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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday August 5th, 2024


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I dimly recall that Cleveland had the first electric traffic light, but Detroit was first with one configured the way they are today.


I might like the soup at some other time of the years; wouldn't bother with the cocktail. No Rioja grapes to speak of here, but the description of today's wine reminds me of Cabernet Franc, so I'll nominate the 2021 Cabernet Franc from Red Newt Cellars, $21.95. "The Classic Label Cabernet Franc aims for a pure expression of Cabernet Franc in the Finger Lakes by using only stainless steel rather than oak. Bright cherry and violet fruit on the nose underlain by mineral tension in the midpalate, in many ways this wine uses Cru Beaujolais as a touchstone. Refreshing to drink, it stands as a joyous counterpoint to the influence of oak that our single vineyard Cabernet Franc requires."


My temperature this morning was 97.1°, and a second covid test was negative. Also, DaVinci scanned me.






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Good morning. It will be warm today but maybe less humid. Maybe not.

All three days should be noted and also oyster day. I have not been to the port but thank you Roy @rafinmd for the link. I am in the minority here but I would love this soup and may make the first recipe later. Thank you Debbie @dfish.

@Heartgrove, Jack,Congratulations on the birth of your new granddaughter! I hope everyone is doing well. Very exciting!


Our aide arrived earlier and got a big welcome from us. She told me that she finds working here not easy lately. She has had mostly older hospice patients in her care and struggles with the dynamics here. It is hard but she is a very kind and capable woman and I would hate to lose her. I am glad she confided in me but now I am a little worried that she might seek other patients. 
Be careful in this latest storm.

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2 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. It will be warm today but maybe less humid. Maybe not.

All three days should be noted and also oyster day. I have not been to the port but thank you Roy @rafinmd for the link. I am in the minority here but I would love this soup and may make the first recipe later. Thank you Debbie @dfish.

@Heartgrove, Jack,Congratulations on the birth of your new granddaughter! I hope everyone is doing well. Very exciting!


Our aide arrived earlier and got a big welcome from us. She told me that she finds working here not easy lately. She has had mostly older hospice patients in her care and struggles with the dynamics here. It is hard but she is a very kind and capable woman and I would hate to lose her. I am glad she confided in me but now I am a little worried that she might seek other patients. 
Be careful in this latest storm.


I can understand the aide's comments and feelings, but I would be worried too.  You really need the help so I hope she decides to continue caring for Tana.  Praying for you all!🙏

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Good morning,

Checking in from Bluffton, SC.

It is raining, but not very hard.  We have all kinds of warnings and beeps on our phones.

Don’t know how long we will have power.

Prayers for all

@marshhawk I have been able to read through the posts and you and Chuch are in my prayers.  Sorry for not responding sooner.

@smitty34877 you are always in my prayers.  


Prayers for all in Debby’s path and thank you for keeping us in your prayers.

I will update as long as I have WiFi and power.

God Bless,


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Good morning everyone from an overcast Royal Oak, MI.  Thanks for the daily updates.  I’ll celebrate electric traffic lights and underwear, two necessities that I’d rather not live without.  I hope that the tragedy in Hiroshima never occurs again.


I like the quote a lot.


The soup and drink sound tasty.  We sometimes have the Progresso version of today’s meal suggestion.


I haven’t been to today’s port.


Prayers for those on our prayer list and for those in the way of Hurricane Debby.  Cheers to those of you who are celebrating happy events!

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Good Afternoon from the Zuiderdam

      Warm sunny day here as we cruise toward Rotterdam . 
        @Heartgrove  Congratulations to the whole family on your new granddaughter. Enjoy!

      @smitty34877  your entire family remain in my prayers. I truly hope your caregiver is able to stay. 
       @cat shepardAnne, glad to hear that you all did ok with the storm. My neighbors have told me that it mostly bypassed Cocoa Beach except for a few heavy showers on Sunday. The golf course is open which says a lot!

