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The Daily for Sunday December 19, 2021


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57 minutes ago, kazu said:

Good afternoon everyone,


Firstly I would like to thank you all for all the caring, kindness and prayers.


I don’t want to go into too many details but Jose was seriously ill, even unable to talk.  He is still very ill, in a state of delirium but he has started to talk and starting to understand some things at times.  The rest of the time he is  not understandable but he knows I am there and a light has come back in his eyes part of the time when I am there.


He is listening to me and taking his meds and today, for the first time, I succeeded in getting him to eat.  It wasn’t much.  Just 5 spoonfuls of corn flakes and a couple of pieces of banana but it’s a start.

he has a huge team of specialists working on his case and they have several hypotheses.  They have put a few things in place that will do no harm until they get another lumbar puncture that will hopefully get a better sample.  They have held off as they want him to recover from all his sedation to get a bench mark before they sedate him again for another LP.

The specialists have been by every day and I’ve had a chance to talk to them and I keep notes on changes I am seeing for them.  They are a very caring team and top notch in their professions.

I have some great Christmas memes I have been collecting and am going to try to share some over the coming week.  I’d like to put some joy in the lives that have prayed so hard for us.    If I don’t post an update, it’s because there isn’t any other than a slow progress, hopefully.


Believe me, I will post another update when there is something meaningful to share.  It’s been an exhausting time and I have at least 2-3 weeks to go based on what the specialists guesstimate.  

So, he will be in hospital for Christmas and with luck there will be no bad storms so I can be with him for some of it.


As many of you may know, my family is far away so I am so grateful for the angels in my life right now that are helping me, providing drives when I was too shaky to drive at the beginning, meals, support, dog care, etc.


God bless you all for your caring and my prayers are with everyone on the Care list and those struggling at this time of the year.


thank you ♥️ 

I was so happy to hear some positive news for you and Jose. Continued prayers and hope for good weather to make driving less difficult. 

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1 hour ago, kazu said:

Good afternoon everyone,


Firstly I would like to thank you all for all the caring, kindness and prayers.


I don’t want to go into too many details but Jose was seriously ill, even unable to talk.  He is still very ill, in a state of delirium but he has started to talk and starting to understand some things at times.  The rest of the time he is  not understandable but he knows I am there and a light has come back in his eyes part of the time when I am there.


He is listening to me and taking his meds and today, for the first time, I succeeded in getting him to eat.  It wasn’t much.  Just 5 spoonfuls of corn flakes and a couple of pieces of banana but it’s a start.

he has a huge team of specialists working on his case and they have several hypotheses.  They have put a few things in place that will do no harm until they get another lumbar puncture that will hopefully get a better sample.  They have held off as they want him to recover from all his sedation to get a bench mark before they sedate him again for another LP.

The specialists have been by every day and I’ve had a chance to talk to them and I keep notes on changes I am seeing for them.  They are a very caring team and top notch in their professions.

I have some great Christmas memes I have been collecting and am going to try to share some over the coming week.  I’d like to put some joy in the lives that have prayed so hard for us.    If I don’t post an update, it’s because there isn’t any other than a slow progress, hopefully.


Believe me, I will post another update when there is something meaningful to share.  It’s been an exhausting time and I have at least 2-3 weeks to go based on what the specialists guesstimate.  

So, he will be in hospital for Christmas and with luck there will be no bad storms so I can be with him for some of it.


As many of you may know, my family is far away so I am so grateful for the angels in my life right now that are helping me, providing drives when I was too shaky to drive at the beginning, meals, support, dog care, etc.


God bless you all for your caring and my prayers are with everyone on the Care list and those struggling at this time of the year.


thank you ♥️ 


Thank  you, Jacqui, for letting us know how Jose is doing.  We have all been praying for both of you and we hold you close in our hearts.   May his recovery speed up and get him home soon.   

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5 hours ago, Cruising-along said:


@StLouisCruisersI'm so glad you felt at peace when you saw how good your DMIL looked.  ((hugs))


4 hours ago, JazzyV said:


@StLouisCruisers How wonderful that DMIL looked like her usual self. A comfort to the family I'm sure. It sounds like many great memories were talked about.


