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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday August 11th, 2022


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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I'm not touching the presidential jokes . . .  We are grateful for our son and now for his sons as well.  I think planning in the sand is a great idea; imagine sitting in a beach chair, stick in hand, drawing out plans.  The waves come in, washing them away and you start over - kind of like Nature's Etch-A-Sketch.  Playing in the sand can be just as creative and fun.


Well the best laid plans . . . yesterday we were to go out to DH's son's acreage for an old fashioned weiner roast until he called to say he had tested positive for Covid.  That in itself isn't all that bad because it seems everyone at some point is going to test positive.  What is worrisome, is the fact that DH spent several hours in a truck with him on Monday when he went along for the ride on a road trip.   DH tells me this morning he has a persistent cough, so as soon as he gets up and mobile, testing is the first thing on my To Do List.   Fingers crossed.


Yesterday I was pleased to see our favourite brand of frozen salmon was back in the weekly flyer.  It had not been available since early March because they had been caught in waters from a country that is currently under heavy sanctions.  When we found that out, we looked at the 1 remaining package we had and sure enough, there it was worded on the back of the package.  At the grocery store yesterday, we turned the package over and saw that the salmon is now being caught in Alaskan waters.  They probably had to move the fleet over a few miles to comply with regulations, but it's fine with us.  We love salmon and basically topped up the freezer with 10 packages of fillets. 


@dfishhave a great time and stay safe on the roads!

@smitty34877sorry to hear Tana's got a rebound case - that's awful.  Please get the extra help, as you don't want to wear yourselves down further!  And for dinner, order in a couple of Margherita pizzas!


It's a breezy, cloudy day out there today and we're expecting showers for most of the morning, so it's rather gloomy looking.  I love Margherita pizzas, but we haven't had one for quite some time - that might be a good suggestion for tomorrow.  Tonight though, I'm thinking because DH has a cough, it might be a good day to set up the Instant Pot, toss in a chicken carcass with a bunch of vegetables and make chicken soup.  I've got some buns in the freezer that will thaw quickly, so it's looking like it'll be chicken soup and buns on the deck for us tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra for the people of Ukraine and all they're going through.  We'll clink the glasses to cheer on all who make up the celebration list.  Be safe, wear masks when needed, get your boosters, and stay well.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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Good morning friends!  It's a gorgeous start to our Thursday here in Ann Arbor, or A squared as we sometimes call it.  The roads here are in just as bad a shape as they were back in 1992 when DS first came here for his freshman year of college.  The weather conditions here during winter are pretty rough on the roads, but it feels like they are never repaired, and I know they do, but...   Yesterday after we took Ren to his orthodontist appointment we took him to lunch at Panera.  He is such a sweet boy and a joy to converse with.  He has his driver's permit (at 15!!) and he drove us around to the appointment and lunch.  He's pretty good actually.  Then I went to Cosco with DDIL just as a tagalong.  We filled the gas tank there and she picked up a few items inside.  We dropped Ren off at the Jag carpool meeting spot.  It was another parent's job to drive the three former Tigers to their practice.  Ren spent the night at his friend and teammate's house so we were free of teenagers last night.  We all went to dinner at another new restaurant and ate outside.  Then home so the guys could watch soccer on TV while DDIL made another peach cobbler.  We were talking about the deal I got with parksleephotels.com for a FLL hotel where we could park a car for a week while we cruise next February.  I decided to log in and check on my reservation and in big red letters it said CANCELLED!!  Oh no!  We didn't cancel.  So I got on the phone with parksleephotels and she said the hotel cancelled it.  She apologized several times but that was no help.  So I called the hotel.  The young lady did not know why they did that but took my name, confirmation # and phone number and said she would try to find something out.  Well, I haven't heard back yet.  I may call someone else at the hotel today.  Then I guess I'll try another hotel in Fort Lauderdale.  This is distressing.  I was going to save over $330 in rental car fees and time spent driving back and forth to Atlanta airport to pick one up and return one at the end.  


