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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday August 7th, 2022


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Good morning everyone.  I like the selection of days, esp. friendship day.  What’s with all of these scorching days here this summer?  We got to join @kazu in the refrigerator of the month club, the last one lasted all of six years! 😡. Interesting quote.  I like the sound of today’s meal suggestion.  Haven’t been to today’s port yet, I look forward to seeing the photos.  Prayers for everyone on our prayer list.  Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events.

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23 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

Welcome back.  I hope you can stay safely cool until the AC issue is fixed, this is a rotten time for that to come up.



Thanks, Roy.  AC guy put in additional freeon (sp?) on Thursday so hoping all well until tomorrow.  

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Yesterday got away from me for a variety of mundane reasons, so I will take the privilege of mentioning some of yesterday's posts today.


Yesterday @durangoscots said, "And finally, for those who find they are slowing down on their cruising and traveling due to age.... I hear you..." 


That really hit home. Following DH's stroke we had begun baby steps in resuming traveling when Covid stopped our efforts for the past two years. Where we could have traveled in those two years is unsure. What is certain is that those opportunities were lost. Soon to be 86 and with many medical and memory concerns, DH is no longer able to travel. 


And, even though significantly younger, I wonder if I will still be able when my time comes to travel again. But, your Daily-ite photos and stories take me places I can not currently travel and add to my ever-changing Bucket List. Thank you, all!


@dfish how wonderful that your DS's bag was found and delivered with her prized sweaters intact. Great news!


Thinking of sweaters, thanks to @erewhon  and @daisyb (⬅️oops, wrong person and I can't figure out how to delete) and to @daisybertie for cooling us off! The thought of needing to bundle up on our 95+ degree day was cooling indeed!


And, on International Forgiveness Day, today I want to pay tribute to a more domestic forgiveness. My DH raised his two sons by himself from their toddler years on when his wife/their mother abandoned them. They did everything together. So, they were more 'the three musketeers' than father and sons. 


DH and I met as his sons were heading off to military service and to college. So many changes happened all at once – 'the three musketeers' were living apart for the first time in their lives, their dad was retiring early during a company merger, and a woman (!!!) was being added to the mix! It was a rocky start for my relationship with his sons and that tension continued for too many years. Only recently have we found forgiveness and peace. His sons have come to understand that their dad giving me a big piece of his heart does not mean he has any less love for them and, more importantly, I have come to understand the trepidation my presence caused them. DH and his sons are still 'the three musketeers' but his two now welcome DH's everlasting 'plus one'.



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Good morning everyone.Another very hot day here in NJ. Was all dressed for the pool yesterday when a group of us decided to cancel. The rain the day before made the water too cold and the temps outside and humidity too high. We were better off inside.

There is not nothing as nice as a good friend. It’s really important for our mental and physical health to forgive. Some things can be forgiven but not forgotten. But staying angry hurts us more than the person who victimized you. 
My oldest daughter and one of her sons are still in Israel so I am praying for their safety. 
Stay safe everyone,


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46 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

Thank you for the Sunday Daily and Fleet Report, Rich.  3 great days to celebrate.  Forgiveness does not always call for forgetting what happened and going back to normal.  Lighthouses are becoming endangered due to both electronic aids and erosion.  I love the Conrad quote.  @RedneckBob tell DW she might not be any happier with any other man.  I've been to Delgada 3 times, Crystal Serenity in 2008, Queen Victoria in 2016, and Nieuw Statendam in 2019.  Since I don't eat seafood, I'll pass on the meal.  My alternative is Assorted Garden Greens, Marinated Pineapple Spears and Tagallatelle Verdi Alla Conti as served on MS Prinsendam August 7, 2015.


Today’s care list:

Tbay DH and DGS with Covid
Cruzn single pulmonary Fibrosis diagnosis
Crabbi Patti’s father and now son with Covid
A rough day for Crusin Terri
Slow recovery for smitty and Tana
The locks at Ijmuiden(Rotterdam diverted to at least 8/14)
From the rotation:
Amy adjusting to widowhood and children
Status of St. Louis Sal (7/1), msmayor (5/20) and JAM37 (7/7)
Strength and healing for Kazu
Painful falls for Marshhawk, and Lindaler


Celebrations and Shoutouts:

