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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday September 27th, 2024


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DH dumped another 4.2 inches since last night at 6 p.m.  Total pre-Helene rain included we have had 11.2 inches total.  Still have power and don't see any trees down on our street or on the golf course land behind us.  It veered east once it got into south Georgia and headed towards Athens and Augusta.  I hope Annie @marshhawk cancelled the doctor appointment (my doctor's office is closed today) and that no trees fell on or near them.  

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Good morning everyone.  Thanks for the daily Rich and Sandi.  No crushing cans here they go back for the 10 cent deposit. A nice quote.  I look forward to photos of Nome.   I'll pass on the Minestrone, an okay cocktail and yes on the Chablis.  Thanks for finding these for us each day ladies. 


Thanks for the cares and celebrations reports Vanessa.  I hope that the wrap on our leg is doing what it needs to do.   Prayers for Roy that you progress soon to get in rehab.  Sometimes it takes a family member telling the doctors how active you were before this illness.  Prayers that Pat is released today.  Prayers for Jacqui that she found a good dog walker and had a better night's sleep.  Continuing prayers for Tana and Terry, Terri and Jim, Sandi and her DB, Chuck and Annie, Melissa, Bonnie, LeAnn and everyone else who are ailing or grieving.  Prayers for all in war zones and for the hostages.  Prayers for all in the path of Helene.  


A busy day of catching up, some cleaning up the front bed, truck recall and an ADT service visit. I got a lot of communication done for environmental school, this morning is scholarship work.  Have a lovely day!  Nancy 

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Good morning. All of the recipes look good and I don’t think I ever crushed  a can. I have already started a recipe for white beans and greens with pesto so will make minestrone another day. Thanks as always for the Daily and all of the features it contains.

Extra coffee is required today. It is cloudy and gloomy outside and will only get up to 75  or so later. The rain yesterday turned the grassy areas green again. 
I hope those who went through Helene are ok this morning. It is such a massive storm.

Take care everyone 

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Good Friday Morning Dailyites!  @StLouisCruisers glad to know that you are doing well, and have had no problems from Helene.  Our phones screamed at us 3 times last night, about Severe Flood Warning in our area.  Mine was actually on mute, but lit up. DH's phone was the one that was screaming.  When it first happened he came down the hall and asked what the emergency was, and I said Flooding.  "Do you want your phone?"  Na he said, you deal with it, we are not going to go out in the rain.  It went off at 11:15,  1:45, 4 am, and I finally got up when it went off at 7:15.


I am currently enjoying the breeze.  I say breeze because while I heard branches come down over the night, the hype on the tv makes it sound like we are having strong winds, and so far we have not.  I did hear a transformer pop when I turned on the computer this morning, but we have power, (which is weird) but the town north of us -Tucker -does not.


The biggest problem is a jack knifed trailer on 285 at Memorial, (which is our main road) so the noise level from traffic is non existent this morning,  And now they just announced that the exit , just south of Memorial also has an accident and is closed down to one lane.  Why do people feel that when told dont go out,  they go out?  


Think I will make a bacon and peanut butter sandwich, and I hope everyone has a great and safe day. 

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Good morning from a chilly, 61F, central Texas where it is it is clear.  The weather app says we have a 2mph wind from the SSW, but the neighbor's flag says its a north wind.  I wonder how much of what the weather app say I believe.  The humidity is 93% with a dew point of 59F.  It is going to be a nice day with a predicted high of 86F.  After a rough afternoon yesterday, I'm feeling more like myself, and I'm heading off to clean the house when I finish here.


Unfortunately, we do not have recycling here or in Quartzsite, so I won't be crushing any cans today.  Everyone should be aware of HIV/AIDS.  We use Google.


The Cheryl Strayed quote is a good one, no matter how you find your best self.


Minestrone soup would be good when it is a lot colder.  We'll pass on the drink and the wine.


We also have not been to Nome, but will be there next June on the Summer Solstice cruise.