We all slept in a little later today so I'm way behind here on the Daily.  Thank you Rich @richwmn for posting it for us.  Thanks to Roy @rafinmdfor the lists today.  My favorite day is Son and Daughter day so I think I will celebrate that one.  Play in the sand sounds like another favorite, and presidential joke day could get us all in trouble.  Thanks @0106 for your rather mild ones!  😁  The pizza for the day sounds delicious.  And Sydney, Nova Scotia is a fun port of call many of us have enjoyed, myself included.  It was posted here last on March 24, 2021.  Just a note, while I sit here typing, DS is at the gym, DDIL is jogging, and DH is trying out the treadmill downstairs with a walk in Oslo on the screen.  I feel like a slug!  Better get with it!


But before I get with it I want to say prayers for those on the Care list, our friends in Ukraine, and anyone of you who know of someone who needs them.  Cheers to the happy celebrants on the Celebration list.  Enjoy your cruises everyone.  Graham and Pauline @grapau27and @Paw13congrats on the 7 cruises booked, and for enjoying your day somewhere beautiful.  Love the photos!  Debbie @dfishthank you for the recipes and photos, and please drive safely.  Enjoy your time in Michigan like @ottahand7and I are doing.  Jacqui @kazuthinking of you and Little Shadow and hoping all is going well there.  Joy @Seasick Sailorwatch out for those fires!  I hope the rain comes by soon.


I'll be back with my photos of our Sydney visit.  

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We visited today's port of Sydney, Nova Scotia in October, 2018 on the Rotterdam on our Canada/New England/Atlantic Coast cruise.  It began in Montreal and ended in Tampa.  The day before Sydney we had to miss Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island due to wind gusts up to 86 mph.  That was a major disappointment to us.  I was really looking forward to that port.  But we were grateful to make our stop in Sydney.  The weather was sunny and cold with brisk winds but we dressed warmly and headed off the ship for our exploration of this new port  (for us).enhance




The famous Big Fiddle, a welcoming monument on the dock.  There is a market located nearby for vendors and craftsmen in the area to sell their wares.enhance


We first stopped in at the St. Patrick's Church Museum which had cool timber framing inside.enhance


Then down the street was this unique building which I believe is a store now.enhance


We spied this duck boat called Harbour Hopper taking people on rides around the area.  For some reason that does not appeal to me.  I'm a little wary of them.enhance




Then there is this monument overlooking the water.  It recognizes wartime contributions of the merchant navy.enhance


On our way back to the ship we ran across this man who wanted to show off his 1968 hand painted Cadillac.  He said it had only 26,000 miles on it and got 1 mile per gallon of gasoline.  No wonder it only had 26,000 miles on the odometer!  You can't afford the gas to drive it anywhere.enhance


We enjoyed our time in Sydney walking around the town.  All in all, a very nice day!enhance


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2 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  It's a gorgeous start to our Thursday here in Ann Arbor, or A squared as we sometimes call it.  The roads here are in just as bad a shape as they were back in 1992 when DS first came here for his freshman year of college.  The weather conditions here during winter are pretty rough on the roads, but it feels like they are never repaired, and I know they do, but...   Yesterday after we took Ren to his orthodontist appointment we took him to lunch at Panera.  He is such a sweet boy and a joy to converse with.  He has his driver's permit (at 15!!) and he drove us around to the appointment and lunch.  He's pretty good actually.  Then I went to Cosco with DDIL just as a tagalong.  We filled the gas tank there and she picked up a few items inside.  We dropped Ren off at the Jag carpool meeting spot.  It was another parent's job to drive the three former Tigers to their practice.  Ren spent the night at his friend and teammate's house so we were free of teenagers last night.  We all went to dinner at another new restaurant and ate outside.  Then home so the guys could watch soccer on TV while DDIL made another peach cobbler.  We were talking about the deal I got with parksleephotels.com for a FLL hotel where we could park a car for a week while we cruise next February.  I decided to log in and check on my reservation and in big red letters it said CANCELLED!!  Oh no!  We didn't cancel.  So I got on the phone with parksleephotels and she said the hotel cancelled it.  She apologized several times but that was no help.  So I called the hotel.  The young lady did not know why they did that but took my name, confirmation # and phone number and said she would try to find something out.  Well, I haven't heard back yet.  I may call someone else at the hotel today.  Then I guess I'll try another hotel in Fort Lauderdale.  This is distressing.  I was going to save over $330 in rental car fees and time spent driving back and forth to Atlanta airport to pick one up and return one at the end.  


