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Everything posted by ORV

  1. Is that on either package? To the OP, it is not full bar on the Premium Package, there are a lot of top shelf choices that you don't get with it. It's those on the Bar Menu. I'm a scotch drinker and recently on Regatta they had Oban, Balvennie, Macallan 12, and a couple of others that were not on the package, but you could have Macallan Quest, Glenfiddich & Dalwinnie 15, which wasn't bad.
  2. On Regatta it was directly one floor above the Concierge Desk and across the stairway from the OCA desk (Future Cruise Sales) on deck 5, starboard. Probably set up the same on all the R ships.
  3. Yes, and no corkage charge if it's comped wine.
  4. No, Oceania does not ask any of the above, perhaps you do, but not the dress code. Once again, it's real simple, read the dress code, don't interpret it, just follow it. The problem always with these threads is that people want the dress code to be what they want, not what it is.
  5. Ah, I didn't notice he mentioned the open sides.
  6. I didn't look at the deck plan but I'm pretty sure there is more than 4 in the B category.
  7. I'm assuming with the smiley face you're joking. Some people just don't like dark chocolate. My wife doesn't, so that works for me with the bedtime chocolates, I get both of them, but usually have them first thing in the morning.
  8. This is what I did with the exception of letting my excellent TA handle it all. I knew the approximate level of room we would have and booked a B3 extended balcony. In the proper time frame she had in converted to the free cruise. You do have to pay government fees & taxes. This came out of the deposit. This is about the only time with Oceania that this is broken out separately.
  9. It's ok, we know you're from another culture and wouldn't correct your grammar. 🤣
  10. We had all these also on Regatta, as well as raspberries, but I'm not a raspberry fan. Also had bananas and pineapples, but that's all covered under where JoePDX said "and I am sure more."
  11. Yeah, you get a lot at once, but that's one credit every 12 days. 7 day cruises would add up faster, but I hate to get on an airplane for anything less than 14-21 days. On the other hand if you lived close to a port where they went out of on a regular basis the short cruises would be as easy way to get to 20, if that was a person's focus. It really wasn't ours, it just happened. Of course when you get around 14 or 15 it becomes a real possibility.
  12. It’s those 10 to 24 day cruises that mess you up. If you’re chasing the free cruise then you’re better off doing 7 to 10 day ones.
  13. I used to feel this way, but that has changed with the introduction of The Daily Souffle. We love Souffles, and on our last 16 days on Regatta ate in the GDR almost every night unless we had a Specialty. A couple of nights we went to the GDR after the Specialty just to have dessert. To each their own though, you may not care about a souffle. But this is a new offering on Oceania, and a very positive one IMO. On the other hand, another new offering I didn't care for at all is the Humphrey Slocum ice cream. I tried about 6 or 7 flavors, found 1 I liked,(Elvis, the fat years) 1 that was ok(Meyer Lemon) and the rest I tried unappetizing. I really missed the homemade Rocky Road they used to serve. Didn't see it one time in 16 days.
  14. FWIW, on our recent Regatta cruise mask wearing by crew was optional on their part. I would say it was probably in the 25-30% range that were wearing them.
  15. On our recent B2B on Regatta we had the Cyclo, which is labeled especially for the Oceania Club. On the second one we got the Casa Vides. As we've had the Cyclo before we requested to exchange it for some sparkling wine. We got Monopole blue top, I think we came out ahead. On the second one I drank it a couple of different nights in the restaurant. As far as changing it goes, that will depend on your room attendant or butler. Some will, some either won't go to the effort or don't understand how. Bottom line is the complimentary wine is really nothing to get excited about.
  16. Duh, I should be able to figure that out. My mind must be elsewhere today. I'll go looking for it.
  17. But how are you going to determine that? Are you going to ask somebody? Are you going to go door to door and take a census? I'm just not sure of any way to actually determine it. We were told our Regatta cruise was completely sold out. Does that mean that every room EXCEPT for the ones they're holding back are sold? I don't know.
  18. Got off a B2B a week or so ago. On the turnaround day saw a new staff member boarding the ship. The next day she was working at the Guest Relations desk. I'd say the quarantine for new staff is a thing of the past.
  19. Except for casino and Future cruise deposit. I'm not so sure if it's people blatantly lying or that there are a lot of people that just simply get stuff wrong. I see it all the time on cruise critic, especially a couple of other boards I check out.
  20. This is the way it was on Regatta recently. There usually is a trivia in the evening in my experience.
  21. I'm pretty sure it has to do with the tides.
  22. They told you the reasoning in the post. It is because you can frequently get in on the first day as an extra reservation. As Pinot pointed out though that doesn't always work. I really wouldn't but it as one of those things you should never do, but we usually don't. Sometimes we ask for an extra on the first night, sometimes we don't. Sometimes we get an extra, sometimes we don't. As far as getting extra reservations, not willing to share is going to be the biggest problem.
  23. In a word, NO. Waves is the outdoor grill, unless you're in a colder area people are eating there during the day and usually you'll see at least 60% or more of the men in shorts. Terrace, which I think you might have meant, is a mixed bag. No matter what you've seen, or prefer to see, the dress code states you can wear shorts in Terrace any time you choose, or khakis and polos. It's your choice for you, others can make their choice accordingly.
  24. It's real simple actually, there are always any number of people that want to assert their desires of the way they want others to dress, regardless of what the dress code says.
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