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The Daily for Sunday October 24, 2021


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Good afternoon.  My easy day didn’t turn out that way.  We needed to get something out of the utility trailer we use for storage.  Of course, what we needed was in the middle and we had to move a lot of stuff. The good news, the trailer is a lot neater, and we took some unused boxes to the transfer station.  Unfortunately, Quartzsite stopped the free recycling last year due to the cost.


Now, I'm relaxing outside with CC and a good book.


@57redbird  I'm sorry your DH's surgery was postponed, but with the positive test I'm not surprised.  Hope it is a mild case and he's better soon.  Hope your test is negative.

@USN59-79  Fortunate that you were there with your chainsaw and had someone to help cut and move the tree. 👏

@Horizon chaser 1957  Good news that your DD was unscathed in the earthquake and the she is moving to a safer building next weekend.






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@StLouisCruisersthank you for the door photos, I love them!  I too take lots of door photos on trips, everything from homes to castles so I love seeing others' photos too.


Well the wind and rain really hit this afternoon, it was scary for a few minutes.  Our power went out but just long enough to have to reset everything -- hopefully that was the only time it will go out.  Things seem to have calmed down for now.  I know a large branch came down in our neighbor's yard.  It's always a worry because of the large trees in the protected land behind us.

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4 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

@StLouisCruisersthank you for the door photos, I love them!  I too take lots of door photos on trips, everything from homes to castles so I love seeing others' photos too.


Well the wind and rain really hit this afternoon, it was scary for a few minutes.  Our power went out but just long enough to have to reset everything -- hopefully that was the only time it will go out.  Things seem to have calmed down for now.  I know a large branch came down in our neighbor's yard.  It's always a worry because of the large trees in the protected land behind us.


You're welcome Carolyn! 


I hope none of the trees are near enough to fall on your house.  In Virginia, we had trees close enough to fall on the house but it didn't happen while we lived there.  Years later we were back in Williamsburg and saw that one huge tree at our old house had a large branch hit the house during a hurricane.  I'm glad it wasn't my problem!

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4 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


You're welcome Carolyn! 


I hope none of the trees are near enough to fall on your house.  In Virginia, we had trees close enough to fall on the house but it didn't happen while we lived there.  Years later we were back in Williamsburg and saw that one huge tree at our old house had a large branch hit the house during a hurricane.  I'm glad it wasn't my problem!

Thank you, I hope not but they are definitely near enough.  We've been lucky, and only have had branches come down, or tiny trees (not the large evergreens) come down on our back fence.  It's always a worry, but it's protected land so we have to jump through hoops to get anyone to check on them. 

I'm glad nothing happened while you lived in the house in Williamsburg!

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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

@kazu I just looked at the HAL tour of the fjord and pulpit rock and compared it to our cruise.  The HAL tour includes a 30 minute stop for waffles and coffee and I don't recall doing that on our tour.  They still stop at the waterfall, and see the goats.  Both tours were 3 hours long.  HAL price is 174.95 USD per person.  My price online 5 years ago was $55 USD pp (960 NOK total at the time).  For $240 USD difference in price you can buy a lot of waffles and coffee!  That is assuming the online price is still approximately the same.  The company is Rodne and can be found online easily enough.

We did the Pulpit Rock cruise with Rodne in 2017 and it was great.   I can easily skip the waffles.  They are nothing to get excited about.  

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Since it is still reasonably early for us on the West Coast, a couple of thoughts about Santorini.  We have been there a couple of times on BHBs.  We have always taken the gondola to the top and back again to the bottom.  I couldn't imagine trying to ride a donkey up or down the stairs.  I grew up around horses; my father was in the race horse business.  He raised and trained and owned thoroughbreds from the 1930s to the 1950s.  So i am comfortable riding horses.  But I would not consider riding a stinking donkey.  I have wondered why 99% of the buildings in Santorini are white with blue trimming.  Does the local government require it?  We would usually just go up to the town, take a picture of our ship in the harbor, walk around the town and have a beer and a snack and maybe buy a souvenir, and come back to the ship.  

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2 hours ago, JazzyV said:


When I say one go, I mean for that day. I have to do the yard weekly from mid-late October to early December. I actually have no trees in my yard, but my street is tree lined along the curbs and my neighbors do have yard trees that blow into my yard.


OH apologies for misunderstanding.  Sounds like we are in the same boat pretty much except most leaves are mine.  I do get some from my neighbours but que sera sera.  I feel for you with no trees and paying the price though 😔 .  


