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Host Andy - Live From Azamara Journey !


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I'm sure you are not paying over 40K to go on a cruise and stay in a cabin category you do not want. Maybe that's why it's easier to point the finger and call me names.

Azamara should have contacted their customers and offered full refunds if they couldn't place us in the cabins we paid for.

I keep my point: Azamara screwed up with the dry dock time. Considering the ship is not ready 10 days past the official end date for the dry dock, just proves my point.



So are you / were you booked in a CW suite on the current sailing or the sailing that boards tomorrow? I'm guessing not.

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I have read more CC boards/threads I could not even remember how many! This one unfortunately turned out into a gripe session for those not even onboard.

Thank you for your information which is what this is about.

Loved reading about your meals and ship activities.

You do so much for the CC community, your thread during the refurbishment and your Live from Azamara Journey etc. and all are much appreciated.

I find certain posts of so many to be off point and hope you take comments in stride.

Azamara is a quality product; we were fortunate to sail on Quest and now Journey in March.

In my cruise history, no line would offer what Azamara has done in compensation. I know they did their best.

Anyone sailing immediate post refurbishment must expect the unexpected.

Enough! Enjoy and keep on letting us know what is happening on your cruise and thank you again.

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I have read more CC boards/threads I could not even remember how many! This one unfortunately turned out into a gripe session for those not even onboard.

Thank you for your information which is what this is about.

Loved reading about your meals and ship activities.

You do so much for the CC community, your thread during the refurbishment and your Live from Azamara Journey etc. and all are much appreciated.

I find certain posts of so many to be off point and hope you take comments in stride.

Azamara is a quality product; we were fortunate to sail on Quest and now Journey in March.

In my cruise history, no line would offer what Azamara has done in compensation. I know they did their best.

Anyone sailing immediate post refurbishment must expect the unexpected.

Enough! Enjoy and keep on letting us know what is happening on your cruise and thank you again.


I totally agree!! Thanks Host Andy!! YOU ARE GREAT!

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Hi Everyone,


Thank you Loucat, Marymar, and everyone for your very kind comments. I'm also disappointed with how this thread was repeatedly derailed by folks who aren't onboard, and cannot possibly know what actually happened. I could have deleted much of the commentary, on the basis of thread hijacking/off topic - which believe me, if it was any other members "Live From" thread, I would have done just that. However, as this is my thread, I felt it was important to be extremely fair, and allow everyone to have their say.... even when I knew much of the negativity wasn't reasonable.


On the other Journey thread, I noticed a hurtful comment posted about me. It bothered me all evening. I hope you will take a moment to read my reply. To be clear, We all agree there were some issues the first few days, and the fact that some items still exist - notably the CW Suites... but let's be fair. Azamara had to deal with various issues during the Drydock, including some extremely bad weather days with high winds, and missing/delayed containers. Unfortunate for sure, but it's not as if Azamara wanted this to happen. Stuff happens.


I totally stand by my comments, that the vast majority of the issues were not critical, and, we had an absolutely wonderful cruise. Of course, I respect the fact that some folks may have had larger issues... but I still feel that some folks griped endlessly in an effort to obtain compensation. So ? Azamara offers a very generous compensation package - making things MORE than right, and the complainers still complain (read on). IMO, that's a sad state of affairs.


I must share one more thought about today. Earlier, Captain Johannes, and Hotel Director Ryszard, hosted a Q & A session. Normally, the session is about 45-60 minutes, yet they decided to go 90 minutes today - very courageous. For the most part, the guests were very positive and supportive. However, about 1/2 way through the session, a couple of guests went on rants about the first couple of days of the cruise. One person wanted to know how much additional compensation can be expected - above what was previously offered, and was promptly booed. I mean - seriously ??? I was totally shocked, and I wasn't alone. Maybe Azamara should just hand over the keys to the ship. Talk about ungrateful !


What I do know, is that I didn't work 20 hour days for 11 days, didn't cook for 11 days, didn't do laundry for 11 days, didn't have to deal with everyday life for 11 days, and... had hundreds of incredibly wonderful and dedicated (and exhausted) Officers & Crew, give it their all for those of us onboard Journey. In addition, they will continue to have my ongoing admiration and respect for a job AzAmazingly well done. My family & I say Bravo and Thank You, to each and every one of them.


Tomorrow is my final full day onboard Journey. I probably wont post much if at all. The Cruise is coming to an end, but I'm not done yet. I plan to post a wrap up, and share photos, when I return home on Sunday.