5 hours ago, bennybear said:

@StLouisCruiserssending hugs, glad your DMIL is at peace and you found some solace in the service and good memories.


4 hours ago, Horizon chaser 1957 said:


@StLouisCruisers It’s good to hear your safely home, and that the service went well. Hopefully you can rest before Christmas, and don’t have a lot of demands and commitments.


Aww, thank you for the kind words, everyone!  I wanted to go back and make sure I'd acknowledged the nice posts you made, then my DD called and we spoke a long time making plans for dinners during our Christmas visit with her in Ohio.  She seemed relieved to have some help with decisions, and menus, as well as helping with all the cooking!  Our DS and his wife and 2 boys will be joining us so it's a crowd!  So yes, we have a few days to rest up before we drive up there Christmas Eve.  After the holiday I think we want to calm down a bit and enjoy January at home.

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@kazuit's a relief to get some word from you on what you and Jose have been going through.  I'm very encouraged to hear he's eating something again.  There's a village here standing behind you both as you continue to help him recover.  Prayers will continue as long as you all need them.🙏

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56 minutes ago, lazey1 said:


@StLouisCruisersNo matter how long it was expected it is still heartbreaking when a loved one passes. I am so glad that you were able to find comfort in your MIL's final appearance. 



Thanks for your kindness.  When the family arrived and we went in to see her, several of them held back and were crying because they were afraid they wouldn't recognize her.  As soon as DH and I went up to her, we were overjoyed to see how peaceful and pretty she looked.  I turned and went back to my family members and told them to come see for themselves how absolutely wonderful she looked.  They were astonished and that happened several times yesterday with several people.  We were all relieved our last memories of her would be so happy.  

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43 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Evening all, Went to urgent care and I did fracture my little finger. I have a splint and have to call Orthopedic tomorrow.

      No pain meds other than Tylenol

I need a BHB 


Sorry to hear it is a broken finger, but glad it's taken care of for now.  You deserve a cruise after this!  

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Taking the view that if one is not getting worse, one is getting better, @kazuJacqui, your update is very good news indeed.  Thank you for sharing with us those few bites of cornflakes and banana.  You and Jose remain firmly in prayers.  May the weather hold so that you can be together at Christmas.  And please take care of yourself as well so that you have strength to cope.  



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@kazu   Jacqui, thank you for taking time to let us know that Jose is showing improvement and "taking baby steps" in getting well.  Continued positive thoughts for Jose's recovery and for strength for you during this very difficult time.  Like the rest of your Daily family, I was relieved to know you have angels in your life to help you and to take care of things so you can spend time with Jose.  Hoping the weather stays good so you can be with Jose on Christmas and all other days until he gets back home.  ((((((HUGS))))))


It has been a long day here.  The grocery run took about five hours, including an hour to Parker and an hour back.  It also included stops at two grocery stores and the big box store, which was out of a lot of items, while the grocery stores were pretty well stocked. .  Everything has been put away, and now I'm catching up on the Daily.


I think I have everything I need for Christmas when older DD and DSIL are here.  The only thing they really requested were the usual pies.  We should have leftovers for a day or two, and then, I'm planning on simple meals.  They don't know it yet, but I'm not making the usual casseroles, as I want to spend more time visiting and less cooking.


I was surprised this morning to see about 5 or 6 real Christmas trees for sale in town.  They were all small trees, but from a distance, they did not look bad.


@richwmn  Safe travels for you tomorrow, and I hope you have a great cruise.

@1ANGELCAT   Sorry about your fall, and that you broke your little finger.  Take care.

@mamaofami  Carol, I 'm sorry that the Omicron variant may derail all your plans for Sam's birthday party.  Keeping fingers crossed that it can be held safely.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, glad you are home safely after a whirlwind trip.  Very glad your last memory of DMIL is a good one, and that the family got to share so many great memories.  I'm sure she knew how much she was loved.

@durangoscots  Sorry your place decided to throw you some curveballs.  Hope everything is fixed and nothing else goes wrong.

@bennybear  Sorry you had to cancel your time in Hawaii, but your health comes first.

@Horizon chaser 1957   I'm glad you are still able to go to visit your DS for Christmas.

@JazzyV  Vanessa, I'm sorry you are having such problems with your eye.  Hope the can figure something out soon.

