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6-18-20 Thursday Weigh-In .. Summer Time Really?


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S...slimmer (we're trying to get there)
U...use your time wisely (yes & no)
M...meal planning (yes)
M...maybe do something silly (yes)
E...eat healthy (yes)
R...run or walk (yes)

T...today (take one day at a time)
I..ice water (yes)
M...m & m's (no no)
E...exercise (yes)


R...real world...not the same now (that's right)
E...enjoy what we have (yes)
A...always try to have a laugh (yes)
L...like each other (yes)
L...love each other (yes)
Y...you can only do your best on everything (yes)


It's Summertime even if the world is a little bit (a lot) off balance now. Can only do what we can.

Some states, county's can do more than others. Some things open some not.  Some decide they

want to do the things that are open and others do not. They stay home and try to enjoy in their own way.

It's our summer to spend it in our own ways even with everything being different.  Know we in here

will do our best to lose weight or at least try to stay the same weight during the summer at this time of stress.

tension with the virus hanging around and getting worse in some places.


No matter what you do Please Wear Your Mask and Keep Your Distance.  That will keep you healthy

so you can enjoy your time this different kind of Summer in 2020.


Please to you all that have husbands and fathers around Please Wish them a Happy Father's Day!

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Just thinking....Hope more people come in this summer. Plus where are.........Rose and Mai Tai?


  Robin and Jenny where did you go?  Plus all the rest of you that use to come in?


Miss you shootr and all the other men that use to come in.  Was nice to have different views and ideas

on losing weight or staying the same.


Not sleeping very well tonight as you can see my the time, so thought would come in and talk.

Had a snack which I shouldn't the night before weigh-in this late but felt I wanted one.

(well had it awhile ago)  Wish there were night owls in this group so I would have someone talk to

  on nights like this. Can't pick up the phone and call someone at this time...might get upset!:classic_smile:


OK see you all later.


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Belle - You always know how to make a Thursday positive.  Thank you!


I am actually down this week (although still up from my lowest) but I will take the 0.8# decrease.  Did meet with my trainer yesterday.  Had a great time talking and fun exercising.  We are meeting in a garage that has some exercise equipment ... it works .. still waiting to go back to the gym ... they opened this week ... but 50 people and they are turning a "blind eye" to anyone that isn't wearing a mask.  I'm not comfortable with that situation.


Diana - staying the same works! 


I do miss everyone else ... hopefully soon they will be back.  Have a great day all.  Jan   

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I'm down 1.8# from last week 🙂 


Our gym only allows 9 people at a time and does not require masks during the workout but stresses cleaning equipment before and after use, along with wearing a mask to go to the rest room which is outside of the gym.  My area is fairly rural and very low on cases so I feel comfortable with those measures.  We met Tuesday and were the only ones there, suspect we might be the only ones Saturday too especially since we have nice weather.


DS starts soccer practice next week and it will be interesting to see what precautions if any they are taking.

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11 hours ago, Belle said:

Just thinking....Hope more people come in this summer. Plus where are.........Rose and Mai Tai?




I was gone last week (out of town, no scale and very little internet connection).  Back today though!  I'm up two lbs from the last two weeks but that was expected due to "vacation" food and pmsing....where's the chocolate?!?!?!  


Looks like everyone is doing well and either losing or staying the same, that's awesome!  Especially in a time like this.  


My gym opened this week but I'm still too freaked out to go so I froze my account for another month. I sure miss it though!  


I cannot believe in california we were just mandated to wear our masks at all times.  I have been around the same three people at work since the start and NOW have to wear a mask?!?!?!....sorry, I'm a little bitter at the moment.  


Anyhoo...hope you all have a great week and keep up the great work.  Though, I'm sure we'll still be around this board....  Love it!

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Diana and Jan Thank You for the kind words. I lost 1 lb. might of been more if not so hungry yesterday.


Diana staying the same is better than gaining. You've gone out to eat a few times.


