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Everything posted by jelayne

  1. That game had run it course long ago.
  2. Not a week ago. Used tag and Butler delivered our order.
  3. Well if someone cancels or someone moves from AQ to a suite then a chain reaction can happen.
  4. Just off the Beyond last week. There was no mention of What’s App, or any info on any chat feature to communicate with the Butler. We saw our Butler at least once, normally 2 x a day. When we needed something we called and he answered. FYI we were in a Sky Suute
  5. Even at home we don’t have dinner until 8 -8:30 and rarely call it a day before midnight - 1 a.m, which is why having choices is great.
  6. Just did the TP on the Edge and found comfortable places to sit without a problem. Some chairs are art not functional seating.
  7. That’s a E class cabin, which is different than the verandas in the Reflection. The interior space in the picture with the 2 chairs and small table does not exist on the Reflection.
  8. Celebrity doesn’t really care who sleeps in which room but the drink package & wi-fi are tied to the person.
  9. There was traditional dining (set time) on the Beyond 10 days ago.
  10. When we booked there was a option to be waitlisted. If you booked with a TA they can do that or you can call X if you booked direct. Also when you board go to one of the MDRs and speak to the MaitreD they will do their best to accommodate you.
  11. No neither have a Retreat Sundeck.
  12. While that was how it initially started we have been able to bid on some sailings at about 60 days. Others under 30 days. We rarely get the email to bid and just check on-line to see if Move Up is open.
  13. When we have used flights by Celebrity we do our own flight search, determine what flights we want and then call FBC to book. Sometimes the price is better sometimes not. But FBC doesn’t show every flight.
  14. They have offered 1st night discounts of 30% on some restaurants in the Cruise Planner. Those seemed to be popular and, in our experience, 1st night discounts weren’t offered.
  15. Do we know they get the entire $20? What about glasses of wine when included in the beverage package? I’ve always wondered how much actually goes to the Sommlier or bartender vs the cellar master, back bar staff, etc.
  16. Try doing a mock booking for a longer booking. Just booked a 10 N deposit was $900.
  17. We give the Luminae MaitreD an envelope with any additional tip as the staff pool their tips. We find it much easier than trying to get a envelope to the number of staff we have wait on us during the cruise. We do the same for the Retreat Lounge Staff.
  18. No, punching a hole in the card will deactivate it. If you want to use a lanyard then get one that the card slides into.
  19. DH orders without the bread and gets a nice size serving.
  20. You do not need reservations for Select dining. If you and the other couple show up together they will seat you together. Reservations don’t need to be linked.
  21. Aqua has never taken reservations or had assigned dining times. On occasion we have had a card in the cabin suggesting a time for the 1st night but it isn’t necessary to go st. that times.
  22. They have been on the menu on embark day for our sailings and also on some other days during the cruise.
  23. If it is a 7 night sailing & day 2 and 6 are sea days it is pretty certain those will be the EC nights.
  24. We haven’t done the Captains Club wine tasting in a few years. Our experience was 60+ people, very entry level wines. We did the World Tour once. Group for that was about 25-30. It was okay, wines were better and since our sommelier ran it he took the best wines left and served them to us at dinner.
  25. Just checked the app for the CS menu for current sailing of the Beyond and none of your favorites were listed.
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