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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday September 17th, 2024

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Good morning everyone.  Thank-you for today’s installment of the daily report.  It’s going to be another nice day here with a high of 80F. I can’t remember the last rainy day that we had.  

Three nice days to recognize.  I get the quote but I don’t love it.  Now that I’m retired not striving to be something results in a lot of inner peace.  If that’s mediocrity, I’ll take it and I’ll enjoy being at my best.


Both the meal and drink suggestions would be welcome here.


I haven’t been to today’s port so thanks so much for posting your photos.


Praying for those who are on our prayer list today.  Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events!



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Good morning. I will celebrate the days, like the quote and recipes and haven’t been to the port. 
@StLouisCruisers, Sandi, thank you so much for your kind thoughts yesterday. It is greatly appreciated. I hope you hear from the docs soon. Waiting is the worst.

I loved the pictures from the wedding. Both granddaughters are so beautiful and everyone looks very happy. It must have been a great wedding.

@Denise T, oh my on your graduate student. I ran into PT students with similar difficulties and they were doctoral candidates. Enjoy the  family wedding this weekend!

@marshhawk, Annie, I think of you down in Georgia when I drag myself out of bed these mornings. You have so much to take care of on your own and I wish you had some help. Those kitties are keeping you busy but I am sure their company is appreciated. Hugs to you and Chuck.

We are lurching along here and taking it a day at a time. A dinner request was made for meatloaf and mashed potatoes. Sounds good to me!


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Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites!  Its sunny and 64, felt cooler when I went and fed the outdoorians. Yesterday afternoon

I had two of the usual outdoorians, Chumley and Collard, but all of a sudden, there was a third-the afternoon raccoon!  Guess he has been studying the feeding pattern.


The county is doing some major work on the main road behind our subdivision, making our quiet street a detour street.  I wish they had left a cop on the street because people were flying down the street when I was walking the dog yesterday. My sailor language was flying as fast as these idiot drivers were. Luckily I dont think the dog understood any of what I said.


Today, I work a few hours for California, and then we have tickets to our County Symphony.  tonight.  Womp biscuits with sausage for breakfast.  Well now, from the window view I see equipment trucks and a large dump truck at the end of our street.  And an emergency vehicle just backed up the drive thats across the street.  (its a private nursing home) Another exciting day in paradise.






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Overcast, feels like it’ll rain but forecast isn’t calling for it. Today DH wants to go check out some potential kayaking places nearby. Sounds fun. Wish I had more energy, sleep eluded me… 

@ottahand7 Your visit with DB sounds very encouraging! @StLouisCruisers Positive thoughts only!  @rafinmd hoping you have more good progress today and thanks for getting updates to Lenda for us, as Vanessa says, We worry….. @marshhawk Positive thoughts to you all. Hope Quiffy is happier today.  @Seasick Sailor Great to hear the wonderful news for Bonnie!  @JazzyV we’re all hoping to hear improvement on your leg! Thanks for your care here. @seagarsmoker thanks for your sweet pix!  
Blessings to all in need near and far. And our country and yours. 
Enjoy something today. Maureen 

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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Denise, I hope you and your family enjoy your nephew's wedding as much as we did DGD Ashley's and Chris's wedding.  My only advice is take a pair of comfortable flats or sneakers and leave in the car to change into when your feet begin to hurt.  I am so glad I did that!  Everybody else (including the bride and her younger sister) said their feet ended up blistered and hurting so bad the next day.  I sorta wished I had some ear plugs to wear for the loud music played.  I probably could have heard the music even with ear plugs in. Besides our feet and ear drums everything was perfect!




The bridesmaid on the right is Maid of Honor DGD Morgan




Beautiful photos Sandi.

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Good morning from a sunny and mostly calm central Texas.  It is a cool, for us, 69F with 98% humidity since the dew point is 68F.  The weather app says we have a 2mph wind from the NNE, and the flag is moving just a bit.  Our predicted high is 93F which is not too bad.  The main thing on the agenda today is my visit to the dentist to finish the two implants.  This should be the easy part of the process.  I'll also get the car registered on line.  I tried yesterday, but the inspection information had not made it to the DMV computer.


