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Host Jazzbeau

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1 hour ago, Coral said:

have you done the Cumbres and Toltec railroad?

I will confess my ignorance ...

Previous to your post, I had never heard of the Cumbres & Toltec railroad, so no, I have never taken a ride on the train. I had to resort to Google for information - an embarrassing development, to be sure. 

I'm happy that you asked the question because I have a nephew that absolutely loves trains. Over the course of several visits we have done the Royal Gorge Railroad, Georgetown Loop Railroad & the Pikes Peak Cog Railway.


I watched some videos on the website and it looks amazing.  Antonito is a five+ hour drive from home - will definitely have to give it some thought (would require and overnight stay in Chama).


It's odd in that when my Russian, English or Scottish friends visit, they usually want to go north or west (Yellowstone, Teton, Arches, Bryce Canyon and, good grief, Las Vegas) or sometimes, east (they all want to see Niagara Falls - fortunately, my brother lives in Ohio so we fly there & camp-out at his digs and do day trips from there or his beach house in NC). I've never had requests for the spectacular places to the south/southwest such as the Grand Canyon or Mesa Verde (although, with some Russian friends, I did manage to sneak in a visit to the Manitou Cliff Dwellings during an outing to the Garden of the Gods). 

Anyway, your planned trip looks fun - the scenery should be spectacular!


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2 hours ago, dogs4fun said:

I will confess my ignorance ...

Previous to your post, I had never heard of the Cumbres & Toltec railroad, so no, I have never taken a ride on the train. I had to resort to Google for information - an embarrassing development, to be sure. 

I'm happy that you asked the question because I have a nephew that absolutely loves trains. Over the course of several visits we have done the Royal Gorge Railroad, Georgetown Loop Railroad & the Pikes Peak Cog Railway.


Don't worry - I am not an expert on my state and I have far less to view than you have. I knew it was quite the distance from you. I am not even sure if my friends were aware of it except they recently bought a camper this spring and were camping in that area before the train ride started so couldn't do it and her husband said "bring a friend to do it". My friend quit her job last year so loves having visitors and I got elected for this trip. We talked about spending time in New Mexico also due to the time and I have been to New Mexico. It does look pretty. If I can't make it to Europe this fall, I will be in CO and hopefully hit the fall colors then. When COVID is over, I think I need to try to spend more time in CO while she is still not working.


You do have a beautiful state. I spent quite a bit of time there when younger. This area looks so much different than the rest of the state that I have seen (mostly Fort Collins, Estes, Boulder, Colorado Springs and then the the Mountains 1.5 years ago because Colorado Springs was so hot - and so were the mountains, honestly). I picked a bad week to go.

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Introducing Elflingen - welcome to the village where the elves live. They reside in a new village in Bavaria, in a forest in the Franconia region. I hope the Wolpertingers* will cause them no harm - not sure if they are friendly creatures.


Here is the story: https://www.dw.com/en/fairies-coronavirus-elves-germany/a-56084441


*Wolpertinger - legendary creatures supposed to live in Bavaria, see wikipedia




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How wonderful, notamermaid.   According to some young local children, if the door to the home is at ground level, an elf lives there, but you must look for tree stumps that have doors higher up.  Those are where fairies live, because they can fly to their doors.  Those dwellings have become popular in yards around here.  We have a few stumps in our yard I will have to decorate in the spring to invite some new neighbours  to the area.


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Years ago , author Neil Gaiman would send out an annual  new year's eve  message.  Then he stopped.  Here is the one from 2014.  I wonder if he knew something then...

'Be kind to yourself in the year ahead. Remember to forgive yourself, and to forgive others. It's too easy to be outraged these days, so much harder to change things, to reach out, to understand. Try to make your time matter; minutes and hours and days and weeks can blow away like dead leaves, with nothing to show but time you spent not quite ever doing things, or time you spent waiting to begin.  Meet new people and talk to them. Make new things and show them to people who might enjoy them. Hug too much. Smile too much. And, when you can, love.'


Hope you all have a healthy start to the new year, and hopefully will have new stories about river travel to share by the end of the year,


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No hugging for a while, I'm afraid. But otherwise I like that message. That pesky virus!


Chris got her first Moderna shot on Tuesday so it's her turn to have a sore arm. Better than the other options, I guess.


Happy New Year to all...like so many others here, hoping for a chance to use those passports next year! Best of health and happiness to all.

