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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday August 2nd, 2022


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Happy Tuesday Morning !  


I could not sleep last night, I know it was 3:05 when I last looked at the clock, and it was 7 when the eyes opened.  I tried prayer, meditation, and yoga stretches' for sleep.  Nothing worked.  I am stressing out over upcoming events, and I just need to say no to a few of them.  I just want a day to myself, where I dont (oh this is selfish to say) have to be anywhere, other than where I want to be when I want to be there.  I guess that's why I love cruising so much.  Especially sea days.


Oops, just heard a transformer blow in the "hood".  Another squirrel biting the dust...


@Rowsby I am glad you changed your mind.  Wear your mask, don't hang with folks you don't know, and you should be fine.  There has to be a safe way to live, or there is no way to live.  Just take care of yourself!


@rafinmdYou don't have to worry about running late here.  If you don't post, we will come looking for you!  One of the reasons we booked that cruise was that it is on a smaller ship.  I guess I'm not a bells and whistles type of person,  the sound of the ocean, the waves hitting the side of the ship, the stars at night, these are the things that make me happy on a ship.  That and the fact that I don't have to cook or clean the kitchen at night.  It also was advertised as a Journeys cruise with classes on Astronomy and computer information on how to manage your photographs.  Not sure any of that will happen because of Covid.  I certainly dont want to be in a big crowd in an enclosed space.


@0106the first salad you show would be great on hummus and a couple of slices of pita. Yum.


I like the quote today, and I love ice cream sandwiches.  DH loves the chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwiches at Disney.  It's been quite a while since we have been there, maybe I could make him one with some Pepperidge Farm cookies, and coffee ice cream.


Have a great day everyone-




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34 minutes ago, kazu said:

thanks for our Tuesday Daily, Rich.


Nice to see CAD’s being celebrated and who doesn’t like ice cream whether it’s in a sandwich or not?  No night out for me, thanks.  Shadow and I have a full day planned 😆 😉 




Love the Twain quote and yum on the meal.  @cat shepardI can vouch for that wine.  It’s quite nice 👍 Fitting that it’s the wine of the day with the port of the day.  The Azores are absolutely gorgeous.  Horta is pretty and a lovely visit.  




Shadow (or Little as I often call her when calling or training) is being kept busy playing “hide and seek”, learning to use the leash, and learning in.  (She’s frightened of door ways).


Yesterday we successfully did sit and “In”.  Nice to not have to pick her up.  Hopefully today we progress 🤞 Pic is off because I was so close, sit’s not perfect but it’s a sit 👍 




@Rowsbyglad to hear your plans have changed 👍 It’s easy to second guess ourselves these days 😉


@cat shepardnice of you to help with the Arrive Can.  I haven’t tried it yet (ugh).  I think this applies to a lot of us:




Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and a 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a great Tuesday everyone !!!!!




Stay safe & please don’t forget your 😷 when / where needed.

Jacqui, thank you for posting your flower photos and memes.  Plus the added bonus of seeing Shadow (Little) again today.  Keep those doggie photos coming!🐕




25 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

A chilly morning here in the UP.  It was 47 when I got up and is now up to 52. Yesterday was blustery and cloudy so I did nothing except read and water a couple of plants. My gravel pile still exists but is getting smaller.  That is my project today plus digging some plants that came up in the wrong place and pot them for our downstate plant sale. 


@richwmnthank you for the Daily Reports.  Today's recipes, cocktail and wine are all a pass.  Prayers for those battling COVID and other issues.   Prayers for the people of Ukraine. 🙏Have a great day!


@kazuthanks for the Dahlia and Little photos.   My Japanese Iris still are in bloom. Most done weeks ago but the one is a robust plant and a long bloomer. We had lasagna and a Brunello that John got from Wines till Sold Out. 



Your garden and dining photos are excellent too.  Thanks for posting from your summer place in the Michigan U.P.  




8 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good morning and thanks for the update. It’s a sunny and hot day and tomorrow and Thursday will be even worse. Thursday could be near 100. 
National Night Out is always held the 1st Tuesday in August . It’s supposed to be a way for the community to meet police and first responders in a happy setting. There is usually free food and  sometimes demonstrations of K-9 units and other equipment. It’s a great event for families to come together.

