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Royal Caribbean Cruisers -- How Are Things Where You Are? (was "Routine" ​ 😁 ​day in lockdown... how was yours?)

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31 minutes ago, BonTexasNY said:

I think HBE's intent was that George and I are in TX and are still Yankee fans.  But of course, Bronx = Yankee fans, and, Brooklyn = Dodgers fans    I wonder how many Brooklyn folks remained Dodger fans after the Dodgers left Brooklyn.  Many at that time switched to The Mets..


Lenny, were you a Dodger fan before they left Brooklyn?


Yes,I was.I still root for the Dodgers except when they play the Mets.

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2 hours ago, Jimbo said:

Guess your Boss hasn't heard you can be positive but not test positive until like  up to 3 days from now.


Chances seem really good since everyone was coughing that more then 5 out of the 20 will eventually turn up positive. If just 3 or 4 of the remaining 15  turn up positive, with everyone going to back to work, those 3 or 4 might turn out to 8 to 10 more turning up positive.


Might be best if everyone just worked from home now until EVERYONE knows for sure they are Negative.

As far as us that we're positive end of last week, we are following cdc guidelines for 5 days of isolation/quarantine.

If anyone else became ill or tested positive over the weekend or Monday morning then they will be off all week.   


This office is not able to completely shutdown and work from home.  


Everyone's attitude last week with all the coughing and sneezing was "oh well I guess I get it or I don't"  boss suggested people mask up but Not one person put a mask on.  

We all figured we had been coughing all week why mask up on Thursday when the first positive person happened.  


I was told that in March 2020 when the world went into lockdown (remember I started here 2 months ago, beginning of august) they had staff working in each dept in the office.   Only 2 or 3 people were allowed network access on a work laptop at home, others were temporarily laid off.   


The Sales and Install/Service Departments that come and go from the office had their own extra precautions.  That is another 16 or 18 people.


If they survived the worst part of covid, we will survive this too.   

Edited by Sunshine3601
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29 minutes ago, Arzeena said:


Good to hear you are feeling nearly fine.....but don't tell Eric shhhhh....he may hand over the kitchen to you.😁

Tonight was easy, I asked for soup and sandwich.  He made me a nice turkey  wrap with NE clam chowder (from a can)  was delicious.

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1 hour ago, MJSailors said:

@Luckynana Very sorry to hear about your hubby’s surgery,hoping he is recuperating nicely.

That must have been an anxious experience for you. Did you have any friends or family to be with you while Jim was hospitalized in Halifax ?

Good that it worked out for the both of you.💐


Thank you, MJ. 💕  It was just Jim and I.  The people at my hotel made my stay very comfortable.  Great staff at the Atlantica Hotel, which was across the street from the Queen Elizabeth II Infirmary.

14 minutes ago, Sunshine3601 said:

Tonight was easy, I asked for soup and sandwich.  He made me a nice turkey  wrap with NE clam chowder (from a can)  was delicious.

Sounds delicious, Debbie!

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8 hours ago, Luckynana said:

Thank you, Mark.🥰

How is your daughter feeling?  I hope all is well for your DD💕


She has good days and bad days.  Taking things a day at a time.  Thanks for asking.


4 hours ago, Sunshine3601 said:

Every single person in the office was coughing and/or sneezing last week.   First one tested positive Thursday then me and 3 others on Friday.  Hopefully noone else but kinda doubt it with how everyone sounded last week.   


My Boss called today to see how I was feeling,  he said he is going to ask everyone to test before coming to work tomorrow and if they don't have at home kits to buy and he will reimburse.

I spoke with a neighbor over my fence today and she has a couple family members with covid now but everyone has cold like symptoms.   So at least this strain is nothing like the original one.


One of Susan’s sisters tested positive today.  Surprised this is the first time she got it, since she is an RN, and has worked at the hospital all through the pandemic.   Fever of 104° and trouble breathing.  Not sure what strain she got, but she just got the latest booster a couple weeks ago. 

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5 hours ago, Sunshine3601 said:

Thank you.  I do feel much better today.   Thursday night and Friday were the worst of it with fever and chills.  I broke my fever and now dealing with congestion and cough which is starting to break up.   

As of Friday I heard 5 out of 20 office staff had tested positive.  I'm hoping everyone is on the mend.   Based on our quarantine rules here in the US I will be permitted to return to work on Wednesday but will have to wear a mask for at least 5 days.