I noticed that we went over 30,000 views today, and 400 posts, so I must be doing something right :). I hope you enjoyed the Journey as much as I have. Thanks again for your continued appreciation and support !

Edited by Host Andy
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Thanks Andy, I have really enjoyed reading your posts. We are on the first cruise of the Quest after dry dock so if our cruise goes as well as yours I will be a very happy person - particularly if the self service laundry isn't working :)

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Thanks Andy, I have really enjoyed reading your posts. We are on the first cruise of the Quest after dry dock so if our cruise goes as well as yours I will be a very happy person - particularly if the self service laundry isn't working :)


Hopefully lessons learned will be carried through to the Quest dry dock!


And thank you Andy, I appreciate the time that you have spent before and during the cruise updating us all. I have read your posts every day with interest, as I have yet to cruise on Azamara.

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Great Job, Andy!

More so than ever I am looking forward to boarding the Journey on Sunday. And, whether insignificant, unresolved "issues" still remain, I am looking forward to 22 days enjoying life with Azamara and the friendliest, most-attentive crew ever. :)

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I totally agree!! Thanks Host Andy!! YOU ARE GREAT!

And I agree! Thank you host Andy for your time. It is really rude that some people who are not on board, like to hijack your informative thread. Thanks again!


Verstuurd vanaf mijn Nexus 6 met Tapatalk

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I just want to add my "thank you". It's not mandatory to spend valuable vacation time to post about the changes and your experience and even investigate specific details. Your posts have been very informative for a soon to be first timer on Azamara. I am even more exited now. Thanks again.

Edited by Maverine
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Thank you for posting, Andy.


To me, this is a HUGE disappointment. Despite Azamara's weather excuse and the compensation offered to the guests on board, this just proves that they were really too ambitious with the dry dock schedule. Even after a 10 day cruise, they have not been able to finish the suites. Also, what seems to be the problem to get the laundry machines working? If they have just replaced the old ones, the hook-up should be a no-brainer, right?


I personally do not care about free laundry bags, since I find that most cruise lines ruin your clothes either with harsh soaps or by putting all the clothes in the drier when you may choose not to.


Booking and paying for a CWO suite (+ all the expenses with air fare) and arriving to a ship which will not offer me what I have chosen is a huge let down.


I know some people will not agree and will call me a whiner, but when you are spending this kind of money, it's really disappointing.


Thanks for keeping us updated anyways. Enjoy your cruise.



Azamara is not 'most' cruise lines. My laundry came back beautifully washed and pressed, no problems, certainly nothing ruined!

I suppose it depends why you go on a cruise. For me it's not at all about having loads of space and several rooms to myself, it's about the destinations, the food and the people, so it would not have worried me if I had booked a large suite and ended up in a CC suite, which are very nice anyway, so long as I got compensation for the fact that I'd paid more than the price of a CC suite.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Completely agree with the others Andy. Thank you so much for your generosity in taking so much time out from your family vacation to update us all on Journey's re imagination.


Just like Azamara's crew go above and beyond for us.....well, you are the CC Host equivalent of that great attitude! :)


Take absolutely no notice of the moaners and whiners on this great thread and certainly do not let anyone's negative comments upset you....and I know the post you were referring to...it made me gasp with the disrespect towards you.

We were all mentally booing that poster, I can assure you of that. It's such a shame that some people selfishly push their own agenda and give no thought to the hard work and sacrifice of vacation time that you gave to us.


We are all very much looking forward to your pics and last thoughts on what seems to have been a wonderful cruise for your family, but do take some time to chill out on your return home.

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Well said Lottie and Phil


It was inevitable Andy, the sense of enjoyment and wonder came through in your posts - hardly surprising, beautiful renovations, you've been away from Azamara for a while so were rediscovering it's added charm, you had already told us how the cruiseline senior management were making the extra effort with you etc etc.


Trouble is in these situations it jars with others who for whatever reason don't agree with you or are really stressed about an upcoming dream cruise. And some then may not react as we would hope they would.


That's the nature of open forums but please remember all of us appreciate informative posts like you have made and can see through the various agendas.


Unfortunately some guests just don't know how to behave on boards or onboard, especially when they believe they have the ear of senior officers. Recently on Quest we had an idiot who heckled Captain Carl every time he spoke shouting "free cognac" I suppose a pathetic attempt to highlight something that was amiss for them but distasteful and particularly embarrassing at the Azamazing Evening in front of the dignatories.


