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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. Now that some positive for you. Light at the end of the tunnel!👏🏻👏🏻
  2. Well thank you Roy! Hope you didn’t lose too much sleep!😁
  3. Good morning! We had an uneventful flight home from our wonderful weeks with son & family. We will see them over Christmas. Slept in and awoke to a pretty day with temps in the seventies. We we’re in Stavanger this summer and like all of Norway just a beautiful place to visit. I had no issues flying yesterday with my ears or sinuses. I believe this is one of those colds that symptoms will linger on for days but I have improved enough for travel. After my late start it’s time to finish my coffee and get some things done. Thanks for the report, list and post.
  4. We made it home on time and without incidents! Long day and headed for bed.
  5. Layover in Salt Lake City. Snow on ground and elevations. If all continues on time we should be home (Central Time) around 6:30 PM.
  6. We’re coming home we’ve done our time. Getting ready to board have a great day and thanks for the report and the crew that will be flying us to our first stop. Salt Lake City.
  7. On my first post I got to reflecting how much time do I spend on CC not just the Daily? I spend a lot of time but it’s enjoyable to me. So my original was in jest. Maybe a better word for addiction is being glued!😁
  8. Well, I’m kind of surprised that I’m the only admittedly CC addict here after my morning question.😁 Just back from medical appointment after some lung therapy and some prescriptions .I’m cleared to fly back tomorrow. Negative on the Covid. Just a good old fashioned head cold that was a little stronger then norm.
  9. Good morning! Sun is just starting to rise. Our last day here; if cleared from a walk in medical clinic appointment. Want to make sure I can fly and not blow my ears/sinuses out.. Big improvement last 24 hours but still productive I have a question and I apologize in advance if it’s taken offensively?😁 Do you like moi feel there could be some of us that actually are in full addiction mode to Cruise Critic Boards and to the Daily? I can’t stand it anymore! I have an addiction to the Daily! Do you? Have a good week and thanks to the Daily and staff.
  10. @Ichiban Nekko Sounds like recovery is taking place!😡👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  11. It’s 6:AM here on the West Coast and rains are coming. Good morningI I have been reading a lot and all have agreed it’s a stay at home day. We were going to go wine tasting but with cool temps and rain coming for all day and probably tomorrow. Nope! It was an outdoor tasting. We ordered for pickup, some deep dish pizzas last night done by a local small chain. They were good and we didn’t have to fly to Chicago! Oh my cold is still here and this will be seven days today! What really I hate is when your nose gets stuffy and gives me sensation of someone snoring in your head. It drives me crazy. Going go back to beginning of of today’s Daily and see what’s going on with our early posters. Enjoy the day!
  12. Please add aliaschief and DWAliaschief to the list. MS Eurodam Panama Canal April 9-28 2023. This is our we had Covid on-board FCC cruise that we have to use by April As always thanks for all you do to enhance our cruising experiences. We have other booking but there on a different line.
  13. Tenerife is a great port of call. We did the National Park followed by a wine tasting that included a roast pig lunch! Enjoy.
  14. Wow! Just checked Melia’s Hotel web site. Quite the remodeling! It still was special venue when we stayed there. It was so hot and we always came back drenched from sweating after touring
  15. Go on You Tube and search Onward tour of ship or search specific cabins that you have listed. We enjoy Club Continent.
  16. Nope. All the drainage is from head. When I said wheezing it’s my nose that is making all the nose. The phlegm is thickening and DW is still having minor symptoms and she was symptomatic several days before me. It’s the gift that keeps on coming. Though I’m monitoring and well aware it could cause further issues. Thanks for caring. Time will tell.
  17. Good morning! It’s 31 degrees this morning and the locals were happy to get some rain yesterday. Forecast was some of the elevations in the Sierra’s could get up to 50” of snow! You remember the song tossing and turning I couldn’t sleep at all last night? That was the way my night went. Between gurgling, wheezes, hacking and meds it was not a great night. Please cold go away.🙏 Today will be more of the same; reading, surfing and most likely I will need a nap but not so long that I can’t get to sleep this evening. We spent New Year’s Eve in Lima prior to our South America and Antartica cruise on the Veendam a few years back. Watched the fireworks on the beach from our JW Marriott hotel.That was a memorable cruise we’re we also had side trips to Machu Picchu and Iguazzu Falls. @TiogaCruiser will attest on how great that adventure was. Thanks for the reports, laughs and post. Bruce
  18. Good morning! It’s 3:57 AM in California and I’m wide awake and feel like I’m zooming on cold meds. It’s currently 48 degrees and much needed rain is eminent. Doing better, less drainage and hopefully I’m on the mend from this terrible cold and can return home Monday. Another day around the house so more time for reading and of course surfing around Cruise Critic Thanks for the reports and post and concerns about my health. Have a grand day.
  19. On a second thought as I was getting ready for trip I realized I’m not fit to fly. I have had a head cold that everyone has experienced when granddaughter brought home from pre school. My head is draining like a sieve and I’ve been hacking up phlegm enough that I have strained a chest muscle. Everyone has tested negative for Covid since this started and all negative. It’s a barnstormer head cold that I don’t need to spread around. We will try to fly home again Monday.
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