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Good morning everyone.  This year is have over.  For me summer has finally arrived.


 Had a successful tutoring of my new SUV.  The phone was paired so I can hands free talk on phone.   And I can work the cruise control. I counted all the buttons and levers there are 50 ( there are 13 on the steering wheel)  I may even start driving it—have been driving my granddaughters spare car which is being stored in my driveway. 


lost 1 lb this week. Going to be a good month.


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Good morning!  I didn't want to post (as I am up a pound) BUT accountability is key in this journey so here I am.  


Leveled with my hubbie that I can't drink wine EVERY night and lose weight so I will have only a glass on the weekends.


I did try on a couple of my cruise dresses and while they are not perfect at least I can zip them BUT i know they will look better after I lose more weight.


Hope everyone is doing better than I am BUT I will keep up the good fight.  FYI, I am reading a very book by Liz Josefberg, TARGET 100.  It more about the psychology of weight loss and habits, very interesting.


Thank you for letting me rant!


Happy Thursday!


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Hi al!


Izena ~ thanks for starting the thread. Wow, that's a lot to learn on your new vehicle!! Great you lost a lb!

Donna ~ looks like you picked up Izena's lb!😉 Rant on, always good to hear what's on people's minds.

I want to feel more comfortable in my clothes too before my next cruise, which looks like will be a go in October.


I lost 0.8 lbs this week & have a lot more to go. I hate seeing my fat rolls while exercising on Zoom so black myself out.


Have a nice day & stay safe.


~ Jo ~ 😊

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Good Morning.  I am up 0.6# this week ... Not surprised!!!  I have now gained 20# since covid started, and at that time I wanted to lose an additional 17# - so now I'd like to lose 37#, but I think I'm going to stick with losing about 25#.  How I'm going to do it I'm not sure.


Izena - New cars are always scary - My car is a Buick Encore and I love it - nothing fancy, but it does have the ability to pair my cell with the car - I was proud that I could do it myself!!!  I've had the car almost two years and have all of 6,000 miles on it.  Last Friday I parked it in front of my house on the street and someone very kindly sideswiped my vehicle and took off.  Now I've dealt with police, insurance companies and have to start getting estimates.  Wish that some people would take ownership when they make a mistake!   Congratulations on the loss this week.


Donna - Sorry that you gained this week.  I know that coming here really helps with my accountability!  I'm so worried about trying on my cruise clothes - I don't know if any of them will fit now.  Think I'm just burying my head in the sand ... one of these days I will check it out.  Right now my problem is that I too like wine.  DH and I sit after he gets home from work and we have a few drinks and talk about our lives/work/kids, etc.  It is a lovely time.  I need to not drink wine every night.  


Jo - Congratulations on the 0.8# loss this week!  You exercise on zoom?  With other people?  Are they people you know?  Sounds interesting!  Where is you cruise in October going?  Our first one is in December and I'm starting to also believe it is real. 


Hope everyone has a good week - Jan



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Hope you all don't mind if I ask your group here. Gained 10 lbs during covid, but weight was already up. Tried low-carb and excercise, cut out alcohol, but for weeks of effort, down 3 lbs of real loss, not just water. Low carb is too limited and boring. Can any of you suggest what is working for you and can be sustained? Even a pound a week is fine. It took a year to gain it, but 250 days until next cruise.

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Glad to hear for all of you.


Donna  and  Jan  small gains are starting to build up.   Thank goodness covid will soon be a bad memory.  Travel is opening up — happy time and things to anticipate.   You CAN do this.   Time to get serious. Set some specific weekly goals and go for it.


Jo down 0.8 that’s great. Keep it up.  Lose 0.6lbs a week you will be down 10 lbs for October cruise. It is achievable.


