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Everything posted by MagnoliaBlossom

  1. Was that the when the Dawn was hit by the rogue wave?
  2. In May on the Dream each side of the bed had two. One was massive, which gives me a huge crock in my neck, but good for propping up. The other was more normal, but still what I consider too large to be healthy, but I made it work.
  3. My husband’s dermatologist recommended a red light cap. I’m thought it sounded a bit suspicious but she is a very down to earth lady and not a bit of a gimmick person. The price was a bit off putting but it had a six month money back guarantee and she gave us a $500 off coupon. She advised us it takes four months to see new hair growth and that it does not work for about 25% of people. What the heck, if after four month it was a bust, we could get a full refund. so, I’m delighted to report that after four months he did indeed have new hair growth, and his head is quite improved. It is not like in his younger years, but it is better, and he is pleased. His cap is made by Revian and treatment takes ten minutes a day. He does it while he’s having his coffee each morning and reading the news. The app lets you take pictures to record your progress, and automatically records your usage so there’s no question about your consistency of usage if you need to return it. sorry if this sounds like an infomercial, but we are both really pleased with his success using this product.
  4. For chains take a piece of cardboard, or a business card and make three slits inthe top. Skip the chain in the two outer slits the wrap the chain around the card then slip the pendent into the center slot. Slip that into a ziplock and you won’t have tangled chains. I also buy those small plastic bags in the jewelry aisle if HL, but I get the small ones (2x3) and separate my daily medications. Or earrings and rings.
  5. Dry cleaner bags work as well as tissue paper for wrinkle prevention.
  6. As said above, there is usually one NSA dessert in the MDR. In the buffet there is an area with several offering that are NSA. Usually they seem to be apple pie, and puddings of different sorts, and a horrid flourless chocolate cake (aka, the brown brick). I occasionally get the apple pie, which isn’t bad' but usually go with fruit or the cheese tray.
  7. We were on the BA in February and we’re able to make Manhattan reservations but only one night at a time. We tried for Taste or Savor and they said they did not allow that. may depend on the ships, the mood of the FB mgr, the phase of the moon. Who knows.
  8. I may be misremembering this but pre-Brexit, it seems we had to pay additional taxes on one cruise because all countries visited weee members of the EU. I don’t recall the particulars but it was a point of great discussion on the roll call.
  9. Must be a local thing, I’m accustomed to ranch dressing on the side or extra pizza sauce, but I’ve never seen ketchup before. Live and learn.
  10. We were on the Dream three weeks ago. Pizza is $7/pizza. They quoted a 30 minute delivery time but it was more like 15. The pizza was the worst I’d ever had. Made store brand Dollar General seem good. Plus they served it with a side a unique dipping sauce - ketchup!
  11. I don’t know of anything will protect the cast from immersion in water,and you may not want to get seawater under the cast for a variety of reasons. But if you want a “raincoat” for splashes or showering, you can use plastic bags and duck tape, or press and seal food wrap.
  12. Well, dang typos. I’ve used the same nice lady for 14 years and she has always take good care of us. Calls after each voyage to see how our trip was, calls if there are changes to any upcoming cruises and while we’re on the phone she always say,”let’s run through your bookings and see if there are any reduction”. I know it’s not everyone’s experience, but I know when I speak to her I’m going to get accurate information.
  13. I simply called my PCP at NCL and gave her my daughters information and it was done easy peasy. Not nearly the process I was expecting.
  14. There is a website on major social media where you can buy CruiseFirst certificates at less than you would pay through NCL. I cannot tell you the site but Google is your friend. I know there are some $500 CF cents for sale.
  15. Love the “noses out of place”. My mother used to say this and I’ve not heard it in years. Brought a smile to my face, thank you.
  16. Wow, that is so different from our experience. Suppose it varies by ship. We were on the Dream. We have found that if you tip your waiter when you order your first drink they are a bit freeer with your beverages.
  17. You do not spend more money using points to upgrade. You will be upgraded (one level for 30k, two levels for 60k). The exact category you will be upgraded to depends on where you are now. Juligg is correct in everythng she’s said. Look at it this way, if you’re still confused. say you want to book $500 in excursions. If you use points for $500 in OBC you get just that, but ZERO additional points. If you book now and pay for the excursions with you ur CC that $500 expenditure will get you 1,500 points, as opposed to zero points. Then yu apply for statement credit of $500 and you have accomplished the same thing (getting your excursions paid for) with the bonus f (1) 1,500 points, (2) getting the excursions yu want and (3) not having to mess with the share excursion desk when you should be at the bar ordering a sail away drink. oh, and for what it’s worth, just call the WP desk. You can do it online, but honestly, I want to talk to a real human being when I’m spending points. A few people have posted some screw ups they have encountered using the online method. But that’s just me. I’m old school and I want to have a human, with a name, to make my transactions.
  18. I’ve done it several times. Often times it shows up the same day, but I think the longest it’s ever taken was 3-4 days.
  19. This an FYI, don’t shoot the messenger, I don’t want in this dog fight, I just want information. Whew! I just had an email pop up fromCruise Hive with an article about the alcy-hol sitcheation. It is an article with a quote from a spokesperson from NCL. I tried to copy the link, but I’m not tech savvy enough to do that as I’m a natural blonde. And who knows , the CC folks may not take kindly to that and I really don’t want to be in time out.
  20. Yes, FAS has been a game changer. The prepaid gratuities on the beverages are $20/d so it is quite a savings if you drink more than one drink a day. Where they do get you, though, is if you upgrade to the premium package and they from time to time move a popular brand from FAS to Premium. Recently it was Grey Goose. But if you go over your $15/ drink allowance yu just pay the difference.
  21. Really? What a great idea - think of all the paper that will save! 🤭
  22. If you have any beverage package, which most do as the Free at Sea promotion perk, then you can bring on as much wine as you wish, free of charge If you do not have a beverage package the. NCL has a $15/bottle corkage fee
  23. Typically I see more P and Ds on longer cruises. The Pand D party is well done and on longer cruises with lots of upper level patrons they will have two parties. Last week we did an 8 day on the Dream. We received an invitation to the 3:00 party and there was another one at 4:00. You are not limited to one drink, you can order as many as you like. Also, you can order a drink of your liking, not just what’s on the waiters tray. My husband orders a Nice scotch and soda and tips the waiter and they keep him stocked up for the duration of the party.
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