get.


We see the painted rocks around the neighborhood here and in Quartzsite, but with my lack of artist ability, I'll not be dropping any rocks.  Yes to fried clams day, but they are hard to find here.  The fewer plastic bags we use the better, and I try not to use too many.


Mother Teresa was a wise woman, and I like the quote.


Lamb kebabs would be good, but since DH is not a fan of lamb, I'll wait to get my lamb on a BHB.  I would prefer a tequila sunrise, and I'll skip the Riesling since it could be sweet.


We have visited Rhodes several times, and I'll repost my pictures next.


Yeah to the beginning of the Dow-Jones Index in 1884.


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, I'm glad your DH is getting over his cold.  Cute picture of Sadie.

@grapau27  Graham, thanks for the explanation of drop a rock day.

@Denise T  Denise, I hope any fireworks don't bother Fancy or the cats.

@ottahand7  Nancy, I'm glad your DB saw the surgeon yesterday, but I wish he didn't have to wait to have the knee drained.  I hope he reconsiders the needed surgery, but can understand his being a bit leery.

@kazu  Jacqui, I'm sorry you will need surgery, but I hope it's soon so you can be out of pain and can get some decent sleep.

@RedneckBob  RNB, Howard Johnson fried clams were the best, especially when followed by their fudge ripple ice cream.

@cat shepard  Ann, where's a six year old when you need them?  I hope the dealership can help with the display problem.


Once I repost my pictures of Rhodes, I'm off to a fun day of house cleaning.
















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Good morning, everyone!


It is a dreary day out in mid-Michigan this morning.  I'm not sure I believe the forecast as yesterday they said sun and it quickly turned cloudy and threatening rain.  They then said rain in two hours, which didn't happen.  Then heavy rain, which didn't happen.  We did finally get some rain but it was just a drizzle.  Today they say rain around noon.  We shall see.  


@kazu I am sorry that your leg pain will require surgery, but since it does, the sooner the better.  Is there anything that helps relieve the pain?  


We had fun at our pedicures yesterday.  My toes are beautiful and I chose bright red for the 4th.  


While I am not a lamb fan, this recipe caught my interest.  With the proper seasoning I like lamb, so I would give this one a try.  I think it would be good with cucumbers in sour cream or a cucumber and tomato salad.  This would have to be on a night when Sue isn't here because she won't eat any of it.  The first recipe has interesting spices - cinnamon, nutmeg, and allspice.  Grilled Lamb Kebabs




Now, imaging those kebabs on a pita with some tzatziki sauce!   Mmmmm.  I can taste the garlic.  


In the next recipe they prepare the meat mixture in a food processor.  That pulverizes the mixture.  You then shape the meat mixture around the skewers.  It is also noted that while you can substitute ground beef for the lamb, ground chicken and turkey do not hold up.  This one uses cumin, coriander, mint, garlic, and ginger for the seasoning.  Lamb Kebabs




This one has a slightly different seasoning to it, but I am sure it is equally good.  There is also a recipe for a garlic lemon yogurt sauce.   Lamb Kofta Kebabs




Wishing you all a wonderful day!



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We have been to Rhodes three times.  In 2003, the old Regal Princess stopped there on the mystery cruise.  Because of the Iraq invasion and SARS, Rhodes was not crowded.  The next two times, 2016 and 2017, we were there on the Prinsendam.  Part of our days were spent walking around town, and the rest of the day we either hired a taxi for a tour (2003) or rented a car.  I am going to divide my pictures between Rhodes town and the rest of the island.


This is where the Colossus of Rhodes stood in ancient times.  (Added that I read something last week that said this might not have been the place.  So who knows after so many centuries.)



The area around the harbor entrance, but outside the city walls




A church in the area




Inside the old city




Inside the Grand Masters Palace, where most of the furnishing had been moved to Malta







The Acropolis of Rhodes, which is surrounded by the modern city.






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1 minute ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

We have been to Rhodes three times.  In 2003, the old Regal Princess stopped there on the mystery cruise.  Because of the Iraq invasion and SARS, Rhodes was not crowded.  The next two times, 2016 and 2017, we were there on the Prinsendam.  Part of our days were spent walking around town, and the rest of the day we either hired a taxi for a tour (2003) or rented a car.  I am going to divide my pictures between Rhodes town and the rest of the island.


This is where the Colossus of Rhodes stood in ancient times.  (Added that I read something last week that said this might not have been the place.  So who knows after so many centuries.)