I'll be happy to get out of quarantine as I'm going stir crazy with staying in the bedroom or back patio to avoid infecting Eric.

Glad you’re feeling better Debbie.  🤞 Eric stays negative.  

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5 hours ago, Sunshine3601 said:

Thank you.  I do feel much better today.   Thursday night and Friday were the worst of it with fever and chills.  I broke my fever and now dealing with congestion and cough which is starting to break up.   

As of Friday I heard 5 out of 20 office staff had tested positive.  I'm hoping everyone is on the mend.   Based on our quarantine rules here in the US I will be permitted to return to work on Wednesday but will have to wear a mask for at least 5 days.

I'll be happy to get out of quarantine as I'm going stir crazy with staying in the bedroom or back patio to avoid infecting Eric.

So sorry you have been so sick.  I am glad your boss is paying for tests before everyone returns.  Don’t want it going around the office again.

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I finally called RC back today about adding one DBP and one Refreshment Package.  As you all predicted, different rep = different result.  The guy I spoke with today was able to do it right away with no supervisor approval needed and without putting me on hold once. The entire thing took less than 5 minutes, including wait time to reach a representative.  I’m a happy camper 🥂🍷🍸🍹️!

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6 minutes ago, h20skibum said:

She has good days and bad days.  Taking things a day at a time.  Thanks for asking.



One of Susan’s sisters tested positive today.  Surprised this is the first time she got it, since she is an RN, and has worked at the hospital all through the pandemic.   Fever of 104° and trouble breathing.  Not sure what strain she got, but she just got the latest booster a couple weeks ago. 

Praying your daughter has many more good days than bad.


I hope Susan's sister recovers quickly.  That's quite a high fever.  

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10 minutes ago, h20skibum said:

She has good days and bad days.  Taking things a day at a time.  Thanks for asking.



One of Susan’s sisters tested positive today.  Surprised this is the first time she got it, since she is an RN, and has worked at the hospital all through the pandemic.   Fever of 104° and trouble breathing.  Not sure what strain she got, but she just got the latest booster a couple weeks ago. 

Prayers for your DD, Mark.🙏


How scary for Susan's sister to be having breathing problems with her virus.  Hope she feels better quickly, and that her fever breaks.  

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6 minutes ago, Momof3gurlz said:

I finally called RC back today about adding one DBP and one Refreshment Package.  As you all predicted, different rep = different result.  The guy I spoke with today was able to do it right away with no supervisor approval needed and without putting me on hold once. The entire thing took less than 5 minutes, including wait time to reach a representative.  I’m a happy camper 🥂🍷🍸🍹️!


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7 minutes ago, Momof3gurlz said:

I finally called RC back today about adding one DBP and one Refreshment Package.  As you all predicted, different rep = different result.  The guy I spoke with today was able to do it right away with no supervisor approval needed and without putting me on hold once. The entire thing took less than 5 minutes, including wait time to reach a representative.  I’m a happy camper 🥂🍷🍸🍹️!

Happy for your outcome with the DBP and Refreshment Package.    Too bad it wasn't taken care of with your first phone call.🥰

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I had lunch with a friend last week.  A friend I have not been in touch with for 2 years.  I offered an olive branch taking the high road and she graciously accepted (although it was her fault lol).


Anyway, when I asked how she was and if she ever got covid she said no but last month she had a cough, and runny nose.  I asked if she tested negative and she told me she assumed it was allergies she SOMETIMES gets and never tested for covid.  She said she had those symptoms for about 5 days.  I told her I exhibited those exact symptoms when I tested positive.  She lives alone and I wonder how many people she infected with covid if that's what she had.  She lives in an apt. bldg and is a social butterfly.

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This thread is so hard to keep on...


One day behind means 10 pages to view!


I had one of the best steaks of my life yesterday at a little place in Claremont CA called The Meat Cellar.  I had the Prime Tomahawk (apx. 2 lbs)  It was truly spectacular.  I'll definitely be going back.






