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Fake reviews?


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I take individual reviews and comments with a grain of salt. I also tend to disregard overly positive and negative reviews. I look for patterns good or bad. I also look at number of posts. If there are a bunch of first timers all saying the same thing, I ignore it.

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Compare reviews and see what the trend is. I disregard outliers, negative or positive. In some cases, when I am really serious, I check what this person writes about other ships/ports/destinations and compare to my own experience. I did this "check up" for a reviewer who negatively described a restaurant I really like and often frequent.

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Well, like everything in cyberspace, reviews (or any other posts) on CC should be taken with a large grain of salt. When I'm looking at reviews of a particular ship, the ten-percent rule works well for me. I read all of the recent reviews that I can find. Then, I throw out the top ten percent, and the bottom ten percent. This goes a long way toward eliminating the trolls and the hopeless cheerleaders. I can generally find some good information in the remaining posts. :cool:

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I think three are two questions. Do you believe in the review and do you agree with the reviews.


Unlike other sites including Trip Advisor I do believer that the people who wrote the reviews are not working for the cruise line or competitors and are giving their own views.


I go with what I call the 80/20 rule if I have not tried a product myself. In other words if 80% of the people are favorable or unfavorable about something I accept that as fact until I try it for myself realizing that you will never get full consensus on anything.



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Just wondering should I believe all the reviews or not? Do you?

Im pretty sure there are fake reivews in amazon, so why not in cruisecritic? What to think?


Yes, there are some reviews that are fake. They're rare, but they do exist. There are a few people on Cruise Critic who are so insecure about their brand of choice, they go as far as to fudge their cruise history and write fake reviews about competitor cruise lines, just to make their choice sound better. I know of at least 2 frequent posters who have done this. They're both Carnival loyalists, for whatever difference that makes.

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Good advice, thanks. wander if its true with all the lines also?


Well, what you want to keep in mind here is that all reviews and posts are monitored by the CruiseCritic moderators. When you submit a formal review, it does not automatically appear in the "Members Review" section. It takes the mods a day or so to "vett" and publish each review. Don't know what the exact criteria are, but it's pretty clear that they are trying to weed out the fakes.

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Well, like everything in cyberspace, reviews (or any other posts) on CC should be taken with a large grain of salt. When I'm looking at reviews of a particular ship, the ten-percent rule works well for me. I read all of the recent reviews that I can find. Then, I throw out the top ten percent, and the bottom ten percent. This goes a long way toward eliminating the trolls and the hopeless cheerleaders. I can generally find some good information in the remaining posts. :cool:


The other thing is that you learn to ignore the reviews where the reviewer is complaining about minor trivial things - the cabin steward forgot my ice, the food was not hot enough one night, one of the shows was bad, etc. On any trip, a few bad things happen and you have to learn to ignore them.


One final thing and this is purely personal - I ignore and never read overly long reviews; i.e. diaries, that are laden with lots and lots of pictures. I know that many people love them but I don't. A good review as opposed to a diary should be no longer than one or two pages.



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Well, what you want to keep in mind here is that all reviews and posts are monitored by the CruiseCritic moderators. When you submit a formal review, it does not automatically appear in the "Members Review" section. It takes the mods a day or so to "vett" and publish each review. Don't know what the exact criteria are, but it's pretty clear that they are trying to weed out the fakes.


I am sure the mods weed out reviews which are clearly over the top (or, more likely, under the bottom), but anything reasonably well-written will get by - and there is no way for the monitors to know whether the poster was on the cruise being discussed or, for that matter ever even seen any ship. I am sure there are some fake reviews - just as there are countless posts on numerous threads which reflect zero understanding of the matter being discussed.

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Just wondering should I believe all the reviews or not? Do you?


Im pretty sure there are fake reivews in amazon, so why not in cruisecritic? What to think?



The problem with reviews on sites like CC and Trip Advisor is that there's "no accounting for taste." The frame of reference for vacationers who use these sites covers a broad spectrum of reviewer means and experiences.


For truly expert general reviews of resorts, cruises and other vacation destinations, I would advise looking at resources like Conde Nast Traveler, the NY Times, Rick Steves, etc. and then look for additional validation from traveler websites like CC and Trip Advisor including a heavier weight for reviewers who have demonstrated a broad based traveler profile.


This is also where a top cruise specialist can be helpful in selecting a first cruise. S/he can interview you and within a matter of minutes, match you to a cruise line that best meets your needs, preferences and budget.

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Remember all the reviews are written by someone. You can't read them as always being true, you have to make a determination whether it is relevant for you.


