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The Daily for Saturday 04/16/2022


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19 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

@StLouisCruisers-how do you stay so organized?  You are amazing!  And I love all the pictures you post.  DH wants a lesson from you on how to post pictures.  Of course, my camera is totally dead these days,  and right before we travel!  Arghh.  


Well, Ann the trick to knowing when the port of the day was last listed is a spreadsheet DH suggested to me.  About two weeks into Rich starting that feature I was talking about it with DH.  He said you could keep track of that with a spreadsheet and started setting one up for me.  Easy to fill out the data which is date followed by port name, had I been there before Y or N, year and ship(s).  I can do a search for the port name on the spreadsheet and it will provide the date(s) I listed it.  That's how I can tell it was Oct. 19 today.


As for posting pictures, how do you do memes?  I probably couldn't do those.  I think others here may have more normal methods like using the "insert image from URL" under Other Media.  I had varied success with that method.  If I have a photo uploaded to Shutterfly I can easily right click on the photo there, click copy, then come here to my post and right click and paste it in the correct place. Otherwise I have trouble posting too.  So that's my method.  You have an IPhone to take photos with, right?  They take better pictures than the cameras do these days.  Use that on your trip.  We will want to see photos!


Also sorry to hear your Furnando is having health issues, too.  I hope he is acting normally and has no bad side effects from it.

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@ger_77  Don't get rid of the dust bunnies, you can use them as confetti at a party!  Your DH and I like eggs the same way, I order them over well , stabbed and dead.  Once in a while they get it right.

BLT's for dinner, you know I'm heading north now!  I have the bacon, just not bread, lettuce or tomatoes in the house right now.

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@StLouisCruisers I do have a cell phone, but I only use it for work.  I have worked on the phones for the last 30 years (except for the two years when I was an assistant manager to a garden center) and after being on them all day, I dont go near one, unless it's a dr. calling.  My boss told me I had to text, so I upgraded my cell phone to that capability, and I text my questions time cards etc through the phone.  And when I leave "at the end of the day" and go "home", it goes off.  When I take vacation, it will be turned off.  I did tell DH about the Shutterfly.  He used to have another place he stored pictures, which I used until they started charging, and now I cant go back.  Doesn't matter really, I have yet to get to but one of the ports of call.  Maybe one day, guess I'm not such a grand explorer.  Just an average explorer.

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Good morning!  Just a quick note to say hi today before the day gets away from me like it did yesterday.  I liked circuses when I was young.  I really love mushrooms and my favorite pizza is sausage and mushroom.  The meal is good but not my favorite.  And I've never been to Norway.


Ann @marshhawk -- I hear you about being on the phone.  I was the same way when I was working because my entire working years were being attached to a phone.  However, I couldn't live without my iPhone.  I use it for so much more than just as a phone.  Also, I hope your kitty feels better.  It's so hard to deal with sick pets, they can't tell us where it hurts.


Jacqui @kazu -- good to hear you are going to be with friends tomorrow for Easter.  Enjoy!


Even though I finally received a flight notification that I can change seats, view the flight, make changes, etc., I still can't access the info on HAL's website or the airline's website and I've given it 3 days, so I'm on hold right now with them.  It's only been an hour so hopefully not too much longer and I've been catching up on the Daily while on hold.


Have a great day everyone!



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Hello everyone from beautiful Tenerife.

It is a georgeous day in the 70s with plenty of sunshine.

We first decided to try to find a church to attend an Easter Vigil Service tonight since we are here until 11 pm and then thought better of it.

While Oceania does not have a priest on board, they are streaming Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday Masses from the Vatican both tonight and tomorrow. 

We have opted to do that rather than find a church and mingle with a large crowd of people.  We just feel it is safer.

Tomorrow we will be in Santa Cruz de la Palma and it is forecasted to be another lovely day.

Jim and I wish all of you a Blessed Easter and Happy Passover. 

Hope everyone stays well and safe and enjoys some time with loved ones and friends.

God bless,


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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

I liked circuses as a kid, and going into Manhattan to see Ringling Bros. Mushrooms are ok. Bean counters have their purpose. Funny quote.

I've never had huevos rancheros. Pass on the drink, but the wine sound good.

I've not been to today's destination.


Another rainy, coolish day here today. I was walking like an old person last night, after the first day of yard work for the year. Then I was awakened around 2AM with a bad muscle cramp in my right thigh. Ouch! All I could do was massage it while rocking back and forth. Finally it subsided, only for me to have one in the left thigh! I hadn't sweated a lot, so I don't think my electrolytes were off. I haven't had that in years; once on a ship in the middle of the night. I'm hoping to get some food prep done this afternoon, including making a key lime pie.


@kazu Safe travels to the hospital. I'm glad you're going to visit friends for dinner tomorrow, if all test negative. Prayers for Jose and you.