Jan glad you lost and almost to your lowest weight.  Nice you have a safe place to exercise with your trainer.


Pac good loss and nice your gym has an only 9 person limit. Hope soccer is safe for your son.


Mai glad to see you back and had fun on vacation. Vacation gains are expected but will come off fast. Water weight?


Take care All

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Belle, congrats on the loss.


Liz, nice you got away. How did your 100,000 step challenge go? It's a lot of steps....


Our gym reopens on Monday. 


For now I'm not too worried about going. It's a national chain and they seem prepared and I know they will follow protocols. We make a workout reservation (hubby and I will go around lunchtime so fewer people). They will allow only so many in the gym at one time, close after each open hour to clean for 30 minutes. Whether required or not, hubby and I will wear face masks. We ordered more today. 


The cases where we are relative to population is still very small. If numbers go up a lot we'll have rethink what we're doing. 


It's very hot here, 100 daily so not outside too much. 


Have a good day, Diana

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I picked up 4" around my waist!! No wonder most of my clothes are tight. Shelter in Place was hard so I'm back as we open up. Our smaller town had only 5 cases but our county had alot

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HI all!


Belle ~ wow, you put a lot of effort into this week's poem, thanks!


Glad to see some nice losses. I stayed the same which is better than gaining.


We're in phase 2 up here so can go to the hairdresser if you can get an appointment. My ophthalmologist called to reschedule the cancelled April visit so I'm going Monday. He has a lot of rules to be followed but better safe than sorry. I have no problem with wearing a mask except when the darned thing slips down your face!! Tying a knot in the elastic should solve that problem.


Have a  nice weekend & great week ahead.


~ Jo  ~😊

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Good Afternoon on this Sat, this 1st day of summer.  A different summer for sure.


Diana our county the numbers are going up and our gyms are not open.  Please be safe at yours.


Ombud sorry about the inches this staying home is the hardest but the safest at this time.

Your back on track and the inches will come off.


Jo Glad you stayed the same better than a gain yes.  Yes things are opening up every where.

With this and all the protests and people not following guidelines........

Each person has to decide what they will do or not do.  To me the virus is still growing to much.

A group/sometimes just a few people gets together and someone always has it and it spreads. 


Everyone enjoy your weekend whatever you do. Just be safe.




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Ombud, things will get better. the inches will go away. 


Jo, staying the same is good. 


Belle, thanks for the concern. We are trying to go about life in a new, safe way. I read EVERYTHING. One thing I read about our local situation is why the uptick in cases according to the contact tracers. It is people gathering with other people outside their household and gathering for long periods of time. No masks and no social distancing. The increases are tied to 2 BBq's, a church service and a funeral. 


I am such a germaphobe (finally it comes in handy). I think hubby and I will be fine. We are always very careful about shopping, washing hands, wearing masks. I regularly clean often touched items like light switches, door handles, remotes, cell phones. Doing that even more now. Probably why hubby and I are rarely sick. 


Hopefully it works over time.


Hubby and I had the first tomato from our graden today and oh my, it was so yummy.


Take care, Diana


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Diana I know you take every caution about going out. Still worry about you and everyone with this

virus going around.  Yes most cases are close contact. Don't understand why people go into these big groups

period but then not wear a mask or stay 6ft away.

Read something yesterday, people with O type blood if get the virus aren't as sick as other with other types of blood.

Of course all tests aren't always right or done with enough people but this was with a large number. Hope true, I'm type O.

But of course I hope I don't get sick at all or any of us do.


Glad your enjoying your garden.  No garden but yesterday pulling weeds from my some what backyard lawn.

I need to do something with it. Don't want another lawn but don't know what I want yet.

BIG Questions..Why do weeds always have to grow?  Nothing stops them:classic_tongue:

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Good Afternoon.    Happy Father's Day to those who are celebrating with their fathers or/and husbands.

The rest of us will remember our wonderful times we had with our father's and husbands.


Now to get thru the week until Thursday and work towards a loss. This is getting tiring staying home.