I was to Horta on a crossing, I did a whale watching with roll call members and we saw a blue whale 🐳 

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists ❤️🙏

Thanks for letting us know the meaning of National Night Out.  I wish we could see our first responders in our neighborhood tonight but it's usually pretty quiet here in the evening.  We did have an ambulance and fire truck on our street a few days ago, but unfortunately one of our residents had taken very ill and is in ICU, so that is what that was all about.  Not the way you want to meet your first responders!  

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Good morning  to all. I am starting  to feel human  again and DD,DSIL also report feeling better.Our teenager has taken over dog walking for short distances. DH and Tana report they are  less congested.It is progress!

We have not been to the port but love the pictures thus far,thanks Sandi @StLouisCruisers. I especially like the picture of the two of you with the captain. 

I will celebrate the days and save the recipe for another time.

Pizza is being delivered this evening, thanks to a lovely neighbor.I do not have much enthusiasm  for food which is so unlike me. 

@kazu,Jacqui, Little is just so cute and it sounds as if she is progressing. The flowers in your garden are  beautiful. 

Take care everyone. 


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I have no travel sunrises for August 2.  I vowed I would get something today no matter what and took my walk along a local lake.  The angle was totally wrong and no trace of the sun and in desperation I finally found this with the sun rising through the trees across the street from my house:





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Good morning from sunny and breezy central Texas.


National Night Out is not really celebrated in our small community.  DH used CAD in his work when modeling the steam systems of various refineries, paper mills, etc.  It's been years since we had an icec ream sandwich.


Another good quote from Mark Twain.  


We'll pas on the meal, drink and wine today.


We were in Horta in 2002 on Noordam III during a TZ from Tampa.


@Rowsby  Glad you could still get the condo after changing you mind about Hawaii.  I know you'll have a great and safe time there.

@dfish  Debbie, I hope they find Sue's suitcase soon.  Ouch about Donna's feet after having to walk at the airport.

@kazu  Jacqui, it'd good to know that Shadow (Little) is learning some commands.  Thanks for the flower pictures and the picture of Shadow.

@smitty34877  Terry, I'm glad all are beginning to feel better, and especially that Tana and your DH are less congested. 


This is what I posted about our visit to Horta on August 27, 2021.


We have been to Horta once in 2002 on the Noordam III.  I don't think too many ships had called there before.  We just walked around town.  I hope there is only one picture that is a repeat of those @StLouisCruisers Sandy posted.









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Good Morning from another warm and sunny day at the beach

     We are quite the lightening show last nite. No rain or thunder but lots of lightening.

      I enjoy ice cream sandwiches, in fact anything with ice cream is Ok withe me.

      Went to see the Elvis movie last nite with a girlfriend. It was very good but so sad. It really bothered me. 

      @RowsbyHave a wonderful time in Hawaii. Glad you decided to go. I really think we are all going to have to figure out how to live with this. 

        I told DH we are going into isolation 2 weeks before our trip in October.  We tend to avoid crowds anyway and rarely  go out to eat and that is outside.   I was worried about my nephews bday party we had a few weeks ago because there were people from all over. No reports of anyone getting sick so you just do the best you can. 


 Stay safe and enjoy today


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Good morning from a sunny but hot Bluffton, SC.

Thank you to Rich for the Fleet Report and Daily and thanks to Roy for the Cares and Celebrfations list.

Interesting days.  Thank you for the explanation of National Night Out.  I would have taken it to mean a date night.

CAD is important and very useful.

And last but not least, who doesn’t like an Ice Cream Sandwich.

i like the quote by Mark Twain

I will pass on the meal, drink and wine.

I have not been to the port.  On our most recent cruise we were in Portimao, which is close to Horta, but we were quarantined at the time so we didn’t see anything,

Not much to report today. 

Prayers for everyone on the cares list, especially those with Covid.  @smitty34877Hope you and your family are managing okay.  

@kazuHope you and Shadow (lLittle) are doing better.

