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This why cruise ships should not allow any unvaccinated adult onboard any ship.


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22 minutes ago, Silkroad said:

As for the asthma hysteria, yeah right. Someone having an asthma attack wouldn’t be able to rant loudly and clearly for several minutes. 


And everyone with asthma violently rolls their eyes at her assertion.  If her lungs are so compromised that she cannot wear a mask, then she shouldn't be on vacation anyway.

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1 hour ago, kearney said:

My point was that Royal should have expected that when testing a covid recovered passenger that they were likely to get a positive result. Everything up to there appears to be a cluster f.... not sure who screwed up.. perhaps they knew and gave her a wristband... perhaps she claimed and convinced them that she was the same as vaccinated...or some other scenario... but it appears CDC warns travelers who have had Covid within 90 days that they are likely to test positive.and therefore not to bother with the pre cruise testing.... but that does not line up with CDC guidance for cruise ships... just suggesting that they get things to line up... 


Royal does know and expect this. I don't know what their policy is on sailings in the UK or US. But their Singapore sailings actually tell them that if they had covid there's a significant chance they could test positive and therefore can't cruise. They are just out of luck. So Royal does know this. They appear to take the stance that it's not their problem. 


Yes. Guest of all ages traveling with us must undergo a SARS-CoV-2 test within 48 to 72 hours prior to boarding and obtain a negative result. A post-cuise SARS-CoV-2 test will not be required. However, if you or your travelling party experience symptoms of COVID-19 within the first 14 days of your arrival back in Singapore, you must inform the Singapore Ministry of Health and us as soon as possible. The cost of your SARS-CoV-2 tests is included in your cruise fare for sailings departing on or before 18 October 2021 , though we will continue to evaluate circumstances and update our policy and timeframe if necessary. Closer to your sail date, approximately 18-10 days prior to sailing, we'll provide clear directions for testing at Raffles City Shopping Centre, Level 2, Swissotel the Stamford – Kopi Tiam (2 Stamford Road, Singapore 178882).

Important Note for Singapore Guests
Singapore guests who have had COVID-19 within the past 180 days, or who have a positive COVID-19 Serology certificate, will be unable to take a SARS-CoV-2 test and therefore, are unable to sail at this time.

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8 minutes ago, sanger727 said:


Royal does know and expect this. I don't know what their policy is on sailings in the UK or US. But their Singapore sailings actually tell them that if they had covid there's a significant chance they could test positive and therefore can't cruise. They are just out of luck. So Royal does know this. They appear to take the stance that it's not their problem. 


Yes. Guest of all ages traveling with us must undergo a SARS-CoV-2 test within 48 to 72 hours prior to boarding and obtain a negative result. A post-cuise SARS-CoV-2 test will not be required. However, if you or your travelling party experience symptoms of COVID-19 within the first 14 days of your arrival back in Singapore, you must inform the Singapore Ministry of Health and us as soon as possible. The cost of your SARS-CoV-2 tests is included in your cruise fare for sailings departing on or before 18 October 2021 , though we will continue to evaluate circumstances and update our policy and timeframe if necessary. Closer to your sail date, approximately 18-10 days prior to sailing, we'll provide clear directions for testing at Raffles City Shopping Centre, Level 2, Swissotel the Stamford – Kopi Tiam (2 Stamford Road, Singapore 178882).

Important Note for Singapore Guests
Singapore guests who have had COVID-19 within the past 180 days, or who have a positive COVID-19 Serology certificate, will be unable to take a SARS-CoV-2 test and therefore, are unable to sail at this time.

Interesting... would be helpful if that Singapore section was included in their "Healthy Sailing" web pages for various US cruise locations. 

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5 hours ago, cruisestitch said:

Karens gotta cruise!🥴🤦🤪

My wife’s name is Karen and she just loves all of this ‘Karen’ stuff! She stayed safe and masked for 15+months, got her vaccines as soon as available and has been very supportive of maintaining as much safety as we can for ourselves and community. 


And by the way, “Karen Does have to Cruise!” And we are cruising, hopefully this November and as much as we can in 2022.


And by the way, my Karen has Never done a Selfie….especially sticking her nose against the screen and screaming soooo effectively! Do these people realize how utterly inaffective this is? 