The area around the harbor entrance, but outside the city walls




A church in the area




Inside the old city




Inside the Grand Masters Palace, where most of the furnishing had been moved to Malta







The Acropolis of Rhodes, which is surrounded by the modern city.






Nice photos Lenda.

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Posted (edited)

Good morning Dailyites!


Damn, it's hot.


When our friends grandkids visit they paint rocks and leave them near our front flower beds. It's a sweet reminder of thier visit.




Friends dropped by last night for a visit. I made banana tea for them. She's from Costa Rica and swears it helps her arthritis pain and swelling. 


Jacqui I'm praying you get your surgery and recovery as quickly as possible. You have been in my prayer book a long time! As well as Tana.. my prayers are with you all and I believe in the power of prayer.


@StLouisCruisers Sandi, thanks for the thought of my foot. It's down to a spec of a scab. That was one of the dumbest things I've done in awhile...


Our neighbor's mom passed away last night after a long battle in hospice care. They will fly up to Connecticut and sort out arrangements. We offered to watch thier sweet dog, but someone already offered. We have great, caring, neighbor's and no one hesitates to pitch in to help.


Pool time today. Pork chops in a mushroom gravy, mashed potatoes and spinach for dinner tonight.


Blessings to each of you. Be kind. 


Edited by Seasick Sailor
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The island of Rhodes.  


These pictures were taken as we drove along the north side of the island.



Near the far end of the north shore, we stopped at a small harbor with a café where we had a coke.  There was a Lycean tomb in the hill by the harbor.  Lycean tombs are not normally found on Rhodes.  It is the area of the hill that looks manmade.





We saw the runs of Kritinia Castle on the hill near the harbor; so we drove up there but did not go inside.




A secluded beach which I think is on the south shore.



I'm not sure where these were taken, but I thought they were interesting.  It might have been in Rhodes Town or one of the villages the taxi driver showed us in 2003.




A view of Lindos from an overlook up in the hills



Lindos from the parking lot on the main road



And finally, our elegant home away from home




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Good Morning from a warm and sunny day at the beach

     No rain here and none expected. But who knows?

 I try not to use plastic bags . I love fried clams and would love a fried clam roll. Hope to have a few while in Boston in a few weeks.

       There was a launch very early this morning waking us all up. Windows were really rattling and it was louder than normal. It set off a few car alarms in the neighborhood.

     @kazu  I am sorry to hear of what you are going thru. Hopefully the stints will take care of the problem. 

      @cat shepard  I am right there with you! I was at the gas station yesterday with my new car and didnt know where the release was. So no gas for me. Had to look it up in the manual! So my wonderful nephew took it back to fill up. Why are things so complicated?

       Water aerobics this AM. I am debating on playing golf later this afternoon. 


Stay safe and enjoy today


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Good morning friends. @kazu Jacqui I’m happy to hear you got a diagnosis that identified the cause of your pain. I pray that they can get you in early and that your pain disappears.

Whew it is humid at 88% accompanied by lite rain. Seeing the mass destruction that Beryl has done to some of the islands is sad. It will take a long time for the population to recover.

The Betty Crocker Grilled Southwest shrimp salad was a great meal and I would highly recommend it. For the Fourth we are having grilled beef short ribs with fresh corn on the cob and salad.

It was nice having Sue back and you could tell she has been on Eastern Time with her 4:30 wake up!

Our cleaning lady is coming and if I had known that yesterday I wouldn’t have done as much cleaning as I did. So that’s what’s happening here. Enjoy your Hump Day and thanks for the post. Bruce





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Happy Wednesday to all, and thanks for all the posts and great info on the Daily. Prayers for @kazu for sooner rather than later surgery to fix that foot pain issue. It is good that a doctor said, “I know what the problem is and I know how to fix that.” Now hoping for a speedy surgery date.

Drop a rock day.Who knew!  Makes me think of my walking buddy whose dog picks up a rock along the way and then drops it when we get home.Makes us laugh every time. Saying a prayer for all, along with my walking buddy Leesa who in the last month has been diagnosed with breath cancer, buried her mom, and helped her husband through hip surgery She deserves extra grace. 
We have not been to Rhodes but close, and will be close again on the Oosterdam in October.

DH and I are trying a new exercise class at the Senior Center today and have accepted the fact that this is a good class for us.  Today is also “try to stay cool” at our house.



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Thank you for all the wonderful information provided by the F & D; a special thanks to the regular posters.  