Cheers to those celebrating and cruising.

@dfishI still have St. Anthony on the job.

Hope everyone has a good Tuesday.

God Bless,


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Good morning Dailyites. 


I have not but skimmed over the past few days but caught a few things to pray and celebrate over. I'm still in recovery mode from our trip.


Sandi I'm thankful you got in to see the doctor and hoping PT relieves the pain. I used 10's during my back injury and they really helped break up the ligament and muscle. I called them stinging bees.


@smitty34877 good news on your family feeling better.


@Rowsby we just got back from 4 weeks in Hawaii and we spent most of our time in out door restaurants and I felt fine going into shops that weren't crowded. Best of wishes for your holiday.


@kazu Jacqui you are a trooper! Little Shadow will be a perfect pup for you soon. How old is she?


@rafinmd Roy thank you for our care and celebration list. And thanks Rich for loyal posting. 


I have a list of chores still to do. I'd better get outside first before it gets too hot. Sure miss the 84 degree days with tradewinds.. (sigh)


Love, prayers, blessings and cheers. Xx

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23 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:


Sandi I'm thankful you got in to see the doctor and hoping PT relieves the pain. I used 10's during my back injury and they really helped break up the ligament and muscle. I called them stinging bees.


Thanks for the warning about the electrical stimulation treatment.  At least now I am prepared!!  My twin says she has her own Tens unit which she got through a chiropractor her son knows.  I have no idea why anyone would want their own unit, but that's what she said.  🤷‍♀️

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Thanks for the explanation of National Night Out; I thought it was date night.  It seems we're one of the few couples of our friends who will go out later in the evening, as most don't like to drive at night.  Really?  I admire those who can CAD; the designs they create can be amazing.  Okay, light the flames - I don't care for ice cream sandwiches.  I dislike soggy cookies and that's how they feel in my mouth.  I like ice cream, just not squished together between soggy cookies.  If all that's left in the freezer for treats is ice cream sandwiches (DH enjoys them), I shut the door and walk away.


Late to the party last night because WOW, did we have a lightning and thunder storm roll through around 3AM.  DH heard it (I sleep like the dead and would have slept right through it) and woke me, as we had all the windows open in the house and on the deck.  The lightning was so constant (both sheet and bolt) that it looked like late evening - the entire area was constantly lit.  We stayed up for about an hour watching the lightning and rain coming down.  It certainly washed the cars off!  Thankfully we had cleaned out the drain pipes a couple of weeks ago so the eaves troughs didn't overflow, and we didn't get hail.  Apparently yesterday in Alberta they had grapefruit sized hail that destroyed vehicles traveling along the highway between Calgary and Edmonton.  I can't imagine what it did to the crops and wildlife!


@Rowsbyit's a woman's prerogative to change her mind - good for you for rebooking your Hawaii trip.  I know you'll be careful.

@kazubeautiful dahlias (see, I do know flowers!  LOL).

@smitty34877I'm happy to hear the family is getting a little better.

@dfishwelcome home!  Sorry about your sister's luggage, and the lack of a wheelchair!


I know DH wouldn't enjoy today's menu suggestion, so will take a pass on it.  Even after last night's storm, it's still warm and muggy, so I don't think I'll be using the oven today.  It seems like a good day to cook a salmon fillet in the air fryer this morning and have it chilled on a lettuce salad for dinner tonight.  Alongside some crusty buns, I think it will make a nice meal on the deck.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra for the people of Ukraine and for the grain in ships leaving the port of Odessa.  We'll raise our glasses tonight to celebrate all on the happy list.  Stay well, get your boosters, wear masks when needed and be safe.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂





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22 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Thanks for the warning about the electrical stimulation treatment.  At least now I am prepared!!  My twin says she has her own Tens unit which she got through a chiropractor her son knows.  I have no idea why anyone would want their own unit, but that's what she said.  🤷‍♀️

Sandi, i have my own unit as well.  You get it through your insurance company and there is a point where it is paid for and then it is yours to keep.

When I need it, I just buy the pads. 


