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Are you afraid of the coronavirus in your next cruise?


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Currently in the USA there are 5 reported cases of the new virus and zero deaths.


Also currently in the USA 19 million Americans have contracted another serious virus.

180,000 have been hospitalized so far this year.

Over 10,000 have died - including 60 children.


What is this terrible disease?

It is the flu - the same one that hits every year.

Wash your hands.


Everyone can go about their normal business.



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1 hour ago, BruceMuzz said:

Currently in the USA there are 5 reported cases of the new virus and zero deaths.


Also currently in the USA 19 million Americans have contracted another serious virus.

180,000 have been hospitalized so far this year.

Over 10,000 have died - including 60 children.


What is this terrible disease?

It is the flu - the same one that hits every year.

Wash your hands.


Everyone can go about their normal business.



Sadly, you're completely misinformed.  It's not influenza (for which vaccines are available) - it's an entirely new virus that crossed from animal to human and is now being transmitted between humans.  It's highly infectious (as far off as 200 feet) and it's transmissable even before any symptoms show up, perhaps for 14 days before those symptoms show up.


That's why it's such a concern to the World Health Organisation, and even though the death rate is lower than with SARS it's much more infectious and if you happen to have a compromised immune system or other underlying conditions you're at much greater risk.  The percentage of those who die may be small, and 2% of a few hundred people is nothing - but 2% of a million is quite a few. 

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2 hours ago, Harry Peterson said:

Sadly, you're completely misinformed.  It's not influenza (for which vaccines are available) - it's an entirely new virus that crossed from animal to human and is now being transmitted between humans.  It's highly infectious (as far off as 200 feet) and it's transmissable even before any symptoms show up, perhaps for 14 days before those symptoms show up.


That's why it's such a concern to the World Health Organisation, and even though the death rate is lower than with SARS it's much more infectious and if you happen to have a compromised immune system or other underlying conditions you're at much greater risk.  The percentage of those who die may be small, and 2% of a few hundred people is nothing - but 2% of a million is quite a few. 

You misread Brucemuss' post Harry. the 10000 deaths paragraph was referring to influenza or that was how I read it.

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17 minutes ago, Harry Peterson said:

I read it in exactly the same way, and all my comments still stand.


If you understand what he said, then why are you saying he is completely misinformed? He is saying that it is the flu that has caused so many deaths thus far -- that is the "terrible disease" he references, not the new coronavirus, which he states in the first para...


oh, nevermind. Not worth it.

Edited by cruisemom42
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7 minutes ago, cruisemom42 said:


If you understand what he said, then why are you saying he is completely misinformed? He is saying that it is the flu that has caused so many deaths thus far -- that is the "terrible disease" he references, not the new coronavirus, which he states in the first para...


oh, nevermind. Not worth it.

“Wash your hands.  Everyone can go about their normal business.”


Really?  Just completely wrong.


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2 hours ago, Harry Peterson said:

“Wash your hands.  Everyone can go about their normal business.”


Really?  Just completely wrong.


I agree, You're completely wrong.

Yes, it's a new virus and people are completely losing their ever loving mind over it.

Which is stupid and misguided. 

Be aware? Yes. Take precautions? Yes

However, you're going to lose your mind over a minor virus while there is a known killer on the loose called influenza? 

But there is a known vaccine for influenza! Really? A "known" vaccine? Doesn't seem to be working all that well.


Yes, you are completely wrong. Priorities are totally out of line with reality and scientific evidence.

By all means though. Don't let facts get in the way of a good story.

Edited by klfrodo
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5 minutes ago, klfrodo said:

I agree, You're completely wrong.

Yes, it's a new virus and people are completely losing their ever loving mind over it.

Which is stupid and misguided. 

Be aware? Yes. Take precautions? Yes

However, you're going to lose your mind over a minor virus while there is a known killer on the loose called influenza? 

But there is a known vaccine for influenza! Really? A "known" vaccine? Doesn't seem to be working all that well.


Yes, you are completely wrong. Priorities are totally out of line with reality and scientific evidence.

By all means though. Don't let facts get in the way of a good story.