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I have been concerned with the chance of getting Covid and a couple of months later testing positive on or just before my trip (I have both shots). My thinking is that we all should  be concerned if we plan on traveling during the pandemic.

And that is the point that some REFUSE to let sink in. We are still in the thick of this pandemic. Some areas are doing better, some areas were better and getting worse. Protocols are going to be fluid and changing. We have a long way to go before we get past this.

As for this persons in the video, I am sure this isn't the first time she has behaved this way.

Edited by Mike981
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3 hours ago, Jim_Iain said:

I would support 100% vaccinated guest including children. 


Unfortunately, unlike the UK,  the Governor of Florida made it against the law for any business including cruise lines from the requirement of showing proof of vaccination.   Just facts not a debate on whether he is right or wrong. 


Also from the first video above RCL also screwed up and gave her a bracelet indicating she was vaccinated and she was not required to take a Covid test prior to sailing which is required by their own protocol. 

From what I saw about this story one report stated that  she was told to go one place to be tested, but then proceeded to intentionally to the vaccinated line where she got the bracelet and got on without being tested.  Basically she gamed the check in process and found a hole in the check in system.

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3 hours ago, kearney said:

My point was that Royal should have expected that when testing a covid recovered passenger that they were likely to get a positive result. Everything up to there appears to be a cluster f.... not sure who screwed up.. perhaps they knew and gave her a wristband... perhaps she claimed and convinced them that she was the same as vaccinated...or some other scenario... but it appears CDC warns travelers who have had Covid within 90 days that they are likely to test positive.and therefore not to bother with the pre cruise testing.... but that does not line up with CDC guidance for cruise ships... just suggesting that they get things to line up... 

The problem is with the antigen tests, that is why if someone tests positive from and antigen test it should be confirmed with a PCR test.  It certainly can be a problem with antigen testing at the pier or for that matter testing in a foreign country for return to the US.

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33 minutes ago, nocl said:

The problem is with the antigen tests, that is why if someone tests positive from and antigen test it should be confirmed with a PCR test.  It certainly can be a problem with antigen testing at the pier or for that matter testing in a foreign country for return to the US.

I wonder how many people end up getting what is.. essentially an inaccurate result and spend days in a foreign hotel because of this. I think if I had had Covid within the 3 month period... I would avoid getting vaccinated that soon afterward..but would also avoid any foreign travel for a while.... seems like you are asking for trouble...

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There will be a lot of “he said and she said” and there will be a complete review of what went wrong, but the fact remains that her behavior as seen on the film was unacceptable and she could not be allowed to stay on the ship  and will probably now find herself banned from cruising on that line again.

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I assume y'all do realize that even if your are vaccinated, you can still carry the virus and spread it to others ?  All the vaccination does is lower your risk of serious or fatal complications if you do get infected again.

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4 hours ago, KKB said:

On a stupid note, those unvaccinated still seem to think the rules don't apply to them...🤨


Yep. And they continue to endanger everyone. There is a woman on another forum I am on who is VOCALLY anti-vax (for herself, her husband, and their 7 kids - even the ones who are eligible). She is also pretty vocally anti-mask. One of her 7 kids she has admitted on the forum is sick and showing symptoms of COVID, but they are not getting her or anyone else in their family tested "because we don't want the hassle of having to quarantine". Talk about selfish!!!

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Our good friend had COVID and her Dr told her to get the vaccine as soon as possible. There was no ‘wait a bit’ from the medical community as far as I’ve been informed. Another friend had major allergies and carried a epi-pen, but her Dr told her to get the shot under their supervision, which worked fine. Always interesting reading/hearing all the excuses. Just do it, or at least check with a professional instead of the internet, including My Post! 


And as to the way people such as this woman acted, its as if we’ve lost all our social graces or basic human connections. I realize we’ve been isolated, but……


A local restaurant had a sign asking customers to ‘Please’ treat the staff with respect. They are not fully staffed, things take longer and service is still getting up to speed. Sad isn’t it.


When my daughters turned dating age, I told them to watch how their date treated support staff, waiters and so on. Anyone who was abrupt or nasty is Going to treat you that way once they think they own you. It’s a sign of very insecure and troubled people. Understand they have issues, but not an excuse, a symptom. 



