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Face masks Onboard?? Yes or No --- merged thread


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9 minutes ago, Lizzanna said:

I would not wear a mask on a cruise. If this becomes a requirement I would hope that those of us who choose not to cruise under these new rules would be given the option to cancel and receive a full refund.

It seems like if they add something as cumbersome as wearing a mask they would have to give a full refund to anyone that wants one.  I don't see how they would have cruising at all if you were required to wear a mask all the time.  How would they ever enforce that rule?

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11 minutes ago, Lizzanna said:

I would not wear a mask on a cruise. If this becomes a requirement I would hope that those of us who choose not to cruise under these new rules would be given the option to cancel and receive a full refund.

You bring up a good point. I think it is safe to say there will be some new rules implemented by Carnival and/or enforced by the CDC when cruises resume. I wonder if passengers will be provided the option to cancel the cruise without penalty if they don’t like one or more of the likely new rules. 

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11 hours ago, geckoaz said:


Embarkation in miami

Carnival: please put on this mask sir

CC passenger: i have these studies that say masks are useless and my doctor agrees. (Holds them up)

Carnival: sorry sir you cannot board and no refund because you failed to abide by our terms. 

CC passenger: (what do you do next?)


This is about it. Carnival will make the rules they feel like they need to make based on what they believe they need to do to get the CDC to stop creating no-cruising orders. The decisions are more likely to be grounded in politics than research. Once the rule is created, they really aren't going to care that you think that they are ineffective. The only question will be what the cancellation policy will be. If they were to create a rule tomorrow that you can't bring golf clubs on the ship I can't see them allowing penalty free cancellations because you now no longer want to go if you can't bring gold clubs. If they institute mandatory hand washing stations before entering any bar/lounge/dining I doubt they would allow penalty free cancellations because you prefer not to wash your hands as often as they want. Would they allow penalty free cancellations because they require mask wearing and you don't want to wear a mask? I truly don't know. I do know that I don't want to be on one of the first sailings to find out. This is what kills me about people that are booking as soon as they possibly can. Why on earth do you want to be the guinea pig to find out what the new policies are, what will happen if you refuse, and whether or not they work? Yes, I would like a vacation to, but I would prefer to save my money for a vacation when I know what experience I am purchasing than a vacation now that is so up in the air.

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2 hours ago, dallasdan said:

Because I don't want to wear a mask on a cruise does not mean I am selfish or entitled.  The issue is would you wear a mask on the cruise if required.  I would not.  I would wear the mask on embarkation, but once on the ship, I would not.  

You are correct. You not wanting to wear a mask doesn't make you selfish, but if masks are required (or are still recommended by the CDC) and you still choose to cruise/not follow the guidelines, it is then that you become selfish. 


No one wants to wear a mask. 



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53 minutes ago, sanger727 said:


This is about it. Carnival will make the rules they feel like they need to make based on what they believe they need to do to get the CDC to stop creating no-cruising orders. The decisions are more likely to be grounded in politics than research. Once the rule is created, they really aren't going to care that you think that they are ineffective. The only question will be what the cancellation policy will be. If they were to create a rule tomorrow that you can't bring golf clubs on the ship I can't see them allowing penalty free cancellations because you now no longer want to go if you can't bring gold clubs. If they institute mandatory hand washing stations before entering any bar/lounge/dining I doubt they would allow penalty free cancellations because you prefer not to wash your hands as often as they want. Would they allow penalty free cancellations because they require mask wearing and you don't want to wear a mask? I truly don't know. I do know that I don't want to be on one of the first sailings to find out. This is what kills me about people that are booking as soon as they possibly can. Why on earth do you want to be the guinea pig to find out what the new policies are, what will happen if you refuse, and whether or not they work? Yes, I would like a vacation to, but I would prefer to save my money for a vacation when I know what experience I am purchasing than a vacation now that is so up in the air.

I wasn't clear in my above post.  It seems to me if they are going to require mask wearing that  they will have to give people a limited time to cancel with a full refund because they can't hold you to a cruise contract that says nothing about wearing a mask.  I still think they will not have cruising that requires you to wear a mask at all times because that would be completely unenforceable. 

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25 minutes ago, skridge said:

I wasn't clear in my above post.  It seems to me if they are going to require mask wearing that  they will have to give people a limited time to cancel with a full refund because they can't hold you to a cruise contract that says nothing about wearing a mask.  I still think they will not have cruising that requires you to wear a mask at all times because that would be completely unenforceable. 


Whatever policies they put into place will be new and not in the contract. Whether it's mandatory santizing stations, mandatory testing, temperature tests, masks, etc. What's the line where suddenly they should offer a full refund. If it was temperature checks and mandatory sanitizing stations I think most people would not have a problem with not being offered a refund. For some people masks would be the line, for some people mandatory testing would be the line. I don't know that carnival cares where the line is for you. I don't think there's any reason they would HAVE to give you an opportunity for a full refund. 