International Plastic Bag Free Day reminds us of the importance of eliminating as much plastic from our lives as possible. We make 5 trillion plastic bags each year. The average person uses a plastic bag for 25 minutes. Every minute around the world, we use 1 million plastic bags. It takes between 100 and 500 years for plastic bags to disintegrate.

IMG_0630.thumb.jpeg.f9eaad79e2ed9a72ab997530babae15e.jpegEach year, 8 million metric tons of plastic end up in the ocean harming fish and wildlife. Plastic bags kill around 100,000 marine animals each year. When plastic enters the food chain, it can also harm human health. 

Positive thoughts to all who are in pain caused by medical issues, emotional stress or environmental disasters.  Cheers to those who are celebrating.


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Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites!  Its cloudy and 78 degrees.  I slept until after 8 this morning.. No appointments today, just walk the dog.  I was going to make breakfast after the walk, but may just have some coffee yogurt and wait until lunchtime to actually eat something that I can chew.


@kazuDH understands that pain completely. His surgery on the 12th will be another attempt to get his stents unclogged. So once the surgery is done, PLEASE follow the doctor's directions. Right now until the surgery he is supposed to walk 20 minutes 4 times a week.  He is not doing it on his own, and I recommended mall walking, and they tore down the mall this past week.  It is way too hot here to be out walking. 


I love fried clams.  When I was in college, the young man I dated took me to Howard Johnsons on Friday night for the Fried clam special.  I wouldnt eat a clam in Atlanta.  Doubt if anything from the sea is fresh.  The place we are going in October created clam farms in the early 2000's and we have not been back since the business took off.  I will eat fried clams then, and steamers.


Well, the dog wont wait...love the quote.  Must go.

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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from a clear central Texas where the sun is just now appearing over the tops of the trees.  Again we have a 5mph wind according to the weather app, but no wind according to the neighbor's flag.  it is 76F and feels like 76F with 85% humidity and a dew point of 71F.  Our predicted high is 99F.  The good news is there is rain in our future forecast beginning Friday and through most of next week.  The forecast is for scattered thunderstorms, some of which may be from Beryl, but this far inland the winds should not be a problem.  We'll take any rain we can get.


We see the painted rocks around the neighborhood here and in Quartzsite, but with my lack of artist ability, I'll not be dropping any rocks.  Yes to fried clams day, but they are hard to find here.  The fewer plastic bags we use the better, and I try not to use too many.


Mother Teresa was a wise woman, and I like the quote.


Lamb kebabs would be good, but since DH is not a fan of lamb, I'll wait to get my lamb on a BHB.  I would prefer a tequila sunrise, and I'll skip the Riesling since it could be sweet.


We have visited Rhodes several times, and I'll repost my pictures next.


Yeah to the beginning of the Dow-Jones Index in 1884.


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, I'm glad your DH is getting over his cold.  Cute picture of Sadie.

@grapau27  Graham, thanks for the explanation of drop a rock day.

@Denise T  Denise, I hope any fireworks don't bother Fancy or the cats.

@ottahand7  Nancy, I'm glad your DB saw the surgeon yesterday, but I wish he didn't have to wait to have the knee drained.  I hope he reconsiders the needed surgery, but can understand his being a bit leery.

@kazu  Jacqui, I'm sorry you will need surgery, but I hope it's soon so you can be out of pain and can get some decent sleep.

@RedneckBob  RNB, Howard Johnson fried clams were the best, especially when followed by their fudge ripple ice cream.

@cat shepard  Ann, where's a six year old when you need them?  I hope the dealership can help with the display problem.


Once I repost my pictures of Rhodes, I'm off to a fun day of house cleaning.
















Give me butter brittle with fried claims!


Dont’t know if I like that quote about cops in front of a neighbors house. Several years ago three deputy sheriffs cars showed up in front of my house. It wasn’t for me but for one of our neighbors. But, boy, I can’t tell you how many neighbors asked me what I had done to the Misses! Found out later that day that when cops are going to arrest someone they never park in front of that persons house!

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Happy Hump Day.  Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann and Dixie  I’ll celebrate plastic bag free day but pass on the other two.    Special prayers for Jacaui, Terri, Katherine’s friend, Sandi’s brother, Scottie,  Chuck, Bonnie and Tana.  Prayers for an early surgical opening for Jacqui.

Awesome quote by Mother Theresa.

I have not been to Rhodes.

An important day in our financial history..