Last night, when I took my golf cart ride, the moon was already up and was beautiful.  I hope it remains clear tonight too.


The Constitution is the backbone of our country, and is worth celebrating.  We are not big country music fans, but some country music is good.  NYC is an interesting city to visit.


An interesting quote by Jean Giraudoux.


The meal might be good when our vegetarians visit, but I suspect it is more of a side dish.  We'll pass on the drink and the wine.


We visited Stanley twice, but the first time in 1999 on Noordam III was in the pre-digital age.  By chance, I'm wearing my Falkland Islands t-shirt today.


I was surprised that bacteria was discovered as early as 1683, and definitely did not know it was discovered by a Dutch scientist, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek.


@grapau27  Graham, thank you for the explanation of Constitution Day.  It took a few years after the delegates at the Constitutional Convention signed the document for it to be ratified by the different states.

@seagarsmoker  Thanks for sharing the pictures.  It's always nice to put faces with the names we see every day.

@Denise T  Denise, I agree, stay firm on the standards for the class.  I'm sorry you've already had to lower them some.

@ottahand7  Nancy, I'm glad the visit with your DB went well, and that he is doing his PT and his spirits are good.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, I hope you get your test results soon, and they have the answers needed to solve your medical issue.  Thanks for more great pictures from the wedding.

@Lady Hudson  Katherine, I hope they find what is causing your DH's pain.

@smitty34877  Terry, I hope you are getting some rest.  We're also having meatloaf and mashed potatoes.  I thought they'd be easy to eat after the dentist visit.

@JazzyV  Vanessa, I hope your leg is better today.














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The Ruby Princess anchored off Stanley, Falkland Islands, on February 25, 2015.  It was a cold, grey and windy day.  We were able to tender tender into the port.  We stopped at the visitor center and paid to drive out to the cove to see the penguins.  Afterwards, we walked around town.


For some reason many of the penguins there and in Punta Arenas had finished molting and were heading out to sea earlier than normal.  The tour in Punta Arenas to the penguin colony was canceled because all the penguins had left two weeks earlier.


I tried not to repeat many pictures, but of course I had to include a few penguins.


The majority of the penguins were on the beach ready to head to sea, and a few were already in the water.



There were a small number of penguins that were still molting.





During our walk, we stopped in Christ Church Cathedral, where I took a picture of the organ



When we are in foreign ports, especially small ports, we like to wander through their grocery store.  We found three cans of diet Dr. Pepper for a pound each, and since I had three pound coins, being from Texas, we bought them.  We also found this New Zealand wine that we thought was appropriate to be selling in Stanley.



Walking back to the dock from the store



The seas were already beginning to get rougher as the last tenders were heading back to the ship, and they would get even rougher before we reached Cape Horn.



A departing view of Stanley from our aft balcony.




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Good Morning Daily Friends.  I have been MIA for a few weeks and want to provide a brief explanation.  On the 12th night on our wonderful Best of Norway cruise, my DH fell and was in extreme pain.  The medical center could do little but provide pain killers.  Katerina the front desk manager was there for me every step of the way.  On Saturday morning, he was taken by ambulance to the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, the largest hospital in the Netherlands.  He had his C5 and C6 fused on Monday.  We received excellent care and he was discharged the following Saturday.  Thank God we had insurance and were flown home business class on Sunday.  He is no longer in pain and will be in a neck brace for 10 more weeks.  He will be able to start PT at the beginning of December and we will be ready for our Hawaii cruise in January.


I read the Daily every day and the pictures of the ports uplifted my spirits.  I am happy to be able to share some photos with you today.


I am so happy we made it to Stanley on the Oosterdam in February 2024. and I would highly recommend going to Volunteer Point.  The Viking ship cancelled the port because of the winds. The islanders were not expecting us.  Our wonderful captain got us ashore.  There were 55 knot winds when the tenders returned to the ship.