Two good, but interesting days in history.


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, I'm glad you still have power and no significant damage from the storm.

@seagarsmoker  Jody, I hope your power stays on now, and I hope Columbia gets their power restored.  I also hope the hospital's generators are up and running now.

@summer slope  Dixie, I'm glad you had minimal damage from Helene.  Your nephews and all the linemen who help after disasters are the heroes of the electric utility industry.

@smitty34877  Terry, you and your family are always in our thoughts, but especially Tana and the teenager.

@cunnorl  Charlene, I'm glad your power was restored and that any damage will be minimal.

@St Pete Cruiser  I'm glad you were spared the worst of the storm.

@Cruise Suzy  Thanks for checking in, and that you had little damage.

@dfish  Debbie, enjoy watching our niece march with the band tonight.  The halftime shows are the best part of a football game, said the mother of two DDs who were in the marching band.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, thanks for checking in to let us know you are safe.  Hope the power is restored soon, and you have very little damage.

@ottahand7  Nancy, I'm sorry your DB is not in a good place both with his care and with his knee.  Is there another rehab facility nearby that will take him? 

@marshhawk  Annie, I hope you are spared the worst of Helene as she passes through Georgia.


To all the other Dailyites in Helene's path, I hope everyone is safe and there is minimal damage.














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Power is back.  Don’t know if it is back to stay.

The back yard and golf course is a complete mess.  i am sure that there will be machinery on the course cleaning up the mess and our lawn guy will take care of our property.

The Bug Man rescheduled.  Thankfully.

I am glad that everyone is safe.

i am going to get DH up and get breakfast ready.

More later.

Thank you all for thinking of us.


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Good morning, thanks to all who have checked in from Helene ravaged areas.  Saw some video/pictures on the news, so scary for those living there.  We stayed in St. Pete Beach a few years back, looks like that area has some damage...

Haven't been to Nome, thanks to those who will share pictures.  

Hoping @rafinmdhad a better night.

Happy Anniversary to @Cruising-along!  Enjoy your day.

Hoping all who are cruising or packing have a wonderful time!  

Prayers for a better day for all.  K

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  We don't crush cans any more, in fact today is pick-up day for our cans and bottles.  A local group called Cosmopolitan Industries that has programs for adults with intellectual and related disabilities began a Cans For Cosmo following the pandemic when everyone had a stockpile of cans and bottles due to the shut down.  They deliver a large mesh bag (trust me, it's huge) that you put all but the glass bottles into and come around every 3 months and take it away.  The bottles will go into a separate box.  At the end of the year we get a tax deduction for a charitable donation - it's SO easy!   Thankfully HIV/AIDS isn't the dreaded disease it once was, but it should still be observed.  HBD Mr. Google!


I'm so happy to see our Daily friends checking in to let us know they're safe from Helene - it's tough watching from far away, hoping everything is okay, so I do appreciate folks taking the time.

@Cruising-alongHappy Emerald Anniversary to the two of you; let the love and laughter continue!


We're up early this morning as DH has to have some breakfast but can't eat for 4 hours prior to his CAT scan at 11:30.  I'm usually up at the crack of dark, but thought last night I'd better set the alarm so he has time to eat something, and for some reason, I woke up every hour last night.  I'm pretty sure an afternoon nap is on my agenda for the afternoon.  Speaking of naps, yesterday afternoon DH was talking with his son on the phone and was asked how he was feeling - his response made me laugh - he said "I feel a lot better because I had some extra sleep this morning; the Judge got mad at me and made me go back to bed."  He's so funny, I think I'll keep him.


Not a lot on our program for today, but will have to stop for groceries on the way home; how is it that we've run out of all the essentials at once - eggs, milk and bread?  I'd like the drink of the day, will pass on the wine, and have never been a big fan of minestrone soup, so will let others enjoy it when they can.  Of course it's Friday night pizza night here, so late this afternoon we'll head out to a little place not far from here and pick up something ooey and gooey that we can enjoy for dinner on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is still in the path of Helene, and for all who have health concerns.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Great to hear our Dailyites checking in. I hope Terri isn’t without power much longer. 