@Seasick Sailor  Thank you for the pictures of Curacao.

@lazey1 Jane, I'm glad to see that your BIL has a mild case.


Here are a couple of pictures of our 2015 visit to Cape Horn on the Ruby Princess.  We were supposed to sail around the island, but the weather was extremely bad and the seas were so rough, the Captain decided to stay behind the island in the calmest area.  I think Sandi, @StLouisCruisers, will agree that he made the correct decision since we'd had two days of extremely rough seas between Cape Horn and The Falkland Islands.


In the first picture of the lighthouse, you can see how the flag is blowing in the wind.  The second picture shows the rough seas and the waves crashing on the shore.





In 1999, the crew on the Noordam III couldn't believe how calm the seas were.  That was the only time that season they'd had calm seas.




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@kazuThank you for taking time to post your update, it's very pleasing that Jose is showing some improvement and able to eat a little food. I am certain that you sitting with Jose is helping his recovery. Am so relieved to know that you have "Angels" helping you. 

Hope you are able to get some sleep each night.


@1ANGELCAT sorry that your finger is fractured, hope it heals quickly.

@StLouisCruisersyou and your family will have such good memories of your DMIL,.

@Seasick Sailor re your comment about "door slammers",  I always wonder if they  slam their doors like that at home.

Thanks for all the Daily reports, humour, recipes, appreciate seeing the  photos of today's destinatiion.

Have not made oatmeal muffins for several years.

It's another warm sunny but windy day.

Stay safe, take care everyone.



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3 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Evening all, Went to urgent care and I did fracture my little finger. I have a splint and have to call Orthopedic tomorrow.

      No pain meds other than Tylenol

I need a BHB 


Sorry to hear this. Hopefully all you will need will be keeping your finger immobilized.

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All, for reasons completely unimportant, I haven't been able to post daily - but I've tried to keep up as best I can.


Regardless of what is keeping me away from CC, please know that I think of you (especially those on the care list...  Jacqi in particular and all the others who are facing hard challenges right now).


The Dailyites ARE an extraordinary community, and though my part here is quite small I am proud to count you all among my internet friends.


My wish for all of you is a week full of positives...better health for those who need it, smiles for those facing sorrows, and that you are all surrounded in person or virtually by your loved ones during this special time of year for so many.

Edited by msmayor
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Good evening, thanks for the Daily.

Thank you @kazu for the update. We will continue to pray for strength and healing for Jose and Peace and health for you. And good weather for nursing someone back home. 🙂

Thank you to all who continue to make this a refuge from confusing and worrisome times. We are sorry for broken fingers and lost family members, and thankful for successful cruises and safe travels home.

And we are always appreciative of the pictures of places you all have been that we have not. Thank you for sharing your memories.


Please continue staying safe and healthy and as always, our prayers for those with a need and cheers for those with a cause.


Lori & George


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@kazuJacqui, thanks so much for your update. I'm glad to hear Jose is making progress, and the doctors have plans in mind to keep things moving forward.  It's wonderful that you have angels around you to help with driving, meals, etc. during such a stressful time.  I've been praying for you both daily, and will continue until Jose is back home and in good health, and also for good weather for your traveling to and from the hospital.  Please remember to take care of yourself!


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10 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

How does one get a blue bubble when addressing someone?  I thought I knew how to do this, but it appears I don’t.



Use the @ sign and start typing the screen name you want like @Cruzin Terri a list will pop up and choose the one you want. If it doesn’t turn blue, delete and try again. Occasionally it doesn’t work on the first try.

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Rich and Roy, thank you for setting up the Daily, @kazu, thank you for the update. After a regular (boring?) drive from Southern California to the Valley of the Sun, DH and have spent time with my darling mother and today enjoyed the Phoenix Symphony and the Arizona Ballet perform The Nutcracker. What a blessing to watch dancing and hear beautiful music! Especially enjoyed seeing great-nephew as one of the party boys. Tomorrow we will spend a third day with my mom, and be joined by NY niece and family, Flagstaff niece and family, a sister or 2 and DD and grands in town from Seattle (DD & family will join us in Southern California for Christmas (❤️). Feeling blessed! 



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