I look forward to your photos when you have time, you will have a lot to do when you get home and I hope those desperate to see a picture or have a question about a small thing answered will recognise these photos and answers will not be instant.

Edited by uktog
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I'd kept away from posting on this thread as despite sailing on the recent TA on Journey we've not got another Azamara cruise booked.......yet!


However I've been really interested in following the reports and really appreciate all the efforts made by Host Andy to provide a fair and balanced view of the refit as well as his work pre-cruise in posting all the dry dock information.


As for the moaners and whiners....please create your own threads, which we can then read.........or not!

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Thanks so much Andy for all your efforts. Please don't think you have to post anything immediately once you return home on Sunday. Post once your feet are on the ground, your bags are unpacked and you decompress be that Sunday or a week from Sunday. You have the right to some days without trying to catch up immediately.


We are new to Azamara coming from a "luxury" cruise line that truly doesn't give a damn about the passenger and for the past year has been obsessed with cost cutting that in many ways take things away from their customers and that will put literally millions of dollars in the pockets of the executives. They keep money they are required to return which is simply increased profits, charge exorbitant prices for the few additional cost items that again are simply profits and completely ignore significant on board issues that deserve at a minimum explanations and for which Azamara is providing compensation that they really don't have to.


We are so looking forward to a cruise line that values their customers as more than simply excessive profits in executives profits and know we will truly enjoy our first Azmazing cruise on Quest post dry dock no matter what small things remain to be completed.


Thanks again Andy and take a well deserved vacation from your vacation and post those wonderful pictures and words when you are recovered.



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Thank you, Andy! You are just too good to us!! I'm sure some of us don't deserve your generosity(time taken from YOUR vacation),but we do appreciate the time and effort:-) I know I've looked forward to reading your thread every day. It adds to my excitement for when we join the Journey in a few days! Thanx much! Connie


Hi Everyone,

As many members have been asking about the Patio evening menu, I'm going to try and post the menu. If it's not viewable, I will type it out, when I return home. FWIW, it took about 15 minutes just to upload and resize this one photo, to give you an idea of what it takes to make this happen. Please let me know if this works. Thanks !



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To quote Lottie, "Just like Azamara's crew go above and beyond for us.....well, you are the CC Host equivalent of that great attitude! "


I have truly enjoyed what you have this post and on your other amazing one about the redo of the Journey.

In my mind you are an AMAZING volunteer Azamara Rock Star!


Thank you

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One thing I would never do is spend over 40K on a cruise and not buy "cancel for any reason" insurance. If I felt about a cruise the way you seem to about this one, I would activate that insurance and move on.


Surely you didnt mean this the way it came across??!!!


Would you order a new CADILLAC and accept a FORD when it came in?





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Host Andy! you do a great job and don't pay attention and don't let them make you feel bad, comments from people who have never experienced Azamara and they are rude and don't know how to behave are worthless. Every day I have been following your posts and I can't imagine how much have you worked, so just feel WONDERFUL you are a very nice guy and never mind ugly people and their awful posts.

You made and make a lot of us very happy and willing to be as soon as possible onboard Journey

Love from Mexico!!

Edited by marymar
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Andy, I'm very thankful that you took the time to post your comments about the "new" Journey. For most passengers, it certainly seems like the good far outweighed the niggles. We are on Quest's final cruise before her April dry dock, and I will make sure to bid my sofa a fond farewell.;). I can't wait to see the pictures!


I'm sure you are not paying over 40K to go on a cruise and stay in a cabin category you do not want. Maybe that's why it's easier to point the finger and call me names.

Azamara should have contacted their customers and offered full refunds if they couldn't place us in the cabins we paid for.

I keep my point: Azamara screwed up with the dry dock time. Considering the ship is not ready 10 days past the official end date for the dry dock, just proves my point.


You said "we," so I assume that you are sailing tomorrow. I am very surprised that Azamara didn't notify you of your involuntary downgrade and offer to refund part of your fare. I also think that you should have been offered the opportunity to cancel for a full refund as well. Have you called them to plead your case?


One thing I would never do is spend over 40K on a cruise and not buy "cancel for any reason" insurance. If I felt about a cruise the way you seem to about this one, I would activate that insurance and move on.


And lose $10k in the process (not to mention the roughly $4k premium)? Talk about a Hobon's choice.

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