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The Daily for Tuesday November 23, 2021


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Good morning from Bass Lake, California. Yesterday’s drive through Yosemite was a wow moment.


We are staying in a beautiful lake view cabin with vintage appliances, antique furniture and it even has a pool table and working electrical arcade machine.  The charm of a log cabin.

Life is good. Thanks for the Daily.



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Good morning and thanks all.  I love cranberry juice so will celebrate with that and some cashews later! 
@ger_77 loved the tribal drumming! 
@StLouisCruisers the runway is like that in Skiathos Greece,  they fly low and then immediately throw on reverse thrusters so you don’t go off the other side of the island, terrifying! 

3 hours ago, Overhead Fred said:

Greetings from San Juan! The cruise is going fine. Went to the Canaletto last night and it was fantastic. Since there were four of us, we got to try a lot of dishes. Breakfast service in the MDR has also been very good. Tried the Indian breakfast dish (aloo masala?) and I now have a new favorite breakfast!

Ooh DH will like that one!  We love the Japanese breakfast.  

2 hours ago, JAM37 said:


I am still having trouble reading for more than a few minutes, but I wanted to check in. I finished reading Sunday's Daily early yesterday morning and my eyes were extremely tired and sore. I didn't do any significant reading again yesterday and my eyes felt much better. So, I will continue reading Saturday's, yesterday's and today's and future Dailies a few posts at a time until my eyes are back to normal.

Eyes are so precious, hope yours feel better soon! 

1 hour ago, St. Louis Sal said:

Good morning all


I am way behind and need to catch up. It was not a good weekend at our house. On Friday, Fritz our mini dachshund was not feeling well. By evening we needed to take him to the emergency vet. He was diagnosed with pneumonia (impressive they had a radiologist to read his X-rays at 9 at night, better than some of our experiences at human ERs.) He spent the night on fluids and antibiotics. He was better on Saturday and we were able to bring him home. On Sunday though, he took a turn for the worse. We jumped into the car to rush back to the emergency vet, but Fritz died in my daughter’s arms on the way 😢. He was 15 and had the sweetest dachsie personality.


Rest In Peace, Fritz Erdnusse (2006-2021)

Known by many nicknames-Peanut, Fuzzy Butt, Puppy Brother, Butter Butt, Boy, Nutter Butter, Peanut Butter, Butter Bean
World champion cuddler and napper 
Serial killer of dog toys
Cutest dachshund personality ever
We miss you so much 😢









I’m so sorry for the loss of your loyal friend!   

Edited by bennybear
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I can’t like anyone’s post! Sorry about that. BIG HUGS to @St. Louis Sal  I am so very sorry to read of your loss.  💔


Tim Hortons used to have amazing cranberry blueberry bran muffins until they didn’t. Had to learn to make my own so… thanks, Tim Hortons. 🤨


I can’t think of anything I’d like less on a grilled cheese than kale. Except maybe cabbage. Or peanut butter. I once went on a cleanse diet where you put everything into a blender, including kale, and made a smoothie for each meal. So maybe a grilled cheese and kale smoothie would also be something I’d like less.  

Well, a million things to do today. I hope everyone’s day is peaceful and kind. 


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45 minutes ago, dfish said:

@St. Louis SalI am so sorry to hear that Fritz passed.   You will be in my thoughts today.


I am celebrating because I booked a cruise under the Black Friday deal and combined it with HIA.  Plus, I got OBC from Welcome Home after Alaska.   I'm going on the 14 day Atlantic Coast cruise October 8-22, 2022.  I am super excited!


Could you send me an email as I have a question about your Atlantic Coast Cruise you just booked.

My email address is my CC nickname @gmail.com

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1 hour ago, St. Louis Sal said:

Good morning all


I am way behind and need to catch up. It was not a good weekend at our house. On Friday, Fritz our mini dachshund was not feeling well. By evening we needed to take him to the emergency vet. He was diagnosed with pneumonia (impressive they had a radiologist to read his X-rays at 9 at night, better than some of our experiences at human ERs.) He spent the night on fluids and antibiotics. He was better on Saturday and we were able to bring him home.



