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Desperate times call for desperate measures


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Are you going as crazy as I am not to be cruising right now (or any time soon)?  


I was a big fan of the CSI Las Vegas tv show.  I've started binge watching CSI Miami just so I can see the scenes of the ocean and the Miami skyline!  Yesterday I saw an episode with a Carnival cruise ship sailing out of Port of Miami and I said to myself, "Boy I wish I was on that ship".  Shows you how desperate I am and how low I've sunk when even Carnival sounds like heaven to me right now!


Anyone else going as bonkers as me?

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LOL, first world problems.

i realized this morning, I miss the vacation planning as much or more than the vacation. Two separate vacationing partners floated ideas about upcoming trips to me - one asking if our yearly beach trip was on, the other with ideas about substitutes for a Nov cruise if that became necessary - it hit me we can’t plan anything yet. The beach will likely happen, it’s less than 2 hours from my home, has begun a slow opening, and our friends own a house there, but the other person’s idea for a cruise substitute involves flying, and who knows about that?

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We don't cruise as often as many on this board, but we do normally travel a lot. We'd pushed our Spring Break 2020 cruise (DW teaches, at least for a couple more years...) out to 2022 for other reasons, and oddly enough most of my posting for the last 6 months plus had been on the UK Departure and East Coast Departure boards, for non-cruise trips to London and Amsterdam, and answering questions mostly about Manhattan, where we normally travel multiple times a year from the DC Metro area. 


So I've been binge watching things like Chef's Table, Somebody Feed Phil, etc., on Netflix, and looking at the Manhattan skyline and restaurants, and London sights and restaurants. Even Nathan's looked good, and I'm not really a hot dog person anymore!


Bonkers has become artisanal Dutch Oven bread recipes...

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1 minute ago, cangelmd said:

LOL, first world problems.

i realized this morning, I miss the vacation planning as much or more than the vacation. Two separate vacationing partners floated ideas about upcoming trips to me - one asking if our yearly beach trip was on, the other with ideas about substitutes for a Nov cruise if that became necessary - it hit me we can’t plan anything yet. The beach will likely happen, it’s less than 2 hours from my home, has begun a slow opening, and our friends own a house there, but the other person’s idea for a cruise substitute involves flying, and who knows about that?


Yeah I hear you. 

Ive even asked for pen pals. 


so here goes, write me so we can plan some imaginary cruises....



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More concerned with being able to see family in other states first.  Resigned to the fact that no vacation will be happening this year and probably not until at least this time next year.  Secondary consideration is that I'm holding onto my vacation days at work because those get paid out should I get furloughed.  I have a certain number of "use or lose" days that I will use to take a day or two at a time.  I'm already at home most of the week, so I guess the difference will be working vs not working on those days.

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I'm going to resist the temptation to book something, anything, when cruising starts again.

Hard as it may be, I'm going to take my time and wait to see how the entire cruise experience is going.

Will take into consideration the hoops that we have all had to jump through to get back from Celebrity (all cruise lines really) what was promised.


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Yes, I'm going through major cruise withdrawal.  Today, I should be in Port Liberty, returning from 24 nights on the Summit.


I still have a November cruise booked for this year, will see whether or not that goes.  I have re-booked my big B2B to Iceland and Greenland to next August and yesterday I re-booked the cruise I was supposed to be getting off today.  Both are cruises I want to do with unique itineraries.  It seems to be fairly easy to get deposits back, so I decided not too much risk in re-booking.  The problem is getting back the money for cancelled cruises.  Celebrity still owes me over $5,000.


I also had several land trips planned for this year.  The ones that involve flying probably aren't going to happen.  Our family has booked a large oceanfront house at the beach in North Carolina for Christmas.  We've done that before, and it works well.  Most of us can get there by car vs. flying.  Will see what happens with that.

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12 minutes ago, Happy Cruiser 6143 said:

Yes, I'm going through major cruise withdrawal.  Today, I should be in Port Liberty, returning from 24 nights on the Summit.


I still have a November cruise booked for this year, will see whether or not that goes.  I have re-booked my big B2B to Iceland and Greenland to next August and yesterday I re-booked the cruise I was supposed to be getting off today.  Both are cruises I want to do with unique itineraries.  It seems to be fairly easy to get deposits back, so I decided not too much risk in re-booking.  The problem is getting back the money for cancelled cruises.  Celebrity still owes me over $5,000.