@smitty34877 Lasagna sounds good. I'm making Shepherd's pie (cottage pie really) tomorrow.

@StLouisCruisers Hopefully the increase in meds helps Gracie. Prayers for Jen and Buddy.

@marshhawk I hope Furnando is ok. 

@Cruzin Terri I'm glad the weather has improved for you - enjoy! 


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.

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Good morning all!

Another cloudy day here and will get up to the low 50's F.  

I had no luck yesterday after visiting 2 nurseries looking for something to deter birds from nesting in my hanging baskets.  So I put some shiny foil on them and figured it will work as well as anything (which probably is nothing).  DD has a cat and they still built a nest on the wreath on her porch...I guess the birds here are gutsy!


I like circuses, do not like mushrooms in any form, and DH was one of those bean counters in his working days when he was a Supply Officer in the Navy.  Now he's just my bean counter which is fortunate because I'm definitely not good at it.  😉  


Good quote, the wine sounds good but will pass on the drink and meal.  Last night I made the Italian Vegetable Soup and it was delicious! 


@cat shepardAnn thank you for that amazing photo of the sun, much appreciated!

@kazuJacqui that is wonderful that you'll have Easter dinner with your friends tomorrow.

@StLouisCruisersSandi I hope the increase in Gracie's meds help her.

@marshhawkAnn that must have been frightening when Furnando had that episode -- prayers all will be well from now on.

@JazzyVVanessa I hear you about that first session of yard work for the year.  I keep my heating pad and Icy Hot close by lol.  And each year is harder!



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@JazzyV I too woke up last night with leg cramps, but I think it  was created by me sitting on my butt too many hours, and not getting up and moving.  These are the following cures I have heard of


get up and walk around

eat a dill pickle or swallow some dill pickle juice

take a hot shower

rub on some Theraworks **

sleep with a bar of ivory soap between your feet.


** There is nothing in Theraworks that can be proven to relieve cramps, not one thing, and yet, it works for me.  Same thing with the soap.  Magic? Witchcraft?  Voodoo?  Who cares.  I do not want to imagine myself standing in the fridge light guzzling pickle juice in the middle of the night....



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Good morning, it’s Black Saturday.   I didn’t know that when we chose to be married at Easter.  So we have two anniversaries each year, as rarely does it match up. 
@kazu so glad you’re seeing friends,  hope your two tests are negative,  you’re wise as I have  read one is not enough.  
@dfishyouve out done yourself, I love huevos  but like @marshhawk I want my eggs cooked!  
@Cruzin Terri my friend and Anglican priest, who was our maid of honour is officiating for Easter  at All Saints in Puerto del La Cruz Tenerife.  If you go please say hello. 


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59 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

@JazzyV I too woke up last night with leg cramps, but I think it  was created by me sitting on my butt too many hours, and not getting up and moving.  These are the following cures I have heard of


get up and walk around

eat a dill pickle or swallow some dill pickle juice

take a hot shower

rub on some Theraworks **

sleep with a bar of ivory soap between your feet.


** There is nothing in Theraworks that can be proven to relieve cramps, not one thing, and yet, it works for me.  Same thing with the soap.  Magic? Witchcraft?  Voodoo?  Who cares.  I do not want to imagine myself standing in the fridge light guzzling pickle juice in the middle of the night....



A few years ago my mom suffered from leg cramps so after checking the internet she put a bar of Ivory soap under her sheet near the bottom of her bed.  The cramps disappeared.  It's magic!  But it worked for her.   I think that's easier than pickle juice.😁

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Wanted to give my FE update for today.  After being on hold for almost 2 hours a very nice agent answered and the call lasted 45 minutes.  In a nutshell, and what I needed done the most, was that she was able to get our seats changed and together.  It has updated on my itinerary on the airline's website so that makes me happy.  Still not able to check it on HAL.  Supposedly, ticketing for the outbound flight is tomorrow but the flight home will be about 3 weeks later.  We'll see.  I'm just thankful that I did my research and had all the flights, planes, plane configurations, seating maps, etc. at the ready so I could go through each flight with her and make the seat changes, 6 flights total.


Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser -- good pictures of your tree yesterday.  Mesquite are hardy and I'm sure it'll be fine over the summer.  And if the monsoons are good this year it'll get enough water.  Somewhere I have a picture of the Mesquite that was in our front yard taken by our neighbor at the time we were having it removed.  It was a huge presence on our street but the roots and the "yellow mess" every spring were out of control.  If I find that picture I'll post it.


Ann @StLouisCruisers -- I just caught up with yesterday's Daily and was disheartened to read about Gracie and the new seizures.  I'm hoping that the vet can get her on the best meds to deal with the problem.  Please keep us updated.  She is adorable!

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Good Morning Everyone! 

