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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. Good morning! Great morning for sleeping in with temperatures in the forties. Finally some cooler weather and maybe it will slow down the azaleas from blooming. We have been to Funchal several times. It’s a beautiful place. Again not much on the agenda as everything is pretty much done as we await joining family to celebrate Christmas. Lot’s of folks cruising but we have to wait until Jan 5 for our 12 days of Caribbean cruising. Have a great day and thanks for all your post and thoughts.
  2. aliaschief

    No beach bags

    We live in a bring your own bag society!😊 Seen this on other lines. This fall on an all inclusive Scenic Line River cruise Crown Royal was on the bar menu. Quote “ no matter how many times we have ordered we just don’t get it” Same thing on another major line according to some cruise bloggers. Has to be frustrating for cruise lines and cruisers but the times call for patience, understanding and that one’s cruising experience may not be what we have been accustomed to. Up front honesty by the different lines would be nice. Time will tell but in the meantime we are going to enjoy our cruises and not nit pick over what may not be of what we have been spoiled over in the past. Just saying….
  3. Here’s a link to those free US government Covid test. 5 minutes and they are ordered. https://www.covid.gov/tests
  4. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Enjoy the rest of your cruise!
  5. Good morning! Other then a messy yard and driveway we survived last nights storm. Not so lucky are folks West of us but we did receive a few precious inches of rain. Day is going to be full of errands which many will be at our local Ace hardware. We basically are just awaiting next Thursday when we head for daughters house for Christmas. Should be interesting with two grandchildren under three and the I’m in charge 7 year old. Very happy to hear Jacqui made it out of time and will be able to enjoy the Koningsdam. Have a great day!
  6. Good morning! Up early after some bad war dreams. Rare but they still pop up now and then but I handle them well other then waking up! We had a wonderful evening out enjoying sizzling fajitas and top shelf margaritas and our designated driver did just fine. We are in line in for what could be some severe weather in the next twenty four hours. We are currently getting some much needed rain. We both had our pedicures yesterday and are proud owners of “happy feet!” Also got a haircut and our cleaning lady left us with a sparkling house. So lot’s got done yesterday and maybe today’s main attraction is watching it rain. Thanks for the reports and daily testimonies!
  7. Good morning! I have been to Philippines on military duty but will do an overnight in Manila on our World Cruise. Our toe nails are starting to snag on the sheets! So we have an appointment for pedicures this afternoon. One of lives great pleasures. Tonight we are taking a neighborhood couple (across the street) out to a Mexican restaurant. It will be nice getting out of house. Thanks for the report and post.
  8. If you would Google “scar treatment creams” there are actually specific treatment creams designed to remove scars.
  9. Good morning! A mild 67 degrees with another dense fog alert. I need to get out and do some errands today, laundry and refill prescriptions. Haven’t been to Istanbul but have spent many night’s in crew rest in Turkey. Rich you have quite an adventure ahead of you. Enjoy! Graham happy to hear your surgery went well and thoughts and prayers for all those on the Care list. Today’s quote is a hoot. Thanks for the report and post. Have a great week.
  10. Excellent review and supports some of our recent experiences. Especially the use of the Showroom at Sea. Thanks and welcome back.
  11. Good morning. Getting ready for on line church services. Last night Sue outdid herself and made a so delicious lobster risotto dinner. Enough left over we just may have it again tonight. Might come back when I have more time. In the meantime thanks for the reports and list.
  12. Like all lines there have been some start up issues, supply chain issues but basically veteran Azamara cruisers seem pretty happy. Don’t hear much about Orlando as most exec. Communication is through Azamara President Carol Cabezas. Taken awhile to bring new staff to Azamara standards. We are newbies but enjoyed our first experiences so much we are booked on four cruises and one is a 155 day World Cruise.
  13. Our solution to missing Prisendam is that we are really enjoying Azamara ships. Even smaller then Prisendam in a beautiful boutique setting with a wonderful crew.
  14. Just a note there is no longer “formal nights” and they are now called Dressy Nights.
  15. Good morning! Per doctor I’m out of quarantine so at least I have choices today! Another warm and foggy morning but possible rain and cooler weather may be here in the coming days. Henry Happy Birthday to you. Roy thanks for having on your care list other then productive coughing it’s time for prayers and thoughts be for one more in need. Thanks. Have a great day!
  16. Good morning! Got up early to take antibiotics then went back to bed as they need to be taken two hours prior to other meds. First time ever I’m not doing Christmas cards. Majority that used to send us cards have stopped and only received a handful last year. Have no relatives left and our children said no. Grandchildren will get one. Lot of coughing going on as my lungs are loosening up but I’m doing better. Have another 24 hours of quarantine so not much on the agenda today. So I will surf the CC boards, read and find some You Tube cruising blogs to watch. Yesterday we watched White Christmas and Christmas Vacation for the umpteenth time! Have a great day thanks for the postings and keep the holiday season calm and joyful. Bruce
  17. No rash. Dr. Put me on two antibiotics x ten days. They are already working and I will be back to normal soon. Just a sincere thank you for all the kind supporting post here on the Daily.
  18. Good morning. This will be short as I’m off to see my doctor. I received a phone yesterday from the medical clinic I went to in California. They reported that my rapid and lab Covid test were negative but the other swab they completed revealed I have bacterial streptococcal pneumonia! So will see what my doctor will do. Thank for the report, list and post.
  19. Good morning we are in dense fog alert until later this morning. We are having record high temperatures yesterday and possibly today. Pretty good improvement on cold symptoms over night and I’ll be very happy to put this cold to bed in my medical history. We have been to Labrador but not Red Bay. Lest we never forget this day that went down in enfamy.🇺🇸 Thanks to all that contribute to my Daily read.
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