We all slept in a little later today so I'm way behind here on the Daily.  Thank you Rich @richwmn for posting it for us.  Thanks to Roy @rafinmdfor the lists today.  My favorite day is Son and Daughter day so I think I will celebrate that one.  Play in the sand sounds like another favorite, and presidential joke day could get us all in trouble.  Thanks @0106 for your rather mild ones!  😁  The pizza for the day sounds delicious.  And Sydney, Nova Scotia is a fun port of call many of us have enjoyed, myself included.  It was posted here last on March 24, 2021.  Just a note, while I sit here typing, DS is at the gym, DDIL is jogging, and DH is trying out the treadmill downstairs with a walk in Oslo on the screen.  I feel like a slug!  Better get with it!


But before I get with it I want to say prayers for those on the Care list, our friends in Ukraine, and anyone of you who know of someone who needs them.  Cheers to the happy celebrants on the Celebration list.  Enjoy your cruises everyone.  Graham and Pauline @grapau27and @Paw13congrats on the 7 cruises booked, and for enjoying your day somewhere beautiful.  Love the photos!  Debbie @dfishthank you for the recipes and photos, and please drive safely.  Enjoy your time in Michigan like @ottahand7and I are doing.  Jacqui @kazuthinking of you and Little Shadow and hoping all is going well there.  Joy @Seasick Sailorwatch out for those fires!  I hope the rain comes by soon.


I'll be back with my photos of our Sydney visit.  

Thank you Sandi.


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8 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. I will absolutely  celebrate  sons and daughters  and will not get myself kicked off the Daily with jokes about Presidents.Play in the sand day sounds like fun.

We have been to Sydney  a few times and the last was on a very rainy late May Maasdam cruise.Rain pants and hooded jackets saved the day.

Tana has a rebound case of covid with a high fever.DD and I found a private aide for this week to help us as we are both still very tired.This woman is just great and managed a difficult  situation  very well.She offered  to find someone for overnight but we decided we could manage ourselves.Well, suffice it to say we should have listened to the wiser woman!

There will be something  easy for dinner tonight but I have not decided on what yet.The recipes look great. Thanks Debbie  @dfish!Safe travels today




I'm really sorry to hear Tana has a rebound case of Covid!  That's just what she and everyone else did not need!  I agree you and your DD are probably still in need of extra rest so perhaps you can get that person for the night shift so you can both get your rest.  I will pray extra hard for Tana that she recovers quickly from this rebound case.  Hugs to all of you!

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14 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. I will absolutely  celebrate  sons and daughters  and will not get myself kicked off the Daily with jokes about Presidents.Play in the sand day sounds like fun.

We have been to Sydney  a few times and the last was on a very rainy late May Maasdam cruise.Rain pants and hooded jackets saved the day.

Tana has a rebound case of covid with a high fever.DD and I found a private aide for this week to help us as we are both still very tired.This woman is just great and managed a difficult  situation  very well.She offered  to find someone for overnight but we decided we could manage ourselves.Well, suffice it to say we should have listened to the wiser woman!

There will be something  easy for dinner tonight but I have not decided on what yet.The recipes look great. Thanks Debbie  @dfish!Safe travels today



Sorry to hear Tana has a rebound Covid case Terry.