That is heartbreaking 💔 I am so sorry to hear this 🥲


Prayers for you and your family.  Losing a fur baby is truly losing a member of your family.




1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:


The rain is back, and we're in for more storms and possible flooding this week.  I hope it won't be so bad it affects Thanksgiving travel for some people.


Oh dear, I hope you don’t get flooding.  The rains have mostly stopped here but as you can see, Saint John has some flooding to deal with








A number of main streets and roads are closed.  Hope it doesn’t happen to you 🙏


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5 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

Good Morning everyone! Thank you Rich for the Daily Report, and thank you Roy for the Cares and Celebrations Report. And thank you everyone for caring and sharing!


I only eat cashew halves. Someone once told me that way the calories will have leaked out.   😁


My late sister-in-law used to say the same thing about chocolate chip cookies 🍪 😋


4 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

 I thought my very proper oldest brother  would faint as the beach was topless.My mother was fascinated.  





 Sometimes mothers will surprise you.


3 hours ago, JAM37 said:

I am still having trouble reading for more than a few minutes, but I wanted to check in. I finished reading Sunday's Daily early yesterday morning and my eyes were extremely tired and sore. I didn't do any significant reading again yesterday and my eyes felt much better. So, I will continue reading Saturday's, yesterday's and today's and future Dailies a few posts at a time until my eyes are back to normal.


We will do a few last construction type chores today, clean up and be ready for family to arrive early tomorrow morning. Construction will then be on hold until Sunday or Monday.


Take care everyone and have a terrific day.


🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.


Hope your eyes improve soon.  Enjoy your family and Thanksgiving.


2 hours ago, St. Louis Sal said:

Good morning all


I am way behind and need to catch up. It was not a good weekend at our house. On Friday, Fritz our mini dachshund was not feeling well. By evening we needed to take him to the emergency vet. He was diagnosed with pneumonia (impressive they had a radiologist to read his X-rays at 9 at night, better than some of our experiences at human ERs.) He spent the night on fluids and antibiotics. He was better on Saturday and we were able to bring him home. On Sunday though, he took a turn for the worse. We jumped into the car to rush back to the emergency vet, but Fritz died in my daughter’s arms on the way 😢. He was 15 and had the sweetest dachsie personality.


Rest In Peace, Fritz Erdnusse (2006-2021)

Known by many nicknames-Peanut, Fuzzy Butt, Puppy Brother, Butter Butt, Boy, Nutter Butter, Peanut Butter, Butter Bean
World champion cuddler and napper 
Serial killer of dog toys
Cutest dachshund personality ever
We miss you so much 😢










I'm so sorry for the loss of Fritz.  Having had two very special dachshunds, I understand what you and your family are going through.  Dachshunds have a special way of getting into your heart.  Enjoy your sweet memories of the time you had with Fritz.  


1 hour ago, dfish said:

@St. Louis SalI am so sorry to hear that Fritz passed.   You will be in my thoughts today.


I am celebrating because I booked a cruise under the Black Friday deal and combined it with HIA.  Plus, I got OBC from Welcome Home after Alaska.   I'm going on the 14 day Atlantic Coast cruise October 8-22, 2022.  I am super excited!


 Debbie, congratulations on such a good deal and keeping your perks.



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6 hours ago, Mr. Boston said:

Good morning everyone and thanks for the daily report. Thankfully my reaction to the covid booster has subsided and all that I’m left with is a slightly sore lymph node under my left arm; thanks for the well wishes yesterday.  Cranberry bliss bars are available at the Starbucks in our building, maybe with an espresso?  I like cashews very much.  The quote is humorous.  The sandwich only sounds interesting, not sure I’d like it but I’ll wait until I read the recipe to decide. Been to today’s port several times before the hurricane but not since. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list and cheers to those of you celebrating a happy event today.


Glad you're feeling better.