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On 10/15/2022 at 4:29 PM, Luckynana said:

Hello my dear friends.  Jim and I got home Thursday evening from Halifax.  I've been too exhausted to read  any posts, or write until this evening.  I know the last time I'd posted was after having our lobster roll in Bar Harbor.  The next day we were in Portland and had a much better lobstah roll, along with excellent chowda.  That evening after having dinner in the Dining room, Jim started to feel uncomfortable.  We went back to the room and he just couldn't get comfortable....by 2:00 a.m., he said he had to go to Medical, since he was in too much pain.  The Doctor did some bloodwork and put him on an IV to hydrate him, and gave him some pain medicine.   We were scheduled to be in St. John in the morning, and the doctor advised us to get off the ship and go to the hospital there, so around 4:30 am I went to our room and packed everything up.  Jim came back upstairs around 6:30 and said we're to be back at Medical for 8:00 debarkation.  The Paramedics came on board and took Jim and I to the hospital.  Several tests were performed, and the Doctor felt it was Jim's Gallbladder.  The Doctor said it should come out.  Jim wanted to get back on the ship and thought he'd get it taken care of once the cruise was over, so we got back onto the ship.  Bad idea, since the next day we were at Sea, he wound up in the Infirmary hooked up to another IV.  Halifax was our next stop, and it became our home for the next week.   That was last Thursday.  Jim was taken to the ER and by evening was finally admitted.  Emergency surgery was performed early Friday morning.  Excellent care was given to Jim while there.  



I'm so glad your husband is better but so sad for you that. your trip was interrupted.  

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At times I wonder how I ever got anything done when I worked full time plus mandation which easily made my 40 hr work week around 54 hours. (We are salary plus paid overtime).


But I should not complain, when the surgery schedule was slow we were sent home with full pay.


But anyway.

Retirement is good.


I am truly blessed that I have  a great husband, I mean if he can put up with me he is awesome.

He never says "NO", if I want to do something he never hesitates.


Ok so this weekend was all about Rick.

I helped him when he needed help, and got out of the way when I was in the way.

We had a friends wedding Friday. Got home late.

Saturday we arose before the sun. (Yawn)

BRRRRRRRR it was cold.

Had breakfast and then went to the man cave to rut her up and prepare for winter.

The tiller was pulled off the tractor and the snow blower attached.

The Kubota was cleaned and the bucket taken off and preparing for leafing.

Yes we have two man toys.


The new birthday gift was put together. (A new work station).

Took 5 hours and only 1 fother mucker was shared.

I got nervous with the extra bolts, but he said he followed directions to a T.

Um, yea right.

They also gave the tools to assemble it.

I cannot post pictures from the computer, so when my phone is charged I will share the finished product.


Today Sunday, after mass we knew we had to finish.


Then we cleaned off the deck and carried all the outdoor furniture to the man cave and stored in the back.

Not to leave the house garage looking shabby, we completely cleaned and put everything back where it should have been put back when done with it (Not mentioning any names).


And I, are you sitting, yes me loaded 10 wheelbarrels of split wood to place in the garage ring for storage to burn when the weather gets nippy in our fireplace.  We can do either, wood or gas, we prefer wood. The main wood pile is safely back on our property and it was great exercise.


Then the Old Goat was washed and carefully driven back to the man cave and tucked in safely so nothing can cause harm.


Then we played musical cars.

We moved my GTO to the back of the third bay.

In front of it will eventually be the tractor with snow blower


In the middle bay is the Colorado.


And in the first bay is my Equinox.


Finally we brought all the landscaping ornaments, statues, memorial markers, and put them safely away.


Then as the sun was beginning to go behind the trees, and the leaves were blowing everywhere, it was time to come in.


Time for Sue work.

Working on the Baby shower for the DD in two weeks.

Starting dinner




And now computer time.


Oh How could I forget.

Saturday morning when I said BRRRRRRRR


Our brand new High efficiency Furnace was not being efficient.

It's Idea of working was blowing colder air than when the air conditioner was on this summer.

Thank God we were still on warranty and bought the extra protection plan.


So, the company called back instantly when we left a message on their answering service.

And the repairman was surprised we were having issues with it so new.

He thought it could be a pressure sensor.

But he told the Souse to go outside and make sure the vent was not clogged with leaves.

Spouse did, no leaves.


So Mr. Furnace man comes to the house, he checks the things in the panel that need checked.

And goes outside with his remarkable modern device to make sure the vent is patent.

Get this

He drops a golf ball, ( a nice clean white one) into the vent and it does not come out at the other end in the house.

So now he goes to his truck and gets a larger version  of a turkey baster brush and low and below, leaves deep down, where no man has ever gone before..


Now withing minutes we have heat.


Well thank God for warranties and extended service contracts.

When all was said and down, he presents the statement...........