       Haven't posted in ages, have worked the past month (supposed to be retired but still do vacation coverage/sick call coverage) Boss went on a cruise and fellow nurse went to Hawaii, each for 2 weeks, so been busy covering work and taking care of Dad.

       I guess I am a "Bean Counter" of different sorts...............I am brewing Vanilla Bean and making Vanilla extracts from different varieties of vanilla beans.  Used my first sample in a cheesecake for tomorrow.  It is Mom's birthday, she and the kids, and grands are coming over for dinner.  We were to have an Easter egg hunt for the Grands but it is snowing now...........so that plan may change.

       Sure enjoy seeing and hearing about your cruises, we are planning a couple of cruises but have not committed yet as we are waiting to see how Dad is doing.

       Wishing you all a blessed Easter.


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@dfishThanks for the Huevos Rancheros recipes.  I always get funny looks when I ask for my eggs with broken yolks and cooked through.   @marshhawk I hope your kitty was just having a little hiccup and is back to normal.   @StLouisCruisersI hope the meds can stop Gracie's seizures, sometimes it takes the meds a few days to get to a good blood level.   @kazu I hope you have a wonderful Easter dinner with your friends.  @grapau27 that looks like a lovely dinner with your lovely Pauline!    

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3 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

@dfishThanks for the Huevos Rancheros recipes.  I always get funny looks when I ask for my eggs with broken yolks and cooked through.   @marshhawk I hope your kitty was just having a little hiccup and is back to normal.   @StLouisCruisersI hope the meds can stop Gracie's seizures, sometimes it takes the meds a few days to get to a good blood level.   @kazu I hope you have a wonderful Easter dinner with your friends.  @grapau27 that looks like a lovely dinner with your lovely Pauline!    

Thank you.


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2 hours ago, JazzyV said:


@StLouisCruisers Hopefully the increase in meds helps Gracie. Prayers for Jen and Buddy.

@marshhawk I hope Furnando is ok. 

@Cruzin Terri I'm glad the weather has improved for you - enjoy! 


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.

Thank you Vanessa!  Unfortunately, the vet called today and wasn't happy with Gracie's progress so far, so arranged for her to go to the ER vet and be on a 24 hour IV drip.  DD is thinking this could be a stroke from her symptoms, and there's also Cushing's disease as a possibility.  If only they knew more about a real diagnosis. 



2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:


@StLouisCruisersSandi I hope the increase in Gracie's meds help her.

@marshhawkAnn that must have been frightening when Furnando had that episode -- prayers all will be well from now on.

@JazzyVVanessa I hear you about that first session of yard work for the year.  I keep my heating pad and Icy Hot close by lol.  And each year is harder!



Thank you Carolyn.  I wish it was helping more too.



2 hours ago, marshhawk said:

@JazzyV I too woke up last night with leg cramps, but I think it  was created by me sitting on my butt too many hours, and not getting up and moving.  These are the following cures I have heard of


get up and walk around

eat a dill pickle or swallow some dill pickle juice

take a hot shower

rub on some Theraworks **

sleep with a bar of ivory soap between your feet.


** There is nothing in Theraworks that can be proven to relieve cramps, not one thing, and yet, it works for me.  Same thing with the soap.  Magic? Witchcraft?  Voodoo?  Who cares.  I do not want to imagine myself standing in the fridge light guzzling pickle juice in the middle of the night....

Ann, I had leg cramps a lot during my first pregnancy and the OB doctor told me the quickest way to stop one is to immediately stand on and put weight on that leg.  The few seconds it takes to jump up and do that are excruciating though.  And it's not a preventative.  I'm not sure how the bar of Ivory soap works but if it helps people I say go for it.  



1 hour ago, Sharon in AZ said:


Ann @StLouisCruisers -- I just caught up with yesterday's Daily and was disheartened to read about Gracie and the new seizures.  I'm hoping that the vet can get her on the best meds to deal with the problem.  Please keep us updated.  She is adorable!

Sharon, thanks!  See the first response at the top for an update.



29 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

We had a gorgeous meal tonight.




You two look like you're having too much fun!  And enjoying lots of good food.  Whatever you're up to have a wonderful time.



22 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

@dfishThanks for the Huevos Rancheros recipes.  I always get funny looks when I ask for my eggs with broken yolks and cooked through.   @marshhawk I hope your kitty was just having a little hiccup and is back to normal.   @StLouisCruisersI hope the meds can stop Gracie's seizures, sometimes it takes the meds a few days to get to a good blood level.   @kazu I hope you have a wonderful Easter dinner with your friends.  @grapau27 that looks like a lovely dinner with your lovely Pauline!    

I'm hoping the meds really start kicking in now too.  And hopefully they can come up with some idea of what's wrong where she's at now, the ER.