Mtn .   Welcome.     You only gained 10lb during covid statistics are gains of 30+ .   I had a health scare last year which was my wake up call to get healthy.   I have an addiction to sweets — I acknowledged that to myself and no candy, ice cream etc.  do allow 1 biscotti  a day for crunch.   I count calories and try to stay around 900- 1000cal a day.  It is not a fast process .   I am getting close to my end goal

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Hi all.  Lost that 1 lb that I gained last week and 1 more to go with it.  I too have a sweet tooth so I think that is why Nutrisystem seems to work for me.  Lunch is usually a "candy bar"...that I can do.  I lost about 30 pounds on it several years ago but did unfortunately gain it back.  But it took several years and about 30 cruises before I got it all back.  Now it is time to pay the piper.  If I have to suck it up every 4 or 5 years but get to enjoy myself inbetween I can deal with that.  I still haven't gotten back to my walking on a routine schedule.  I also do better when I do that.  Hope everyone has a good week....later...Susan

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8 hours ago, mtnesterz said:

Hope you all don't mind if I ask your group here. Gained 10 lbs during covid, but weight was already up. Tried low-carb and excercise, cut out alcohol, but for weeks of effort, down 3 lbs of real loss, not just water. Low carb is too limited and boring. Can any of you suggest what is working for you and can be sustained? Even a pound a week is fine. It took a year to gain it, but 250 days until next cruise.


Welcome to the party. I gained the COVID 25.. I was down to 152 in February of 2020 and then...today 180.


Wine and carbs are my poison. I got down to my 152 (3 weeks pre cruise fyi..it was cancelled) by logging on my fitness pal and trying to stick to my macros with calories of about 1200 per day and exercising. 


And that is what I am doing now...you can do this too! My cruise is in 91 days! 


Fyi, its 7:41 pm and while I truly want a glass of wine I jumped on here instead...thank you for being here. Headed to bed soon 😂😂😂😂 so that I don't drink and stay within my macros.



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Thanks to those who've answered. I'm reading calorie counting, macros and Nutrisystem from you. 

Got to find something I can stick with; a lifestyle change. We all know what happens when we stop any, "diet."

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I admire anyone who can keep up counting calories. When I joined there was a poster (pacruiser804) who said to ramp up water. I have learned to love plain water  ... no soda, limit wine, count juice as food not liquid. I think that last one was my real down fall. Works for me. I don't have as much water as some others, no longer post as much as others (still read it all). Trying to maintain  .... slid back less than 1/2"

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Lost .6 pounds this week. I jump on the scale daily but only track my Saturday weight, should have tracked Friday's weight, I was down nearly 1.5 pounds yesterday lol. 


Wish the results were better, especially around my stomach. I do realize I might be exchanging some fat for muscle and that the results may be skewed due to that. Exercised all seven days this week; cycled 25 miles, increased my weights, added a new weight machine to my routine, and did 150 crunches per day for a total of 1,050 crunches for the week. Again, all for .6 pounds according to Saturday's weigh-in lol.


133 days until we sail!


Edit: Also a family pet, Alabama the Calico cat, had to be put to sleep at the age of 16 on Thursday. I could have eaten my grief that day, and the rest of week honestly, but I stuck with my routine. Eating poorly and skipping my workout would not have honored her especially after she became the most successful dieter in the house after her vet told us she needed to lose weight a few years back lol. 

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Hi all!


Izena ~ thanks for those encouraging words, 10 lbs would be great!!


Welcome to the new people.😁


I've been doing my fitness pal for just short of 150 days but don't always comply with the allotted calories. My problem is my snacks are sometimes more calories than some meals!!


Jan ~ thanks. Yes, our Community Care for Seniors has supplied us with a company, free (also can be bought), that offers different forms of exercise 5 days a week at 10:30, then in the afternoon social or art programs.

I've been doing it since October so the people seem like new friends. One can always black out your photo if you don't want to be seen which is what I've done a few times when I didn't like seeing my fat rolls!!😔

My next cruise is Oct 30 on MSC Meraviglia going from MIami to San Juan, Nassau & Ocean Cay then I'm hopping on Carnival Horizon  the next day for Ochos Rios, GC & Cozumel.🤞


optimusprime82 ~ sorry for the loss of your cat. Great you resisted comfort eating.


I just got the call that I can get my 2nd Vaccine today so am happy about that!


