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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. Good morning! Needless to say we slept well last night. Azamara put us up at a rather quaint hotel named Esme.. Will be headed for the rooftop soon for an included breakfast and then meet in the lobby at 1:15 PM for our transfer to the Azamara Onward. Scheduled sail-away is 5:00 PM. So it’s time to get up and moving and we are hungry after eating airplane snacks all day yesterday. Thanks for the Reports. I’m sure I’ll have time to catch up on the Daily as we endure that long wait to embark! Is it time yet?
  2. It was a major FAA computer tracking problem out of Orlando. Though it was fixed the backup caused staffing problems and bad weather didn’t help. This affected many Florida flights but we’re here albeit late with luggage and we’re going cruising tomorrow! Life is good!
  3. Finally onboard will arrive Miami three hours late. Overhead some folks in Sky Lounge that they were missing their cruise. Another reminder not to travel same day. Goodnight!
  4. Lot’s of flights delayed due to some issue in Orlando. We were scheduled to leave Atlanta at 3:42 and now 6 PM! Tis going to be a long day!☹️
  5. Good morning! It may be a long travel day as thunderstorms and heavy rain are passing through at the moment. Why we always travel a day early. Our luggage is lined with garbage bags in hopes of keeping contents relatively dry. Wet or dry the important thing is they arrive with us in Miami. We have a four hour layover in Atlanta and we have been notified we have been upgraded to first class. The 50,000 miles we have flown last year paid off. May be my last MeMe’s for a few days depending on internet. Thanks for the report, list, sommelier and food postings.
  6. Happy to hear the refugees survived. A great reminder to all of us on how fortunate we are for where we live, how good we have it, and to waive off the small complaints we find at sea. For many, cruising is only a dream and for millions, they don’t even know the possibility exist so we should be very thankful; that we have had this wonderful experience of cruising. Count your Blessings!
  7. I seem to remember that MS Amsterdam World Cruises usually left late and in the dark.
  8. Good morning! Yesterday was a day devoted to college football. Some great and some runaways but congratulations to Tulane. What a game that was! We invited our neighborhood couple from across the street to watch football and my Susan really delivered with a fantastic meal. She made Julia Childs Beef Bourguignon which received rave reviews and there were no leftovers. Today is just a matter of final packing and tonight we will probably have pizza delivery. First leg of flight to Atlanta is at 9:00 AM so hoping the fog will be lifting by then. Thoughts and prayers for Buffalo Bills player Damar Hamlin who suffered cardiac arrest in last night game against the Cincinnati Bengals. He was administered CPR on the field and is presently in critical condition. I thought the NFL made the right call in postponing the game. Bon Voyage to our World Cruisers and may all of you have an enjoyable Hump Day!
  9. Good morning! It’s the start of an exciting week for us as we prepare for another cruise. We have been on many Caribbean cruises so we do have a couple of excursions but the ship is the main destination. One last load of laundry this morning and will finish packing after that. DW made a great Chicken Marsala dinner last night followed by a movie then early to bed. It’s currently 67 degrees with a lighter fog then yesterday and temperature will rise to 71! Quite a difference from a week ago! Thanks to all who make the Daily a special community of on-line friends! Hopefully, we will have strong enough WiFi signals aboard to follow along. Sounds like our ship Azamara Onward recently installed Star Link to improve reception. Have a great week. Bruce
  10. https://www.thekitchn.com/how-to-make-french-onion-soup-in-the-slow-cooker-start-to-finish-cooking-lessons-from-the-kitchn-215696 We also used a couple of bones left over from our Prime Rib dinner to enrich the broth!
  11. Happy New Year! It sounds like all of Florida is fogged in this morning as it pretty dense outside. Hope the trend is to burn off quickly and that it won’t be a problem flying to Miami Wednesday. We lasted to 2:30 AM Iceland time so after a couple of bowls of delicious French Onion Soup we were headed for bed at 8:30 Central!😴 Christmas decorations came down yesterday and today’s project is prepping for cruise. Thanks Roy for your triple duty and all who make the Daily a part of our Daily routine. Wishes for all of you for a healthy New Year. Rich congratulations on your beloved Georgia Dawgs one point victory over OSU!
  12. It’s 8:25 Central and 2:25 AM in Keflavik, Iceland! Can we just say Happy New Year and just go to bed? You bet! Goodnight every one and looking forward to talking with you next year! Bruce & Sue
  13. John and Maria Happy New Year and thank you for sharing your Koningsdam cruise experience. Always good coverage!
  14. Sad news! I met Bob @rkacruiser on a cruise. He was a fine gentleman who had a passion for cruising. May he RIP. Thanks for letting us know of Bob’s passing.
  15. @ger_77So sorry about your having to be hospitalized and missing your World Cruise. Prayers for rapid healing. @HAL SailerPrayers for you and your family over DSIL’s medical condition. More prayers for all in need.🙏🙏
  16. As stated yesterday it will be a quiet at home New Years Eve with tonight’s special dinner being homemade French Onion Soup. The onions have been simmering over night in the crock pot which really eases the process. Maybe a couple of glasses of Dom Chandon! Saw on the news the other night that there is a worldwide shortage of Champagne due to the fact consumption really skyrocketed during pandemic. We usually celebrate New Years on Iceland time as there is no way we’ll make it to midnight. Decorations are coming down today so we can start preparing for our upcoming cruise. Thank for the Reports and Post. Wishing all of you a Happy and Healthy New Year!
  17. Prayers and concerns that your medical situation improves.
  18. Bob, Yes we really enjoyed our Azamara cruise experience. Enough that we booked three cruises in addition to World. The ships are about 8,000 tons less then Prisendam and have max capacity of 700. Dining was great and we enjoyed the onboard entertainers. There CD and Asst. CD are super talented musicians. I would suggest you take a look at the many streaming Azamara ship tours and reviews available on You Tube. We have loved our many Hal cruises and have a couple of bookings. Trying a new cruise line has been refreshing. The ships are a floating boutique in design and the crew extremely attentive but not in a bad way. Trying something new worked for us. Bruce
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