Shadow/Little in Kazu’s care and making progress
Return of Sue’s bag
Our message from Vicar David
Crabbi Patti on camp nurse duty to 8/8
Volendam caring for refugees
StLouisCruisers on road trip
Live4cruises in NC Hills to 8/11
Aliaschief touring Hebrides to 8/14
Bon Voyage AMRDS (Nieuw Amsterdam  to 8/14) and Mister67 (Equinox  to 8/13)
Cat in My Lap (Zaandam to 8/13), Mtn2sea and kplady (Nieuw Statendam  to 8/27), and Gail&Marty (Rotterdam to 10/15) at sea
Staff Captain Sabine - Our first female Staff Captain and HAL’s likely first female Captain(I know this is a repeat but she’s worth it)



Thank you for today's lists Roy.


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Want to again say “Thank You” to everyone who posts here.  For those of us who read the Daily and don’t post, it means so much to catch up on the news, see the pictures, read the recipes and find out about life in different parts of the world.  Not to mention the pleasure we derive from cruising vicariously as we follow journeys old and new.


Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

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Blessed Sunday morning to my friends on the Daily.


Melisa your post was so heartfelt.  I appreciate you sharing your thoughts. 


Sandi it sounds like you are enjoying your vacation. Debbie I really like every recipe posted today but I would choose another fish than salmon. 


Thank you Roy for our cares and happy lists. I would also enjoy your menu alternative. Thank you Rich for bringing us all together. 


Jacqui I hope things are going well for you and Ms Shadow. Missing you though.


Last night we had a blast. After Mahjongg we played Code Names, then opened gifts and had Birthday treats. And more cocktails. 


Today we are meeting friends at Fish City for lunch, stopping for marketing and home for the evening.  It will be our 2nd day under 100 degrees. (98)


As for Friendship day, my girlfriend gave me a beautiful jade bracelet last night. It's exactly what I would have chosen. I love it.


Stay well, sending up prayers, blessings and happiness.



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In 2015 we headed out of town to see the countryside with our Myrtle Beach cruise friends.  Up the mountainside we drove in our tour bus.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIC79WI0hmdNC4N7S7gtlft?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435194152




Next stop was the town of Sete Cidades.  We visited St. Nicholas Church.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLg-mNctmFrLh6YnxI7Zh4b?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435185057






The Blue Lake and the Green Lake00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVK8q30BG_DPhmw2YQk1LScQ?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435185126


Fog kept rolling in, then out again.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVL--1K7gmGnCZ0qVsAlwnoP?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435185132


Here is Santiago Lake00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJlPEn0eYuoLlWwd8I-mJcv?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435185109


Heading back to Ponta Delgado for some wine and cheese.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLcb98UICHj8-h9LmAQxHmP?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435185161






A hotel across from the ship set up this wine and cheese display for us to try.  Of course only Portuguese wines and cheeses.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKhKTWeYLxLLX97uZEecqCz?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1435185180


I have many photos of the town itself but perhaps someone else would like to add some.  If not I can always add some later.  I need to spend time with DD now while I can. 



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My grandson just texted me that the whole ground was shaking this morning as Israel intercepted the missiles coming from Gaza. Unfortunately I don’t think there will ever be peace and Incant wait for them to be home. They leave on the 13 th. I’m praying for their safety and for the safety of everyone in this conflict.


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When Grays Harbor Lighthouse began service in 1898, it was about 400 feet from the water's edge. Now it stands approximately 3,000 feet from high tide. We can see the lighthouse from the balcony of our condo in Westport. 

Here is the view looking east from our balcony.


And here is a view from the street. Notice Santa Claus standing near the lens in the lighthouse.



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Happy Sunday Morning Dailyites!


Great list of days, Friendship day is every day with the Dailies.  I guess I'm not very good at forgiving, especially when the offender is a repeat offender. Leopards don't change spots.  You can move to another jungle, or move the leopard to another jungle, or just accept that we are all human, and we all screw up sometimes.  If you cant change the leopard you can change yourself.


National Lighthouse day!  I am posting a picture of my favorite place to be, not the most beautiful lighthouse, but at the beach, on the island that I love the most.  Sanibel Lighthouse




I was glad to see the return of Father David, and his message of Faith today.  Thank you to both @grapau27 and @Paw13for bringing us Father David over the last year. 