Things are opening up but the virus numbers are going up every where everyday.  What to do?


Take care all.

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Diana - I think the weather has been very interesting everywhere.  When I talk with my sister in Virginia Beach the other day she said it was rainy and dreary there.  In Maine it has been very warm ... usually it is in the low 70's this time of year .... yesterday we broke a record ... my car said it was over 100.   Usually we spend more time heating our house ... this year it is cooling!  I think that putting in a heat pump a few years ago it was the best thing we ever did .... keeps the whole downstairs cool!


We had an amazing father's day everyone brought food ... lots of fruit, salads, vegetables, pastas, we cooked cheeseburgers and had cheesecake for dessert (one of my son-in-laws loves making cheesecake -- key lime and was excellent!).


Hope everyone else had a lovely weekend .... Jan

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Diana so sorry so hot but bet you have AC.  Nice day to stay in and relax. Hope heat not to much for

your garden.


Jan glad you had a good day with your family for Father's Day..  Sounds like a lot of good food.  Love key lime!


Didn't do much today just made some food ahead. Made a meat loaf and a veggie soup. Didn't make

the soup the way I usually do just made with what I had around.  Both are good. Fixed up some strawberries.

Oh forgot hard boiled eggs too.  Should have enough food for the week   Hope to have a loss on  Thursday.

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A fresh from the garden tomato sounds amazing, Diana - enjoy!  Hope your heat wave breaks and you can stay cool.  We have the last contractor coming today to give a bid for whole house HVAC for us but it will likely be mid-late July before any work can be done.  Grateful for the portable AC unit I got last year since we are having a lot of humidity this week.


Our gym has reduced hours and they mean it.  You access with a key fob and we were there at 7:45 for an 8:00 session (which is when they open).  We figured we would go in early and wipe everything down before the trainer got there, forgetting the new hours and wondering why our fob didn't work.  When we did go in at 8 it looked like the manager (saw his car earlier) had already been in and sprayed everything since stuff was a little damp 🙂 


Church opened for in-person worship at 50% capacity, but we are opting to stay home and continue on-line to allow seating for those who want to more.  The senior pastor was visibly choked up at opening prayer getting to see people again - it was hard for the team to preach only to the camera before (although they did have puppets in the front row one week 😉 ).  I think the plan is to maintain on-line indefinitely, but it was in the works even before COVID.

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On 6/19/2020 at 1:30 PM, winewanderer said:


Liz, nice you got away. How did your 100,000 step challenge go? It's a lot of steps....


I actually did ok, ended with like 120,00 for the week, but the person who won did like 230,000.  Ain't nobody got time for that!  But back in the swing of it all!


I'm going to be really good this/next week, I have chosen to.  My 40th birthday is next week and I want to feel good about myself (I will anyway, but a couple of pounds less always helps).  Plus, my mom decided to book a tiny cruise for herself, my middle daughter and me; just a little get away.  My mom can't travel alone, but likes to go places, so I will SACRIFICE myself and go with her.  Since I'm not rolling in the cash, she usually pays for my family and I to go on vacation with her because she wants to do fun things.  Works for me!

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Hey everyone! I haven't read through all the threads but hope everyone is doing well. When I got sent to WFH I sort of went dark on social media. Today is the first day I've actually read anything and posted here in months. Still tracking my food and the gym finally opened last Friday. I'll start the weekly weigh-ins here this week. Can't wait to catch up with y'all.

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I'm really late to the party this week! One of our refrigerators was acting up this past week, so we ate a lot of takeout / fast food. Didn't want to cook just to have it go bad in the fridge. I started to rework my website this past week too, so I didn't work out at all like I should. I was up 2# on Thursday. A bit of that has come back off, and I did pull myself away from the computer to get in a little walk this morning. So many photos to edit! Glad I'm almost done!