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I have 4 cruises booked for this year. I would have no problem wearing a mask if required/recommended on the 1st one before making my decision permanently. Honestly, I'd probably do it anyway in close quarters that I couldn't avoid. I am an essential employee and am required to wear a mask at work. I have an office so I tend not to wear it in my office but I put it on when walking around the building and when people come into my office. I also take public transportation and wear a mask on that. I wear cloth masks. I'm used to wearing one at this point and I'm sure wearing one while enjoying the sea breeze and watching the sunset will be infinitely better to me than wearing it while trying to avoid being breathed on by the non mask wearers during my commute. But who knows. I might decide it's the most horrible thing ever and completely ruined my cruising experience. I once thought having my period during a cruise would ruin it. It didn't. But I do have a feeling I'd prefer wearing a mask to that.

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As others have stated, I don't think it is possible for carnival to enforce a mask wearing policy once on the ship.  I can see them requiring everyone to wear one during embarkation, along with taking temperatures and possibly testing everyone prior to boarding.  I would think most people can handle these types of restrictions.  However, once on board, social distancing and masking wearing does not seem practical.    

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5 hours ago, Doggielover68 said:

This 100%

I have family in Taiwan, where mask wearing is common all of the time, even more so now. Life is mostly normal there right now with no local lockdowns. Cases have been under control for a long time. 


When more people wear masks, there is less airborne transmission. For people that can't understand this, think about blowing your nose into a thin tissue. When you stack the tissues, fewer particles get through. 


People seem to think that being American means that you have the right to infect the general public with your germs. The amount of selfish people on this thread is unreal.

Taiwan is a great example for the world. I lived there for several years it is a great country. 

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1 hour ago, sanger727 said:


Whatever policies they put into place will be new and not in the contract. Whether it's mandatory santizing stations, mandatory testing, temperature tests, masks, etc. What's the line where suddenly they should offer a full refund. If it was temperature checks and mandatory sanitizing stations I think most people would not have a problem with not being offered a refund. For some people masks would be the line, for some people mandatory testing would be the line. I don't know that carnival cares where the line is for you. I don't think there's any reason they would HAVE to give you an opportunity for a full refund. 

I think if they have mandatory mask wearing that fundamentally changes the cruise experience and would be deserving for a limited time basis a full refund.  This is just my opinion.  I have noted that it is not your opinion.  I also still believe the mask policy is unenforceable.

Edited by skridge
added last sentence
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28 minutes ago, skridge said:

I think if they have mandatory mask wearing that fundamentally changes the cruise experience and would be deserving for a limited time basis a full refund.  This is just my opinion.  I have noted that it is not your opinion.  I also still believe the mask policy is unenforceable.




I think you are missing one large aspect of the situation. The bookings were made in an environment where everyone knew that everything has "fundamentally changed". The main point of this situation is that nobody actually knows what "will be". 


There were significant concessions made by the cruise lines to try to keep things going. The cruise lines have enticed passengers to continue booking by offering almost free cruises. You (everyone who books) are going into this with your eyes wide open. They are not going to go over every line item with each customer to make sure you are satisfied. I would liken it to buying an "as is" item. Nobody will have any avenue for complaint if something doesn't go to your liking. Of course, just my opinion.


All the companies will do everything they are "required" to do to continue operations. Whatever they do, won't be just to make you feel more comfortable. It will be because governments have made it a requirement. They will be trying to protect and restart their industry. Think about that and then tell me you really don't think a "mask policy is enforceable". Once security is called, if you don't comply with requests made, you will be failing to comply with the general contract that you made by booking. That contract allows them to confine you or have you put off the ship for not following directions made by the crew. Once on the ship, you may be the customer, but they are in charge. If you happen to be in a port where this type of action would be considered against the law, you could also find yourself arguing in a court of law. Is that the type of vacation you are looking for?

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10 minutes ago, Nic6318 said:




I think you are missing one large aspect of the situation. The bookings were made in an environment where everyone knew that everything has "fundamentally changed". The main point of this situation is that nobody actually knows what "will be". 


There were significant concessions made by the cruise lines to try to keep things going. The cruise lines have enticed passengers to continue booking by offering almost free cruises. You (everyone who books) are going into this with your eyes wide open. They are not going to go over every line item with each customer to make sure you are satisfied. I would liken it to buying an "as is" item. Nobody will have any avenue for complaint if something doesn't go to your liking. Of course, just my opinion.


All the companies will do everything they are "required" to do to continue operations. Whatever they do, won't be just to make you feel more comfortable. It will be because governments have made it a requirement. They will be trying to protect and restart their industry. Think about that and then tell me you really don't think a "mask policy is enforceable". Once security is called, if you don't comply with requests made, you will be failing to comply with the general contract that you made by booking. That contract allows them to confine you or have you put off the ship for not following directions made by the crew. Once on the ship, you may be the customer, but they are in charge. If you happen to be in a port where this type of action would be considered against the law, you could also find yourself arguing in a court of law. Is that the type of vacation you are looking for?

