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Most important question of the summer - Pokemon


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I have no problem with the idea of people playing a treasure hunt game (of sorts) if it can be played safely it gets kids out in the fresh air and away from the Xbox. I'm just surprised and in some cases shocked that the treasure hunt can take them to places where they have no business playing games (hospitals) or places where for a variety of reasons it is really insensitive to play games.


As for people injuring or killing themselves whilst playing the game, if they're older enough to know better then they're old enough to know better and maybe they're contributing to human evolution by opting out of the Gene pool.


We really need a "LIKE" button... :D

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Read the article again - it was 1:00PM, early afternoon, not 1:00AM. Nowhere in the article does it say they were trespassing, though that has certainly come up in other cases. I'm sure there are examples of fabrication out there - some people will do anything to get attention - but there are many valid examples also.



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OK you get a pass on that one :D....but seriously, as one Nanny speaking to another, I don't think I'd let my grandangels play that game on board...I live near NYC and IMHO this game is downright dangerous. People are falling off curbs, getting hit by taxis (ok that's not so unusual) to say nothing about bumping into others and generally causing havoc on the sidewalks. I would really worry about them wandering around a ship and not looking where they're going. Besides.....they should be looking at the glaciers, otters, whales, eagles, scanning the shore for bears... they'll miss so much if they're spending time looking for something imaginary with all that natural wonder around.
Not only that, but there is a "Lure Module" on the game that is supposed to entice Pokemon to come to a specific location, which also lures players. Criminals have been using it to molest children and rob adult players. I also discovered (I'm a writer and was assigned an article about this), the company requires you to allow it to access your phone's camera, card, GPS, wifi, your email and personal identifying information. The user agreement allows Niantic to use, sell or store your information in other countries with very lax privacy laws. A Homeland Security consultant says the data involved has made this an unprecedented target for hackers and, he says, it WILL be breached. I'd never let anyone put this on my phone, and I would never let kids use it. Way too dangerous.
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Knew the old fuddy-duddies would weigh in quickly as soon as I opened this thread.


One. The people getting injured while playing the game are idiots. They would have more than likely ended up getting injured doing something else. It is not the fault of the game. Right up there with blaming sex/violence on tv with corrupting youth. Pure nonsense.


Two. Just because some kids and adults (the game appears to be most popular with 20-30 somethings) are playing does not mean that is how they would spend their entire cruise. Most people have some "down time" and different people spend it in different ways. Some read books, some play games. Who cares? When I was a kid I could not have cared less about scenery. Did and Alaskan cruise as a teen in the late 80's and was bore to death. Did it again a few years ago around age 40 and absolutely loved it.

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I have played a lot of Pokemon Go with my 9-year-old daughter in the past couple of weeks and I just wanted to clear up a few misconceptions about the game for other people who have not actually played it.


Players cannot "lure" other players to a dangerous location. There are permanent in-game places called Pokestops (usually located in public places such as churches, schools or parks) where players can go to collect prizes, but these locations cannot be created or changed. Other players cannot create Pokestops, Pokemon or even communicate with each other in the game.


There is no actual "chasing". When someone is playing, occasionally a Pokemon will spontaneously appear on their map. When this happens, their phone will vibrate and then the player has to stop walking to catch it by playing a little game on their screen. People are not holding their phones up and running around "chasing" Pokemon. I don't think kids on the cruise are going to be any more likely to bump into you than they normally do. :)


Considering there are estimated to be about 15 million players, I would say the vast majority of them are using common sense, but of course you are always going to have a few people who do stupid things.


Regarding the original question, I doubt there will be any Pokestops or gyms on the ocean although I'm sure there will be several at the ports. Reports indicate that there are some Pokemon on the ocean, although not as many as on land. Also, I think the internet connectivity at sea would be too poor for the game.

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What was deleted? :confused:


Oh....mine was deleted? because I said I killed the Pokemon? Are you serious!!!


To many thin skinned people on here that report posts and then they get deleted. :rolleyes:


I certainly hope the Pokemon craze has run its' course by October, but I suspect not.


Just remember this: when you try to push me out of YOUR way, I WILL push back....



Edited by ReneeFLL
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My nephew, who is in the demographic playing the most (30 - 40 year olds) sent me this meme.


It has struck a chord with young adults because they played the game as kids, and for the most part the contribution to society is positive. People are talking to each other in parks, malls, etc. as they get outdoors and walk their neighborhoods and meet other people..........................