I highly recommend Adventure Falklands (formerly Patrick Watts company).  Our driver was a 5th generation Falklander and extremely interesting and informative.  Our Land Rover drove in a convoy with 4 other vehicles.  It was a 2 hour drive but not as rough as I expected.  Driving over the peat bog was an adventure in itself.  Our driver said that the gravel road would reach Volunteer Point within the next 5 years making for a smoother drive.

The paved roadIMG_9249.thumb.jpeg.42894af3c527d8c86959a31f48233f7e.jpeg

The farm where we made a brief stop prior to beginning the cross country portion of the journey.IMG_9250.thumb.jpeg.27290e03b4e26ab1b03a2d02e81ab357.jpeg

The peat bogIMG_9255.thumb.jpeg.5170d19e37da715338805dd5a29a4382.jpeg

The beach at Volunteer PointIMG_9302.thumb.jpeg.4db5d899e3311d43b0dd2d82fb7bf596.jpeg

The king penguins posingIMG_9277.thumb.jpeg.594d2c86b4f1d74fb2ceca1b35bfb110.jpeg

A few more gentoosIMG_9312.thumb.jpeg.caaf7f0fcd879dfce3a380dcbe3e1a86.jpeg

I have hundreds of pictures but here are the King penguins and a juvenile.IMG_9289.thumb.jpeg.3a70020adedf85469073187dba225fb5.jpeg

Here is a gentoo juvenile and an adult who followed me around.IMG_9305.thumb.jpeg.049a9aadea0c236c2205dce819363e7f.jpeg




Sending positive thoughts to everyone who needs them.  Cheers to those celebrating and cruising.


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@smitty34877Meatloaf sounds good to me, save me some so if I start driving now, I can get a sandwich.😸


I have made a major mistake.  I bought Reece's peanut butter cups this weekend, and they seem to go well with coffee, biscuits, mid afternoon, late nights.....and the cats are not  interested in them, so I can eat them in peace.


@RMLincolnQuiffy is happier in the bedroom, than the guest room.  The bed is softer than the futon, and it has a nice fuzzy blanket on it. and she has a ledge that she can look out at the neighbors house that is not a major jump for her.  And last night was better than the night before, she only attacked toes, and then ran up and down in the space between DH and I and curled up with DH.  I woke up at 4, and when i climbed back in bed, she snuggled next to me, and when I got up she went back to snuggle with the hubby.


The problem is that with both of us in the bedroom with the door closed, the rest of the beasts are running around with no supervision.  Since the bed is way too soft for me, I will head back to the sofa tonight so I wont wake up with my shoulder and back hurting.  And hopefully get the other cats to calm down a bit.  Both Tazi and Bob like to sleep with me when I am on the sofa.


There is a lunar eclipse this evening, so I am hoping for clear skies tonight.

Edited by marshhawk
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@0106How horrible to fall and injury yourself as badly as your DH did.  I am glad that he is no longer in pain, and that they could fuse the bones. I have not added travelers insurance for our next cruise, but am hoping that Holland offers it.  Best wishes to both of you, and glad to know you are home.



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25 minutes ago, 0106 said:

Good Morning Daily Friends.  I have been MIA for a few weeks and want to provide a brief explanation.  On the 12th night on our wonderful Best of Norway cruise, my DH fell and was in extreme pain.  The medical center could do little but provide pain killers.  Katerina the front desk manager was there for me every step of the way.  On Saturday morning, he was taken by ambulance to the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, the largest hospital in the Netherlands.  He had his C5 and C6 fused on Monday.  We received excellent care and he was discharged the following Saturday.  Thank God we had insurance and were flown home business class on Sunday.  He is no longer in pain and will be in a neck brace for 10 more weeks.  He will be able to start PT at the beginning of December and we will be ready for our Hawaii cruise in January.


I read the Daily every day and the pictures of the ports uplifted my spirits.  I am happy to be able to share some photos with you today.


I am so happy we made it to Stanley on the Oosterdam in February 2024. and I would highly recommend going to Volunteer Point.  The Viking ship cancelled the port because of the winds. The islanders were not expecting us.  Our wonderful captain got us ashore.  There were 55 knot winds when the tenders returned to the ship.