1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

@kazu I just looked at the HAL tour of the fjord and pulpit rock and compared it to our cruise.  The HAL tour includes a 30 minute stop for waffles and coffee and I don't recall doing that on our tour.  They still stop at the waterfall, and see the goats.  Both tours were 3 hours long.  HAL price is 174.95 USD per person.  My price online 5 years ago was $55 USD pp (960 NOK total at the time).  For $240 USD difference in price you can buy a lot of waffles and coffee!  That is assuming the online price is still approximately the same.  The company is Rodne and can be found online easily enough.


Thanks.  I have the company and it’s actually down as a hint on our spread sheet for the cruise.  As soon as it opens up for 2022, I’ll be booking.

DH hates those HAL stickers and we both hate being “herded” .  The stop is very close to where we dock and easy to find.  And I’m with you, there is no need to pay HAL’s price for this.


30 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Well the wind and rain really hit this afternoon, it was scary for a few minutes.  Our power went out but just long enough to have to reset everything -- hopefully that was the only time it will go out.  Things seem to have calmed down for now.  I know a large branch came down in our neighbor's yard.  It's always a worry because of the large trees in the protected land behind us.


Yikes 😱. Glad the trees were ok.  We actually took one down two years ago because of the branches over our neighbours driveway and potential of it landing on their house.  To trim the branches, it would have had to be trimmed on the other side and been half nude so to speak.  The arborist said the other branches would grow as big in another 2-3 years.

He recommended we cut it down as it was on the hill with shallow earth so it would be easy for it to be uprooted.  We agreed and the deed was done.  We still have plenty of trees.  Along with all the ones we had, DH planted 3 25 years ago.  I curse him now every Fall 😉 

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12 hours ago, summer slope said:

Good morning.  I loved my MIL, she was a wonderful caring person.  DH loves Bologna, especially the German kind Publix sells.  I wish the nations would be united.  Truthful quote today.  We have today's meal several times a year.  Have never been to today's port.  It's a very gloomy morning here in middle Florida.  @Seasick SailorHappy Anniversary.  Thank you @grapau27for the beautiful photos. 

Prayers and toasts to our lists.

Stay safe, social distance, and wear your mask:


Flaming volcano is a large tropical group cocktail typically made with rum, brandy, pineapple juice, orange juice, and orgeat syrup. Many variations exist, and the cocktail in the 21st century is more about the presentation than an adherence to a set list of ingredients. Wikipedia
Main alcohol: Rum
Ingredients: 1 oz Brandy, 1 oz Light Rum, 1 oz overproof rum, 2 oz almond syrup, 2 oz unsweetened lemon juice, 4 oz orange juice
Preparation: Combine all ingredients with 2 scoops of crushed ice in a blender, blend briefly, then pour into the "volcano bowl". Pour some rum into the central crater of the volcano bowl and light it. For garnish score pineapple or orange slices with a knife and insert onto rim of bowl; optionally add maraschino cherries to the main drink. Multiply recipe to adjust to the size of the container (e.g. x2 for a 32-US-fluid-ounce (950 ml) volcano bowl).
Served: Blended with ice (frozen style)
Standard garnish: Maraschino Cherries, Pineapple and/or Orange quarter slices
Drinkware: Volcano Bowl


Screen Shot 2021-10-24 at 8.03.02 AM.png





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Page six, another busy day on the Daily thread, thanks for all the information., appreciate all the photos of Santorini, as we have not been there.

@Seasick SailorCongratulations on your 30th Anniversary.

@Overhead FredHappy Birthday.

@smitty34877 thanks for your reply, Camilla is doing so well.

@57redbird sorry that your DH has tested positive for covid,hope that he soon recovers so that the  surgery can be performed.

Today Monday,  is Labour Day, a holiday to celebrate the 8 hour working day. It's a pleasant 20 C with lots of sunshine.

Stay safe, take care everyone.

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1 hour ago, kazu said:

 We actually took one down two years ago because of the branches over our neighbours driveway and potential of it landing on their house.  To trim the branches, it would have had to be trimmed on the other side and been half nude so to speak.  The arborist said the other branches would grow as big in another 2-3 years.