Contribution to society is positive???:eek: So they played the game as kids and now they are playing it adults? It takes a game to get them out and about talking to each other because they are probably inside all the time playing electronic games. Gees!




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Players cannot "lure" other players to a dangerous location. There are permanent in-game places called Pokestops (usually located in public places such as churches, schools or parks) where players can go to collect prizes, but these locations cannot be created or changed. Other players cannot create Pokestops, Pokemon or even communicate with each other in the game............



There will always be hackers.

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Several war memorials in Australia have the pokemon. A good idea to get kids out and about with unintended consequences.


From what Ive seen, playing the game on the streets causes crowd issues and people forget where they are. Glad they wont be on ships.

Edited by Pushka
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This thread is hilarious.


Back in the 50s the PTA condemned Elvis and Rock&Roll as instigators of juvenile delinquency.


Now a Pokemon game in the minds of cruisers in the know is an American Health and Welfare crisis - and are going apoplectic at the thought of kids multitasking - enjoying scenery AND also playing a very fun game.

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This thread is hilarious.


Back in the 50s the PTA condemned Elvis and Rock&Roll as instigators of juvenile delinquency.


Now a Pokemon game in the minds of cruisers in the know is an American Health and Welfare crisis - and are going apoplectic at the thought of kids multitasking - enjoying scenery AND also playing a very fun game.


Exactly. Every generation seems to like talking down to the ones coming behind them and lecturing them with their perceived superiority. Its the height of arrogance.

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Exactly. Every generation seems to like talking down to the ones coming behind them and lecturing them with their perceived superiority. Its the height of arrogance.


It seems you are the only one here that can't just discuss the subject without making insulting remarks. It's actually possible to have an opinion about something without this kind of rhetoric.

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Exactly. Every generation seems to like talking down to the ones coming behind them and lecturing them with their perceived superiority. Its the height of arrogance.



A bit 'over the top' reaction there. I am in the older generation and downloaded the game and can see the attraction and benefits. I can also see the downsides. That's called an unbiassed opinion.



Sent from my iPhone using Forums

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This thread is hilarious.


Back in the 50s the PTA condemned Elvis and Rock&Roll as instigators of juvenile delinquency.




If they play Elvis and Rock & Roll TODAY in the Martini Bar or at the pool deck it will be condemned as loud rap music :D

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This thread is hilarious.


Back in the 50s the PTA condemned Elvis and Rock&Roll as instigators of juvenile delinquency.


Now a Pokemon game in the minds of cruisers in the know is an American Health and Welfare crisis - and are going apoplectic at the thought of kids multitasking - enjoying scenery AND also playing a very fun game.


This is very true...and churches actually condemned Elvis and R&R.....my parents refused to let me watch him on Ed Sullivan (but I did) but there's one major difference between Elvis and Pokemon (aside from the obvious one that Elvis was REAL) and that is that I don't recall any of my friends getting hit by buses, falling off cliffs, being robbed in a park, or interrupting funeral services while listening to "You Ain't Nothin' but a Hound Dog". :D


I found many solid reasons against Pokemon being on cruise ships on this board, I hope I contributed to them....but the biggest reason I find for supporting it: it's fun....so fun trumps safety and consideration for others?

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This thread is hilarious.


Back in the 50s the PTA condemned Elvis and Rock&Roll as instigators of juvenile delinquency.


Now a Pokemon game in the minds of cruisers in the know is an American Health and Welfare crisis - and are going apoplectic at the thought of kids multitasking - enjoying scenery AND also playing a very fun game.


I think the reactions are actually amusing. The media has the ability to hype anything to the point where we are very concerned, but it's because the "stories" are given without any context.


Bicycles are far more dangerous than Pokemon. 726 people died as a result of bicycle accidents in 2014, about 2% of the total deaths due to vehicle accidents, yet bicycles represent only 1 percent of the vehicle "trips" taken that year. Over 50,000 emergency room visits due to bicycles each year.


Compared to Pokemon, bicycles are two wheel death machines. Not many news stories on that, yet an average of about 2 people per day die in bicycle accidents.

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I think the reactions are actually amusing. The media has the ability to hype anything to the point where we are very concerned, but it's because the "stories" are given without any context.


Bicycles are far more dangerous than Pokemon. 726 people died as a result of bicycle accidents in 2014, about 2% of the total deaths due to vehicle accidents, yet bicycles represent only 1 percent of the vehicle "trips" taken that year. Over 50,000 emergency room visits due to bicycles each year.