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1 hour ago, jpalbny said:

No hugging for a while, I'm afraid. But otherwise I like that message. That pesky virus!


Chris got her first Moderna shot on Tuesday so it's her turn to have a sore arm. Better than the other options, I guess.


Happy New Year to all...like so many others here, hoping for a chance to use those passports next year! Best of health and happiness to all.


If that's all you have, the vaccine is looking really good.  I'm due for my second Shingrix shot and I hope I don't have as bad a reaction as to the first one [the only time I've had more than a sore arm from a vaccine] – and I had read that the Covid vaccine's side effects are similar to Shingrix.

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1 minute ago, Host Jazzbeau said:


If that's all you have, the vaccine is looking really good.  I'm due for my second Shingrix shot and I hope I don't have as bad a reaction as to the first one [the only time I've had more than a sore arm from a vaccine] – and I had read that the Covid vaccine's side effects are similar to Shingrix.

I had extreme fatigue the day after the first Shingrix (and a sore arm). I had no side effects on the 2nd shot. Hope it is the same for you. I got these shots the first opportunity I could.

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I watched my wife suffer with shingles about 15 yr ago and I pretty much RAN to the pharmacy when my doctor recommended Shingrix.  Have no interested in that level of misery.  I also had arm soreness afterward.

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DW had shingles 40 years ago, when there were no treatments even to relieve the pain.  So I got the original shingles vaccine as soon as it came out.  She didn't because the manufacturer admitted that it had never been tested on people who had already had shingles (!), although she finally did.  When Shingrix came out our doctor noted the higher levels of side effects and suggested waiting – and once again they didn't know if it worked on people who had had shingles.  But we decided to go ahead now and complete our entire vaccine regimen so we're ready for the Covid vaccines whenever they get to our cohort.

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6 hours ago, Host Jazzbeau said:

DW had shingles 40 years ago, when there were no treatments even to relieve the pain.  So I got the original shingles vaccine as soon as it came out.  She didn't because the manufacturer admitted that it had never been tested on people who had already had shingles (!), although she finally did.  When Shingrix came out our doctor noted the higher levels of side effects and suggested waiting – and once again they didn't know if it worked on people who had had shingles.  But we decided to go ahead now and complete our entire vaccine regimen so we're ready for the Covid vaccines whenever they get to our cohort.

I went 2 days after I turned 50. I was supposed to be on a ship, but alas, that didn't happen. Walgreens was not doing immunizations due to COVID-19. I waited until the Monday when Costco was open and got it there. They were kind and informed me that I couldn't get it because I wasn't 50.... I then informed them that I had indeed been 50 for 24 hours.... Exactly 60 days later, I got the 2nd shot. When I saw my doctor - she went through the things to do when you turn 50 and I was like "I already got my shingles shot" - she was surprised how I had gotten both shots in when I saw her.


I have also known several who had suffered with it for months.

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Like you, @Host Jazzbeau, I had received the original, one-dose shingles vaccine.  But my doctor insisted I also get Shingrix, as he felt it was demonstrably better than the first one.


If  your dear wife's suffering was anything like my wife's ordeal, I commiserate with you, no way to help her, but at the same time, realizing that I wanted no part of this ailment.

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Not sure if this is of any help, but these are things I have done to ease the discomfort from all those shots. If possible, let your arm dangle to relax it first, get the needle in your non dominant arm,  and bring along a freeze pack to put over the injection site right away.  One of the jelly filled kind that can mold to your arm works well.

I was a donor in the plasmapheresis program for many years, and one of the attending nurses was a wealth of these helpful hints.


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21 hours ago, Host Jazzbeau said:


If that's all you have, the vaccine is looking really good.  I'm due for my second Shingrix shot and I hope I don't have as bad a reaction as to the first one [the only time I've had more than a sore arm from a vaccine] – and I had read that the Covid vaccine's side effects are similar to Shingrix.

I got my second Shingrix shot a few days ago and it was easy, other than a slight sore arm. I was a little worried because I did have the side effects of fever and all-day headache from my first shot in October. My doctor recommended it even though I had gotten the original shingles vaccine.  Shingrix is much more effective.  I'm looking forward to getting the Covid vaccine.  Whatever side effects that might come, it's better than the alternative.