Sending her all our love and prayers 🙏 for her recovery.


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Good morning from sunny central Texas.  We sure enjoyed our much needed rain yesterday.  @Seasick Sailor  Joy, I'm sorry the rain did not make it to you.  On the 5 pm weather, there was still heavy rain south of us, but I guess it petered out.


I will pass on the presidential jokes, but will celebrate sons and daughters day.  We are not much for playing in the sand.


The C. S. Lewis quote is interesting.


I like margarita pizzas, and we always get one when we're in Italy.  We'll pass on the drink and  the wine.


@RedneckBob  I enjoyed your story about the appetizers.  Like @richwmn Rich, proofreading is also not my strong suit.

@dfish  Debbie, safe travels today.  Enjoy your family picnic on Saturday.

@smitty34877  Terry, I could not like your post.  I'm sorry Tana is having a rebound case with high fevers.  I'm glad you got someone to help with the caretaking, and get more if you and DD need more time to recover.  I hope Tana can recover from the rebound case quickly.  She has been through so much already.


We have been to Sydney, NS, five times and all were on Veendam.  In 2013, we did the roundtrip from Boston twice, so we were in Sydney four times in four weeks.  These are my pictures from those visits.  Each time, we rented a car and toured the outlying areas.


The Alexander Graham Bell Historic Site



After we left the AGB site, we drove part of the Cabot Trail, but did not have time to go very far.  On the way back to turn in the rental car we stopped at this museum, which was interesting.  It is about the Jewish settlers in the area.



The next time, we drove in a different direction to check out the area where the coal mines had been active. We visited the Sydney Mines Heritage Museum, and also toured on inactive mine, and learned that most of the tunnels were under the ocean.  They gave us ponchos and hard hats to wear since water dripped in the mine, and many places had very low ceilings, one was just four feet high.







The next two visits we also drove around the area.  One stop was the Fortress of Louisburg National Historic Site.







A small boat harbor.





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Early post from me, which is most unusual!  Going to "mountain" area with step-son and step-daughter and their spouses.  Guess that will be my son and daughter day celebration!


@Seasick Sailor, I was at a 2-hour meeting yesterday at VA, and the telemedicine was one of the topics of discussion.  It is a good thing, if it suits a particular situation, but VA is trying to get back to more of an in-person setting from what I could learn.  Hope the fires are quickly controlled in your area.  Scary!


@smitty34877, so sorry to read about Tana.  Glad you are getting some help.  I know that Paxlovid is used in age related and serious illness situations, but it is worrisome that there seems to be the rebound virus as an aftereffect.  Prayers for your family!


Beautiful day today with not a cloud in the sky.  Should be a nice day on Grand Mesa, if the "skeeters" aren't bad.


Prayers for the Care List.  Hope those on Happy List continue celebrating.  Have a great day, everyone!

Mary Kay

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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:


I'm really sorry to hear Tana has a rebound case of Covid!  That's just what she and everyone else did not need!  I agree you and your DD are probably still in need of extra rest so perhaps you can get that person for the night shift so you can both get your rest.  I will pray extra hard for Tana that she recovers quickly from this rebound case.  Hugs to all of you!


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Good Morning, Dailyites!  Not much going on here today -- DH has an ultrasound at 11:00 and I have an appointment this afternoon to get some build-up on my right cataract lens lasered off.  Gotta love this getting older!


Thanks to all who visit here -- cheers to those celebrating and healing hugs to those on the care list.


We have been to Sydney twice.  The first time was 10/7/10 - a TA from Southampton to Fort Lauderdale on the Grand Princess.  Second time was 10/30/13 - Canada & Colonial America from Quebec City to Fort Lauderdale on Emerald Princess.