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She is thoroughly enjoying the publicity and is parading around with a T-shirt proudly proclaiming "Karen Of The Sea".   Royal released a statement today but they only quote part of it in this news report. "Once this was recognized, we immediately made the guests aware and tested them on board. This test generated a positive result for COVID-19 which immediately activated our health and safety protocols."  So we still don't know how she managed to evade testing at the port prior to embarkation.    https://abc7ny.com/laura-angelo-royal-caribbean-viral-video-positive-covid-test/10889651/

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For Silhoette UK sailings you are PCR tested within 3 days of sailing. If positive money back and home for 10 days isolation …. and no option to throw a tantrum on the ship.


I understand advice is to wait 1 month post infection prior to vaccination. This may give you comparable antibodies to the double vaccinated but have the second when due. 


Am not aware of any medical contra- indications to the vaccine. The immuno- compromised need it (although may not be as effective) and is safe in pregnancy. If I had anaphylaxis I would choose J&J or AZ and have it near an ED. As for religious grounds….🤔


I would prefer to cruise on a 100% vaccinated cruise. Unfortunately it is currently rife  here in school children so happy to keep away from them.



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1 hour ago, nextcruiseis said:

She is thoroughly enjoying the publicity and is parading around with a T-shirt proudly proclaiming "Karen Of The Sea.


why are we not surprised.


her parents must be so proud

Edited by Alakegirl
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1 hour ago, PS0DSH said:

I assume y'all do realize that even if your are vaccinated, you can still carry the virus and spread it to others ?  All the vaccination does is lower your risk of serious or fatal complications if you do get infected again.

It also reduces the odds of carrying the virus, by about the same amount as getting symptomatic infection according to studies. So when you are standing next to a vaccinated individual the odds of them carrying the virus is greatly reduced compared to an unvaccinated individual.


The initial trials did not test for that, but later studies did.

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2 hours ago, Denny01 said:

Our good friend had COVID and her Dr told her to get the vaccine as soon as possible. There was no ‘wait a bit’ from the medical community as far as I’ve been informed. Another friend had major allergies and carried a epi-pen, but her Dr told her to get the shot under their supervision, which worked fine. Always interesting reading/hearing all the excuses. Just do it, or at least check with a professional instead of the internet, including My Post! 


And as to the way people such as this woman acted, its as if we’ve lost all our social graces or basic human connections. I realize we’ve been isolated, but……


A local restaurant had a sign asking customers to ‘Please’ treat the staff with respect. They are not fully staffed, things take longer and service is still getting up to speed. Sad isn’t it.


When my daughters turned dating age, I told them to watch how their date treated support staff, waiters and so on. Anyone who was abrupt or nasty is Going to treat you that way once they think they own you. It’s a sign of very insecure and troubled people. Understand they have issues, but not an excuse, a symptom. 



Last paragraph: Excellent advice.

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3 hours ago, PS0DSH said:

I assume y'all do realize that even if your are vaccinated, you can still carry the virus and spread it to others ?  All the vaccination does is lower your risk of serious or fatal complications if you do get infected again.

"can get it"?  Yes. A very small percentage of vaccinated people "can" become infected. 

Odds of that happening? Extremely small. 

Odds of getting it AND transmitting it? Even smaller. 

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10 hours ago, hawkesbaynz said:

Tough! Get a vaccine and we can all move on. All UK cruises have gone over to 100% adult vaccinated now. Royal Caribbean and MSC are now fully vaccinated now too. Save the hassle of kicking of the ignorant antivaxxers


In my experience in healthcare it is the uneducated and plain stupid who are not get vaccinated. Is this Darwinism at work? 

I disagree.  The uneducated and mentally deficient are not the problem when it comes to being vaccinated.  It seems to me that we have a sizeable portion of the population that is simply willfully ignorant about vaccines. It's not that they lack the capacity to review the data and derive a sensible conclusion, it's that they choose to ignore the entirety of the evidence and draw a conclusion that is contrary to that supported by the evidence that is so readily available. 

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1 hour ago, D C said:

I disagree.  The uneducated and mentally deficient are not the problem when it comes to being vaccinated.  It seems to me that we have a sizeable portion of the population that is simply willfully ignorant about vaccines. It's not that they lack the capacity to review the data and derive a sensible conclusion, it's that they choose to ignore the entirety of the evidence and draw a conclusion that is contrary to that supported by the evidence that is so readily available. 

It's also that they believe some internet conspirator theory propaganda.

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