Compared to Pokemon, bicycles are two wheel death machines. Not many news stories on that, yet an average of about 2 people per day die in bicycle accidents.


Depends on where you live. Bicycle accidents/deaths - at least when a car is involved - are reported all the time in NYC.


But the bottom line is people generally aren't purposely ignoring their surroundings while riding bikes (stupidly ignoring traffic signs and stop lights, yes). They ARE while playing this game - and yes, I've been run into by little snowflakes walking, running, skating, and scootering while playing this game, I've been run into by adults playing this game - and in most of those cases they try to blame ME for "not paying attention".

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Depends on where you live. Bicycle accidents/deaths - at least when a car is involved - are reported all the time in NYC.


But the bottom line is people generally aren't purposely ignoring their surroundings while riding bikes (stupidly ignoring traffic signs and stop lights, yes). They ARE while playing this game - and yes, I've been run into by little snowflakes walking, running, skating, and scootering while playing this game, I've been run into by adults playing this game - and in most of those cases they try to blame ME for "not paying attention".


High five and a fist bump!!! :D

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This thread is hilarious.


Back in the 50s the PTA condemned Elvis and Rock&Roll as instigators of juvenile delinquency.


Now a Pokemon game in the minds of cruisers in the know is an American Health and Welfare crisis - and are going apoplectic at the thought of kids multitasking - enjoying scenery AND also playing a very fun game.



Thank you for this.

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I realise I'm at risk of being a hypocrite bemoaning Pokemon in churches.


Back in the 90s a friend and I organised a lengthy treasure hunt (the sort that took 3-4 weekends of cryptic puzzle solving for participants to complete) around the villages of Shropshire and Staffordshire taking in unusual sites and curios.


Part of that took the participants to churches where if they looked hard they could find the graves of Ebeneezer Scrooge and Little Nell (yes, I know fictional characters - but they do have graves in Shropshire) and other notable dead people. We sort of assumed that people would use their common sense and not disrupt village life, to the best of our knowledge they did just that.


Anyway long winded way of saying tolerance all round, respect others enjoyment etc etc etc


Btw people have been bumping into me whilst using their mobile phones for years, long before Pokemon Go

Edited by DYKWIA
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I have played a lot of Pokemon Go with my 9-year-old daughter in the past couple of weeks and I just wanted to clear up a few misconceptions about the game for other people who have not actually played it.


Players cannot "lure" other players to a dangerous location. There are permanent in-game places called Pokestops (usually located in public places such as churches, schools or parks) where players can go to collect prizes, but these locations cannot be created or changed. Other players cannot create Pokestops, Pokemon or even communicate with each other in the game.


There is no actual "chasing". When someone is playing, occasionally a Pokemon will spontaneously appear on their map. When this happens, their phone will vibrate and then the player has to stop walking to catch it by playing a little game on their screen. People are not holding their phones up and running around "chasing" Pokemon. I don't think kids on the cruise are going to be any more likely to bump into you than they normally do. :)


Considering there are estimated to be about 15 million players, I would say the vast majority of them are using common sense, but of course you are always going to have a few people who do stupid things.


Regarding the original question, I doubt there will be any Pokestops or gyms on the ocean although I'm sure there will be several at the ports. Reports indicate that there are some Pokemon on the ocean, although not as many as on land. Also, I think the internet connectivity at sea would be too poor for the game.

Lure module is real. Google it. All kinds of "how to use Lure Module" articles. news stories about crooks using it, too. And Forbes.com tells businesses that, "The simplest way to actively engage in Pokémon GO Marketing is to establish a Pokémon Lure Module purchase for the physical retail location. This will capture game characters in the geolocation for about thirty minutes."

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I really cannot believe a simple question asked by someone re their grandchildren has turned into this!

It's called Cruise Critic not Pokemon critic or let's have a downer on the kids and anything technical critic.

It started off as a light hearted question and has descended into this.


Get off your high horses and get back to critiquing cruises :-)


Soooooooo boring.


Sits back with popcorn and awaits flaming.

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Millions and millions of people are playing Pokemon and some of these people are stupid and doing a lot of dumb things. However these same people would have been stupid with or without Pokemon and would have been hurting themselves and annoying other people. Just because someone is enjoying this game, please don't connect them with these stupid people. Let the vast majority of people playing Pokemon enjoy themselves, they will not affect your lives. I plan on playing Pokemon as we cruise around Europe on the Silhouette. Hopefully I will find some interesting Pokemon will others are looking for the Loch Ness Monster. Enjoy your next cruise:):)

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