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Any Tips To Not Gain Too Much Weight??


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I'm on the Celebrity for 10 nights on Dec 11. I lost 70 lbs in last 1.5 years with weight watchers. I have gained back 10 lbs and am working to get that off and an additional 15 lbs to get to my goal weight. I would really like to lose at least 5 lbs by our cruise.


For first time ever we have the premium beverage package and it's first time just hubby and me. So I want to have a good time on the cruise. I don't need to stuff myself but I want to enjoy the food and drink. I am thinking maybe I will be real sensible at breakfast & lunch and then splurge more at dinner. Also, I will either go to the gym or walk around the ship once a day.


What are your tips for either staying the same or gaining no more than 1-3 lbs during your cruise?

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First of all congratulations on your weight loss, not easy...


We have five pointers we try to keep to....


We always have some breakfast but after that first cruise day with a full English we tend to start with a fruit plate then keep other items small portions.


Lunch we tend to keep to soup and salad...


Evening, we order what we like but no longer feel guilty leaving what we don't really want. Deserts we often skip...we ask ourselves do we really want them?

(we often prefer to share a cheese plate later on the balcony).


We are just not gym people but we walk around the ship everyday after breakfast, always have a swim every day and make sure we pick excursions with some walking.


We make nothing a 'no go'. In our experience if you say you can't have something (full breakfast, deserts, drinks...) the harder it is to make sensible choices...We also think about either/or...(things like having a desert or a speciality coffee).


We have not lost weight on our last cruises but we haven't gained...and we haven't felt we have compromised our cruise experience.


Hope you have a great cruise, great idea for a post too. I will be looking out for the tips of others.

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I do WW as well, so you have a really good start in knowing what to do. I never want to feel like I am on a "diet" on a cruise, but don't want to gain a lot. Last cruise we walked a lot, did laps around the decks, even the indoor decks, to get over 10,000 steps daily. Stairs were also my choice, as opposed to the elevators. Light breakfast and green tea from Cafe Al Bacio (sp?) help. Great selection of salads for lunch. Then for dinner, I had whatever I wanted. I would usually get dessert, but sometimes only have a few bites. Also, for the alcoholic beverages, I usually had wine or the skinny drinks.


Good luck with your weight loss and enjoy the cruise.



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Bravo on your progress made.

Nutritionists would say, yes you are on vacation, but be sensible.

Breakfast still considered one of the best jump starters for the day. Mix fruit, fibre sources, protein to hold you, just limit empty calorie carbs.


Lunch, again selections.

Walk around again.

Snacks avoid sweet nothing calories, nuts better, just the leaner ones and slow down the taking of the next handful for a minute.


Dinner IS the challenge with all the divine choices. Enjoy the wine, theoretically red better than sweeter whites. Portion size, sips of water before chowing down and little sips after each munch. Leave some on the plate (goes against the programming most will have if over 45-50 years of age !). Little promenade (walk) in between courses. Limit empty calorie carbs BUT enjoy some of them (vacation, remember, life gets back on track when home). Dessert same as already stated, cheese plate and fruit versus the lovely gooey stuff, but have a spoon full of hubby's, just a taste.

Avoid the full feeling by eating slower than usual, little things like putting knife and fork down for 20-30 seconds after each bite.

Yes it will be tough but again, you are on vacation, do not step on the scale until one week after getting home, enjoy the memories, at home first couple days get back to your normal routine and portioning, keep water up, then...

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Congratulations! That is quite an accomplishment! I used WW after I had my son and I'm back on it after having my daughter this past August (34.6 down, 28.5 to go!). You already have a great plan with staying active and making healthy choices early in the day. I try to keep my snacks to fruit and vegetables and I always cut portions in half when dining out and share courses with my husband, especially dessert! I avoid the high calorie mixed drinks and stick to one or two glasses of wine. I also always have my espresso beverages made with skim milk and no flavored syrups (or if I want the flavors ask for just one pump or even a half). On vacations we definitely take the stairs as much as possible and try to do active excursions like kayaking, snorkeling, hikes, etc. I hope y'all have a fantastic trip!