    Today is our 46th wedding anniversary. We are going to Pinnacle for dinner. 
    Stay safe and enjoy today


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Good Monday Morning Dailyites!  I do not wake up normally to an alarm clock, so when I woke up this morning, I questioned why?  I am depressed.  Sleep would be a nice alternative.  But the kittens need me, and the larger fur babies cuddled up next to me.  They don't purr, its sort of a gently constant yawn and stretch that pushes me off the sofa.  And so I get up.


@kazu Your quote also slapped me this morning, I needed it.  Thank you.


@0106I love oysters, but I have always heard that you should eat them in months that have R's in them.  So no to eating them today, and with water temps rising, I may have to hold off until December.  But I will celebrate them by not eating them today.


@HeartgroveCongratulations!  Cant wait to see pics, and know her name!  That is wonderful news.


@JazzyV Being a caregiver is a permanent job, so I think you can take me off the list. The hip is much improved, still sore.  But that may be OMG! due to aging.


@smitty34877 I know I would appreciate the honesty of the aide, but I too would put a back up name on the list.  Not being happy where you are, is the biggest reason for leaving it.  Unless, it's family and you cant.


I did call the oncologist this morning, to see if we can get Chuck in to see him.  I hate leaving messages of bad news on the phone, but the scheduler said I had to leave a message with the triage nurse, and they would call me back. The doc was not in...today? yet? who knows.


@Cruzin TerriIt's hard to watch hubbies making bad decisions, and I am very happy that you found someone to finish cleaning out the gutters, and get your hubby down. Please stay safe.


Well, off to walk the dog.  I hate having to be organized in the mornings, but it's better than last summer when I had to walk her at high noon.











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As an EMT I discovered that not everyone wears underwear. 
Who knew?…. 

I’d like the soup but I do not cook anymore. I’m quite content with our extensive dinner menus though after several years I might feel differently, but I’ll not worry about that now. And even in power outages they always make sure we have a decent meal. I’m very grateful!  

Hot again here today, 90. Cooling down later in the week. Good news in August!  
Heading out to GI doc for consult this morning. Then some groceries- breakfasts and snacks/ lunches. 

Blessings to all dealing with Debby. And the continuing fires. For all here, especially those seeking healing, comfort or hope. 

Annie, Chuck, Terri, Jim, Terry, Tana, Jacqui, Elizabeth, Roy, Vanessa. Ann, Pat, Scottie, Bonnie, Joy, Allen, and all…. remember we’re on your side! 

Congratulations Jack!  
Cheers to all celebrating. Life is Good 🌈

Smooth travels Bruce, and all away. 
Wishing us all a very good day today, safe and well. Maureen

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1 hour ago, Heartgrove said:
Thank you Rich, thank you Debbie, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work.  And thank you everyone for being here!
Glad Tidings! My younger daughter, Liliy's mom, delivered Lilily's baby sister at 4:11 EST today. She is 6 lbs  12 oz. No name yet (supposedly) as I am sure my daughter will be the one to announce it. Pictures will follow.
Have a Great Weekend!
Stay Safe, and prayers for those in need.


- Jack

Congratulations on the birth of your dear Granddaughter.


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28 minutes ago, cunnorl said:

Good Afternoon from the Zuiderdam

      Warm sunny day here as we cruise toward Rotterdam . 
        @Heartgrove  Congratulations to the whole family on your new granddaughter. Enjoy!

      @smitty34877  your entire family remain in my prayers. I truly hope your caregiver is able to stay. 
       @cat shepardAnne, glad to hear that you all did ok with the storm. My neighbors have told me that it mostly bypassed Cocoa Beach except for a few heavy showers on Sunday. The golf course is open which says a lot!

    Today is our 46th wedding anniversary. We are going to Pinnacle for dinner. 
    Stay safe and enjoy today


Happy 46th wedding anniversary Charlene.

10 Lovely Happy Anniversary Quotes For Couples.jpeg

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Good norming from a sunny and slightly breezy central Texas.  It is currently 76F with 85% humidity and a dew point of 72F.  The predicted high is 98F with no chance of rain.  I may have to supplement the sprinkler system and water the backyard the old fashioned way with a hose and small sprinkler in the next few days.  There's not much on the agenda today besides staying cool.