I also had several land trips planned for this year.  The ones that involve flying probably aren't going to happen.  Our family has booked a large oceanfront house at the beach in North Carolina for Christmas.  We've done that before, and it works well.  Most of us can get there by car vs. flying.  Will see what happens with that.

This is as large a refund as I have heard owed on the boards.  I hope the best for you and your $$$.  As it stands we PLAN to cruise in November, which will mean a full year between cruises.  First time for that in 5 years.  We are doing Yellowstone in August (it just reopened), so there's that.  But to answer the OP's original question: YES!!! We are going bonkers and can't wait to cruise again. 

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B2B Mar/Apr cancelled and then B2B May cancelled and now wondering about B2B2B Aug cruises. I'm having major cruise withdrawals!!! And my soaps are running out of episodes...ugh! Night time tv is even worse since on summer schedule unless you're into reality shows. And now it's getting hotter than hell here so outdoor activities (golfing/walking/hiking/etc.) will be very limited. Don't want to sound snobbish but this royally messed up our plans to be 'Z' at the end of the year. I totally understand the situation and know it's very serious. I hate reading naysayers that the cruise lines are going to crash and burn!!! I pray they, along with the many businesses, small and large, and all families get past this and are stronger than before! We will survive!!! Okay, start Gloria Gaynor's version now...lol!

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Binge watching!! Last night, my wife said the extended program we were watching had 2 more 45min+ episodes left and did I want to watch it since it was after 10pm.....I pointed out that we have been watching this program beyond 1:30am the last 2 or 3 nights....So we we’d have over a hr left of just sitting there looking at a blank screen. Oh well.


The 6-season, 10+episode a season thing was an Australian epic called “A Place to Call Home”.....I was not only completely addicted to this, we are Now going to Australia just to see some of the show’s sites......Looks like a 16+hr flight followed by a week of wandering Australia on some TV program-based tour and then a cruise is in the cards. Im a sick sick human!!


I only shared this so those, especially our Aussie friends can go crazy if they’ve seen the show. Probably one of the best I’ve seen in a while. 


In Stockholm, we went on a tour based on the ‘Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’ of the city........it’s fun doing stuff such as that. Drinking coffee (well, a coffee-based ‘drink’ that was thicker than tar!) in the author’s favorite coffeehouse....at least that’s what the tour guide insisted. 


Can anyone else beat how ‘desperate’ that story is??



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1 hour ago, Denny01 said:

Can anyone else beat how ‘desperate’ that story is??


Can't really top that, but have binged watched all these crazy food and chef shows on Netflix. Binged watched Chef's Table. I'd probably heard of Christina Tosi and Milk Bar (there's a location in DC, currently closed), but had never paid attention. Nothing compared to a trip to Australia (which I totally get, BTW), but $100 or so for a Milk Bar pie (formerly known as Crack Pie), a dozen Birthday Truffles, and 6 cookies. I think the only location on the show you could order from...


I could actually plan a trip just to eat at the restaurants featured in the show. Modena, Italy for Osteria Francescana; London for Darjeeling Express, San Francisco for Atelier Crenn, Melbourne for Attica (although I really wouldn't fly to Australia just for one restaurant...). And others!

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So, it's not only me !!

Notice how active CC has been for the past few months ??  

Pages and pages on treads about " Who the hell knows when we will cruise again ?  " Slobs at buffets ",  " When the will I get my xx refund  ?" and " What will it take to get me cruising again " ?  

I've been spending so much time on CC lately that I don't remember which thread I posted on unless someone comments. Even then I can't remember what I wrote unless I re-read it. Sometimes I can't believe the stuff I wrote .

Hey, I never said I was the " sharpest knife in the drawer "-- But, CC really is fun .

When someone puts that laughing face on something I wrote, I don't know if they are laughing at me or with me-- 

We finally got some warmer weather. To fill time ,I washed my car twice today.

Hey, anybody try a diet coke with that new additive --- Hydrochlorofin or whatever they call it ?




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Yup,  even though I desperately miss physically being with my kids & grandkids, not traveling is difficult as well....  We should have flown to Vancouver last Saturday & should have been boarding the Solstice on Thursday for 8 glorious nights of the suite life....  instead I've been at home since March 12th....  I've been out 4 times for groceries & meds & that's it.... Still holding out hope for next May's Adriatic :)

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36 minutes ago, Pinboy said:

To fill time ,I washed my car twice today.

Wash once. Then wax.

