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What is being done about coronavirus.....


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40 minutes ago, kaleighsgram said:

We also need to get people to cough/sneeze into their elbows. Every little bit helps.

Swiss children are taught to do that from a very early age...my grandchildren think I am disgusting when I cough into my hands!  I have now started to copy them.

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3 hours ago, kaleighsgram said:

We also need to get people to cough/sneeze into their elbows. Every little bit helps.


That is such a good point.  So many times we are on a bus and the people behind us are coughing and sneezing and do not even try to cover their nose or mouth.  As I’ve mentioned, we have become sick on too many winter Regent cruses.  I put 100% of the blame on other passengers.

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A small update.  Not sure if has been reported on this thread that there has been the first death related to coronavirus in Japan.  Unfortunately, the news gets worse......... one of the people with the coronavirus (not sure if this is the person that passed away) is a taxi driver.


Related to ages - apparently a 6 month old now has the virus.  




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Travelcat, we send the patients away from the office with the mask still on, so it probably goes in regular trash.  at hospital, used masks for patients in isolation go in the biohazard if they are taken off.  Either way, hopefully no one would go rummaging around in trash and come in contact.


one thing people really need to stop doing is shaking hands.  It is a big germ spreader.  Patients come into my office and sometimes try to shake my hand.  I refuse, and some are put off by that, but it is just not a good idea when flu season is upon us.  

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Due to my emphysema, my doctors have advised me not to kiss or hug or shake hands. Everyone who knows me is used to my “elbow bump.”  Those who first meet me are a little taken aback. But, after a while, they become used to it. 
I wear a mask onboard an airplane. 
Cruising is a bit difficult, but I chance it because I love it so much. I think that cruising with 500-700 people is a lot safer than 3000-5000..

We are so looking forward to sailing on Splendor March 14th. 

Sheila and Herb

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1 hour ago, Bellaggio Cruisers said:

Due to my emphysema, my doctors have advised me not to kiss or hug or shake hands. Everyone who knows me is used to my “elbow bump.”  Those who first meet me are a little taken aback. But, after a while, they become used to it. 
I wear a mask onboard an airplane. 
Cruising is a bit difficult, but I chance it because I love it so much. I think that cruising with 500-700 people is a lot safer than 3000-5000..

We are so looking forward to sailing on Splendor March 14th. 

Sheila and Herb



I have no doubt that people on Splendor will not be hugging or shaking hands so don't worry about it.  Although Captain Serena will not be on our cruise to show how to "elbow bump", all of us are concerned about this virus.  


I will be wearing a mask on the airplane and will have extra biohazard bags in case anyone needs them to dispose of their masks.  Depending upon how many people are coughing and sneezing (which is always the case for winter cruises), we will wear masks as well.  


Typically, we move away from people that are coughing without saying anything.  This time, if we see someone coughing or sneezing without covering their nose/mouth, we will speak up.  While Regent is doing everything within their power to control this virus, we, as passengers need to do the same.


Despite all of this, we are looking forward to the cruise (to be 100% honest, we would have preferred that the cruise had remained on Explorer rather than Splendor as we had no desire to try Splendor for at least a year after launch.   

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4 hours ago, Travelcat2 said:

Despite all of this, we are looking forward to the cruise (to be 100% honest, we would have preferred that the cruise had remained on Explorer rather than Splendor as we had no desire to try Splendor for at least a year after launch.   

It will be of interest to hear what you have to say once you board Splendor and once you've been cruising for a few days.  Hope you post what you think about the ship and the cruise itself.  Well it's getting near cruise day, so safe travel, safe cruising and a few weeks of enjoyable fun with old friends and new ones.  Have a great time.

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29 minutes ago, behooves said:

Coughing- absolutely.  Sneezing- might that not require frequent changing of attire??


Better have a tissue ready, but your sleeve is better than my face. Next time a table mate sneezes all over the  table, I will get up and leave. I have had passengers cough at me in a narrow hallway. Next time, I will say something.

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59 minutes ago, behooves said:

Coughing- absolutely.  Sneezing- might that not require frequent changing of attire??


That brings up a difficult subject.  After having read how long the virus can live on items (different for metals, etc.......... the shortest length of time that I could find was 6 hours for copper and up to 7 days if the germs are on other surfaces), it is easy too question everything from seats on an airplane to chairs in Regent’s restaurant and lounges.


