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Two Wheels Only

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Everything posted by Two Wheels Only

  1. Unfortunately, little hiccups like this are common with new ships especially when a ship is the first in the class....and Fincantieri seems to have a few more hiccups than Meyer Werft.
  2. I have. It's usually done to lessen the burden on the Haven restaurant for lunch on embarkation day. It varies probably by ship/concierge and how crowded the Haven is on a particular cruise.
  3. There are so many videos popping up. I'm just trying to get them all posted everywhere. 😁
  4. This was uploaded last week but I just saw it.
  5. Wants to know what others do because they want to know what they "should" tip... ...nothing posted by ANYONE could tell what someone "should" tip. See above. The "should" is actually asked. If someone is curious as to what other people tip, that is VERY different than deciding what to tip based on what other people tip. If someone stated a thread with "...it's my first time in the Haven and I don't know what to tip. How much do you guys tip?...", do you think that the OP is being curious or that the OP is looking for an "appropriate" amount?
  6. The area OUTSIDE of the area pictured is 16+. Any age can go up the stairs and hang out/lounge there but by the sliding glass door that leads to the outside there will be a sign that states that Haven guests 16 and older beyond that point.
  7. There's no need to apologize. Your opinion on the subject is welcome. Even if your opinion was the opposite of mine, it would be welcome.
  8. Honestly, I don't know. Without photos/video from people who actually had an angled balcony on Joy, It's difficult to know where the errors are on the deck plan.
  9. Opinions based on facts are not the same as opinions based on opinions. How much or little that someone should tip is an opinion that isn't based on facts. Asking how much someone should tip a butler will only produce opinions and won't produce any facts. Going back to the "How much should I spend on a watch?" question. Will any answers give me the correct answer as to how much I should spend on a watch? No, the answers will tell me what others think is correct i.e. their opinion. If there are 5 women who work in an office and 20 men. If 15 of those men believe that Dana is the prettiest does that mean that the 16th man should believe the same? No, the 16th man can form his own opinion. The 16th man shouldn't think "...well, most of the other guys believe it's Dana so I guess Dana is the prettiest..." There are no facts to be gained by taking the opinions of the other men in the office. The 16th man isn't gathering any knowledge by seeing who they picked as the prettiest. If a forum member asks "Which ship is better between Epic and Gem?", that question will give opinions. If that forum member sails on both ships, that forum member doesn't need to ask which is better. He/she will have the ability to decide which ship is better and the opinions of other forum members won't (shouldn't) matter. If a forum member sails in the Haven, he/she will know how much to tip the butler based on his/her experience. What others tipped their butler won't (shouldn't) matter. When it comes to the correct tipping amount, there is no spoon.
  10. The PrivaSea symbol is in many places where the symbol doesn't belong. Your balcony will be fine. The question now is whether or not it is standard size or angled (larger).
  11. There is no wrong decision. A right decision for someone else doesn't make it the "right" decision for you. Only your decision is the right decision for you.
  12. The pitcher of soda/lemonade/sweet tea won't cost anything extra (in my experience). The delivery of alcohol beverages will be at a charge 99% of the time even though the beverage would be covered if you walked to the bar yourself and ordered it.
  13. We're looking forward to your photos. 👍 There have been some errors found on the Joy deck plan with regards to angled balconies.... ...so it is possible that 10898 is the angled one. At this point, I'm not sure so any 1st hand info that you can provide would be very much appreciated.
  14. What others tip should be irrelevant to you. The only person qualified to decide what is appropriate for you to tip is you. That's up to you. Whether you do or you don't, there is no wrong amount to tip. That's up to you. Whether you do or you don't, there is no wrong amount to tip. Sorry, that isn't true. People have the free will to decide for themselves what the correct amount is. Others may agree or disagree with the amount but their opinion is irrelevant. No, everyone can tip whatever amount that they tip. There is no wrong amount no matter what others tip or claim to tip. If someone started a thread asking "How much should I spend on a watch?", there will be plenty of amounts given with people stating how much they spent on their watch. Should the OP gather up all of those amounts and based on the average or median spend that amount on their watch? No. The OP can decide for himself how much to spend just as every person can decide how much to tip.
  15. It wasn't meant to be rude. It was more about being practical. If what the Yacht Club has isn't in some way "better" than the rest of the ship, nobody would bother to pay extra for the Yacht Club. It seemed from your post that the thing that bothered you ("...not too keen on..") was the fact that something allocated for the Yacht Club was nicer than what was found in the rest of the ship.
  16. I know that my post is old but it was written tongue in cheek. Several threads had been popping up about tipping and I was constantly asking people to ignore what others tip (or claim to tip) and just tip whatever amount that they want to tip. Posting tips of $100 per person per day, $500 per person per day, etc. should be ignored just like every other amount posted should be ignored. I had posted that $100 amount several times to make the point that tipping based on the amount that random forum members claim was silly. Nobody should tip based on "...well, most of the CC members tip this much so I should tip the same...". People who tip less shouldn't feel ashamed. People who tip more shouldn't feel ashamed, either. It seems that most people who start a thread and ask "...how much...?" probably already have an idea on an amount and are simply looking for affirmation that their amount is inline with what others tip. (That's just my theory.) 😉 Now, about my chair-hog theory and how it relates to René Girard (mimetic desire.......). 😎
  17. No problem with that. Some people drop luggage, park, then walk back. Some people park, walk back with luggage. Whatever you want to do will work.
  18. Technically, you could travel with the "other" child in your stateroom even if the "other" child's parents/guardians aren't on the ship..... "Passengers under the age of 21 (on voyages that include a port in the USA) or 18 (on voyages that do not include a port in the USA) must travel accompanied by their parents or a legal guardian. If one of the traveling minor’s parents is not cruising, then a signed authorization letter made in accordance with the laws of the country where the minor resides from the absent parent authorizing the minor to travel must be provided at the time of booking. If the minor is traveling with Passengers that are not his/her parents or legal guardians, then a document signed by the parents or legal guardian authorizing the minor to travel with a chaperone or other designated individual must be provided at the time of booking, in accordance with Company policies." ...so traveling when the parents are simply in another stateroom shouldn't be a problem. The 2 groups might have to check-in/board at the same time to avoid any confusion.
  19. Never forget about MSC's legendary inconsistency. One person's experience (pun intended) in the Yacht Club on one ship might be completely different than the same person's experience in the Yacht Club on another ship....or even the same ship. What I suggest is to try it yourself and decide if the experience is worth it. If it is, that doesn't guarantee that the next one will be. If it isn't, that doesn't guarantee that the next one won't be.
  20. Thanks for the video. I was switching back and forth looking at the deck plans and the stateroom numbers shown. The bed near balcony vs. bed near closet for the Deluxe Balcony staterooms is difficult to know without video/pictures. I can tell that she was trying to not be seen in the mirrors but I saw the camera woman a few times. 😁
  21. That's like asking why the Yacht Club sundeck is only for Yacht Club guests. If you'd like the entire ship to be like the Yacht Club, look to the much smaller Explora Journeys ships (also owned by MSC).
  22. It's the outdoor section that is 16+. The section under the roof on the same deck is still all ages...
  23. Since World America will supposedly be "tuned" for the American market, maybe there will be changes that will impress.
  24. Hand cash to the concierge and it appears on your account. There's a till right at the concierge's desk.
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