I highly recommend Adventure Falklands (formerly Patrick Watts company).  Our driver was a 5th generation Falklander and extremely interesting and informative.  Our Land Rover drove in a convoy with 4 other vehicles.  It was a 2 hour drive but not as rough as I expected.  Driving over the peat bog was an adventure in itself.  Our driver said that the gravel road would reach Volunteer Point within the next 5 years making for a smoother drive.

The paved roadIMG_9249.thumb.jpeg.42894af3c527d8c86959a31f48233f7e.jpeg

The farm where we made a brief stop prior to beginning the cross country portion of the journey.IMG_9250.thumb.jpeg.27290e03b4e26ab1b03a2d02e81ab357.jpeg

The peat bogIMG_9255.thumb.jpeg.5170d19e37da715338805dd5a29a4382.jpeg

The beach at Volunteer PointIMG_9302.thumb.jpeg.4db5d899e3311d43b0dd2d82fb7bf596.jpeg

The king penguins posingIMG_9277.thumb.jpeg.594d2c86b4f1d74fb2ceca1b35bfb110.jpeg

A few more gentoosIMG_9312.thumb.jpeg.caaf7f0fcd879dfce3a380dcbe3e1a86.jpeg

I have hundreds of pictures but here are the King penguins and a juvenile.IMG_9289.thumb.jpeg.3a70020adedf85469073187dba225fb5.jpeg

Here is a gentoo juvenile and an adult who followed me around.IMG_9305.thumb.jpeg.049a9aadea0c236c2205dce819363e7f.jpeg




Sending positive thoughts to everyone who needs them.  Cheers to those celebrating and cruising.



Tina what a terrible injury for your DH!  I'm so glad you were treated well on the ship and got such great care for him in Rotterdam.  Did you have one of the annual medevac insurance policies or a comprehensive travel insurance policy?  Good luck to him as he waits for his PT and I hope you are both totally ready for that January cruise.  Your photos from Volunteer Point are outstanding!  Thanks for sharing.

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43 minutes ago, 0106 said:

Good Morning Daily Friends.  I have been MIA for a few weeks and want to provide a brief explanation.  On the 12th night on our wonderful Best of Norway cruise, my DH fell and was in extreme pain.  The medical center could do little but provide pain killers.  Katerina the front desk manager was there for me every step of the way.  On Saturday morning, he was taken by ambulance to the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, the largest hospital in the Netherlands.  He had his C5 and C6 fused on Monday.  We received excellent care and he was discharged the following Saturday.  Thank God we had insurance and were flown home business class on Sunday.  He is no longer in pain and will be in a neck brace for 10 more weeks.  He will be able to start PT at the beginning of December and we will be ready for our Hawaii cruise in January.


I read the Daily every day and the pictures of the ports uplifted my spirits.  I am happy to be able to share some photos with you today.


I am so happy we made it to Stanley on the Oosterdam in February 2024. and I would highly recommend going to Volunteer Point.  The Viking ship cancelled the port because of the winds. The islanders were not expecting us.  Our wonderful captain got us ashore.  There were 55 knot winds when the tenders returned to the ship.


I highly recommend Adventure Falklands (formerly Patrick Watts company).  Our driver was a 5th generation Falklander and extremely interesting and informative.  Our Land Rover drove in a convoy with 4 other vehicles.  It was a 2 hour drive but not as rough as I expected.  Driving over the peat bog was an adventure in itself.  Our driver said that the gravel road would reach Volunteer Point within the next 5 years making for a smoother drive.