I don't have a cruise booked.  I am still of the opinion that it is an unenforceable rule.  Are they going to toss people off the ship.  I personally think the cruise lines are luring people to give them interest free loans with everything they are doing to entice people to book new bookings during this pandemic.  I don't think they will start up in August and there will be another round of enticements to get more interest free loans.  Just musings of a realist here and opinion only.

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If they test everyone before boarding and use one of those tests being created that can catch it within the first 24 hours, then people would only need to wear masks while waiting for their test results.  If that is the case, I am fine with it.  Anything beyond that really diminishes the enjoyment of a cruise for many people.

Once on board, I would also not have a problem with daily temperature taking.  Anyone showing any type of symptoms can get tested in the health area.  As long as they stay on top of it, I don't see the virus being a problem.  But no to the mask for me.  I can barely stand wearing one while shopping.



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I would rather see the cruise lines bring the doctors notes back versus forcing everyone to wear a mask.


I firmly believe those 65 and older (or with preexisting conditions) should not be cruising until a vaccine is made available.


I would not mind a mask at boarding or taking my temp.

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15 minutes ago, TNcruising02 said:

If they test everyone before boarding and use one of those tests being created that can catch it within the first 24 hours, then people would only need to wear masks while waiting for their test results.  If that is the case, I am fine with it.  Anything beyond that really diminishes the enjoyment of a cruise for many people.

Once on board, I would also not have a problem with daily temperature taking.  Anyone showing any type of symptoms can get tested in the health area.  As long as they stay on top of it, I don't see the virus being a problem.  But no to the mask for me.  I can barely stand wearing one while shopping.

Yes, everybody line up at 10 am and 2 pm to take temperatures. that will be a great cruise!



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15 hours ago, jimbo5544 said:

I happened to stumble on two articles that talked about this subject tonight. Interestingly enough, both these down played any transmission other than particles from nose and mouth.  Very interesting,

Here is the link to one.  


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6 hours ago, lovetocruise79 said:

I read an article on Disney Springs the first Park Disney is opening. They are requiring any guests age three or older to wear a mask. I realize this is not a cruise, but I thought it interesting seeing the number of guests that visit the parks. Makes me think they will be requiring masks on board. 

What you quote is correct, except Disney Springs is an area, not a park.  Shops and restaurants and some hotels.

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3 hours ago, dallasdan said:

As others have stated, I don't think it is possible for carnival to enforce a mask wearing policy once on the ship.  I can see them requiring everyone to wear one during embarkation, along with taking temperatures and possibly testing everyone prior to boarding.  I would think most people can handle these types of restrictions.  However, once on board, social distancing and masking wearing does not seem practical.    

Impractical...maybe.  But if these measures are put into place as the only means to reopen and sail again, you can be assured that enforcement will need to be done.  If they don't enforce them and there is an outbreak then the cruise line (and probably the industry) will be finished.  Plain and simple.  

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18 minutes ago, jimbo5544 said:

What you quote is correct, except Disney Springs is an area, not a park.  Shops and restaurants and some hotels.

Lol thanks, I actually realized that today when I mentioned to a co-worker. I haven't been to Disney in quite some time. 

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If you read about these "regular" masks in general, you will learn that these masks wont help you against the virus. It does not protect you. Its good only when there is sand or gaseous stuff around. Viruses will still get you with it.. Not sure whats the deal with those surgeon masks in general anyway

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I am Autistic. Like so many other "creatively wired" people, clothing of any type can be from mildly irritating to excruciatingly painful. The mask, to me, is no big deal, but maybe the masks will help people understand why so many Autistic people would prefer to never wear clothes. But we do wear them and none of my autistic friends can understand why such a big deal is made out of the whole mask thing.

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1 hour ago, Nic6318 said:




I think you are missing one large aspect of the situation. The bookings were made in an environment where everyone knew that everything has "fundamentally changed". The main point of this situation is that nobody actually knows what "will be". 


There were significant concessions made by the cruise lines to try to keep things going. The cruise lines have enticed passengers to continue booking by offering almost free cruises. 

I guess I fell out of your “everyone” scenario.  My October Horizon was booked before the pandemic is still non-refundable.  No concessions, refund options, IOUs, or general acknowledgments granted.  I “think” you

are speaking specifically to those whose cruise was canceled & rebooked and now have remorse.  I’m probably stupid & read too much into your response without reading linked upon linked messages.  Hopefully that is the case since a lot of us non-comped idiots are still hoping for the best yet feel doubtful about booking airfare/hotels/vacation.

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58 minutes ago, pc_load_letter said:

I would rather see the cruise lines bring the doctors notes back versus forcing everyone to wear a mask.



I have been cruising for 30 years, what Dr's note? BTW, it would have no meaning whatsoever. 

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I'll just make good use of my Cheers package and constantly will have a drink in my hand.  No mask because I am drinking; problem solved!  😁


Seriously, though, if masks are still required I don't think the no sail order will be lifted.  But if it is, I got Cheers!

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