You need to do a little more research on the facts I’m afraid. This is a very fast moving story, and every day that passes presents new information about the way this virus is spreading, how fast, and how easily.


Stay in your bubble by all means if it makes you more comfortable, and given that 97% of people won’t die from Coronavirus you’ll doubtless be fine. It just depends whether you happen to be in the weaker section of society that might be affected, and a lot of those people tend to cruise.

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On 1/30/2020 at 12:42 PM, librarygal said:

The coronavirus

It scares me to death.  I would not want to be trapped on any closed place without easy access to a hospital or my home with this going around.  Right now 7000 passengers are waiting for permission to leave the ship in Italy because some passengers may be sick with the virus.



What are your thoughts about cruising during the internationally spread coronavirus?

If you are elder or have history of getting ill on travels due to common cold or other seasonal, I'd stay home.


The H1N1 and other virus sickness have been around forever and humans have been exposed to it for eons in terms of evolution exposure and our immune system has seen it's variants for thousands of years.  The H1N1 as well as the common cold of course mutates and some are more deadly then others.


The Coronavirus strain of which SARs and MERs are relatives have a short history in humans with a bad track record of higher mortality rate.  SOme of that higher is probably due to human immune system short history with it and limited ability to adapt and cope with it.  Remember all humans alive have had some ancestor that survived exposure.  The family of corona virus NILL.   The virus could mutate, it's mortality as well as transmission are still in infancy of understanding.


Two outcomes: 

1) mutation rate low, Ro is low, and mortality rate is low, then over reaction


2) Mutation rate hight, or Ro is high, or mortality rate is high with some yet to determined portion of the human population.   Then the reaction was too little to late.  


China has taken the extreme assuming 2, as new data is coming almost daily and there is FUD and real information the real information won't be available for another many months who knows.

Edited by chipmaster
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I don't have any cruises planned so that's not a worry for me. My husband and I are visiting our daughter, who is studying in London, later this month. I am a bit concerned about all of our flights during our trip. Two flights there and two flights home. We are also flying to Dublin during the vacation so that adds two more flights. Our daughter and her roomies are in Zurich all this weekend and they are staying in a hostel with students from all over the world. It is easy to see how it can spread. I'm very excited for our trip but am not going to lie and say Coronavisus isn't on my mind. 

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Not really scared of Corona viruses.  But sure do have concerns about influenza.  Consider that flu kills up to 50,000 every year while the worst Corona virus attack (Sars) killed fewer then 1000.





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I'm not afraid - just sad that it has affected our itinerary and we are now disembarking in Taiwan rather than Hong Kong - where we have wanted to visit for years. It's also meant our 3 days post cruise in HK has had to be abandoned and flights changed so we can fly directly home from Taiwan ( a much longer flight because it has a touch down in Bangkok) although our travel agent sorted it all very efficiently. We are staying one night in Taiwan post cruise, and also have to stay a night in Heathrow before our connection home. All very disappointing - we would have preferred to transfer to the same cruise next year, but it's not an option offered. 

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34 minutes ago, Hlitner said:

Not really scared of Corona viruses.  But sure do have concerns about influenza.  Consider that flu kills up to 50,000 every year while the worst Corona virus attack (Sars) killed fewer then 1000.





Just out of curiosity, Hank, does the US have a free influenza vaccination programme for the elderly and other at risk groups, like the British National Health Service?

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7 minutes ago, Harry Peterson said:

Just out of curiosity, Hank, does the US have a free influenza vaccination programme for the elderly and other at risk groups, like the British National Health Service?

As you can guess, our system is very complicated.  But anyone who is on Medicare (those over 65) can get a free flu shot.  Most others can also get free (or very low cost) flu shots without even needing to go to a physician.  But, despite the easy availability less then half of Americans get flu shots.  There are many reasons why folks do not get the shots, but cost is generally not the issue.  Even my Supermarket gives free flu shots, but many ignore the opportunity.



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45 minutes ago, Hlitner said:

Even my Supermarket gives free flu shots

How wonderful - if you don't mind my asking, what supermarket is that?  I am not aware of any supermarkets in my area that provide free flu shots. The supermarkets at which I shop offer the shot but one has to pay for it.