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Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily fleet report.  Today is a half day for work.  I’m off to the dentist for my six month visit.  Today they are starting to redo our street.  We will be getting sidewalks with curbs and the road will get repaved.  The street hasn’t had any attention from the town since we moved here in ‘97.

I watched Sundays episode on the Nieuw Statendam.  I thought it good and the ship visited ports we will visit in November.  Looking forward to going back to San Juan.



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5 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Sandi, i have my own unit as well.  You get it through your insurance company and there is a point where it is paid for and then it is yours to keep.

When I need it, I just buy the pads. 


Terri, do you administer the treatment to yourself, or do you have DH do it?  I would be nervous about "pulling that trigger"!  LOL!  Twin says her chiropractor gives her treatments on her neck and back, but it seems she must use it at home, too.  I had no idea.😲

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7 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Terri, do you administer the treatment to yourself, or do you have DH do it?  I would be nervous about "pulling that trigger"!  LOL!  Twin says her chiropractor gives her treatments on her neck and back, but it seems she must use it at home, too.  I had no idea.😲


Have you been taught (shown) what to do?  My PT gave me all the instructions.  Where to put the pads and what level to set the machine.  You can increase or decrease the intensity as needed and as is comfortable.  Start low and increase.

I don’t use it much now but for a while I was using it twice a day and would do it myself.  I would not let DH near it.  He would probably have me jumping out of my skin., LOL.  

You need to have the PA or PT give you instructions and if they did not, call or go back.  Before I did it on my own, we did it at PT a number of times until I was used to it.

If you want, email me (link below) and I will give you my phone number and we can talk about it.


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45 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Thanks for the warning about the electrical stimulation treatment.  At least now I am prepared!!  My twin says she has her own Tens unit which she got through a chiropractor her son knows.  I have no idea why anyone would want their own unit, but that's what she said.  🤷‍♀️

I have my own tens. A small one for when my hip acts up. 

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2 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:


Have you been taught (shown) what to do?  My PT gave me all the instructions.  Where to put the pads and what level to set the machine.  You can increase or decrease the intensity as needed and as is comfortable.  Start low and increase.

I don’t use it much now but for a while I was using it twice a day and would do it myself.  I would not let DH near it.  He would probably have me jumping out of my skin., LOL.  

You need to have the PA or PT give you instructions and if they did not, call or go back.  Before I did it on my own, we did it at PT a number of times until I was used to it.

If you want, email me (link below) and I will give you my phone number and we can talk about it.



Terri, I haven't been to see the therapist yet.  I just got word yesterday the PA recommended it and referred me.  Right now I have to wait until they check insurance, then call me to set up dates to start therapy.  And since we're going to visit the kids/grandkids in a few days it will have to be later in the month.  Once I begin exercises and Tens therapy we can decide if I need to have my own unit I guess.  I'm hoping it will help heal me and I won't need further treatments.  Thanks for the suggestion though and I'll keep in mind discussing with you if need be.  👍

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7 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Terri, I haven't been to see the therapist yet.  I just got word yesterday the PA recommended it and referred me.  Right now I have to wait until they check insurance, then call me to set up dates to start therapy.  And since we're going to visit the kids/grandkids in a few days it will have to be later in the month.  Once I begin exercises and Tens therapy we can decide if I need to have my own unit I guess.  I'm hoping it will help heal me and I won't need further treatments.  Thanks for the suggestion though and I'll keep in mind discussing with you if need be.  👍

I hope it works for you.  If you need help, just email me.  I’m happy to help if I can.


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Just a quick note on my cancelled cruise.  Back later to post more.  I have decided that as an 80-year old woman traveling alone I must consider how I can “do” airports.   My new conclusion is that US or Canadian airports will have to suffice.  Long immigration lines or other delays just aren’t for the single traveler.  I guess I am just accepting limitations of age.

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I too have a TENS machine, got it to get the broken elbow going again.  DH would put the pads on, and then start out very low with the shock....until I could actually feel it.  And then I would sit with it on, watching TV, it's not something you walk around with.  @StLouisCruisers If you want it, I could hook up with you and give it to you.  It does help.  I don't use it anymore, but think if i could figure out where to put the pads it would help my back.   It was covered by insurance to a point, I paid off the balance which was like 78.00.  You would just have to order new pads.  