Dallas county just started mandated businesses must make it mandatory for all employees and customers to wear a mask. Texas has reopened pretty aggressively, and Dallas's daily numbers have increased by huge amounts (300-400) a day over the last couple weeks. We're a little north of Dallas, but it's close enough! I have weddings the next 3 weekends and a couple of "to-go" sample drop offs, then I don't have anything else on the books until mid August. The kids' tae kwon do instructor emailed me this week asking when we would be back. I think I'll be asking they put our account on hold - they post photos on facebook of the classes, and they don't have the kids socially distancing at all, no masks, lining up to use the same equipment, and sparing with each other. If you're close enough to grab someone's wrist or punch / kick them, you're close enough to breathe on them in my opinion. We got an exercise based game for the kid's gaming console, and they have been using it for a couple hours a day since we told them it doesn't count against their electronic time. Guess I should join them! 


Belle - that's interesting about the blood type. We're all O here. 





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Gym report........we made a reservation for 12:30pm today. You check-in on your phone so touch free. They give you a workout hour then they shut down for a 30 minute cleaning session. Lots of cleaner, hand sanitizer. There were about 30 people in the gym. They had machines spaced out. Most were maintaining physical distance.


We tried to wear masks but on the elliptical it was too hot so had to remove it for about 15 minutes. 


Hubby got annoyed with me as far as the cleaning aspect of ourselves, our clothes and our stuff (phones, etc.) when we got home. I have lots of rules about it. Trying to keep us safe I keep reminding him. He says he's married to a crazy lady........I probably go overboard but better safe than sorry.


We saw they have a senior hour daily from 2-3pm so we'll do that tomorrow. 


Jan, glad your family had a nice Father's Day. The food sounds great. The weather here in summer is always that hot. 


Belle, nice foods you've made.


Pacruise, nice you went to the gym. AC is great to have. A must where we are with 100 daily temps. in summer. 


Liz, wow, great job on the steps. Ah 40, wow, seems like so long ago for me, although I feel about the same as I did at 40😉Have a great birthday next week.


Jenny, great you are back. 


Mel, sorry about the fridge. You're busy so sometimes takeout is the option. Oops on the gain but will come off. I think you are right about holding your kids account. Too many people on top of each other, not good.







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Hello everyone.


Pac...Hope you got good bids on your HVAC  Yes be safe in the Gym and Church.


Liz...Congrats on all the steps.  Cruise did you say cruise. Where is your tiny cruise to?


Jenny...Was wondering where you were. Was hoping you were alright. Glad your back with us.


Mel...Sorry about the fridge. Did you save the food? Glad your busy with the cakes Just be careful 

with especially with your counts going up.  Best for your kids to stay home.  Why won't people

wear masks and distance. The life they may save is their OWN.  Don't they get it.


Diana...Glad you had a good experience at the gym. Good your a "crazy lady" keeping you and him safe.

Can do the senior time maybe less people there at that time.


Nothing new here just the same o...same o.  Take care all

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Congrats on your challenge Liz - 120K steps is awesome.  Have a great birthday!


Jenny, great to "see" you 🙂 Glad you are doing well - and I totally understand about going dark, been tempted lately myself.


I hope your refrigerator gets sorted out soon Mel.  I'm surprised how little leftovers I usually have but we lost our fridge once and even w/o leftovers it's a big challenge.  Salads, sandwiches, or "breakfast for dinner" can be nice easy meals - especially in the heat.  You are your children's best advocate and I think your decision is wise since it sounds like you are in a higher hit area.  DS starts soccer practices this week and I don't know how that will look (there are some precautions in place but only so much you can do and it still be soccer).  We are in a fairly rural area though with a pretty low count and he will be outside the entire time which should mitigate our risk some.


Diana, glad to see you have a senior hour at the gym.  There was one other person at our gym last night but we were able to keep a good distance from each other and were good (at least we were - I was focused on my workout not his) about wiping everything between sets as soon as we were done with a piece of equipment or set of weights.


Belle, we are all O neg here 🙂 Will still take reasonable precautions though since even if we don't get sick I don't want to risk becoming a carrier to others.


Have a great day!

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