5 hours ago, kazu said:






Loved this meme.  Our first cat climbed DH's brother's tree once.  She was probably trying to get away from the 4 year old. 😂


Glad you are feeling better.



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Good afternoon!  I am on my desktop again today because CC won't work on my phone, bummer.  I promise I'll post the cute cookies DGD and I made.  


@Seasick Sailor-- my post along with the offending post was removed from that thread.  I honestly didn't think I said anything that needed to be removed but I'm sure it was for the continuity of the thread.  Oh well, I keep telling myself it isn't worth it to reply to people like that so guess I should learn my lesson.


I like all of today's collection of celebrations but will not have the meal of the day.  I like sweet potatoes but yuck in a sandwich.  Debbie, thanks for suggesting spinach instead of kale.  I too think it tastes like grass.  However, and this is a big however, I did have a wonderful kale salad in Houston made by one of my retreat friends and she massaged the life out of the kale which made it palatable.  But it's not something I would deliberately buy or do myself.


Debbie!!!  @dfish WOW, I'm so excited you booked the October 8th cruise!  I booked this cruise a very long time ago as a replacement for a cancelled 2020 cruise.  We've done this itinerary before except for Saint John and Portland and it's one of our favorites.  I booked it mostly because it has Saguenay--  just a wonderful place plus it's a 14 day.


Have a great day everyone!



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2 hours ago, dfish said:


I am celebrating because I booked a cruise under the Black Friday deal and combined it with HIA.  Plus, I got OBC from Welcome Home after Alaska.   I'm going on the 14 day Atlantic Coast cruise October 8-22, 2022.  I am super excited!


20 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:


Debbie!!!  @dfish WOW, I'm so excited you booked the October 8th cruise!  I booked this cruise a very long time ago as a replacement for a cancelled 2020 cruise.  We've done this itinerary before except for Saint John and Portland and it's one of our favorites.  I booked it mostly because it has Saguenay--  just a wonderful place plus it's a 14 day.


Have a great day everyone!



And someone (who is the reason I booked the cruise) is being very quiet. 😉 I know he's busy getting ready for his December cruise on the Rotterdam, but most likely will chime in if I twist his arm.  @richwmn😄 

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@St. Louis SalI'm so sorry to hear of the passing of your sweet little Fritz.  Those little creatures leave the biggest paw prints in our hearts.  Sending hugs of comfort to you and your family.


Time for another installment of Martha Stewart Isn't Coming For Thanksgiving:



We toyed with the idea of ringing a dainty silver bell to announce the start of our feast. In the end, we chose to keep our traditional method. We've also decided against a formal seating arrangement. When the smoke alarm sounds, please gather around the table and sit where you like.


In the spirit of harmony, we will ask the children to sit at a separate table. In a separate room. Next door.


Now, I know you have all seen pictures of one person carving a turkey in front of a crowd of appreciative onlookers. This will not be happening at our dinner. For safety reasons, the turkey will be carved in a private ceremony. I stress "private" meaning: Do not, under any circumstances, enter the kitchen to laugh at me. Do not send small, unsuspecting children to check on my progress. I have an electric knife. The turkey is unarmed. It stands to reason that I will eventually win. When I do, we will eat.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

Good days. I'll eat a cranberry in a couple of days. I like cashews and the occasional espresso.

Funny quote.

I'll pass on the meal. In college, where there was no late dinner on Sundays, my roommate and I would go to a Polynesian restaurant to eat the food goodies at the bar and drink Zombies. I like the wine, but not the price.


I have been to today's port on my Panama Canal Cruise on the NCL Bliss in 2019. I didn't see much as my knee chose that day to act up and I could only limp around. I just got off the ship for a bit and stayed near the dock.


Cold here. It was in the teens with the wind chill this morning. It's sunny though. I'm trying to do a bit of tidying up. I have a dental appointment for my crown tomorrow. Also it's supposed to be warm (50's) and I'd like to do some leaf clean-up, and maybe a little Christmas decorating outside, but I also need to do some prep for Thursday. Not enough time in the day!