Yup warranty does not cover labor, house call.............weekend visit.................


That was one mighty expensive golf ball.


But, it could have been dangerous, if we would have had a fire, or Carbon Monoxide poisoning.

And we do have smoke and monoxide sensors on all floors.


Ok let me see if phone charged, the spouse probably forgot to charge mine............Yup good spouse.


Be safe





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1 hour ago, BonTexasNY said:

I had lunch with a friend last week.  A friend I have not been in touch with for 2 years.  I offered an olive branch taking the high road and she graciously accepted (although it was her fault lol).


Anyway, when I asked how she was and if she ever got covid she said no but last month she had a cough, and runny nose.  I asked if she tested negative and she told me she assumed it was allergies she SOMETIMES gets and never tested for covid.  She said she had those symptoms for about 5 days.  I told her I exhibited those exact symptoms when I tested positive.  She lives alone and I wonder how many people she infected with covid if that's what she had.  She lives in an apt. bldg and is a social butterfly.

Sounds like you won’t be extending that olive beach again anytime soon.

I am going through so many tests atm.  Post cruise & allergies and daughter getting back to back colds with everyone sick at her workplace.  


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5 minutes ago, Lionesss said:

At times I wonder how I ever got anything done when I worked full time plus mandation which easily made my 40 hr work week around 54 hours. (We are salary plus paid overtime).


But I should not complain, when the surgery schedule was slow we were sent home with full pay.


But anyway.

Retirement is good.


I am truly blessed that I have  a great husband, I mean if he can put up with me he is awesome.

He never says "NO", if I want to do something he never hesitates.


Ok so this weekend was all about Rick.

I helped him when he needed help, and got out of the way when I was in the way.

We had a friends wedding Friday. Got home late.

Saturday we arose before the sun. (Yawn)

BRRRRRRRR it was cold.

Had breakfast and then went to the man cave to rut her up and prepare for winter.

The tiller was pulled off the tractor and the snow blower attached.

The Kubota was cleaned and the bucket taken off and preparing for leafing.

Yes we have two man toys.


The new birthday gift was put together. (A new work station).

Took 5 hours and only 1 fother mucker was shared.

I got nervous with the extra bolts, but he said he followed directions to a T.

Um, yea right.

They also gave the tools to assemble it.

I cannot post pictures from the computer, so when my phone is charged I will share the finished product.


Today Sunday, after mass we knew we had to finish.


Then we cleaned off the deck and carried all the outdoor furniture to the man cave and stored in the back.

Not to leave the house garage looking shabby, we completely cleaned and put everything back where it should have been put back when done with it (Not mentioning any names).


And I, are you sitting, yes me loaded 10 wheelbarrels of split wood to place in the garage ring for storage to burn when the weather gets nippy in our fireplace.  We can do either, wood or gas, we prefer wood. The main wood pile is safely back on our property and it was great exercise.


Then the Old Goat was washed and carefully driven back to the man cave and tucked in safely so nothing can cause harm.


Then we played musical cars.

We moved my GTO to the back of the third bay.

In front of it will eventually be the tractor with snow blower


In the middle bay is the Colorado.


And in the first bay is my Equinox.


Finally we brought all the landscaping ornaments, statues, memorial markers, and put them safely away.


Then as the sun was beginning to go behind the trees, and the leaves were blowing everywhere, it was time to come in.


Time for Sue work.

Working on the Baby shower for the DD in two weeks.

Starting dinner




And now computer time.


Oh How could I forget.

Saturday morning when I said BRRRRRRRR


Our brand new High efficiency Furnace was not being efficient.

It's Idea of working was blowing colder air than when the air conditioner was on this summer.

Thank God we were still on warranty and bought the extra protection plan.


So, the company called back instantly when we left a message on their answering service.

And the repairman was surprised we were having issues with it so new.

He thought it could be a pressure sensor.

But he told the Souse to go outside and make sure the vent was not clogged with leaves.

Spouse did, no leaves.


So Mr. Furnace man comes to the house, he checks the things in the panel that need checked.

And goes outside with his remarkable modern device to make sure the vent is patent.

Get this

He drops a golf ball, ( a nice clean white one) into the vent and it does not come out at the other end in the house.

So now he goes to his truck and gets a larger version  of a turkey baster brush and low and below, leaves deep down, where no man has ever gone before..


Now withing minutes we have heat.


Well thank God for warranties and extended service contracts.