Today’s meal sounds pretty good, especially the one with just lamb, Still a scarcity of alternatives  so I won’t post one today.  

Still dealing with some after effects of my current hack, and the old computer I used to keep track of my meals died, so I’m trying for a new fix.  I know child labor laws are necessary but there should be a way to have a 6-year old part time at car dealerships and perhaps other businesses a couple days a week after school.


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In the olden days, the fried clams at Howard Johnson's were wildly popular. I don't drop rocks intentionally. I try to avoid plastic bags.


Kofta denotes any meat mixture suitable for meatloaf or meatballs. I'll be ready for the kebabs around 6:30 p.m. No on the drink or anything with melon liqueur. Kabinett denotes a wine of fully ripened grapes in the main harvest, in contrast to a late harvest, and a Kabinett Riesling can be either dry or slightly sweet, but must not be chaptalized. I'll suggest the Apollo's Praise Kabinett Riesling 2023, $16. "Effusively aromatic in the glass with flashes of ripe peach, passion fruit, kiwi, mango - a raucous cornucopia that is hard to not smile for. This fruit kaleidoscope continue in the cheery and bright flavors of the midpalate, with fruit sweetness wrapped around quenching acidity that makes for a clean and crisp finish."


I visited Rhodes in 2022 on the Norwegian Jade. All these photos are from the synagogue there, except the last, which refers to Rhodes but is in the Jewish museum in Athens.






This is from a shop in Rhodes that offers ceramics based on classical designs. It depicts the death of Achilles; I was having Achilles tendonitis at the time.



I accomplished almost nothing yesterday, because of a digestive uproar, but I'm hoping to get some things done today.







Edited by kochleffel
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10 minutes ago, RedneckBob said:

Several years ago three deputy sheriffs cars showed up in front of my house. It wasn’t for me but for one of our neighbors. But, boy, I can’t tell you how many neighbors asked me what I had done to the Misses! Found out later that day that when cops are going to arrest someone they never park in front of that persons house!


A year or so ago, police from two departments (it was Sunday and my town has only one officer on duty then) showed up at my door with guns drawn. County dispatch had send them because of a call saying that someone was wielding a knife, but got the address wrong. They called in for clarification but the dispatcher couldn't come up with a correct address.

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22 minutes ago, kochleffel said:


A year or so ago, police from two departments (it was Sunday and my town has only one officer on duty then) showed up at my door with guns drawn. County dispatch had send them because of a call saying that someone was wielding a knife, but got the address wrong. They called in for clarification but the dispatcher couldn't come up with a correct address.

Wow!  I had nothing to do with this!

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Warming up in north Jersey but still good. DH heading out for a haircut today, won’t be too hot. This afternoon we’ll head to the new fitness center in our community hub, the trainers will be on hand to show us how to use the equipment. I/we really need to get into a routine!  

Jacqui, It’s great that the source if your pain is identified and that can be done! That’s a relief in itself.  Wish it was sooner!  Sorry you’re going through this but “through” is the critical word!  

Nancy, thanks for updating us on your brother. I recall that you had deep concerns when all this started about how he’d deal with it.  We’re all hoping for a turn for the better. Glad you enjoyed time with the neighbors!  
 We’re meeting some new folks for dinner tonight and others for midday holiday meal tomorrow. I really haven’t made new friends here, that takes time and shared experiences, but it’ll be nice to have some new acquaintances. 

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope. 
Smooth travels to all away, especially our cruisers. 
Safety for all in the path of storms, fires, floods and heat waves!  
Cheers to those celebrating.  Life is Good🌈

Thanks all for being here! Enjoy today! 

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Good Morning Everyone, thanks for today’s daily fleet report.  It’s a beautiful day here. Today is my Friday and it’s been a busy morning.  I’d give today’s meal suggestion a try if someone else is doing the cooking.  Plastic grocery bags never go to waste here.  I use them for litter and trash.  I haven’t bought regular trash bags in over 20 years.  I hope everyone has a good day today.

I’m sure I’ll be appreciating our ac over the next several days.


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Good morning. Sunny and cool this morning. Cool enough that when I walked the dogs I wished for a light jacket. No rain in the forecast.


I will happily take the clams and the lamb. I too fondly remember the Howard Johnson clams... the highlight of many a long drive.


Jacqui @kazuglad the problem is identified... step 1 complete. Hope the surgery will be sooner than later.


Off to do a couple of quick errands. Take care all and hugs to all the fur beings who may be in for a rough couple of days. So far all is quiet here.



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