Unbelievably, after that sad death of a 4 yo who shot himself, last night on the local news was a report of a 6 yo shooting and killing his 5 yo sibling!  3 kids were in a bedroom where there was an unsecured gun.


@Mr. Boston It's good to hear you're feeling better today.

@ger_77 Love the "Martha Stewart isn't coming for Thanksgiving".

@dfish So nice to have DS and friends there. Congrats on the Atlantic Coast cruise!

@Overhead Fred It sounds like you're having fun!

@JAM37 I hope your eyes feel better soon.

@St. Louis Sal So sorry to hear of the loss of Fritz. Hugs. 

@Cruising-along Maybe they could have made you an Americano, which is just espresso shots with added hot water. It makes a bold cup of coffee and is what I get at Starbucks.

@aliaschief Wonderful pictures. Have a great time!


Prayers for the Care list and a toast to the Celebration list.

Stay safe all. Wear your mask if needed.


A rainbow as we approached Sint Maarten



Great Bay Beach





Sunset as we left






Edited by JazzyV
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5 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:


And someone (who is the reason I booked the cruise) is being very quiet. 😉 I know he's busy getting ready for his December cruise on the Rotterdam, but most likely will chime in if I twist his arm.  @richwmn😄 

OK, you twisted. Yes I am on the East Coast cruise as well. I am looking forward to seeing @Cruising-alongand her dh, along with many other CC members who are going to be on the cruise. It should be a very good time

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6 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:


And someone (who is the reason I booked the cruise) is being very quiet. 😉 I know he's busy getting ready for his December cruise on the Rotterdam, but most likely will chime in if I twist his arm.  @richwmn😄 


How fun!  And I get to meet him in just 4 weeks on the Rotterdam too.

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We've been to Sint Maarten twice, the first time was in 1987 on the Noordam and we had met 2 other couples and rented a jeep.  It was wonderful and we loved the French side of the island and we did see many nude bathers even though we thought we were at a family beach.  The second time was in 2004 on the Oosterdam and rented a car again but just for the two of us.  We went to the French side of the island and enjoyed several beaches, all nude--you just can't get away from it, but honestly I didn't feel uncomfortable.  We ate lunch at the marina and had the largest bowl of mussels you could imagine.  I have pictures but can't take the time right now to search, too much Thanksgiving prep going on.  So thank you to everyone who posted pictures,  great memories.  We are excited to revisit next month on the Rotterdam.

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21 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

@Cruising-along Maybe they could have made you an Americano, which is just espresso shots with added hot water. It makes a bold cup of coffee and is what I get at Starbucks.

Funny, that's pretty much what I did some mornings.  I preferred the coffees DH got at the Exploration Cafe though, much better! 🙂  

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Thanks, everyone, for the congratulations on the Atlantic Coast cruise.   I've never done two cruises in one year and I'm still pinching myself.  I talked with my financial guy and he said to just let him know when he needed to release the money.  YES!   I am excited to be able to meet many of my Dailyite family.

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2 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:


@Seasick Sailor-- my post along with the offending post was removed from that thread.  I honestly didn't think I said anything that needed to be removed but I'm sure it was for the continuity of the thread.  Oh well, I keep telling myself it isn't worth it to reply to people like that so guess I should learn my lesson.


I don't think you did either Sharon. I'd bet $20 she reported it. Miss Snarky Pants.. 


Looking forward to meeting YOU and (Craig?) next month!


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I have been to Sint Maarten/Saint Martin several times however it was always back in the day when my late husband took all the photos with his Canon AE1 so I have none to post. 

Seeing everyone who is doing the Atlantic Coast cruise makes me almost want to give up my Southern Caribean Seafarer Thanksgiving 2022 cruise. I love the Atlantic Coast cruises and would love to tag along however I have never been to the ABC Islands and it will be on the Rotterdam.

Somehow the thought of putting either sweet potatos or kale, much less both, on a perfectly wonderful grilled cheese sandwich just seems WRONG.

@St. Louis SalI am sorry about your Fritz passing. You did everything you could for him.


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