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Great question! We will be on Infinity in March for 28 days! I have been on Jenny Craig and lost 25 pounds so far. My first test is now. We are at an AI in Jamaica now and then heading to Dominican Republic, total 20 days. Not a cruise but food and drink same temptations. I have been eating only half of my entres. Filling up with salad. If we get desert we share. Walking more and not drinking like a crazy person. My goal is to gain no more that 5 pounds which was what I normally gained on these trips and it always came right off when I got home. Good luck to you and cross your fingers for me. 🌴🌴



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Walk. While at Sea I get up and do a lap or two of the ship about each hour. When in port walk into town when possible, even if it's 30 minutes or more.


Stairs. You'll be surprised how much exercise you can get by simply avoiding the elevators.


Fruit. Eat lots for breakfast and at lunch.


Lastly, regardless of how tasty the meals are, leave a little behind. Not eating that last couple of bites can go a long way towards keeping the weight off.

Edited by RickT
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Thank you for all the great tips! I will stay off the elevator and definitely get at least 10,000 steps in a day. For desserts I will probably take few bites. Definitely take my time eating.


I would love to not gain at all but I am ok with a few pound weight gain. I can't wait until Dec!


Thanks again! :)

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The most I've ever gained on a cruise was our 46 day Around the Horn in 2009, I was very pleased to "only" gain 4lbs. My biggest meal of the day is a late breakfast where I will have eggs, cheese, oatmeal, and fruit, but I never eat meats and rarely breads. I skip lunch, may have some fruit or veggies as a late afternoon snack. My "rule" at dinner is to order whatever I want, including dessert, but I never eat more than 3 bites of each. :D Also, lots of water and avoid sugary drinks but I do drink wine!


We are very active on excursions, walk a lot, ride bikes, etc. On sea days, I walk and make sure I get to the gym each day. Our cruise to Alaska in September was so busy that I actually came home weighing less than when I left.


I did think it was funny on Solstice that the walking track went right by the Mast Grill! The aroma from the hamburgers made walking very difficult!



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Hi, good for you, congrats!!


I have been quite successful a couple of times managing my weight on Celebrity.

What worked for me...

1. A healthy breakfast with protein, berries for fruit and non fat yogurt.

I then stayed out of the cafeteria for the remainder of the day, too many temptations for me.

2. Eat lunch at the Aqua Spa Cafe, close to the Solarium. Wonderful lunch options, we opted for fish or chicken.

3. I dislike the gym but I did use the tread mill everyday for 20 minutes to assure I get the needed exercise. Walking does not do it for me, I don't walk fast enough to really get my heart rate up. As others have said use the stairs rather than elevator.

4. Wine has less calories than most cocktails, I went for the bubbly.

5. Dinner was the splurge time but I only ate what I loved, if the side dish wasn't wonderful I took a taste and skipped it. Dessert skipped in MDR and opted for chocolate martini at the martini bar.

I am a foodie, hence the weight issue, lol, but was able to be fairly successful using some of the above tips.

Good luck and enjoy your cruise.


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(1) Don't eat if if you don't really love it. Eat large breakfast, less for lunch and the least for dinner.


(2) Don't drink calories


(3)Try to reach 20,000 steps/day.


This may not work for all but works great for me because I do not like alcohol.


Keep reminding yourself of your accomplishment in losing all that weight, and that you don't want to have to do it all over again.


Good luck!

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What are your tips for either staying the same or gaining no more than 1-3 lbs during your cruise?


Congratulations on your weight loss. We rarely gain weight on a cruise although we both could lose some right now :rolleyes:


We don't eat a bunch of the pastries for breakfast. I get yogurt and some granola and fresh berries. That's it. We don't try to 'get our money's worth' on a cruise. On every port day and often other days (sometimes the entire cruise) we order room service breakfast. That way we're not tempted by pastry passing by.