The paved roadIMG_9249.thumb.jpeg.42894af3c527d8c86959a31f48233f7e.jpeg

The farm where we made a brief stop prior to beginning the cross country portion of the journey.IMG_9250.thumb.jpeg.27290e03b4e26ab1b03a2d02e81ab357.jpeg

The peat bogIMG_9255.thumb.jpeg.5170d19e37da715338805dd5a29a4382.jpeg

The beach at Volunteer PointIMG_9302.thumb.jpeg.4db5d899e3311d43b0dd2d82fb7bf596.jpeg

The king penguins posingIMG_9277.thumb.jpeg.594d2c86b4f1d74fb2ceca1b35bfb110.jpeg

A few more gentoosIMG_9312.thumb.jpeg.caaf7f0fcd879dfce3a380dcbe3e1a86.jpeg

I have hundreds of pictures but here are the King penguins and a juvenile.IMG_9289.thumb.jpeg.3a70020adedf85469073187dba225fb5.jpeg

Here is a gentoo juvenile and an adult who followed me around.IMG_9305.thumb.jpeg.049a9aadea0c236c2205dce819363e7f.jpeg




Sending positive thoughts to everyone who needs them.  Cheers to those celebrating and cruising.



Tina, how awful for your DH.  I'm glad he got the care he needed, and is now pain free.  It's good to know the staff and medical were taking such good care of both of you.  I'm looking forward to meeting both of you in January.


40 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

@smitty34877Meatloaf sounds good to me, save me some so if I start driving now, I can get a sandwich.😸


I have made a major mistake.  I bought Reece's peanut butter cups this weekend, and they seem to go well with coffee, biscuits, mid afternoon, late nights.....and the cats are not  interested in them, so I can eat them in peace.


@RMLincolnQuiffy is happier in the bedroom, than the guest room.  The bed is softer than the futon, and it has a nice fuzzy blanket on it. and she has a ledge that she can look out at the neighbors house that is not a major jump for her.  And last night was better than the night before, she only attacked toes, and then ran up and down in the space between DH and I and curled up with DH.  I woke up at 4, and when i climbed back in bed, she snuggled next to me, and when I got up she went back to snuggle with the hubby.


The problem is that with both of us in the bedroom with the door closed, the rest of the beasts are running around with no supervision.  Since the bed is way too soft for me, I will head back to the sofa tonight so I wont wake up with my shoulder and back hurting.  And hopefully get the other cats to calm down a bit.  Both Tazi and Bob like to sleep with me when I am on the sofa.


There is a lunar eclipse this evening, so I am hoping for clear skies tonight.


Annie, if it contains chocolate, it can't be a major mistake.  I'm glad that Quiffy is settling down at night now.


27 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

@0106How horrible to fall and injury yourself as badly as your DH did.  I am glad that he is no longer in pain, and that they could fuse the bones. I have not added travelers insurance for our next cruise, but am hoping that Holland offers it.  Best wishes to both of you, and glad to know you are home.




Holland American still offers travel insurance with two levels of coverage.  We get the top level and had to use it once.  Since our cruise was in Europe, we had to file a claim with Medicare, knowing it would be denied.  Once that happened our supplemental policy kicked in and made a small payment.  After that, I could file with the travel insurance company, and we were reimbursed for our expenses.  Just be sure to keep the boarding passes for the flight to the cruise and all other documentation incase you find yourself in a position to need to file a claim.  The better you can back up any claim, the quicker it will be settled.



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Good morning to all.  

If I do not post now, I will never get to it.

Thank you to Sandi, Vanessa, Debbie, Dixie and Ann for your contributions.


Today is another busy day in a busy week.  There is something going on every day. 

I have PT today. Tomorrow Jim has blood work, then PT again on Thursday and a video Doctor’s appt on Friday.   Too much to think about.


Joy @Seasick Sailor  happy to hear the good news about Bonnie.  The power of prayer.


@smitty34877  Hugs to you during this difficult time.


Hope everyone is doing well.


Have a great day.

God Bless,


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1 hour ago, cat shepard said:

Thank you for today’s FR&D, Sandi - for Rich! This morning’s moon is spectacular! And it is a cool 72 here this morning. Now if it only wouldn’t rain today. 🤞🏻

Vanessa, praying that your leg pain & swelling are improving. Thank you for keeping up with our happenings. 

Gym, Bindi walks, a quick trip to Jacksonville to the retirement community to tour the model I think I’d like & put down my deposit to get on their wait list, and then chores. 