I can honestly say that I never had a bad cruise. So if I wrote a review of each cruise you could come away with the idea that I had great time every time. If I didn't tell you of any issues that I had you might think that everything was perfect. Now we all realize that wouldn't be quite accurate. So if I see a review that has nothing good to say, I would also think it was biased. So you really have to read what they are saying.


Generalizations or non specifics don't help us at all. Often you will see a complaint that sound something like "I couldn't find anything good to eat" or "I just didn't like xxxx, no real reason, just didn't like it". I want to hear what people did and why they liked or disliked something e.g. "I thought the food was crap because they served me the xxxx cold and I didn't say anything because they should have done it right the first time". This way I can read the review and determine how much weight to give to what is being said. We can all have a different opinion and nobody is right or wrong. I always love reading reviews about cruises where on person say it was the cruise from hell and the next says it was the greatest trip they had and then you realize they were on the same cruise. That is why opinions from trusted sources are more valued.


I don't think the cruise reviews are "fake" or "solicited" as many business reviews on some other sites. For smaller private businesses, online reviews can make or break them. I have heard of some businesses taking legal action for unwarranted negative comments. Most larger companies normally don't worry about an isolated disgruntled customer. These cruise companies all have departments that will usually help their customers who have valid concerns. I know no cruise company has offered me anything to post a positive review. Negative reviews would be more likely if someone has an ax to grind.

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some reviews are subjective

just read one where they posted a review on a ship for a Med cruise but the ship was in Alaska ..did not know what ship they were on so of course the service was not good ;)

they compared everything with their favourite line, not a bad thing we all do that but some of the comments were not honest IMO

Nothing really specific just the buffet was terrible the selections in the specialties were the same as the MDR

the bar had no windows



Reviews like that hold no merit for me



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Yes, there are some reviews that are fake. They're rare, but they do exist. There are a few people on Cruise Critic who are so insecure about their brand of choice, they go as far as to fudge their cruise history and write fake reviews about competitor cruise lines, just to make their choice sound better. I know of at least 2 frequent posters who have done this. They're both Carnival loyalists, for whatever difference that makes.


Wow! Sad that anyone would go to such lengths.

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The other thing is that you learn to ignore the reviews where the reviewer is complaining about minor trivial things - the cabin steward forgot my ice, the food was not hot enough one night, one of the shows was bad, etc. On any trip, a few bad things happen and you have to learn to ignore them.


One final thing and this is purely personal - I ignore and never read overly long reviews; i.e. diaries, that are laden with lots and lots of pictures. I know that many people love them but I don't. A good review as opposed to a diary should be no longer than one or two pages.



There are a few posters that are known for their long, picture heavy reviews and I love them .

What I don't like is a detailed diary that only includes food pics.

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There is only a very small percentage of cruisers who write reviews when you consider how many passengers are on each sailing. Out of 3000 passengers on our last cruise on Azura probably only one or two reviews. I would like a very quick thumbs up or down survey and get a general rating. I often wonder how cruise critic arrives at the percentage figure of passengers who would sail again on a particular ship. Does it just come from the member reviews or does it follow the questioners passengers submit after a cruise to the company which would be a better overall rating.

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The other thing is that you learn to ignore the reviews where the reviewer is complaining about minor trivial things - the cabin steward forgot my ice, the food was not hot enough one night, one of the shows was bad, etc. On any trip, a few bad things happen and you have to learn to ignore them.




LOL Don -- I know what you're talking about: the reviews titled "Celebrity, never again!" (with the requisite mad-face imogi's). But, when you drill down into the review, it all comes down to something silly, like pillow chocolates, or the CD not remembering their names. :rolleyes:


I am sure the mods weed out reviews which are clearly over the top (or, more likely, under the bottom), but anything reasonably well-written will get by - and there is no way for the monitors to know whether the poster was on the cruise being discussed or, for that matter ever even seen any ship. I am sure there are some fake reviews - just as there are countless posts on numerous threads which reflect zero understanding of the matter being discussed.


Very true, NBT! I guess that's the down-side of having a forum, where folks can post anonymously. All things considered, I think the mods here really do an amazing job. :cool:

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I look for facts rather than opinion. I don't care whether a person likes or does not like the food because that is an opinion, but if 3 different reviewers say the steak is tough I will not order the steak.


People often have different expectations depending on how much they paid for the cruise. People in suites often have higher expectations than those in inside guarantee cabins.


I read the reviews more for information on the ports and excursions. While I can get this information on the ports of call boards, it is always informative to read about it from someone who was on the same ship. I don't care much whether reviewer liked an excursion but why. I want to hear if half the time was spent shopping or if there were plenty of taxis lined up outside.