Have a great day & stay safe.


~ Jo ~ 😊




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Having a great day..  son was going to change my vanity light fixture and discovered  the builder used a short cut in in installing original fixture.  Hooray for dog park friends — one is married to a master electrician  — he fixed the problem.  He wouldn’t take money  but agreed to letting me watch their dog so they could have a weekend at the beach. All done before painters start on Monday.  

Jo awesome you are getting your second vaccine.


Ombud nice to hear from you.  Happy you are maintaining.  

Optimus — sorry to hear about Alabama  my dog is 13 so know his time  is limited.   Don’t look at your exercising as weight loss but as a stress reliever.   The closer we get to our goals the slower the lbs disappear.  

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Gee--Wasn't gone that long and they made me sign in.

They don't know me after all these years?😄


Izena thank you for starting the weigh-in. You had a great start to the month.

1 lb loss. Glad your getting to know your car as I said before don't know all

the things mine does. My trouble really haven't driven it that much.


Donna congrats you did the right thing coming in with a gain. Sometimes we don't

want to come in with a gain and then next week the gain could be more. Now you

know you'll work a little harder to get it off for the cruise dresses.


Jo glad you had a loss this week and you get your 2nd vaccine shot. Great job

exercising, nice the Community Care does that. Your two cruise sounds nice.

Mine aren't till Nov. and I've put a few together too.


Jan I know you can do it!  You did it before! This year and a half has been

hard, you missed your family and just sat home. Know you seeing family more.

Enjoying time with husband in the evening and all these things  involve food and drink.

So now things getting better, you/me/all have to start eating better, drinking water more.


I'm so sorry about your car, hit and run the worst. Hope your insurance takes good

care of your car, no problems. Know how it feels. Why I don't know much about my

car is someone hit mine, in the shop long time, (glad I didn't have to pay it, his fault)

then on cruises, then the virus.


Mtn Welcome to this group. We are happy your joining us. Know it's hard losing

weight no matter what plan you do. You have a good start, 3 lbs down.

They say best is portion control and we know shouldn't have sugar. When I'm

doing my best is when I do low carb, no sweets is the hardest for me.  I'm a slow loser

and maybe you are to if exercising and no alcohol. Keep trying it will come off.


Susan congrats getting your gain off and then losing another pound besides.

Glad your program is working for you. Do you add extra food to the food you get 

sent to your house?  I like you use to walk, I need to start back to but got so

lazy this year and a half.


Ombud glad your reading and posting, miss you if you didn't come in. Glad

you are maintaining (trying to)  Yes water is the best to drink. Fruit juice is high

in cals,  so it's smart to count as food.  Yes counting cals is hard. Power to

those who do it and lose.


Opt first let me say so sorry about your family cat, a member for 16 years.

You did good not eating your pain.

I do want to say congrats on your exercising you did for the the week. Amazing!

Know is disappointing to lose only .6 this week but it will show up soon. You did lose

and body will adjust and lose more soon. Takes time, our bodies (weight) does not always

do what we think it should do. Remember for women especially are weight goes up

and down day to day even when we don't do anything wrong.


Hope your all having a good weekend and it continues.  Take care.

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7 hours ago, retiring soon said:

My next cruise is Oct 30 on MSC Meraviglia going from MIami to San Juan, Nassau & Ocean Cay then I'm hopping on Carnival Horizon  the next day for Ochos Rios, GC & Cozumel.


optimusprime82 ~ sorry for the loss of your cat. Great you resisted comfort eating.

You’re on the second half of our Meraviglia voyage. We leave on 10/23/21 from Miami but we’re onboard for 14 nights. The Meraviglia is beautiful. Maybe we’ll run into each other in the gym lol. 

Thank you for your condolences.  

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Good evening this Sunday.  Everyone have a good day? Hope so.


Ombud I read that 42% gained 29 lbs and 18%  lost 18 undesired lbs.

