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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday August 23rd, 2022


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Good Morning from a warm and sunny day at the beach

      No rain here, although we could use it.  Love daffodils, they are one of my favorite flowers. 

We are scheduled for todays port on our trip in the fall. Not sure we are going to get there. It will be great to see any pictures.

      I received a notice yesterday regarding my 50th college reunion. Yikes! Unfortunately, it is going to be in October while we are away. I called the person who sent me the invitation and it was one of my old roommates. We have not talked in years. Great conversation and the years just fell away. We talked for over an hour. So we have plans to get together after my return. She is going to get a few of the " old gang" together. 

    Today is primary day in Florida. So after voting, we are going shopping. Still need a few things and I want everything done by Labor Day. Even though we dont leave until October 6th, I want to avoid being out as much as possible. 


Stay safe and enjoy today


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Good afternoon from Oslo, Norway! What a beautiful day here with sunny skies and high sixties temperature. Our original scheduled tour canceled so we took the infamous Hop On Hop Off Bus. The bus picked us up right in front of our ship and started off well. As the day progressed the bus became full and the queues long. It was standing room only on lower level. With Rotterdam, Viking Jupiter, and Mein Schiff 1 in port one could sense how the system was overloaded. We did gingerly hop off and visited the Norway Culture Museum which had many buildings that had been moved there from different regions and eras  of Norway.

I would think World Daffodil day would be in early spring  but what do I know?

Happy Birthday @VictOriann!🎂


The Hop On was not suitable for many pics and some from the Culture Center where taking on my now charging ailing phone. Some days it holds a charge fairly well other days it’s like out of a bathtub!

Here are a few pics taken from our Verandha as we sailed in this morning.









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Good afternoon from Oslo, Norway! What a beautiful day here with sunny skies and high sixties temperature. Our original scheduled tour canceled so we took the infamous Hop On Hop Off Bus. The bus picked us up right in front of our ship and started off well. As the day progressed the bus became full and the queues long. It was standing room only on lower level. With Rotterdam, Viking Jupiter, and Mein Schiff 1 in port one could sense how the system was overloaded. We did gingerly hop off and visited the Norway Culture Museum which had many buildings that had been moved there from different regions and eras  of Norway.

I would think World Daffodil day would be in early spring  but what do I know?

Happy Birthday @VictOriann!🎂


The Hop On was not suitable for many pics and some from the Culture Center where taking on my now charging ailing phone. Some days it holds a charge fairly well other days it’s like water draining out of a bathtub!

Here are a few pics taken from our Verandha as we sailed in this morning.





Edited by aliaschief
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Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites!


I do like the quote.  When you walk in someone else's shoes, you do understand how they got to where they are.


Apparently there were computer problems that IT is working on, so I will be missing some hours from work this morning.  How nice.  ??  My boss for that campaign said I could make up the time after my other shift on Saturday.  


I need to go to the bank this morning, and DH needs to pick up a part on the air compressor that he broke while trying to get air in a tire, that had several nails in it.


@kazuI like your baby sitting gig.  Those are two cuties.  I have to laugh about not letting dogs on the sofa.  At book club yesterday our friend doesn't really pay that much attention to her furniture and her cats.  Everything is covered with fur, and we have all learned that when we have the book club at her house, not to wear dark clothing.  Cats will go where ever they want to be, and apparently they love the sun room.  I cover all my furniture with something, and take off the covers right before people show up.

There was a cleaning service truck parked in front of her house yesterday, and when we walked in, there was a rumba? vacuum cleaner running through the dining room.  I said, I didnt know that they knew how to drive.


I hope all of our Texan friends are safe.  I do see that the "storm" is headed east, so be safe everyone over the next few days!


Have a great day!



Edited by marshhawk
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@kazu  Jacqui....those look like very "good boys" indeed....!!!!


Curious minds....and I had to google....:)


Daffodils are blooming down-under....."There are blankets of daffodils at the Fitzroy Gardens usually from late August until early September....in Melbourne"



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Good morning.  Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report.


Just got back from the local farmers market.  I like to get there early.  We had a foggy drive but it was worth it!  I love getting fresh beans, corn, potatoes, tomatoes, peaches, garlic and onions.  Yum!


I love daffodils, but of course it's months before we see them here.  I've hugged my sweetheart at least once already this morning, and I'll hug him again later.🙂

Love the quote.

The meal sounds interesting, thanks for the recipes.

I've never tried wine in a can, I may do some research and let you know.


