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Everything posted by reallyitsmema

  1. I wouldn't wait until that late as there will be a ton of people already there for the next sailing. I would do either 8:30 or 9.
  2. Your stuffies look delicious! When I worked in Boston, we used to have a potluck lunch a couple times a year and there was someone who lived in RI who brought stuffies one time and was required to bring them every time from then on! Your whole meal sounds wonderful.
  3. There isn't a Royal Promenade but there is a two level Royal Esplanade that is a little narrower than the Royal Promenade.
  4. Awww, thanks for thinking of me, Marietta. 🙂 I am finally doing much better and am off all meds at this point. I haven't needed my rescue inhaler in almost a week, so that is something. At least I can now schedule my flu shot, still not sure about the covid booster though. We want to book a cruise but I have gotten sick on 3 of our last 4 cruises, so not sure what we are going to do. When are you guys sailing next? Hugs to you and yours. Your granddaughter was so strong to get up and talk about her Dad at the vigil.
  5. LOL We have a passport holder too, have had one for years. We do not give the holder to any check in person, whether it be an airport, cruiseport, TSA line or anywhere, we just open passports to picture page and hand them over. All check in people are used to dealing with set sail passes and boarding passes on phones as that has been going on for years. It isn't rocket science. Do what works for you and don't get in line behind large families or people with cutesy folders! 😱😁
  6. No different than getting behind someone with some cutesy little folder that doesn't have the common courtesy to take the items out for the check in person.
  7. The cruise tours are listed on the cruise lines website. Just choose Alaska as a destination and as you scroll through the cruise, you see longer ones that are the cruise tours and cruises combined. This link is also a good one for seeing cruise tour information. https://www.royalcaribbeancruisetours.com/
  8. I was in medical with Covid when we were in Victoria on our May Alaska sailing. I was sent to quarantine in my cabin but they did medically evacuate a man from our rollcall because of norovirus and covid. Both he and his wife ended up staying in Victoria until he was stabilized. They ended up taking the ferry to Seattle and flew home from Seattle. They, luckily, had passports. Who knows how long they would have been delayed in Victoria had they only sailed on birth certificates and photo IDs.
  9. All Alaska cruises have to have a stop in Canada or they are in violation of the PVSA.
  10. I checked in for my October Oasis cruise just after midnight and was able to get 10am check in time. People on my rollcall posted that they checked in at 12:15 said 11am was the earliest available. I just happened to be awake at midnight, so I checked us in. I only chose our times and went back to bed. I finished the rest of the process in the morning. Had I not woken up, I would have just done it at 6am when I got up. I did check then too and could have gotten 11:30, which I would have been fine with.
  11. The bar soda guns have very limited choices of soda, definitely not root beer. It is typically Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, ginger ale and club soda.
  12. Check in will open up at midnight local time for the port your ship is sailing from. When you go into the app, you will see you can click on the check in options.
  13. If you are doing a closed loop cruise from Seattle to Alaska, you can sail with a birth certificate and a picture ID (picture ID for those 16 and over). If you are sailing from Vancouver or one of the one way itineraries, all will require a passport. If you are going to do any excursions while in port that goes from Alaska into Canada, all will need a passport. https://www.royalcaribbean.com/faq/questions/what-travel-documents-i-need-for-boarding-day
  14. Fountain soda does not come out of a tap that also dispenses beer.
  15. I would not send a letter to corporate detailing what you want without consulting an attorney. If your grandmother is severely injured and needs surgery, you have no idea at this point what continued care she is going to need in the future.
  16. You do not need to carry the cup around with you, you can go to a bar and get a soda. The soda package is fountain soda but some bartenders will give you a can if you ask. Diamond drink vouchers would get you a can of soda. edit to add link: https://www.royalcaribbean.com/faq/questions/what-is-the-classic-soda-package
  17. I hope the Captain had a more in-depth discussion with him off camera than what was shown on camera. What was shown was very superficial and did not address all the issues. Kyle doesn't appear to be someone who would actually listen anyway as shown by his comments.
  18. I just priced a couple of sailings and I am only getting the 30% offer and a residency rate, no C&A discount. I just looked at the terms and conditions of the sail and C&A is supposed to be combinable. There are a lot of sailings that are excluded from the sail though. https://loyaltoyoualways.com/service/novemberoffer2022/
  19. Serenade will have a headliner show and also a show with the Royal Caribbean singers and dancers. No broadway show. There will also be some game shows, like Love and Marriage.
  20. You will get double points for both the land and cruise portion of your trip. We did a 4 day cruisetour followed by a 7 night cruise in a suite and got 22 points.
  21. I am also from MA, so I am pretty sure I know who you are referring to. Great accomplishment! I don't think the ship will get into politics, but someone in the family could order a cake or all of you have dinner together in a specialty restaurant to celebrate.
  22. They have always told you NOT to go back to your cabin for your lifejacket if you aren't in the cabin when an emergency alarm goes off. They instruct you to proceed to your muster station and a lifejacket will be provided for you there.
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