Losing 18 lbs here wouldn't be undesirable to say the least. Wish we

all would have!  But I think as a group we have done very well in not

gaining to much, some have lost and many stayed the same during the

this year and a half. It's been a hard time for all. Might still be for some

or all as things get better but not back to normal yet.


Hope Monday starts the week off right for everyone.

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HI all!


Wow, wish I'd lost 18 lbs but I only lost 2.8 since the pandemic began.


optimusprime82 ~ oh neat re being on the cruise too! We won't be meeting at the gym, that's for sure on my part! The only time I've been in one was when I had to do therapy after my knee replacement.


I had my 2nd vaccine Saturday so am good to go when the time comes.

Have a great week & stay safe.


~ Jo ~ 😊

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Summer is finally here.  It is currently 98 outside thank goodness  heat index is only 105 due to lo humidity.   Means no more afternoon walks or even evening walks.  Not too bad to walk at 630am only 80 then.   I’m soooo bored.   

weigh every day scales are just taunting me.  No snacking.  Keeping calories under 1000.   Painters will be here this week yay.  

I am soo impressed with everyone on this board.   There is amazing honesty and accountability.   Everyone remain safe and healthy.

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Hello Jo and Izena


Jo glad you had your 2nd shot. Free to travel and feel safer.

I have lost 10 lbs  during this time but many of them more than ONCE!

So far just holding, need to lose more. Your at goal or close to it, aren't you?

Harder to lose the last bit.


Izena that is hot, to hot to walk, 6:30 am would be to early for me. We're

suppose to get in the 90's for 3 days this week. One day 99.

Scales are the worst. You have to lose at 1000 or less cals you would think.

Maybe heat and retaining water?   Aren't you close to goal like Jo?


I just booked two cruises for next year to the Panama Canal. B2B one

by myself and one with my daughter. Hate to book so far in advance.

I want to go now.  Have to wait till November 27th for my 1st cruise to

sail this year.


Hope everyone  had a good day, wish everyone would come on and talk more.

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Susan Good Luck!  Think you said staying in the same state. How far are you

moving? Bigger or smaller place? For job, family or retirement? Gee I'm

asking lots of questions.


Hope you have some help in getting things ready. You only have a week.

I'm cleaning things out that should of been done years ago too.  Taking more

than a week, more than a month. I don't have a time frame like you do so

I take time off and on from doing it because I'm not moving.


Only things about moving is a new place to live in and maybe your getting exercise 

and are to busy to eat and may lose weight.😊




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Morning Belle.  Moving a couple of hundred miles.  Inherited my Mom's home.  Needs renovating so moving most of our stuff to storage there.  About the same sizes so keeping some of Mom's is forcing me to get rid of some of mine. (It needed to go anyway).  We have been retired for about 7 years.  Used to say we cruised full time.  Not happening now.  At least with all this going on i don't feel like we have missed anything.  I have to step back all along and remind myself that my problem is that I have too much stuff while some people don't have enough.  Then I realize how blessed we are.


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HI all!


Belle ~ I'm losing the same few pounds over & over again too! No, I'm nowhere near my goal unfortunately. I have about 20 lbs to go.

Congrats on the new bookings!


Susan ~ good luck with the move. That's something I'll dread when the time comes. We've been here 34 years so lots of stuff to get rid of. Of course a lot of it could go right into a dumpster!


optimusprime82 ~ have you checked your booking lately? MSC has changed the itinerary & also seems to have cancelled the cabin assignment!


Have a nice day & stay safe.


~ Jo ~ 😊



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Good Afternoon Susan and Jo and everyone else.



Sorry about your mom. Is this the house you grew up in? Sounds you

have lots of work ahead of you. Nice you have the time to do it.  You

can fix it the way you want it.  Cruising will come back and we will

enjoy it again.



20 lbs  is close in some ways to goal if it wasn't so hard to lose!🙁

You mean on your cruise they took your cabin away or gave you a new one?

On the July cruise I was to take they changed the itinerary too, Wasn't good,

was sad for others but but happy they canceled them. Should be getting money

back soon.  They sure take the money fast but give it back slow.


Hope everyone is having a good Tuesday.

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