Prayers for all who need our support. Prayers for Tana, Terry (and Lou), Melisa & DH, Chuck & Annie, Bonnie, Nancy’s DB - Nick, Roy, Jacqui, Sam, Terri & Jim and all our caregivers. 

Cheers to all who are celebrating! Bonnie & Joy and their families definitely have something to celebrate!


May we each find something to smile about. 



Matua Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc

This New Zealand SB is delightful, easy to find, priced to try and a favorite of consumers. A tough combination to beat. Online prices start at $9.47.

Distributor notes

This classic Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc is deliciously pure, bursting withripe lemon citrus notes and hints of passion fruit and basil. The palate isfresh and vibrant with concentrated blackcurrant leaf and a touch of classiccut grass and green melon. So refreshing, you'll be left wanting more.


90 Wine Spectator
Delivers a fresh, lovely mix of Key lime, mango and Meyer lemon flavors, with a touch of salted ripe melon on a sleek, juicy frame. Shows a hint of lemongrass that lingers.

One of our fave Sauvignon Blancs! All summer at grear price at our Big Box store at 7.99! Last trip, the price had increased by about $1.00!

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Just now, 0106 said:

Good Morning Daily Friends.  I have been MIA for a few weeks and want to provide a brief explanation.  On the 12th night on our wonderful Best of Norway cruise, my DH fell and was in extreme pain.  The medical center could do little but provide pain killers.  Katerina the front desk manager was there for me every step of the way.  On Saturday morning, he was taken by ambulance to the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, the largest hospital in the Netherlands.  He had his C5 and C6 fused on Monday.  We received excellent care and he was discharged the following Saturday.  Thank God we had insurance and were flown home business class on Sunday.  He is no longer in pain and will be in a neck brace for 10 more weeks.  He will be able to start PT at the beginning of December and we will be ready for our Hawaii cruise in January.


I read the Daily every day and the pictures of the ports uplifted my spirits.  I am happy to be able to share some photos with you today.


I am so happy we made it to Stanley on the Oosterdam in February 2024. and I would highly recommend going to Volunteer Point.  The Viking ship cancelled the port because of the winds. The islanders were not expecting us.  Our wonderful captain got us ashore.  There were 55 knot winds when the tenders returned to the ship.


I highly recommend Adventure Falklands (formerly Patrick Watts company).  Our driver was a 5th generation Falklander and extremely interesting and informative.  Our Land Rover drove in a convoy with 4 other vehicles.  It was a 2 hour drive but not as rough as I expected.  Driving over the peat bog was an adventure in itself.  Our driver said that the gravel road would reach Volunteer Point within the next 5 years making for a smoother drive.

The paved roadIMG_9249.thumb.jpeg.42894af3c527d8c86959a31f48233f7e.jpeg

The farm where we made a brief stop prior to beginning the cross country portion of the journey.IMG_9250.thumb.jpeg.27290e03b4e26ab1b03a2d02e81ab357.jpeg

The peat bogIMG_9255.thumb.jpeg.5170d19e37da715338805dd5a29a4382.jpeg

The beach at Volunteer PointIMG_9302.thumb.jpeg.4db5d899e3311d43b0dd2d82fb7bf596.jpeg

The king penguins posingIMG_9277.thumb.jpeg.594d2c86b4f1d74fb2ceca1b35bfb110.jpeg

A few more gentoosIMG_9312.thumb.jpeg.caaf7f0fcd879dfce3a380dcbe3e1a86.jpeg

I have hundreds of pictures but here are the King penguins and a juvenile.IMG_9289.thumb.jpeg.3a70020adedf85469073187dba225fb5.jpeg

Here is a gentoo juvenile and an adult who followed me around.IMG_9305.thumb.jpeg.049a9aadea0c236c2205dce819363e7f.jpeg




Sending positive thoughts to everyone who needs them.  Cheers to those celebrating and cruising.


An amazing place! Have made it in every time, six I think, and went to VP with Patrick when he was still operating the business.