We often just get fresh greens (buffet or order from Luminae or main dining room) and put a grilled chicken or salmon on it, and vinaigrette. I don't always order from the menu, just order a plate of greens and whatever protein. People think you have to order always from the menu. No dessert for lunch. We rarely use the buffet on a cruise. Just don't walk around getting dinner items with gravy and stuff on the buffet line. Pick your salad and a protein and call it a day.


If you got premium beverage pkg as a perk, don't worry about if you don't use it much. It was free.........maybe allow yourself one drink in the evening.


Do active excursions. Even if it's getting off the ship and walking a few miles in port at a brisk pace.


Drink water. I imagine you're probably already doing that. Use your beverage package to get water all day long. And if you *do* drink alcohol, make yourself drink one water in between each. <--- what I do anyway, because I don't like the tipsy feeling.


Don't eat between meals. Like I read here all the time about getting snacks before dinner and ice cream when you pass by that location - just walk on by! Or late night pizza AFTER dinner! Personally I can't imagine that ever, but I know that wouldn't tempt you after 70 lb. loss.


I know that since you're on a downhill already, you have the "deal" firmly in your mind. Just eat what you've been eating. I quite often get the waiters to bring us a full serving of steamed broccoli or green beans rather than the tiny garnish that they typically serve. They have it in the back. I have them put sauces on the side, and last of all, if it's a really great dish I order it but don't eat it all. Customizing so you're happy isn't hard. The sun will rise the next day if you don't eat the potatoes!


Order dessert to share and just take two or three bites to get the taste. I actually LOVE the sugar free sherbets, etc. on the ship.


On many days we go up right after breakfast and walk the jogging path to get in some miles. We also use the gym - I like the elliptical and DH likes the treadmill. I used to do the weight machines but I rarely do them now.


I hope you have a great cruise!!

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Have used these simple guidelines to not gain weight after not being successful on previous cruises. Most things you know after being in WW as I was ( lost 30 pounds ).


Breakfast: stay away from lots of the fatty and fried stuff like bacon and sausages. Stick with protein stuff like smoked salmon, low fat yogurt and hard boiled eggs.


Lunch: again avoid the fatty and fried stuff, if you have salad avoid dressings keep to oil and vinegar. have dessert but just one.


All day: avoid soda (pop). if you drink limit the beer and the high caloric mixed drinks ( mudslide, pina colada) (not avoid mind you)


Dinner: avoid the gravies and the sauces, tell the waiter to bring extra vegetables like asparagus, avoid the starches like the potatoes and the rolls. Limit the dessert to one.


cheeseplate: don't. Lots of fat and calories here.


using this approach the most I have gained is 3 pounds on any cruise while still feeling that I have enjoyed myself.


Enjoy your cruise.

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Honestly as long as you aren't living in your cabin for 10 days, only coming out for food and sweet drinks and going back . . . You wont gain more than 5 pounds.


Your metabolism will be up from weight loss prior to coming on, you should be doing a lot of walking around the ship and if sailing in the Carribbean, it will still be easy to build up a sweat in December.


I have been on weight loss sets and done cruises, I stayed away from massive bread consumption more than anything. I mean if I am going to try pizza, conch fritters, burgers, etc. maybe I should chill on the dinner rolls. Also pastry breakfast items and donughts . . .nahh, bacon and eggs are great tho. Pretty much eat whatever dessert I want and definitely take steps and be active on the cruise. Heck hit the gym one morning. Any weight you gain will likely be water weight and easy to shed once you go back to normal eating/drinking.


Just do not linger too much when you get home, go back strong on your diet.

Edited by kdawg954
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I don't know how true this is, but on a couple of my cruises during one of the talks in the fitness center they say the average cruise gains 2 pounds A DAY! I was shocked!