Traffic lights are important, and I'll keep my underwear.  As far as underwear in history, it is a relatively recent addition to wardrobes.  Hiroshima might have been necessary to save more lives, but I hope no one has to make such a decision again.  We've visited Hiroshima twice, and the peace park and museum are very moving.


A good and interesting quote from Richard L. Evans.


The soup sounds interesting, but I prefer my lasagna the traditional way.  The drink and the wine are good.  We've had the wine and enjoyed it.


We have not been to Cap-aux-Meules, Iles de la Madeleine.


This day in 910 was a good day for England and a bad day for the Vikings.  The 1963 Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty signing was a good step toward peace.


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, I'm glad Morgan was safe yesterday, and hope she continuers to remain safe from the hurricane.

@rafinmd  Roy, thanks for the link and the pictures. 

@0106  Tina, thanks for mentioning oyster day.  I love fried oysters and oysters Rockefeller.  I hope the weather later this week does not interfere with the White Marlin Open.

@ottahand7  Nancy, your ribs look wonderful.  We also use a dry rub and smoke them, but do not use a lot of wood, and get a light smoke flavor.

@cat shepard  Ann, I hope you continue to just get rain.  I'm glad your friends in Fort Myers  are far enough from the shore and rebuilt with the FEMA standards so their house is all right.  I'm sorry so many there are being flooded again.

@dfish  Debbie, safe travels for Sue and River today.  

@Crazy For Cats  Jake, thanks for more great Alaskan memories.

@kazu  Jacqui, I hope the photographer gets such wonderful pictures the house will get a lot of interest and sell quickly.

@Heartgrove  Congratulations on the new granddaughter Jack.  Looking forward to learning her name and seeing pictures when the parents are ready to share.

@kochleffel  Paul, I'm glad your temperature is normal and the Covid test is negative.

@smitty34877  Terry, I'm glad the aide is back, but I'm sorry she is finding the work more difficult.  I too would be worried, and would start checking on available aides just in case.  I hope you and Tana have a calm and peaceful day.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, thanks for checking in today.  I hope you can keep your internet and power throughout the storm.

@seagarsmoker  Having lived in Camden for two years, I know you are far enough inland to avoid the flooding.  I hope you do not have any wind damage from the storm.

@marshhawk  Annie, I'm sorry you are depressed, but it's understandable when you are the caregiver for a loved one, but still can't change things.  I hope the oncologist's office gets back to you soon.  Thanks for the pictures.  HUGS!













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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Where would we be without traffic lights and underwear?  We've been fortunate to have visited Hiroshima; a very sobering place to remember what happened there.


I hope everyone is safe from Debby's wrath; hopefully she doesn't gain strength and just fizzles out.  Right now we've got overcast skies and it appears we may get rain later this morning.  We have a long weekend due to a civic holiday, so many folks will be coming back from camping and holidays; that means the highways will be filled with vehicles - sure glad we don't have to worry about that.  Being retired means we can take off mid week and return whenever, so we're able to miss most of the traffic - yay!


@Heartgrovecongratulations to the entire family on the safe arrival of your new granddaughter!

@cunnorlHappy 46th Anniversary to you and your DH; may you have many more happy, healthy and fun filled years together.

@marshhawkjust a thought - can you go online to your local WM, place an order and just go and pick it up?  That might give you a little respite, but not having to be away from Chuck for long.  Or, bring him in the car with you for a ride.

@Sharon in AZbelated birthday greetings to Summer; she's so fortunate to have loving, caring grandparents like you.


Not much happening here today, just enjoying the summer time weather - the one thing we noticed the other night is that it's starting to get dark earlier.  Sigh.  We had the garden lights turned on around 9PM, whereas a month ago it was still light enough at 10PM that you could read a newspaper without turning on a lamp.