October 7, 2010, was a dreary, drizzly day.  We walked around a bit then on the way back to the ship found the Governors Pub & Eatery.  Others have posted pictures of Sydney on prettier days, so I will post what we do best -- eating and drinking 😉.
















They were celebrating Alexander Keith's birthday and were passing out these lovely keepsakes.  Well, we had been in there for quite some time and decided to just wear them back to the ship -- boy, did we get the looks (think they were just jealous) 🤣.  



October 30, 2013, weather was just as miserable as our first stop, so again didn't do much outside the ship.


Have a wonderful day, everyone!






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9 minutes ago, kb4683 said:

Good Morning, Dailyites!  Not much going on here today -- DH has an ultrasound at 11:00 and I have an appointment this afternoon to get some build-up on my right cataract lens lasered off.  Gotta love this getting older!


Thanks to all who visit here -- cheers to those celebrating and healing hugs to those on the care list.


We have been to Sydney twice.  The first time was 10/7/10 - a TA from Southampton to Fort Lauderdale on the Grand Princess.  Second time was 10/30/13 - Canada & Colonial America from Quebec City to Fort Lauderdale on Emerald Princess.


October 7, 2010, was a dreary, drizzly day.  We walked around a bit then on the way back to the ship found the Governors Pub & Eatery.  Others have posted pictures of Sydney on prettier days, so I will post what we do best -- eating and drinking 😉.
















They were celebrating Alexander Keith's birthday and were passing out these lovely keepsakes.  Well, we had been in there for quite some time and decided to just wear them back to the ship -- boy, did we get the looks (think they were just jealous) 🤣.  



October 30, 2013, weather was just as miserable as our first stop, so again didn't do much outside the ship.


Have a wonderful day, everyone!






Great photos Kay.

Best wishes for your husband's ultrasound this morning and your build up on your cataract lens tasered off this afternoon.


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Good morning, all! Playing in the sand sounds like fun, and plan in the sand sounds like an excellent excuse if you’re caught at the beach when you should be sorting out arrangements.

Yesterday I got our flight home and transfer from the airport booked for the end of the 2023 WC. I now have everything booked that needs to be booked from the moment we step out the door in September to the moment we step back in next May. There are still things that get finalized or payed on a certain date coming up, but nothing I can do about them yet.

@ger_77 my fingers are crossed that your DH is negative. Please let us know. @smitty34877 poor Tana! She has gone through so much already, and now this rebound. I’m glad you have help, at least.

Happy Thursday, everyone. And happy summer to those on a BHB!

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Good morning again.  It is about 9:30 and it 70F.  It will warm up today, but  the rain seems to have lowered our temperatures some.


Before I go any further, I misspelled Louisbourg in my previous post when talking about the recreated fortress.


@ger_77  Gerry, I'm sorry your DS tested positive.  I hope your DH's cough is due o something else and that he tests negative.  Glad you could stock up on salmon fillets.  

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, I hope the hotel can rebook your stay at the same price.  I've read that it is better to book directly with the hotel and no on the corporate web-site or a travel site.  Doing it directly can sometimes get you perks too, or so I've read.

@grapau27 and @Paw13, Good for yuo, Graham and Pauline, for booking seven cruises.  Have fun planning them.

@cruzn single  Enjoy your day on Grand Mesa with your family.  Don't forget the bug repellent.


On September 4, 2019, Veendam stopped in Sydney on her TA after spending the summer in Europe.  That day, we did not rent a car, but walked into town.  On all our previous visits we had never really looked around Sydney.  It was a cool, pleasant day for wandering around.



Part of the waterfront near the dock.



This interesting building that @StLouisCruisers Sand showed us, is the former Bank of Montreal building, and in 2019, it was a museum.



The main street in town



A couple of interesting murals





On the way back to the pier, we passed St. George Anglican Church that was open to the public.  The church was established in 1785 as the Imperial Garrison Chapel.  The picture of the exterior is courtesy of  @Crazy For Cats who took the picture on his recent New England/Canada cruise.  While many of the large cathedrals are stunning, I like the smaller, more intimate churches.  This one is no longer used on a regular basis.