I not only think it is possible to maintain your weight, I think you can also lose weight during a cruise (I have). The key is to keep in mind that the meals are rich and full of calories - but that does not mean they are to be avoided. When you get your plate - cut every single portion in half. Only eat half. At lunch have a salad with balsamic vinegar instead of salad dressing. And use the stairs instead of elevators. And try your best to do a brisk walk for at least 30 minutes a day - an hour or more would be better. Also, even though you only eat half the meal at dinner - don't eat in the MDR every night. Only go there a few times. The rest of the time, head to the Windjammer and have a light meal.

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I too lost 75lbs with ww and still going. Last April when we sailed on the silhouette transatlantic for 13 nights I found bringing my own salad dressing made a big difference! Once opened, I left in the cabin refrigerator and brought it with me when I wanted to. This made entree salads and salads in general much more enjoyable. I also kept a few pieces of fruit of my choosing in the cabin. I did find I could enjoy a few worthy tastes and treats with no worries as the extra movement offset any eating. celebrity's sweets most often look much better than they taste so at least that may not be much of a temptation. I lost 4lbs that Trip and that was after eating whatever I wanted in London for 3 days! Enjoy the trip and take care of yourself.

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A full glass of water before each meal, bring your own nuts for snacks, take the stairs (if able) otherwise walk the deck. Share a dessert. If you don't love it,don't finish it. Ask the waiter for a family style plate of veggies (without sauces). Above all, enjoy yourself, you are on vacation



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I have always had a weight problem and, for me, the best way for me not to gain weight is only eat in the MDR. You will have controlled portion size which helps lot. The portions coming out of the kitchen are just the right size. Of course you have to use discretion with what you order. Aside from the yuck factor of everyone having their hands all over the food and utensils, the tendency to overeat is too great for me. If I wake up late, I may get a simple non-cheese omelette and fruit. The protein will definitely hold me. I am definitely more active on the ship and am constantly walking. I also prefer walking excursions. Haven't gained weight yet on 30 cruises.

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Congrats on your discipline!


I am going to lose 30 pounds before my next cruise...have a year to do it...but doing New Zealand (awesome meat pies) and London (fish and chips) before this cruise. Want to weigh 160.


Egg white omelettes are great for me. I just ask for egg whites and all the vegetables as filling. Delicious.


Right now I am not on a particular plan...just using bread plates rather than dinner plates...very limited dairy, flour and sugar.


Also ask for any sauce or dressings on the side as you tend to use much less.


Great job!

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I carry slices of cheesecake as weights while walking laps.



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That was funny....my tip is nail your foot to your cabin floor. All kidding aside, enjoy your cruise; you've done so well for so long you deserve to let go for a little while.

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I'm on the Celebrity for 10 nights on Dec 11. I lost 70 lbs in last 1.5 years with weight watchers. I have gained back 10 lbs and am working to get that off and an additional 15 lbs to get to my goal weight. I would really like to lose at least 5 lbs by our cruise.


For first time ever we have the premium beverage package and it's first time just hubby and me. So I want to have a good time on the cruise. I don't need to stuff myself but I want to enjoy the food and drink. I am thinking maybe I will be real sensible at breakfast & lunch and then splurge more at dinner. Also, I will either go to the gym or walk around the ship once a day.


What are your tips for either staying the same or gaining no more than 1-3 lbs during your cruise?


About three cruises back we took some cruising friends advice and stopped using the elevators. It made an amazing difference.

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We start each day with at least a 3 mile walk. Drink lots of water, (before and during every meal) and 1 glass of water with every alcoholic drink. Be sensible and you'll be fine. However, it's your vacation...enjoy yourself and don't spend it feeling deprived. It's only 10 days, don't go home feeling that you deprived yourself. We eat and drink what we want and haven't ever gained more than 1-2 lbs, which we took off when we got home. I like my coffee and croissants in the morning on the balcony, my drinks by the pool and escargot at night...all things I never do at home and I don't deprive myself. Just do a bit more walking than normal and I've been good.

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