Salmon with spinach, I do an easy variety.  I bake the two pieces of salmon,  cook the fresh spinach,  and serve with Hollandaise sauce. (out of a packet, add water).  DH and I think this is quite the gourmet meal.


Cruise next year will be stopping at Ponta Delgada, appreciating all pictures.


Ok, my most recent goofy thing I did this week, was to try to cut my hair.  It worked well during the first year of covid, but something terrible happened and tomorrow I must find a hair dresser to repair the damage.  DH just looked at me, and asked...why?



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Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily fleet report.  We are in the middle of another heat wave.  Yesterday we got a 100 foot hose to water areas of the yard that desperately need a drink.  I’m trying not to lose a lot of our plants.  Evening watering is helping but I couldn’t reach the back of the yard.  I’ll pass on today’s meal suggestion.  I’m not a huge salmon fan and only tolerate spinach in a salad.  I think we will either get takeout or will dine out today.  Already made a quick run to Aldi for a few things.
@dfish I’m happy to hear that the luggage found it’s way home.

I hope everyone has a good day today.


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Good morning from sunny, breezy central Texas.  During June and July, I was dreading August because it is usually our hottest month.  I looked at the ten day forecast last night, and while it will still be hot, our highs for most of the days will be in the upper 90sF.  The triple digit days will be in the low 100s.  There is a new "normal" for our weather, and I have to remember the forecasts are still a guesstimate.


Friendship day is good, and I treasure my to BFFs from my very young days and my friends on the Fleet/Daily.  I agree we should forgive, but sometimes it is difficult, and almost impossible to forget some things.  We have enjoyed seeing lighthouses all over the world.  The ones on PEI and the Oregon coast come to mind, along with the Tower of Hercules in A Coruna Spain.  


I like today's quote, and also @rafinmd  Roy's suggestion to @RedneckBob.


We have salmon fairly regularly, but I do not like cooked spinach unless it is wilted as part of a pasta dish.  I do like raw spinach in a salad.  We'll pass on the drink, but I would like to try the wine.


We have been to Ponta Delgada four times, three of which were on BHBs.


@smitty34877  Terry, I'm glad to see the executive chef feels well enough to resume her duties.  I'm also gild your are letting the teenager continue the dog walking duties for a while longer as you regain your strength.

@cunnorl  Charlene, I'm sorry your former neighbor has lost her spark.  It was nice of you to visit and do her nails and hair.

@ger_77  Gerry, I wished we'd known about the lighthouse on the prairie when we drove through Saskatoon in 2017 on our way to Alaska.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, it sounds like you are having fun and keeping busy.  Thanks for the pictures of Ponta Delgada.

@HAL Sailer  Melisa, that is an interesting story about your DH's sons accepting you.  I can relate as it took me too many years to accept my stepmother even though I was grown and married when they married.  We had a wonderful relation ship after that.

@mamaofami  Carol, sending positive thoughts for the safety of your family still in Israel.


Our first time in Ponta Delgada was on October 4, 2001, on Golden Princess' maiden crossing.  That day we walked around town.  Absit 90 ,minutes after we sallied, DH was on the balcony and noticed we'd turned around.  A few minutes later, the captain announced we were turning back because a couple had suddenly left the ship with the luggage 30 minutes before we sailed.  The ship was returning until they could determine what was happening.  We made it back to Ponta Delgada in 45 minutes, and dinner was very quiet that night.  We hung out off the port for a while, then sailed toward the USA.  We later learned they knew the couple was disembarking and used their departure as a cover story.  A member of the Cruise Staff as a joke had called in a bomb threat.  He spent the rest of the cruise confined to his cabin.  Remember this was less than a month after   9/11.


Our pictures from our first stop.


Igreja de Sao Sebastiao



Portas da Cidade


Igreja ds Sao Jose


In 2019, I took these pictures inside the church.



We were back in 2002 on Noordam III, and we walked around town.





The harbor with Noordam docked at the far end.





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In 2004, again on Noordam III, we rented a car and toured the country side.


To honor lighthouses, this is the ruin of what appears to be an old lighthouse.


Some scenes from our day in the country.  Town from a scenic view point.


Another small town


An old volcano crater


Blue and Green lakes


Sete Cidades and the church



Noodram at anchor


Our final visit was in 2019 on Veendam.  By then, the new dock had been built with cafes along the waterfront.






Veendam at the new dock





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Good morning all!