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Happy New Year to all, from a quiet Rhine valley. Still no snow, but getting close. A trip out into the hills above 250m showed little patches. More on its way tomorrow. Subdued small party here yesterday, but filled with good conversation, happiness and hope.




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Yeah, shingles is nasty. That reminds me, I want to get Shingrix too, but that means (1) I'd have to finally admit that I'm over 50, and (2) I'd have to go visit my primary doctor. Neither is particularly appealing! Some day.


I got chickenpox at 13 when my little sister brought it home from elementary school. It was crummy; felt exhausted and only wanted to sleep. But to make matters worse, that was when my Mom was in the hospital delivering my baby brother, so I had to help my Dad around the farm for those few days while she was recovering from what was a much more taxing experience. 


On-call for the weekend so after work I started cooking a little. I have leftover Christmas goose meat that's been soaking in goose fat for the past week. I also have a ham in the fridge that's getting down to the end. And 2 days ago at the marked I found some linguica sausage.


So I wanted to make cassoulet or something similar, but Chris hates beans. It's a texture thing - too mushy. So I got some French lentils instead and decided to improvise.


I cooked garlic, onions, and carrots in goose fat then added a few chunks of ham. Into the oven with some broth and herbs to start cooking down, and to get a nice crust on the meat. Later I added the sausage, and a few chunks of goose meat so the skin can brown.




Now in a few minutes I will add more broth and the lentils, along with the rest of the goose meat. Should be ready 30 minutes from then! I do realize that I can't really call this cassoulet, but it should be tasty nonetheless. Some of the ingredients are similar... And it smells amazing!

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Different experience with chicken pox:  in my day, when one kid on the block got it at a 'good time' [like early in the summer vacation] everybody else piled into their house for a 'Chicken Pox Party' so we could all get it over with.

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2 hours ago, jpalbny said:

Yeah, shingles is nasty. That reminds me, I want to get Shingrix too, but that means (1) I'd have to finally admit that I'm over 50, and (2) I'd have to go visit my primary doctor. Neither is particularly appealing! Some day.


I got chickenpox at 13 when my little sister brought it home from elementary school. It was crummy; felt exhausted and only wanted to sleep. But to make matters worse, that was when my Mom was in the hospital delivering my baby brother, so I had to help my Dad around the farm for those few days while she was recovering from what was a much more taxing experience. 


I got my Shingrix at Costco. So you can avoid the GP.


We apparently are around the same age. I got the chicken pox when I was around 4. My Mom made me go hang out with someone who had it so I would get it before entering school. I find the whole concept of that bizarre, really.


Loving your food pictures 🙂


I found out today I have been downgraded for getting the COVID vaccination. Apparently the CDC is putting those over 75 ahead of those who work in Education. They had already started vaccinating those in Education in another part of my state. I am still in 1B as of today. I really wanted the Pfizer or Moderna one and not the J&J or AstraZeneca one (less effective). I am guessing I won't have much of a choice though. Our Med Center (60 miles away) is doing drug trials on Novamax. I didn't sign up because I thought I was weeks away from getting the Moderna vaccine. Oh well.

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1 hour ago, Host Jazzbeau said:

Different experience with chicken pox:  in my day, when one kid on the block got it at a 'good time' [like early in the summer vacation] everybody else piled into their house for a 'Chicken Pox Party' so we could all get it over with.

Yes - that was me!

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Not going as well as planned here in Germany as regards the logistics, approval in the EU for Moderna could happen on 6 January. I am too young and unimportant in the job sector to get it anytime soon. Will probably be in the "leftovers" of either of the two vaccines, i.e. the last batch left over at the end of Spring or something. At the moment I think I will more be given the chance when the third, the AstraZeneca, is available. Perhaps I could sneak into the UK and take permanent residency - for a week.


Shingles - I did not know that there is a vaccine. I got shingles next to my lower spine in early 2012. Not too bad compared to other people's but I could not walk properly for three weeks, the pain was intense, the pain killers were mind altering (I felt rather not myself) and the post-herpetic numbness stayed for nearly a year. Homeopathy did a good job with that. No, shingles is no fun at all. Good to have an option of a vaccine.


Talking of my beloved island. The divorce has gone through 31 December but the UK will still allow me to enter on my ID card for a while. Kent is a scary place at the moment and there is travel quarantine on both sides of the border officially. No chance to enter before March I think.


Today I will spent some time on my computer trying to find out about chilled food delivery from across the channel, I am craving English pies and sausages.




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