Neighborhood near the church



The waterfront



An aluminum sailboat





Sydney from the ship







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Good morning and thanks all!   Missing our dear Jacqui’s posts.   Sorry to hear about more Covid,  sending prayers for a quick recovery Tana and Geri’s son.  Loving the photos!  We visited Fortress Louisbourg when our children were little,  our son who was about seven was accosted by a guard for being a British spy, as he was wearing a redcoat,  I told him he could take it off, but he had a red shirt underneath 😂

love Margarita pizza particularly in Naples



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Good Morning All,

Another morning starting with intensive sun. 

Our pastor used today’s quote by CS Lewis a few weeks ago in his sermon. We’re studying Ecclesiastices.


@smitty34877 Poor Tana! Getting the extra help sounds like a great idea. 

Hoping @kazu and Shadow are doing well.


@dfish I copied one of the recipes and plan to make it on the Big Green Egg either today or tomorrow. Last night’s dinner was a variation of the fish in foil packets you posted a few days ago. I used fresh caught yellow tail a neighbor had given me and dabble on a couple of thin slices of butter, lime zest and juice and a tablespoon of frozen margarita. Served it with cold corn salad (roasted corn cut off the cob, red onion, diced red pepper, cilantro and radish with lime vinaigrette) and our home grown tomato slices. And a slushy margarita.


Today’s agenda is to visit Dad, run by the post office and then do battle with my embroidery project.

Have a great day everyone!

Edited by TiogaCruiser
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1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I'm not touching the presidential jokes . . .  We are grateful for our son and now for his sons as well.  I think planning in the sand is a great idea; imagine sitting in a beach chair, stick in hand, drawing out plans.  The waves come in, washing them away and you start over - kind of like Nature's Etch-A-Sketch.  Playing in the sand can be just as creative and fun.


Well the best laid plans . . . yesterday we were to go out to DH's son's acreage for an old fashioned weiner roast until he called to say he had tested positive for Covid.  That in itself isn't all that bad because it seems everyone at some point is going to test positive.  What is worrisome, is the fact that DH spent several hours in a truck with him on Monday when he went along for the ride on a road trip.   DH tells me this morning he has a persistent cough, so as soon as he gets up and mobile, testing is the first thing on my To Do List.   Fingers crossed.


Yesterday I was pleased to see our favourite brand of frozen salmon was back in the weekly flyer.  It had not been available since early March because they had been caught in waters from a country that is currently under heavy sanctions.  When we found that out, we looked at the 1 remaining package we had and sure enough, there it was worded on the back of the package.  At the grocery store yesterday, we turned the package over and saw that the salmon is now being caught in Alaskan waters.  They probably had to move the fleet over a few miles to comply with regulations, but it's fine with us.  We love salmon and basically topped up the freezer with 10 packages of fillets. 


@dfishhave a great time and stay safe on the roads!

@smitty34877sorry to hear Tana's got a rebound case - that's awful.  Please get the extra help, as you don't want to wear yourselves down further!  And for dinner, order in a couple of Margherita pizzas!


It's a breezy, cloudy day out there today and we're expecting showers for most of the morning, so it's rather gloomy looking.  I love Margherita pizzas, but we haven't had one for quite some time - that might be a good suggestion for tomorrow.  Tonight though, I'm thinking because DH has a cough, it might be a good day to set up the Instant Pot, toss in a chicken carcass with a bunch of vegetables and make chicken soup.  I've got some buns in the freezer that will thaw quickly, so it's looking like it'll be chicken soup and buns on the deck for us tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra for the people of Ukraine and all they're going through.  We'll clink the glasses to cheer on all who make up the celebration list.  Be safe, wear masks when needed, get your boosters, and stay well.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂



Hi Gerry!  You must have been posting when I did this morning and I didn't see it.  When I was reading other's posts about your DH and Covid I had to go back and look for you.  What bad luck your DH was in the truck Monday with DS before he tested positive.  Let us know what the test results for DH say when you get them today.  I'm keeping fingers crossed he missed getting it.  He's lucky to have you around to provide him with homemade chicken soup and rolls!  And wine!