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Good morning, 


It's supposed to be an overcast day here and about mid-60's. I have PT this morning and I want to stop by the funeral home and show them a few pictures from the burial at sea. They asked me if I'd do that. 


Yesterday it was so nice to get back in the pool. My stuck hip flexor muscle felt so much better after 2 water aerobics classes and the second is a lot of stretching. I did most of the unpacking yesterday and just a few things to finish up today before putting the suitcases away until next summer. I have one Alaska on the Eurodam with a friend in August 2025 and am considering one more in September as well. We'll see how things go. I have the 2 week booked in 2026 and now my friends who went with me last week want to do that as well. It's totally fine - we travel well together and are all very independent. I'll be doing that one solo for sure. 


Have a good Tuesday!


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We visited Falkland Islands on Dec 15/22 on board the Oosterdam.


For us, having Falklands on a South American cruise itinerary was mandatory, and I’m sure we were not the only ones onboard who were concerned as to whether we would be able to make it ashore.


It ended up being a fairly nice day, with scattered clouds and an odd shower passing through.


Oosterdam at anchor, with Stanley in the background.



Of course, getting to see penguins was the main reason we wanted to visit the islands.


And we got to see them in all kinds of shapes and colours!!!!




A chick still wearing its winter coat.



We were very fortunate in being able to book Falkland Helicopter Services for a tour of the Islands, as it greatly enhanced our experience in seeing (and learning) about penguins and the Islands as a whole.


Bill & Tom beside the Robertson R44 helicopter.

image.thumb.jpeg.77cdaa24d2be498f55a00295eada126e.jpegFor reference in size, both Tom & Bill are well over 6 feet tall.


The helicopter tour meant, rather than taking a couple of hours by 4x4 vehicle to get to Volunteer Point, by helicopter it would only take about 20 minutes.


In addition, with our tour scheduled to leave at 10:30am, we didn’t need to be in any big rush trying to catch a tender. 


Plus, you get a different view of the landscape from above.




A picture of the helicopter sitting on the top of the rise at Volunteer Point.



You will also note the sheep grazing amongst the penguins, as Volunteer Point is part of a working sheep farm. Almost all of the land in the Falklands is privately owned and the owners charge the tour companies an access fees.  


We got to see three different species of penguins at Volunteer Point; King, Gentoo, and Magellanic.











With being able to visit Volunteer Point by helicopter meant we still had lots of time to see other sights, so we took another helicopter tour out to see Rockhopper penguins – “the penguin with an attitude“.



A short video showing rockhoppers going down to and coming back up from the ocean.


There is also a fifth species of penguins on Falkland Islands, called the Macaroni penguin and unfortunately, we didn't see any. The Macaroni penguin is the most numerous of all the world's penguins, with an estimated world population of over 9 million breeding pairs, but very few nest in the Falkland Islands.



We did an extensive review of our 31-day SA cruise on the Oosterdam, which included our visit to Falkland Islands in more detail. The Falkland Islands portion starts at post #148.



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We were very lucky that the captain of the Zaandam in 2015 was able to get us into the inlet near Port Stanley which usually has a 1 in 3 chance due to wind and rough seas.
Ready and dressed for the occasion , including painters booties for the penguin dodo  ! 
Roughing it for miles and miles through the wet fields in a group of jeeps so they could pull each other out in case they got stuck.









And of coarse you would like to see some of my penguin pictures today 












There were still a lot of mines to be found and to be cleared by experts coming from Africa , a result of the English - Argentine war .

















DW  Martha would like a cup of hot chocolate ……….
Next time I would like to go a little further to Volunteer Point where our friends went ………to see the  Emperor Penguins ……
Have a very nice day everybody . See you in the next Port 
Tony 😁😁





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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn & @StLouisCruisers.

The Constitution is the foundation of our country. I'm not big into country. I used to like NYC, but it can be scary sometimes. Witty quote. I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. I have been to Stanley on my SA/Antarctica cruise on Zaandam in 2018. An important day in history.