@rafinmdGood luck with the follow-up tests


@kazu  Good luck with the dog sitting.


@Vict0riann Happy Birthday!🎂



Prayers for everyone.

Have a wonderful Tuesday.  Stay safe.

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Spiders and dandelion seeds are great at riding the wind, and we've got both in our yard.  Daffodils are such cheerful flowers and I plan on hugging my sweetheart extra today.  Wine in a can?  Who am I to comment or criticize; I drink Cardboardeaux!  LOL


Feeling a little groggy this morning; I think part of it is due to the fact that I woke up and stayed awake for at least an hour last night thinking of my dear friend.  The foggy-ness showed up especially when I put a coffee pod in the Keurig and a tea bag in my cup . . . interesting drink, to be sure.  


Today our young Chinese student leaves - can't believe it's been almost 6 weeks since she arrived.  We told her we would drive her to the airport, rather than having her taking a cab or uber, so we'll be off in about an hour.  Thankfully we're very close, so the drive will only be about 10 minutes.  


@Vict0riannHappy Birthday to you with many more returns of the day!


Even though DH and I still aren't eating much, we're both very much carnivores and today's menu suggestion doesn't cut it for a main course.  A side dish, perhaps.  Last night our Sophia's parents sent over 2 different kinds of home made pot stickers and a crepe like dish that had shredded squash, onions and scrambled eggs inside.  It was tasty, but quite salty, so I'm not sure how to tone that down.  


Watching the news and am saddened by the flooding in Texas - it's terrible!  My heart goes out to everyone who is suffering.


Stay safe everyone!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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Good morning. I am glad the Southern Hemisphere will see daffodils soon. There is a lot of sweetheart hugging in this house. The recipes look good but I don’t think my reluctant eaters will enjoy them now. We have not been to the port but like the quote.

@Vict0riann, a very Happy Birthday to you


@kazu, The dog visitors look like fun. We are very badly trained here with dogs allowed on beds and couches. Enjoy!


I found this picture(oh my) of the Prinsendam hiding behind the Palm trees in Cartegena






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Good morning from a cloudy central Texas.  Our rain chances are a lot less than they were yesterday.  The good news is the car that sits outside no longer needs washing.


I like the days, but I'm not sure how I'd ride the wind now days.  I've always loved daffodils, but I can't get them to grow here.


I like the Longfellow quote.  I think it could apply to all of us at times, but hopefully not now. 


We'll pass on the drink and the meal.  I might try the red wine in a can sometime.


We have not been to Tonga.


@grapau27  Enjoy your anniversary dinner with Sarah.

@rafinmd Roy, I hope today's test gives you some answers, and an easy fix.

@superoma  We only got 2 inches of rain here and no flooding.  The DFW area was hard hit with floods.

@mamaofami  Carol, I hope you get the needed rain, but not in torrents.

@dfish  Debbie, I think we might be tied as the messiest painter.  I have a shirt and a pair of shorts just for painting, and sometimes, I have more paint on me than on what I'm painting.

@kazu  Jacqui, it sounds like Henry and Jack are just what you need right now.  I hope you wrist is better.


We'll be heading to Dallas to see the PA later today.




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1 hour ago, 0106 said:

I try not to be “stuffy” about wine.  Nothing wrong with a screw top bottle;  they are never corked.  I don’t bring glass to the pool or the beach so I thought I’d try canned wine.  Also, cans are eco-friendly.  They’re many available at Total Wine, most are fruity, more like a spritzer, perfect for a hot summer day.    I like a rose during the summer, Amble Chase from France is particularly good, not to sweet.

Sounds like me, I'm not a beer drinker at beach gatherings and bringing a couple of cans to throw in the cooler and get nicely iced works for me.

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4 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


@dfish  Debbie, I think we might be tied as the messiest painter.  I have a shirt and a pair of shorts just for painting, and sometimes, I have more paint on me than on what I'm painting.



I, too, have a shirt and pair of shorts just for painting.  I should probably have long pants for painting to keep some of the paint off me.  I don't know how I do it, but I wore gloves and still have paint on my hands.  I truly identify with more paint on me than on the walls.  I even have it in my hair.

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A quick update about DH's DS / my DSIL. Due to Covid restrictions, she asked us not to travel the four hours to be with her. So, we waited for word. It finally came late last night when her son ingeniously got it to us via our DSIL's social media after he lost all of our contact information (which also reveals a lot about the ups and downs of his accident recovery).