He recommended we cut it down as it was on the hill with shallow earth so it would be easy for it to be uprooted.  We agreed and the deed was done.  We still have plenty of trees.  Along with all the ones we had, DH planted 3 25 years ago.  I curse him now every Fall 😉 


Wow, that was nice of you.  Here if the neighbor's tree falls on my house and causes damage, I am still responsible.  I can only make the neighbor pay if I can prove negligence.   My neighbor had a couple of rotted trees and they were sending down pretty big limbs.  One bounced off my garage and ended up in my yard.  The other landed on my deck.  Fortunately, there was no damage to the house, but I had to pay to have the limbs cleaned up.  They were much too big and  heavy to just carry away.  When I had my trees trimmed a couple years ago, I also had the rest of her rotted trees taken down.  She never even noticed.  

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23 minutes ago, dfish said:


Wow, that was nice of you.  Here if the neighbor's tree falls on my house and causes damage, I am still responsible.  I can only make the neighbor pay if I can prove negligence.   My neighbor had a couple of rotted trees and they were sending down pretty big limbs.  One bounced off my garage and ended up in my yard.  The other landed on my deck.  Fortunately, there was no damage to the house, but I had to pay to have the limbs cleaned up.  They were much too big and  heavy to just carry away.  When I had my trees trimmed a couple years ago, I also had the rest of her rotted trees taken down.  She never even noticed.  


Wow!  So wrong IMO but good for you on getting rid of the trees although we both know you shouldn’t have had to pay for that.!  I guess it’s the Maritimer in us.  A number of years ago, as our trees were being bolted (to prevent splitting) we had a huge nor ‘easter type storm and of course the one that wasn’t yet went and crashed down.  A huge branch on my neighbours’ deck and dented her eavestrough badly and took down her clothesline.  

She was away at the cottage so I got the tree and branch cleaned up, got a company lined up and as soon as she was back told her what happened and we would repair.  They were out within the week.

Technically it’s an act of God but it’s our tree and since we were bolting we felt responsible and she’s our neighbour.  It wasn’t even $100 to fix it all and well worth it to keep good will IMO.

The tree we took down was planted years ago - long before we moved here -  in the wrong place - way too shallow, little earth and too easy to topple and the type with the huge branches that break easily.  We didn’t want a problem 😉   It’s such an awful feeling when “your” tree or branch does damage to a neighbour 😢 


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8 minutes ago, kazu said:


Wow!  So wrong IMO but good for you on getting rid of the trees although we both know you shouldn’t have had to pay for that.!  I guess it’s the Maritimer in us.  A number of years ago, as our trees were being bolted (to prevent splitting) we had a huge nor ‘easter type storm and of course the one that wasn’t yet went and crashed down.  A huge branch on my neighbours’ deck and dented her eavestrough badly and took down her clothesline.  

She was away at the cottage so I got the tree and branch cleaned up, got a company lined up and as soon as she was back told her what happened and we would repair.  They were out within the week.

Technically it’s an act of God but it’s our tree and since we were bolting we felt responsible and she’s our neighbour.  It wasn’t even $100 to fix it all and well worth it to keep good will IMO.

The tree we took down was planted years ago - long before we moved here -  in the wrong place - way too shallow, little earth and too easy to topple and the type with the huge branches that break easily.  We didn’t want a problem 😉   It’s such an awful feeling when “your” tree or branch does damage to a neighbour 😢 



Good will goes a lot further than the $100 in the pocket would.  I'm also going to rip out some of her shrubbery that she has let grow out of control.  It blocks part of the sidewalk from her lot into mine.  When I'm backing out of the driveway I can't see if anyone is coming down that walk.  She has a young son and I am scared silly that he'll come running past or be on his bike and I'll run him down.  I've talked to her about it and nothing was done, so it is coming out.  

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Late evening.  Hope this posts!  @Seasick Sailor, Happy Anniversary and wishes for many more.  @Overhead Fred, Happy Birthday!  Wait till you get to my age-almost 80😂

The pictures of Santorini are wonderful!  Think the stairs would do me in.


The day still my next cruise are now in double digits!

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8 hours ago, USN59-79 said:

Since it is still reasonably early for us on the West Coast, a couple of thoughts about Santorini.  We have been there a couple of times on BHBs.  We have always taken the gondola to the top and back again to the bottom.  I couldn't imagine trying to ride a donkey up or down the stairs.  I grew up around horses; my father was in the race horse business.  He raised and trained and owned thoroughbreds from the 1930s to the 1950s.  So i am comfortable riding horses.  But I would not consider riding a stinking donkey.  I have wondered why 99% of the buildings in Santorini are white with blue trimming.  Does the local government require it?  We would usually just go up to the town, take a picture of our ship in the harbor, walk around the town and have a beer and a snack and maybe buy a souvenir, and come back to the ship.  

The white buildings are seen all over Greece.




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