Yesterday we had brown outs every time the air came on.  Today we have no water.  So no shower, no going to the friends pool.  And as of right now, no cooking, washing, cleaning, etc. and no flushing toilet!  Neighbor is home today, but cant walk. (Sciatic nerve problems)  So it's back to the dog and then work, I have to figure out lunch.    I was right, she had her mind on something else, one of her friends passed away from cancer two weeks after he was diagnosed.  And she is currently a mess.

Since DH is watching his favorite show, but starts later than I do, I think at noon, he should go get lunch, bottled water, and then he can work.


We did a drive around the neighborhood to find the broken water main, (the one that the water department told DH they were in the process of fixing) and no one is up there at all.  There was a fire hydrant blasting water in some one's yard, but that wasn't the break. There was no one working on the break, and a truck at the fire hydrant.  So not sure if mid afternoon is the actual estimated time of fix.

It'll be a boil water situation later on.





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Good morning all.  There is a posting with a link to Carnival's new CEO this morning.  Rather interesting as it effects all of us who cruise any of the Carnival lines and probably any of the others.  The debt load that most of the cruise lines have now that covid has so severely hurt the business, will cause changes for years to come.  It will prevent reinvesting profits back into the existing ships and from building new ones as the debt load needs to be paid down.

The good news is the new CEO believes in the differences of the individual lines as he recognizes each one has strengths that attract its guests to it.   He also knows that some guests prefer the older (can I say smaller) ships compared to the new builds. The competition with newer start up lines will keep pressure on Carnival/Royal/NCL, but will they not have debt load issues as well?

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It’s been quite the day. The ferry to Harris broke this morning so we have rode 5 hours on a scenic route Ullapool to take another ferry to Harris arriving at 8:00 PM. We had to be walk on only as no more room for autos. Our tour guide has hired a taxi and driver for our couple of days on Harris and Lewis.

Problem yes but we have adapted and overcome.


Here are some pics of today’s beautiful sights including the deer herd.



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22 minutes ago, cruzn single said:

Just a quick note on my cancelled cruise.  Back later to post more.  I have decided that as an 80-year old woman traveling alone I must consider how I can “do” airports.   My new conclusion is that US or Canadian airports will have to suffice.  Long immigration lines or other delays just aren’t for the single traveler.  I guess I am just accepting limitations of age.

This is why the next cruise I have scheduled (who knows if I will be able to do it) is round trip San Diego.



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Good morning all!

We're having a welcome cooling trend, even a few drops of rain the last couple mornings.  A high of 75 and clouds today is more like what we're used to here.  


International Night Out is a wonderful idea, I like ice cream sandwiches but don't remember the last time I had one.  DS and DDIL use CAD for all their house renovations, it's fun to look at them.


I'll pass on the meal and drink, but the wine sounds great.  Last night I made the Chicken Parmesan with roasted potatoes and it was a hit.  Have been to Portugal but not Horta.  Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisersand Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiserfor the photos.


I've been putting off calling the doctor about a pain in my arm (near the elbow) and finally did it and have an appointment tomorrow.  It's been going on too long and feels like it's worse.  I'm afraid it's probably a bone spur, and I'm dreading the possibility of surgery...at least we don't have any trips planned for a couple months.


Sue @RowsbyI'm glad to hear that the condo in Hawaii is available and that you changed your mind about going.  I know you'll be careful and have a wonderful time.


Debbie @dfishhoping Sue's bag shows up soon!  Also good grief about the IRS situation. At least you can prove you paid already.  One time it took DH a couple years of back and forth with them but eventually he did "win".  But it wasn't the same situation. 


Jacqui @kazuit amazes me at the progress you're making with Shadow (Little).  You're doing a great job with her.


Sandi @StLouisCruisersabsolutely gorgeous sunrise photo!!


Terry @smitty34877great news that everyone is feeling a little better, especially that Tana and your DH are feeling less congested.  

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