Wash again. Wax again.


Life is good with a clean car with there is no ship on the horizon. T. Roosevelt.


Ok, not T. Roosevelt. T. Collins. How's that?

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1 hour ago, DrivesLikeMario said:

Too funny & too true!  When I heard that Carnival has committed to starting cruising on August 1st, my heart did a little jump and I even considered sailing with them...for a minute anyway.  That's how desperate I am!  😄

Dear Mr. Andretti,


This is serious. Have you sought counseling? Perhaps a soothing filet mignon with a glass of Caymus cabernet, finished with 7 layer double death chocolate cake? 😎


Breathe slowly. Long, deep breaths. Hands on the table. Tap fingers if need be. Tap toes to assist with fingers. Think about that one place in the world you would want to be on a CELEBRITY ship. Probably Hubbard glacier, right? Ok, maybe not, but it's pretty spectacular.


Now, lift your head, look into the loving eyes of someone. Yes, she's your hound and she loves you. Yes, she knows you can't take her to see Hubbard. Don't suggest to her that you might take her on Carnival. EVER. She will run away to Arkansas. Or maybe West Virginia (both great states, by the way). Anything is better than Carnival, right?


disclaimer: I've never been on a Carnival ship. I don't think they want me, honestly. So, if my joking is offending anyone, please sail Carnival. I won't be there to annoy you. I promise.


Now, Mr. Andretti, please book another Celebrity cruise. Very soon!


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I think I am missing the planning more than the cruising itself.


On CC I am really happy to give looooong answers about normal cruising...Questions about ports, restaurants, the rooms....anything. As I write about dining in Murano’s or Tuscan or cruising from Southampton I indulge in remembering all the wonderful times we have had on board. Sort of therapeutic, I guess.


We recently moved our October 2020 cruise to September 2021.... Just knowing I have a cruise booked is so important.


As for TV watching, as an alternative I keep looking at holiday photos on my iPad....


8 hours ago, Marelaine said:

It's getting so bad that I'm putting chocolates on our pillows.



Try mixing cocktails after dinner instead....


6 hours ago, DrivesLikeMario said:

Too funny & too true!  When I heard that Carnival has committed to starting cruising on August 1st, my heart did a little jump and I even considered sailing with them...for a minute anyway.  That's how desperate I am!  😄


.....not quite that desperate yet but I have started YouTube searching all the ships we have been on....If this goes on much longer a ferry trip may seem like an adventure.

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16 hours ago, phoenix_dream said:

Are you going as crazy as I am not to be cruising right now (or any time soon)?  


I was a big fan of the CSI Las Vegas tv show.  I've started binge watching CSI Miami just so I can see the scenes of the ocean and the Miami skyline!  Yesterday I saw an episode with a Carnival cruise ship sailing out of Port of Miami and I said to myself, "Boy I wish I was on that ship".  Shows you how desperate I am and how low I've sunk when even Carnival sounds like heaven to me right now!


Anyone else going as bonkers as me?


Watch "Like Father" on Netflix which was filmed on Harmony of the Seas.

Here is some other cruise-related content to consider with your bowl of popcorn:


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11 hours ago, K12Guy said:

Dear Mr. Andretti,


This is serious. Have you sought counseling? Perhaps a soothing filet mignon with a glass of Caymus cabernet, finished with 7 layer double death chocolate cake? 😎


Breathe slowly. Long, deep breaths. Hands on the table. Tap fingers if need be. Tap toes to assist with fingers. Think about that one place in the world you would want to be on a CELEBRITY ship. Probably Hubbard glacier, right? Ok, maybe not, but it's pretty spectacular.


Now, lift your head, look into the loving eyes of someone. Yes, she's your hound and she loves you. Yes, she knows you can't take her to see Hubbard. Don't suggest to her that you might take her on Carnival. EVER. She will run away to Arkansas. Or maybe West Virginia (both great states, by the way). Anything is better than Carnival, right?


disclaimer: I've never been on a Carnival ship. I don't think they want me, honestly. So, if my joking is offending anyone, please sail Carnival. I won't be there to annoy you. I promise.


Now, Mr. Andretti, please book another Celebrity cruise. Very soon!


That's MRS. Andretti!   And that is hilarious!!  LOLOL

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18 hours ago, Denny01 said:

Can anyone else beat how ‘desperate’ that story is??



I did binge watch 5 complete seasons of Game of Thrones in 7 days last week.....


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