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Good morning all!

Another busy day here, we'll be picking up the grandsons this afternoon for another overnight visit.  My neighbor's granddaughter (who is the same age as our oldest grandson) will come over for an afternoon of play with them.  Also friends of our DD will be coming by sometime today to take the mattress we're giving away.  We're thankful she helped us find someone who needed it!


I too will pass on the Presidential jokes 😉  Sons and daughters is appropriate for me, I saw DS yesterday and will see DD today.  I'm very proud of them both!  I look forward to playing in the sand on our Caribbean cruise in October!


The meal sounds very good, I especially love it when we're in Italy. 🙂  Will pass on the drink but the wine sounds good.  


We have been to Sydney, NS 4 times (once on the VOV and 3 times going the whole east coast).  Will be there again in October with several of our Dailyites!  We've rented a car and driven part of the Cabot Trail to see the fall colors, took the excursion to Louisbourg Fortress, gone to Baddeck, and walked around town.  I think this next time we'll walk around again, no big plans this time.


Debbie @dfishsafe travels and enjoy your family time!

@ottahand7what a gorgeous Daylily!  Thank you for sharing.

Terry @smitty34877I'm very sorry to hear that Tana has rebound Covid 😞  Prayers that she gets relief soon.

Gerry @ger_77I'm sorry to hear that your DH's son has Covid and even more sorry to hear that he was with him recently and now has a cough.  Sending prayers.


Here are some photos from a couple of our times in Sydney.  


Bagpiper on our arrival



A sign at the pier



Arrival at Louisbourg Fortress







One of some of the reenactments at the fortress.  This was the "lady of the house".



This was the cook -- she grabbed DH out of the audience and had him help her make hot chocolate.



And a few photos from our drive on Cabot Trail in the fall.











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4 hours ago, rafinmd said:

@RedneckBob I did not put you on the care list, assuming that other people, including utilities and possibly insurance were responsible for paying for all the damages from the incident.  I hope I was not mistaken.



You are fine. Hopefully I will be covered but everyday the cost keep going up. The cable guy, security guy and irrigation guy have spent hours working on repairs and go home not finished. Amazing what lightning can do!

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Interesting days (not going near Presidential jokes) and quote.

I like the meal, pass on the drink and wine.

I haven't been to Sydney. Thanks for the photos @StLouisCruisers @Quartzsite Cruiser@kb4683@Cruising-along


Oh, it's lovely here. Sunny, upper 70's, gentle breeze and lower humidity. I was up early getting the donation stuff out on the porch (I don't like to put it out the night before, even though it's fairly safe here). Then I went over a block to the main street to watch the bridge beams go by. It was like a neighborhood party! Lots of folks and their dogs out and about. Very interesting watching them back up for a mile with the huge load.


@kazu You are missed. I hope you're doing ok.

@grapau27 Nice picture of you. Lunch looks good. Wow, seven cruises!

@RedneckBob Funny story.

@dfish Safe travels to Michigan, and have fun!

@smitty34877 So sorry to hear about Tana's rebound. Prayers for her and you all. Try to get some rest and more help. I heard some discussions that maybe the treatment duration should be longer. 

@ger_77 Sorry to hear that DS tested positive; hopefully mild. And I hope DH is ok.

@StLouisCruisers I'm glad you're having a good time. Oh no on that parksleephotel cancellation! BFF was looking there for our November cruise, although I suspect around Thanksgiving we're going to have trouble finding a spot.


Prayers for the Care List and a toast to the Celebration List.

Try to stay safe everyone.

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