Nancy, I hope your DS can see Nick today while you address your needs; he needs an advocate, as does anyone in a medical facility. Hoping to hear of improvements. 

Ann, hoping Pat’s needs are address promptly, and you are caring for yourself. Extra hugs to you! 

Vanessa, I hope you continue to feel relief from the wrap, and excitement for the fun trip starting tomorrow. I hope you don’t overdo yourself today!  Thank you for all you do for us! 

Terry😇, May the coffee help keep you going. And that you have enough helpers today. 

Gerry, I hope the scan captures what’s needed and that Maurice doesn’t need a biopsy. 

Sandi, sending positive thoughts that you have all your needs cared for in a timely manner. 

Jacqui, hoping for some good news!  

Roy, hoping your nephew can help you through this rough patch and you can enjoy his visit. Thanks for your updates here, we’re glad to know you have a broad support base to keep up with there, and we’re walking alongside too! 

Blessings to all in need… and Protection, strength and good decisions for all involved in the storm’s aftermath. 
May we each find something to be Grateful for today!  

Happy celebrating Carolyn and Henry💞!  

Smooth travels Bruce!  And all our cruisers. 

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thanks for our Friday Daily, Sandi and thanks to Vanessa & our F & B team.


A rainy night and a dreary day so I ended up in very wet slippers and feet when I took Ivan out (can only wear my slippers right now).  Really impressed with the new dog walkers.  they come today to walk Ivan with my other one’s absence.


Not sure what to do after that - I’ll see how things go this weekend and then decide who will be the alternate or try to.  Just relieved that Ivan will be walked this weekend.  He deserves more than I can give him.


Late to the party - little sleep last night, lots of pain and finally slept so I woke late (for me).  guess I will try take the Gabapentin 4 times a day and see if that works.  Sigh.


I have most of my tours covered except 2 so today will be spread sheets, contacting tours, transfers etc to establish new organizers.  Just grateful that roll call members stepped up to help and keep the tours in place. 


@Cruising-along a very happy 15th anniversary to you & Henry 🙂 


I hope everyone was able to safe during the hurricane and those that are about to face it can be safe.  Horrific power in this storm.


Prayers for those on the Care list and all who need them.  Cheers to those celebrating and Lucy enough to cruise.



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I haven't had to crush cans since about 1992. The recycling program in that town also required that glass be separated by color: clear, green, brown, but what do you do with a jar that is pink?


I'll be ready for the soup around noon, but please phone before delivering it. I'll skip the cocktail. The AOC designation of Chablis requires that it be made of Chardonnay grapes, and Chablis is the northernmost part of Burgundy, so a Finger Lakes Chardonnay might be a good equivalent, except probably for the price. Chablis is usually oaked only lightly or not at all, so I'll suggest the Weis Vineyards unoaked 2023, $20.99. "Hints of flinty minerality on the nose, followed by refreshing notes of honeydew and cantaloupe. This wine is really well rounded, has a creamy texture, and finishes with a slight hint of candied banana."


I woke up at 5:30 and had the idea that I should immediately start mowing the lawn, even though the mower has no headlights (it's not a riding one) and mowing while only partially awake is probably not a good plan.


@Denise T Have you found that about 25% of students remember exactly the opposite of what you said? I had that experience again on Tuesday, about something studied only two weeks ago.



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Thank you for all the anniversary wishes! We really appreciate it. 55 years sure went fast!

Today we’re heading for Grand Tetons for the day. Here are some photos from our first day in Yellowstone yesterday. The grand finale of the day was watching with 6 rangers and a large crowd a bull elk rounding up a huge group of females. It’s rut season now and dangerous. 

Prayers for all on the Care list. 

Sorry for upside down photos. CC and WiFi aren’t helpful today. Some photos won’t load either. 





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