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There is only a very small percentage of cruisers who write reviews when you consider how many passengers are on each sailing. Out of 3000 passengers on our last cruise on Azura probably only one or two reviews. I would like a very quick thumbs up or down survey and get a general rating. I often wonder how cruise critic arrives at the percentage figure of passengers who would sail again on a particular ship. Does it just come from the member reviews or does it follow the questioners passengers submit after a cruise to the company which would be a better overall rating.

That is a very good question; one I've never thought of. I've submitted several reviews to CC and always do the customer satisfaction surveys the cruise lines send me. I don't remember any specific question so bluntly put - Would You Sail This Ship Again?

I look for facts rather than opinion. I don't care whether a person likes or does not like the food because that is an opinion, but if 3 different reviewers say the steak is tough I will not order the steak.


People often have different expectations depending on how much they paid for the cruise. People in suites often have higher expectations than those in inside guarantee cabins.


I read the reviews more for information on the ports and excursions. While I can get this information on the ports of call boards, it is always informative to read about it from someone who was on the same ship. I don't care much whether reviewer liked an excursion but why. I want to hear if half the time was spent shopping or if there were plenty of taxis lined up outside.

True to a point. Having sailed in both and many other categories in between, I personally try to compartmentalize those elements that should reasonably vary based on the level of accommodation. Everything else - food quality, service, public areas, entertainment, etc. should be objectively the same for everyone and "expectations" are not a logical way to judge them (except maybe on Britannia where apparently they still do sell different "classes" of product on a single ship).

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some reviews are subjective

just read one where they posted a review on a ship for a Med cruise but the ship was in Alaska ..did not know what ship they were on so of course the service was not good ;)

they compared everything with their favourite line, not a bad thing we all do that but some of the comments were not honest IMO

Nothing really specific just the buffet was terrible the selections in the specialties were the same as the MDR

the bar had no windows



Reviews like that hold no merit for me




I don't check out the reviews of a ship that I'm about to go on until after I book it, just for curiosity sake. We're not going to change our plans. I remember just a few years ago, I was checking out the front page of this site for the Golden Princess, especially the Hawaiian cruises, for this reason. I was shocked to see a recently posted review for the Golden but for a Med cruise. The Golden hadn't been on this itinerary for many years but it seemed from the info, this person had a recent sailing date. So I emailed the customer service email for CC and said there was something wrong with this review. Soon after it disappeared-- at least for Golden. So maybe the reviewer was sent a request to fix the name of the ship.


I joined CC about some ten years ago, three cruises ago. I submitted a review for the front page as well as started a review thread in the Princess board for our last three cruises. After the first of those, I noticed one of my fellow roll callers (who didn't show up for either meet and greet so I didn't meet her) had posted her own thread, which was basically a series of complaints. One noticeable one was complaining that the rind was left on the pineapple wedges in the fruit island in the Horizon Court. To me, the rind allowed me to eat the wedges as a finger food if I wanted, and also reinforced that the pineapple was not canned. I wasn't the only one who commented that her claim was ridiculous (and she got similar comments on some of her other complaints).


Even more ridiculous was the reviewer who complained about all the live Hawaiian music on her Hawaiian cruise. :rolleyes: Seriously? Ask many people who have been on the Princess Hawaiian cruises and they would say the highlight was hearing the beautiful music by the musical duos onboard, especially the talented Elua.


I do like when people are a bit specific about what they like or didn't. To say simply the food sucked isn't that helpful. Plus it's one of those subjective aspects (well, of course, reviews are supposed to be subjective). Saying the food that was supposed to be hot was cold, etc., more helpful.


On the other hand, I spent many hours researching the hotels for my family's recent road trip (only one hotel for our last night was booked on the spot). There were usually a range of comments for each hotel I was looking at. Sometimes I discounted some reviews because the issue wasn't something important to us. Many times, I would try to view the middle range of reviews (and sometimes people would click on one star but obviously didn't get that that was the lowest rank -- they had nothing bad to say. Go figure).


And just today in researching hotels for a possible stay in the area I live in (if we need it) and did read a few reviews for one hotel. One complained that they thought they were booking a hotel in Los Angeles as the hotel website said it was there. And the manager for the hotel actually responded and apologized that the reviewer felt deceived and that yes, the hotel was really located in the city of -----. But here's the thing: there is not city of ----. It's a suburb of LA. Yes, it's a long distance from downtown LA, but LA consists of widespread suburbs. That just had me floored.

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I am an avid follower of reviews before I cruise. As others have said, I avoid the extremes and try to get a general flavour for the cruise.


I am also always on the hunt for hints of information which I may want to incorporate into my own cruise experiences. This can range from pre cruise hotels, on board restaurants, port excursions, what useful things to pack.....


Excellent light reading in the morning after the news and before getting down to the tasks of the day!

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