It's cloudy here today from remnants of Francine. I hope we get some rain too, as we're in drought condition. I'll be seeing my PCP in a couple of hours, about the leg. BFF has been having a tooth issue. He will have a root canal on Friday, then the new crown placed on Monday. All of this stuff coming up close to the cruise. I just hope my doctor doesn't find anything that will keep me from going.


@StLouisCruisers Excellent Stanley photos. I hope you hear about your test results this week. Great photos from the wedding!

@seagarsmoker Nice family photos.

@ottahand7 I'm glad DB seems in good spirits and is doing his PT. I'm sure your visit was a boost for him. I hope your AC gets fixed today.

@Sir PMP Thanks for the map and photos.

@Lady Hudson I hope DH gets an answer, so then some treatment can be applied.

@smitty34877 Thinking of you and the family as you face each day.

@marshhawk Enjoy the symphony tonight. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser Good luck at the dentist. Lovely Stanley photos.

@0106 Thanks for letting us know what happened. I'm glad you and DH got good care. And thank goodness you had insurance! Prayers for you both. Thanks for the Stanley photos too.

@Cruzin Terri I hope the PT is helping you.

@GeorgeCharlie Nice to see you. Thanks for the great photos.

@sailingdutchy Yay, your pictures showed up! Excellent photos.

@kazu Thinking of you.

@mamaofami I hope Sam is having less pain.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.


Approaching the Falkland Islands, Jan 2, 2019, on the Zaandam



Tenders getting ready



Arriving at Stanley





On the slopes on the far side of Stanley Harbour is a monument to the Royal Navy vessels which have served in the Antarctic Ice Patrol or to protect the Falklands: HMS Beagle, HMS Endurance spelled out in stones, among others. 





Local tavern and British phone booth



Christ Church, most southern Anglican church in the world





Unique kneelers made by the church women



Whale bone arch outside the church, built 1933



Bluff cove penguin rookery

Gentoo penguins





King penguins





My Avatar



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Good morning all!

Three interesting days.  We aren't much for Country, although some of it is good.  I'll pass on the meal and drink, but usually have a bottle of the Matua wine on hand. 


I've been especially interested in the posts and photos of the port today.  We'll be going there (fingers crossed) on the '26 World and haven't made plans yet for that day.  I can't see spending upwards of $1,000 for a HAL tour.  I checked out Adventure Falklands but their website gives no tour details or prices....have to contact them.  I may be in the minority, but I don't like that (giving my email address before I've committed).  I liked the idea of walking to the Visitors' Center and picking up a tour there.  I think it was Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser who did that?


Yesterday I got a lot done in the yard, and it looks like today won't rain after all so I hope to do more.  I'm taking it slow because a couple days ago I stupidly missed a step going downstairs and (thankfully) only wrenched my already pulled shoulder muscle.  Lower back was affected too. I think my knee gave out from under me.   It could have been much worse, but has made me paranoid now going down the stairs.  Must learn to be more careful and think before I move!


Tina @0106 Oh my I'm so sorry to hear about your DH's fall and subsequent problems.  Thank goodness he's doing much better now.


Thank you everyone who posted photos of the port today.  It has been very helpful!!



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Good morning/afternoon. Thanks for the reports and post. The same relaxing schedule continues with no particular plans. We had a few sprinkles yesterday but overall another nice day. Rain chances are high today so will see.

Sue made a delicious chicken Parmesan dinner last night and I believe tonight is hamburgers and of course wine.

We had an Endangered Monk Seal visit the beach yesterday. After a busy night of fishing it had a great sleep between tides. As soon as they come ashore they get a large roped off area. Last I heard there was only seven Monk Seals around Kauai.

Dawn is breaking and coffee awaits. Enjoy the rest of your day. B.





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Good morning and thanks all!   Enjoying all the port photos. 

@StLouisCruisers hoping you get some good news!


@0106 yikes! So sorry to hear your news but so glad you got great treatment and had good insurance, And more importantly that DH is doing well! 

Just helped DS get his insurance for down under.  He has good medical through work,  but needed cancellation.  The big box store sells a good policy but as always the devil is in the details.  Beware of exclusions for preexisting conditions.  

Wishing all a good day!




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