DH's DS surgery was extensive with large swaths of her right arm, underarm, upper chest involved as the melanoma had spread from the mole into lymph nodes. There is concern of breast involvement, too, but a diagnostic mammogram and other tests will be done before any decisions. At this point, she is resting comfortably as we all await further test results, a prognosis, and the best plan…


Thanks for your continued prayers,


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Good morning Dailyites. 


We had a whopper of a rain storm yesterday just as we were leaving the clinic. Accidents are common on the 35 and cars were backed up. Our 20 minute drive took us 45 to get home. 


Happy Birthday @Vict0riann Hope you have a lovely day.




Dear Roy, Allen also runs low on sodium. About 4 years ago he was hospitalized and doctor had to very slowly give him an IV drip. He has tests every 6 months now. By the way, I would love to join you for the lamb you suggested. 


Sandi dear, leg pain sucks, plain and simple. Take care.




Jacqui sending you many hugs...




And Gerry on canned wine day...




Sending out blessings, lifting you in prayer, and wishing y'all a great day! Xx


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1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

Good afternoon from Oslo, Norway! What a beautiful day here with sunny skies and high sixties temperature. Our original scheduled tour canceled so we took the infamous Hop On Hop Off Bus. The bus picked us up right in front of our ship and started off well. As the day progressed the bus became full and the queues long. It was standing room only on lower level. With Rotterdam, Viking Jupiter, and Mein Schiff 1 in port one could sense how the system was overloaded. We did gingerly hop off and visited the Norway Culture Museum which had many buildings that had been moved there from different regions and eras  of Norway.

I would think World Daffodil day would be in early spring  but what do I know?

Happy Birthday @VictOriann!🎂


The Hop On was not suitable for many pics and some from the Culture Center where taking on my now charging ailing phone. Some days it holds a charge fairly well other days it’s like water draining out of a bathtub!

Here are a few pics taken from our Verandha as we sailed in this morning.





Lucky you. Beautiful day in Oslo. We did the hop on hop off in 2010 on the VoV. Fortunately we were only ship in port. Stopped at museum that had old Viking Boat, not like the Maasdam. I understand each passenger on the Viking boat issued one oar for the cruise 😀. Also visited a very weird park with weird structures; can not remember the name of the park. Continued happy cruising.

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Good Morning All,

We again have cloud cover before the sun starts beating down. Will be doing some fun projects around the house today after our zoom Bible study. Was supposed to meet up with a friend from work and go to a summer festival, but her mother has reached a state that she cannot be by herself….😥


@dfish The meal looks good- I’m open to trying it soon. 

One question for those near San Diego:

DH and I are going to a (train)convention there next month, and we’re planning the arrival day and looking for activity and restaurant suggestions. With the fishette gone, I’m stumped. We’ve been to Pt. Loma, the maritime museum and midway already, and Balboa Park. Our convention’s opening reception is  at the Model Train Museum, so we will be in BP that afternoon/ evening.  Suggestions please?


About dogs on furniture- His Nibs has adapted quickly to our cushions being sent for replacement of the foam:


Have a great day everyone!

Edited by TiogaCruiser
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@kazu, thank you for the pictures of your two adorable house guests!

@Vict0riann, happy birthday!

@grapau27, a slightly belated but nonetheless heartfelt happy 41st anniversary for you and Pauline.

@ger_77, you and DH have had quite the year!  I hope you are both feeling better.

All my best to all my Daily friends ~~

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38 minutes ago, dfish said:


I, too, have a shirt and pair of shorts just for painting.  I should probably have long pants for painting to keep some of the paint off me.  I don't know how I do it, but I wore gloves and still have paint on my hands.  I truly identify with more paint on me than on the walls.  I even have it in my hair.

So happy to hear that others paint like I do! I wear my colours and my painting clothes tell the history of every colour I have ever painted! 

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Thank you Rich for the Daily Report, thank you Roy for the Cares and Celebration Report, and thank you Debbie for today's recipes. And thank you all for being here! 


Yesterday Lily celebrated being one week old.


The one couch Sam is allowed to be on. Good thing he doesn't sleep in our bed!


Stay Safe!


- Jack





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Thank you, Everyone, for the birthday wishes!  I had thought that I would avoid the day this year, but evidently not....  😉  Had my birthday hug from my sweetheart this morning, my birthday present will be a cruise in two weeks.  The big events today will be a visit to Costco and then a haircut.  I have been needing the haircut as the last one (from a new girl) was not a success and has not grown out well.  So I'd better get on with my day.


Prayers on the way for those needing them, and I'll definitely be toasting the celebrators tonight!

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