Few, if any, passengers are prepared to handle people coughing/sneezing near us that lands on our clothing.  I read somewhere to use “wipes” with a high percentage of alcohol.  This makes me wonder if having a small spray bottle of alcohol might help.


Dr. Rachel - any comments on this?  You are a wonderful source information.

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15 minutes ago, behooves said:

Coughing, sneezing with no covering is clearly unacceptable. And I think that coughing into one's sleeve is becoming standard practice. But sneezing is problematic. I think gentlemen tend to reach into their pocket for a handkerchief, ladies into their purse for a tissue. Technically, either of these should require hand washing or disinfecting afterwards, but not very practical. Sneezing into my sleeve is a new one for me, frankly the idea of it gives me the creeps.

Or one can hold one's nose and suppress the sneeze, my mother used to tell me that could make my brain explode. 🤥


That's a tough one, for sure.  Everybody sneezes, some more than others, for very benign reasons.  You can get up and wash your hands every time you sneeze and then use a kleenex.  But perhaps you can have a hand sanitizer handy...

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Back in the day when I was a flight attendant, we washed our hands with a vodka mini after every service.  We didn't want to get sick from our passengers.   The Company wouldn't let us wear gloves because of negative passenger reaction.  I've had a lot of colds because of this.  Now they let you wear gloves.  Big improvement.


On the airplane, wipe down your arm rest, seat belt, entertainment screen and most especially the tray table.  Your airplane is never sanitized.  I spray down the head rest with Germstar in the 2.0 oz bottle that I carry with me.  I carry sanitizing wipes and I offer them to my seat mates, too.  I spray down my cabin, light switches, remote control, door knobs and faucets first thing upon boarding a ship or staying at a hotel.  I repeat this each day after cabin servicing.  I'm not the germaphobe, my DH is.


I also use a device called a Copperzap whenever I feel a cold coming on.  You laugh, it works.  Virus can't live on copper surfaces.  They last quite a while on stainless steel.  I use this as suggested, I rub it all over my face, I rub in all over my hands.  I sit in front of the TV at night and use it.  You can let it sit in a glass of water for a few hours and make copper water.  Gargle it or pour it in your ear if you have an ear infection. 




I saw this on Shark Tank the other night and I thought I would pass it along as a potential idea.  First Defense Nasal Screens.




While it might not catch everything, it will catch a lot.  I think it will work better than a mask.  I see no reason why this won't prevent viral contact.  It couldn't hurt.  They are available from Amazon.  One package is $10.98.  It includes seven sets of screens.  I'm ordering some for us and will be using them on our Atlanta-Venice flight this summer.  I'll also be using them whenever we need to take a bus with the bunch of you folks.  DH travels for a living and he will be using these on airplanes.


I'll let you know how easy it is to acclimate to wearing these once I get my first order and use it.

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This why I was so pleased to see the Germstar brand was being used on Explorer last month.  It kills norovirus.  My guess is there a high probability that Germstar will kill coronavirus, too.  


Here is another helpful tip.  While you should wash your hands before you go to dine, whenever you go to LaVeranda or the Pool Grill and use the tongs, get a spritz of Germstar after handling the tongs and before you sit back down at the table.  Anything going around including norovirus will be on those serving tongs.  Stop it before it starts in on you.  This advice goes pretty much for Coffee Connection, too.

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TC and others

I am flying from Washington Reagan to Houston Hobby on  Sunday and we are already planning for prevention. In over 30 cruises we have never gotten sick (I just knocked wood). I attribute that to being educated and applying good solutions to current problems. This forum is a great way to prepare. We will be not be wearing masks ( I have them) but will be more focused on basic protection such as practicing safe hygiene, like not touching our eyes, noses or mouths' without disinfection. We will be using a combination of alcohol and hydrogen peroxide hand cleaners. not touching people we do not know and keeping our distance. 


Yesterday in church I must have hugged 30 people. On a typical cruise I do double of that each day. We cannot live in fear, as long as we apply common sense. Corona is not in the USA today in a presence that should scare us, but flu is. I practice this prevention all the time. If you are traveling international, that is another situation and you should react accordingly.


So keep posting, keep talking to your family. friends and neighbors; but most of all keep living your life and cruising. 