When all was said and down, he presents the statement...........


Yup warranty does not cover labor, house call.............weekend visit.................


That was one mighty expensive golf ball.


But, it could have been dangerous, if we would have had a fire, or Carbon Monoxide poisoning.

And we do have smoke and monoxide sensors on all floors.


Ok let me see if phone charged, the spouse probably forgot to charge mine............Yup good spouse.


Be safe





Who needs a gym when you get that sort of workout.  You must have felt very satisfied at the end of the day.  Shame about the “golf” bill but at least he was prompt and efficient.

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Whilst we were walking in the National Park on Sunday, my friend and her DH were doing the Mona Vale to Narrabeen coastal walk.  She loves wildflowers as much as I do but takes much better photos with her phone.










The white flower is a flannel flower.  


Edited by aussielozzie18
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42 minutes ago, Lionesss said:

At times I wonder how I ever got anything done when I worked full time plus mandation which easily made my 40 hr work week around 54 hours. (We are salary plus paid overtime).


But I should not complain, when the surgery schedule was slow we were sent home with full pay.


But anyway.

Retirement is good.


I am truly blessed that I have  a great husband, I mean if he can put up with me he is awesome.

He never says "NO", if I want to do something he never hesitates.


Ok so this weekend was all about Rick.

I helped him when he needed help, and got out of the way when I was in the way.

We had a friends wedding Friday. Got home late.

Saturday we arose before the sun. (Yawn)

BRRRRRRRR it was cold.

Had breakfast and then went to the man cave to rut her up and prepare for winter.

The tiller was pulled off the tractor and the snow blower attached.

The Kubota was cleaned and the bucket taken off and preparing for leafing.

Yes we have two man toys.


The new birthday gift was put together. (A new work station).

Took 5 hours and only 1 fother mucker was shared.

I got nervous with the extra bolts, but he said he followed directions to a T.

Um, yea right.

They also gave the tools to assemble it.

I cannot post pictures from the computer, so when my phone is charged I will share the finished product.


Today Sunday, after mass we knew we had to finish.


Then we cleaned off the deck and carried all the outdoor furniture to the man cave and stored in the back.

Not to leave the house garage looking shabby, we completely cleaned and put everything back where it should have been put back when done with it (Not mentioning any names).


And I, are you sitting, yes me loaded 10 wheelbarrels of split wood to place in the garage ring for storage to burn when the weather gets nippy in our fireplace.  We can do either, wood or gas, we prefer wood. The main wood pile is safely back on our property and it was great exercise.


Then the Old Goat was washed and carefully driven back to the man cave and tucked in safely so nothing can cause harm.


Then we played musical cars.

We moved my GTO to the back of the third bay.

In front of it will eventually be the tractor with snow blower


In the middle bay is the Colorado.


And in the first bay is my Equinox.


Finally we brought all the landscaping ornaments, statues, memorial markers, and put them safely away.


Then as the sun was beginning to go behind the trees, and the leaves were blowing everywhere, it was time to come in.


Time for Sue work.

Working on the Baby shower for the DD in two weeks.

Starting dinner




And now computer time.


Oh How could I forget.

Saturday morning when I said BRRRRRRRR


Our brand new High efficiency Furnace was not being efficient.

It's Idea of working was blowing colder air than when the air conditioner was on this summer.

Thank God we were still on warranty and bought the extra protection plan.


So, the company called back instantly when we left a message on their answering service.

And the repairman was surprised we were having issues with it so new.

He thought it could be a pressure sensor.

But he told the Souse to go outside and make sure the vent was not clogged with leaves.

Spouse did, no leaves.


So Mr. Furnace man comes to the house, he checks the things in the panel that need checked.

And goes outside with his remarkable modern device to make sure the vent is patent.

Get this

He drops a golf ball, ( a nice clean white one) into the vent and it does not come out at the other end in the house.

So now he goes to his truck and gets a larger version  of a turkey baster brush and low and below, leaves deep down, where no man has ever gone before..


Now withing minutes we have heat.


Well thank God for warranties and extended service contracts.

When all was said and down, he presents the statement...........


Yup warranty does not cover labor, house call.............weekend visit.................


That was one mighty expensive golf ball.


But, it could have been dangerous, if we would have had a fire, or Carbon Monoxide poisoning.

And we do have smoke and monoxide sensors on all floors.


Ok let me see if phone charged, the spouse probably forgot to charge mine............Yup good spouse.