I like strawberry margaritas, would like the wine, but am going to pass on the soup.  I made lasagna soup once and DH said it was a one and done for him, so I'll leave the recipe for others to enjoy.  We've got leftover barbecued chicken from the other night, so I'll be making chicken Caesar salads for us to enjoy on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, in turmoil, in wars, and in the path of destructive storms and fires.  Cheers to all who have celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I imagine traffic lights have prevented a lot of accidents. I'm all for underwear. We should remember those who perished in Hiroshima. Good quote. Funny, I'm going to make lasagna soup (skinnytaste.com) this week, but it has Italian sausage in it (which can be left out to make it vegetarian). Yes to a strawberry margarita (my favorite kind). Yes to the wine. I haven't been to Cap-aux-Meules; I'll be in Quebec for the first time this fall. The test ban treaty was an important matter.


Another sunny hot day here, with perhaps showers tonight. I enjoyed BFF's visit yesterday, and he just texted to say the people came to open his pool (3 months late due to his leg fracture). I called my ENT's office this AM and had to leave a message. They just called back to say he had cancellations tomorrow, so I have a 9AM appointment. Then other appointments in the afternoon at a different location. Today I have PT and some errands to run. 


I hope all in the path of Debby stay safe and have no or minimal property damage.


@StLouisCruisers It's too bad DGD Morgan also couldn't attend the wedding shower. I hope she's ok from the storm at her location.

@rafinmd Thanks for the link to your blog.

@puppycanducruise Belated Happy Birthday! Sorry I missed posting it yesterday.

@aliaschief Have a safe trip home.

@cat shepard I wish our big box stores could sell wine. In PA it's only at State run stores and some grocery stores now (but they have a very limited selection). Beer is sold by "beer distributors", and if you only want a 6 pack you have to buy that in a bar. Weird system.

@kazu Good luck with the house photo shoot tomorrow.

@Heartgrove Congratulations to your DD and the whole family on the arrival of the new little one!

@kochleffel I'm glad your temp is normal, you had negative Covid test, and a negative "cat" scan.

@smitty34877 I'm glad the aide is back. Interesting that she's used to older patients and is struggling a bit caring for Tana. I hope she stays with you since she is kind and capable.

@Cruzin Terri Thanks for checking in. I hope the power stays on.

@cunnorl Happy 46th Anniversary! Enjoy your dinner in the Pinnacle tonight.

@marshhawk It's not surprising that you feel depressed. I hope you have someone to talk to in person and to offer support.

@lobsternight Happy Birthday!


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.

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Posted (edited)

Good morning from a warm day.  Storms are in the forecast for later today and tomorrow.  Prayers for all who are in the path of Debby.  We went to our State Fair yesterday.  It was a hot one, but a band was playing that DH wanted to hear.  We did get food from our favorite restaurant.  I'll take a strawberry margarita.  I have a Pioneer Woman Lasagna soup recipe that is one of my favorites.  It's easy and I can use some of my  garden basil!  It does have ground turkey meat in it.  

@cunnorlhappy anniversary! 

@HeartgroveCongrats on the new grand baby!

@marshhawksending hugs to you and your DH.

@smitty34877i hope your aide doesn't leave...

Thinking good thoughts for all who need them.  Have a good day! 


@StLouisCruisersI thought of you at the fair yesterday. I din't get a picture, but there was a cross stitch nativity scene picture. It had a 2nd place ribbon...I would have given it a 1st place!  It was around 10 x 14 inches...must have taken a very long time to make!  The stitches were very tiny!  


Edited by quilty964
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I did get Chuck out yesterday.  We had dunch/linner at a Mexican restaurant that is next door to Krogers.  When in the grocery store he uses the buggy as a walker.  We purchased a new toaster yesterday, yay!  So I can "cook" waffles.  LOL.  


The doctors were very concerned that Chuck was in the car when I ran into the post office, and bank, without having the air on.  The windows were down, he like hot, hates cold, but leaving a senior in  the hot car is like leaving a child in a hot car, and I can get arrested for senior abuse.


Thanks for the hugs today.

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