PS, TC, Karen and I really enjoyed meeting you and Dennis on the Explorer. 




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I think zinc works.  Not so sure about copper, maybe for some people.


i would rather hug than shake hands, though would prefer to avoid both.


alcohol is a great disinfectant.  We use alcohol based hand sanitizer in my office.  Though I still wash with soaps and water between every patient.


i sneeze a lot due to allergies.  I try to grab a tissue if possible.  Most sneezes have nothing to do with infectious disease, though if the person has an infection, it certainly is a good way to spread it.


have a patient in the hospital right now with norovirus.  She has never been anywhere near a cruise ship.

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Try buying Lysol wipes,,,sell in small pks.Or buy and put in plastic bag. They you can carry them in pocket,,use on everying talked about. Just put on table,and can use to pick up things thru out meal. After awhile it becomes second nature. Have been doing this for years, and get flu shots,etc. No sickness in LONG time.Also, carry saline nasal spray. Tends to flush out germs and keep nasal passages clean.Masks only good if changed frequently,,,tend to get moist .I ve done this on cruises, in rest,markets,you name it. Get odd looks,but too bad. Gets to be second nature.

Wipe vents on plane too,,along with all the rest.Can put on seats in bathroom,too. 

Oh, take pillows out of case and spray  down. Doubt they are replaced,,,or sanitized between .My DH laughs I ll kill myself with the chemicals. But force him to do most too.PS, I m a retrired RN and DH is ret.MD...but have not proof in journals this works,per se. Just does for us,,,and now 77 an 75 ,still in good shape and still cruising every 6 mos.

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1 hour ago, alexandra cruiser said:

Just put on table,and can use to pick up things thru out meal. After awhile it becomes second nature.

You may be on to something here.  I imagine that it takes a little getting used to, but it just might be worth giving it a try.

1 hour ago, alexandra cruiser said:

Oh, take pillows out of case and spray  down. Doubt they are replaced,,,or sanitized between .

OK, this one I have some concerns about.  I believe that the chemicals used in the disinfectants are made to be used on surfaces, others for hands, but NOT meant to be inhaled.  

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2 hours ago, boblerm said:

You may be on to something here.  I imagine that it takes a little getting used to, but it just might be worth giving it a try.

OK, this one I have some concerns about.  I believe that the chemicals used in the disinfectants are made to be used on surfaces, others for hands, but NOT meant to be inhaled.  


Really good point!  We may pack our own pillowcases that we can place on top of the ones Regent has - just for extra protection.  I'm not as worried about Splendor as other ships since Splendor has not been anywhere where the virus is significant.  


It seems that removing the Voyager from Asia ASAP may be a good option.  Regent can continue to offer cruises on Voyager - just not in places in Asia that have been hard hit by the virus.  

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All of the hand washing and anti viral strategy commentary is interesting but, perhaps, a bit over the top.   My husband and I both had childhoods where we were well exposed to dirt, grime, and germs.  Hence we both rarely get sick as our immune system seems to be doing its job.  On the ship, we have never been sick and we follow no special procedures other than routine hand washing and hand sanitizers as we enter the various venues.  However, we have started to wipe down surfaces in the airplane on long trips as there may be a higher opportunity in a confined space for exposure to a rogue germ.  

A few years ago we were on Navigator on the San Diego - Aukland segment of the world cruise.  My friend got a terrible throat bug on the last night that required IV antibiotics before getting off the ship.  Neither we, nor her husband, got the bug.  Again, just routine hand-washing.  All that being said, if you have other medical conditions, I understand being extra diligent.  

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I can't see bringing your own pillowcases is going to provide much protection.  When they come from the laundry, they will be sanitized, but as soon as the steward(ess) touches it to make the bed, that protection is gone, and would be with your own pillowcases too.  Think about it.

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5 minutes ago, Wendy The Wanderer said:

I can't see bringing your own pillowcases is going to provide much protection.  When they come from the laundry, they will be sanitized, but as soon as the steward(ess) touches it to make the bed, that protection is gone, and would be with your own pillowcases too.  Think about it.

Completely agree Wendy.  Starting with pillow cases, might as well bring all of your own bedding and wash/change the bedding yourself and tell the stewardess to not touch the bed.


At some point all this cleaning, changing bedding, etc. becomes useless.  Simply take care of yourselves and more than likely all will be well.

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