Another sunny (!) day in the PNW, heading to a high of 82F today.

Friendship is extremely important to me and I value all my friendships, old and new.  Forgiveness is important although difficult at times.  I've added a few photos here of WA State lighthouses (not my photos).  Gerry @ger_77how interesting about the lighthouse on the frozen tundra!  Thank you for sharing that.


I guess I'm the only one who thinks that quote is kind of odd...the part "principally dealings with men" doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me....maybe I need more coffee! It makes it sound like women don't deal with each other (?)  


Will pass on the red wine and drink.  I like salmon, but would prefer it cooked differently, maybe with a fresh spinach salad.  Not a fan of cooked spinach.  Tacos sound good for dinner tonight.


Point Wilson Lighthouse, Port Townsend


Patos Island Lighthouse


New Dungeness Lighthouse, Sequim


Lime Kiln Lighthouse, Friday Harbor


Alki Point Lighthouse, Seattle






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Good Morning All,

Another warm day is planned for us by our local meteorologists. I guess we can at least be thankful for the humidity, as its keeps the fire danger lower. Will be heading out soon as I run cameras today at church.


@dfish Thanks for the recipes. Am planning on trying your suggestion this week with some yellow tail  a neighbor gave us. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser Little Veendam looks so- little. And lovely. I miss her.

Adding a few pictures of local light houses:



Have a great day everyone!


Pt Loma


Pt Fermin


Piedra Blanca

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23 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from sunny, breezy central Texas.  During June and July, I was dreading August because it is usually our hottest month.  I looked at the ten day forecast last night, and while it will still be hot, our highs for most of the days will be in the upper 90sF.  The triple digit days will be in the low 100s.  There is a new "normal" for our weather, and I have to remember the forecasts are still a guesstimate.


Friendship day is good, and I treasure my to BFFs from my very young days and my friends on the Fleet/Daily.  I agree we should forgive, but sometimes it is difficult, and almost impossible to forget some things.  We have enjoyed seeing lighthouses all over the world.  The ones on PEI and the Oregon coast come to mind, along with the Tower of Hercules in A Coruna Spain.  


I like today's quote, and also @rafinmd  Roy's suggestion to @RedneckBob.


We have salmon fairly regularly, but I do not like cooked spinach unless it is wilted as part of a pasta dish.  I do like raw spinach in a salad.  We'll pass on the drink, but I would like to try the wine.


We have been to Ponta Delgada four times, three of which were on BHBs.


@smitty34877  Terry, I'm glad to see the executive chef feels well enough to resume her duties.  I'm also gild your are letting the teenager continue the dog walking duties for a while longer as you regain your strength.

@cunnorl  Charlene, I'm sorry your former neighbor has lost her spark.  It was nice of you to visit and do her nails and hair.

@ger_77  Gerry, I wished we'd known about the lighthouse on the prairie when we drove through Saskatoon in 2017 on our way to Alaska.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, it sounds like you are having fun and keeping busy.  Thanks for the pictures of Ponta Delgada.

@HAL Sailer  Melisa, that is an interesting story about your DH's sons accepting you.  I can relate as it took me too many years to accept my stepmother even though I was grown and married when they married.  We had a wonderful relation ship after that.

@mamaofami  Carol, sending positive thoughts for the safety of your family still in Israel.


Our first time in Ponta Delgada was on October 4, 2001, on Golden Princess' maiden crossing.  That day we walked around town.  Absit 90 ,minutes after we sallied, DH was on the balcony and noticed we'd turned around.  A few minutes later, the captain announced we were turning back because a couple had suddenly left the ship with the luggage 30 minutes before we sailed.  The ship was returning until they could determine what was happening.  We made it back to Ponta Delgada in 45 minutes, and dinner was very quiet that night.  We hung out off the port for a while, then sailed toward the USA.  We later learned they knew the couple was disembarking and used their departure as a cover story.  A member of the Cruise Staff as a joke had called in a bomb threat.  He spent the rest of the cruise confined to his cabin.  Remember this was less than a month after   9/11.


Our pictures from our first stop.


Igreja de Sao Sebastiao



Portas da Cidade


Igreja ds Sao Jose


In 2019, I took these pictures inside the church.



We were back in 2002 on Noordam III, and we walked around town.





The harbor with Noordam docked at the far end.





Superb photos Lenda.


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