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25 minutes ago, dogs4fun said:

How wonderful - if you don't mind my asking, what supermarket is that?  I am not aware of any supermarkets in my area that provide free flu shots. The supermarkets at which I shop offer the shot but one has to pay for it.

In our area we have Giant who has in store pharmacies.  They offer flu shots and accept just about any insurance (including Medicare/Medicaid) with no co-pays.  Most of our other pharmacies also offer free shots for anyone with just about any kind of insurance.  I have yet to meet anyone who says "I don't get a flu shot because of the cost."  What you hear are things like "I don't like shots," "I don't believe in vaccines,"  "You catch the flu from the shot (which is impossible)," etc.  Many employers also offer free flu shots at their work places, but many still refuse to get the shot.  It is like a political issue.  When I worked in the healthcare industry all of us would get the shots except those who were allergic.  Medical professionals understand the benefits. Just Google "Free Flu Shots" and you will be amazed.  We still have friends who simply say "I don't believe in flu shots" and we just smile and shake our head.



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5 minutes ago, Hlitner said:

We still have friends who simply say "I don't believe in flu shots" and we just smile and shake our head.

I'll admit that until we got our first grandkid eight years ago we weren't always scrupulous. But now it's a habit. And our pharmacist - in a grocery store - said that when you put out Halloween decorations get your flu shot 🙂

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13 minutes ago, clo said:

I'll admit that until we got our first grandkid eight years ago we weren't always scrupulous. But now it's a habit. And our pharmacist - in a grocery store - said that when you put out Halloween decorations get your flu shot 🙂

LOL, Grandchildren change everything :).  



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50 minutes ago, Hlitner said:

In our area we have Giant who has in store pharmacies. 

Yes, most of our supermarkets also have in store pharmacies. I was not debating the reason for an individual's refusal to get a flu shot - I  have heard some of the "silly" reasons (not supported by scientific data) for not getting any type of vaccination & agree that it usually has nothing to do with cost.  

I was simply wondering where one could obtain a free flu shot - they are not free at my supermarket. I had to pay for my shot as it was not covered by my insurance. 😕 Would definitely be interested in a freebie if it was easily obtainable.

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14 minutes ago, dogs4fun said:

Yes, most of our supermarkets also have in store pharmacies. I was not debating the reason for an individual's refusal to get a flu shot - I  have heard some of the "silly" reasons (not supported by scientific data) for not getting any type of vaccination & agree that it usually has nothing to do with cost.  

I was simply wondering where one could obtain a free flu shot - they are not free at my supermarket. I had to pay for my shot as it was not covered by my insurance. 😕 Would definitely be interested in a freebie if it was easily obtainable.

Many Medical Insurance plans have realized the wisdom of offering to cover certain vaccinations for free.  In the case of Medicare and most Medicaid plans they will cover flu, DPT, and even the expensive Shingles vaccine.  When I worked in the industry we realized that paying for some vaccinations would actually save us money since treatment is much more expensive.  I am still mystified as to why all hospitalization plans do not pay for routine vaccinations.  Avoiding expensive hospitalizations for things like the flu are a win-win for both the insurer and the insured.  A lot of employers have also realized they can save many sick days by making free vaccinations readily available.



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5 minutes ago, ed01106 said:

I don't know of a single store offering FREE flu shots in the USA .  I know of many advertising free with most insurance plans.  But none are totally free if you don't have insurance.

Krogers in Ohio was one offering free flu shots.

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26 minutes ago, ed01106 said:

I don't know of a single store offering FREE flu shots in the USA .  I know of many advertising free with most insurance plans.  But none are totally free if you don't have insurance.

👆 Exactly this.

I was reading "free" quite literally (no strings attached). I don't consider reimbursement to the provider via an insurance plan "free". Most all pharmacies, supermarkets, Walmarts, etc. offer the shot but they are not actually free - one must carry the requisite insurance in order to receive a vaccination. 

Thought maybe I was missing out on a free benefit but it appears not. 😕 


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