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22 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Unfortunately, the vet called today and wasn't happy with Gracie's progress so far, so arranged for her to go to the ER vet and be on a 24 hour IV drip.  DD is thinking this could be a stroke from her symptoms, and there's also Cushing's disease as a possibility.  If only they knew more about a real diagnosis. 

Oh no....  Prayers for Gracie and hoping it wasn't a stroke.

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1 hour ago, grapau27 said:

We had a gorgeous meal tonight.





Graham, I'm not sure where you are (yesterday I thought you might be at a mall at breakfast) but your meals have looked amazing.  I do have a question though...  what is Pauline's dish?  I can't quite figure it out, I see different components but don't know what it is.  Your steak looks amazing!  I love all your food pictures.


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26 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:


Graham, I'm not sure where you are (yesterday I thought you might be at a mall at breakfast) but your meals have looked amazing.  I do have a question though...  what is Pauline's dish?  I can't quite figure it out, I see different components but don't know what it is.  Your steak looks amazing!  I love all your food pictures.


Thank you Sharon.

Pauline had Black cod with Lobster tail.

She had Alaskan snow crab for her starter and I had Scallops.

We are on a mini cruise to celebrate her late mam's 100th birthday tomorrow 🤫 and eating in the ships best Speciality restaurant.

This picture was our starters last night and tonight.



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3 hours ago, bennybear said:

Good morning, it’s Black Saturday.   I didn’t know that when we chose to be married at Easter.  So we have two anniversaries each year, as rarely does it match up. 
@kazu so glad you’re seeing friends,  hope your two tests are negative,  you’re wise as I have  read one is not enough.  
@dfishyouve out done yourself, I love huevos  but like @marshhawk I want my eggs cooked!  
@Cruzin Terri my friend and Anglican priest, who was our maid of honour is officiating for Easter  at All Saints in Puerto del La Cruz Tenerife.  If you go please say hello. 


We will be in Santa Cruz de la Palma for Easter.  Also, we are Catholic.  Thanks anyway.


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56 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Thank you Vanessa!  Unfortunately, the vet called today and wasn't happy with Gracie's progress so far, so arranged for her to go to the ER vet and be on a 24 hour IV drip.  DD is thinking this could be a stroke from her symptoms, and there's also Cushing's disease as a possibility.  If only they knew more about a real diagnosis. 



Thank you Carolyn.  I wish it was helping more too.



Ann, I had leg cramps a lot during my first pregnancy and the OB doctor told me the quickest way to stop one is to immediately stand on and put weight on that leg.  The few seconds it takes to jump up and do that are excruciating though.  And it's not a preventative.  I'm not sure how the bar of Ivory soap works but if it helps people I say go for it.  



Sharon, thanks!  See the first response at the top for an update.



You two look like you're having too much fun!  And enjoying lots of good food.  Whatever you're up to have a wonderful time.



I'm hoping the meds really start kicking in now too.  And hopefully they can come up with some idea of what's wrong where she's at now, the ER.

Thank you Sandi.

Sending all our prayers 🙏 for Gracie who looks so gorgeous.

Please send her our love and hugs.



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I have enjoyed reading today's posts.  Glad that @kazuis going to dinner with friends.  One of the way to take care yourself, which I urge everyday.  @StLouisCruisers, so sorry to learn that Gracie isn't doing well.  It is so hard when precious furbabie can't help with the diagnosis.


I know I am weird but I will take the Rancheros without the Huevos!  Since my gall bladder surgery years ago, eggs are one of those foods I simply can't eat without discomfort!  And since I have never loved eggs, it is not a sacrifice for me! LOL


I thought today was going to be nice, but have some rain and late afternoon wind forecast.  Won't count on any rain, but the chance of wind is 100%!


@rafinmd, thank you for my inclusion on the Cares List, but please remove me.  Others have more serious issues, and since I am in the "wait and see" stage, let's leave it at that.  


Continued prayers for all on the Cares List, and special prayers for the wonderful caregivers!  I am happy that so many are able to celebrate, especially those on a cruise.


Have a great rest of the day, everyone.

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Happy Holy Saturday to all!  Graham, I figured you were cruising again - lovely way to remember Pauline's mother.   For my mother's 100th birthday (she had passed away 11 years before) we took a little trip to the town of her birth, and discovered a lot of information about her family in the local museum.


Well, Lent is over.  We're   going to have a steak tonight.  Thanks for all the new today.   Sorry about Gracie  and Furnando, but happy to see Jacqui is going to friends tomorrow.  


Happy Easter tomorrow.  We are not going anywhere...,


I am shopping for an iPhone.  Mine is a 6, and the operating system is so bad I can't even get the Navigator on it, so I have to remember to have my iPad with me everywhere on a ship!  DD has offered me her old 10, I will try that and then decide if I want an even better camera.  Our neighbour has an 11, which takes wonderful pictures, but I think DD said the 10 has 7 pixels?  I also need 128 gb, as I have about 30,000 photos..

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