Be safe





Wow Sue, I am exhausted just reading about this 🤣!

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Yankees live to play another day. No 9th inning magic today from the Cleveland Indi, er,  Guardians.  Very routine and boring 9th inning.


Considering that the Yankees were 1 strike away from winning last nights game, this series could've been over.  Should be a good game tomorrow. My fearless prediction: one of the teams is going home.


Also, Jets, Giants and Bills won. Good day for NY sports.

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50 minutes ago, Lionesss said:

At times I wonder how I ever got anything done when I worked full time plus mandation which easily made my 40 hr work week around 54 hours. (We are salary plus paid overtime).


But I should not complain, when the surgery schedule was slow we were sent home with full pay.


But anyway.

Retirement is good.


I am truly blessed that I have  a great husband, I mean if he can put up with me he is awesome.

He never says "NO", if I want to do something he never hesitates.


Ok so this weekend was all about Rick.

I helped him when he needed help, and got out of the way when I was in the way.

We had a friends wedding Friday. Got home late.

Saturday we arose before the sun. (Yawn)

BRRRRRRRR it was cold.

Had breakfast and then went to the man cave to rut her up and prepare for winter.

The tiller was pulled off the tractor and the snow blower attached.

The Kubota was cleaned and the bucket taken off and preparing for leafing.

Yes we have two man toys.


The new birthday gift was put together. (A new work station).

Took 5 hours and only 1 fother mucker was shared.

I got nervous with the extra bolts, but he said he followed directions to a T.

Um, yea right.

They also gave the tools to assemble it.

I cannot post pictures from the computer, so when my phone is charged I will share the finished product.


Today Sunday, after mass we knew we had to finish.


Then we cleaned off the deck and carried all the outdoor furniture to the man cave and stored in the back.

Not to leave the house garage looking shabby, we completely cleaned and put everything back where it should have been put back when done with it (Not mentioning any names).


And I, are you sitting, yes me loaded 10 wheelbarrels of split wood to place in the garage ring for storage to burn when the weather gets nippy in our fireplace.  We can do either, wood or gas, we prefer wood. The main wood pile is safely back on our property and it was great exercise.


Then the Old Goat was washed and carefully driven back to the man cave and tucked in safely so nothing can cause harm.


Then we played musical cars.

We moved my GTO to the back of the third bay.

In front of it will eventually be the tractor with snow blower


In the middle bay is the Colorado.


And in the first bay is my Equinox.


Finally we brought all the landscaping ornaments, statues, memorial markers, and put them safely away.


Then as the sun was beginning to go behind the trees, and the leaves were blowing everywhere, it was time to come in.


Time for Sue work.

Working on the Baby shower for the DD in two weeks.

Starting dinner




And now computer time.


Oh How could I forget.

Saturday morning when I said BRRRRRRRR


Our brand new High efficiency Furnace was not being efficient.

It's Idea of working was blowing colder air than when the air conditioner was on this summer.

Thank God we were still on warranty and bought the extra protection plan.


So, the company called back instantly when we left a message on their answering service.

And the repairman was surprised we were having issues with it so new.

He thought it could be a pressure sensor.

But he told the Souse to go outside and make sure the vent was not clogged with leaves.

Spouse did, no leaves.


So Mr. Furnace man comes to the house, he checks the things in the panel that need checked.

And goes outside with his remarkable modern device to make sure the vent is patent.

Get this

He drops a golf ball, ( a nice clean white one) into the vent and it does not come out at the other end in the house.

So now he goes to his truck and gets a larger version  of a turkey baster brush and low and below, leaves deep down, where no man has ever gone before..


Now withing minutes we have heat.


Well thank God for warranties and extended service contracts.

When all was said and down, he presents the statement...........


Yup warranty does not cover labor, house call.............weekend visit.................


That was one mighty expensive golf ball.


But, it could have been dangerous, if we would have had a fire, or Carbon Monoxide poisoning.

And we do have smoke and monoxide sensors on all floors.


Ok let me see if phone charged, the spouse probably forgot to charge mine............Yup good spouse.


Be safe



7 minutes ago, jmh2006 said:

Wow Sue, I am exhausted just reading about this 🤣!


I mowed the lawn.  A whole 1/2 acre. Took almost an hour. And packed my bag for a 2 night stay in Atlantic City.


Oh, and made a pot of coffee.  So yeah, I was pretty busy too.😆

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