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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday November 8th, 2022


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7 hours ago, summer slope said:

I am so happy Election day is here.  The ads here in Florida have been CONSTANT and nasty.

I feel the same way. I voted by mail  on Oct. 28 and received notice that my ballot was received and counted. That is probably a good thing because the ads have gotten so much NASTIER. It makes me almost want to not vote for any candidate and instead write in my choices.



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32 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Good (late) morning all!  I'm late today because my next-door neighbor spent the morning here while the workers removed the tree from her roof and attic.  I had a warm place, coffee and a shoulder to lean on while she waited. 

It's amazing how fast they work, it was all done in under 3 hours.  Clean-up too.  Beth is still a bit shaky, but doing ok.  The repairs could go on well after the holidays.


DH and I sent in our vote by mail, and thankfully missed most of the ads while we were gone on the cruise.  There was a pile of political ads in the mail though!  Radiology is extremely useful and important.  I've never cared for Cappuccinos.  The wine, drink and meal all sound good to me.


@Quartzsite CruiserLenda sending prayers for your DH Steve, and hugs for you!  


Photo this morning of Beth's roof.  This was after they'd removed the branches.  The trunk of the tree (other side of the house) is quite big. 








Holy cow, Carolyn! A miracle that Beth wasn’t hurt. I bet I would feel a bit shaky if that happened to me. 


I can imagine what the conversation of the folk who were removing the tree was like! That is some amazing damage. 


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5 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Thank you Sandi.  So far her insurance company has been stellar.  After determining the damage they will cut her a check and she can get the work done -- no waiting for the insurance company to choose the contractors etc.  Hopefully things will continue to go well.  


Carolyn, glad to hear the insurance is working fast for her.  Just last week we got our renewal notice for home and auto insurance.  The home insurance is up 50% over last year's number.  Yes, that's 50%!  

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I've finally made it through the Daily.  Before I could get to the Daily, I made a quick trip to the rehab hospital to collect DH's things.  Right now, we're just waiting for them to get him for the procedure. They weren't sure of the exact time this morning.


I woke up a couple of times last night and looked at the moon.  I saw the beginning of the eclipse and the blood moon afterwards.


I voted early last week, and mailed DH's ballot for him.  No question that I won't miss the political ads, phone calls and texts.  I will definitely celebrate radiology since that is how they found the blood clots.  They found them in time to prevent damage, but they had to be there for a while before being found.  I'm not a coffee drinker, but DH will have a Cappuccino occasionally.


I like the quote even if it is long. 😀


I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. 


@StLouisCruisers Sandi, thank you for posting my pictures today.


We both appreciate all the prayers and good wishes for DH today.  I'm not going to try to list everyone, in case I forgot someone.


@4966and556  Welcome to your new cat.  I wish you all many happy years together.

@MISTER 67  I'm glad the hand doctor could fix your finger yesterday.  Sending positive thoughts for a quick and painless healing.  Hope you can go on your cruise.

@Lady Hudson  Katherine, I'm glad your DH is somewhat comfortable after the oral surgery, and I hope he heals quickly.  I hope you can go on your cruise too.

@NextOne  That is good news your bronchitis has cleared up.  Good luck on the pre-op exam and your cataract surgery.

@marshhawk  Annie, I'm sorry you have lost so many friends recently.  It does make one reevaluate things.

@dfish  Debbie, I'm sorry your DB tested positive.  I hope it's a mild case.

@durangoscots  Susan, it sounds like you have some hard decisions to make, but I'm sure you will make the one that's right for you.

@Cruising-along  That is a lot of damage to your neighbor's house.  I hope she can get it fixed soon, but it looks like a lot of work needs to be done.  Just read your last post.  That is good news about the insurance company's quick action.

@luvteaching  Karen, I hope your DH's congestion clears up quickly, and that he can get the boot off soon.


II'll be thinking of everyone in Nicole's path.  I hope there is nimimal destruction and flooding.  Everyone please stay safe.



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19 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

I've finally made it through the Daily.  Before I could get to the Daily, I made a quick trip to the rehab hospital to collect DH's things.  Right now, we're just waiting for them to get him for the procedure. They weren't sure of the exact time this morning.


I woke up a couple of times last night and looked at the moon.  I saw the beginning of the eclipse and the blood moon afterwards.


I voted early last week, and mailed DH's ballot for him.  No question that I won't miss the political ads, phone calls and texts.  I will definitely celebrate radiology since that is how they found the blood clots.  They found them in time to prevent damage, but they had to be there for a while before being found.  I'm not a coffee drinker, but DH will have a Cappuccino occasionally.


I like the quote even if it is long. 😀


I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. 


@StLouisCruisers Sandi, thank you for posting my pictures today.


We both appreciate all the prayers and good wishes for DH today.  I'm not going to try to list everyone, in case I forgot someone.


@4966and556  Welcome to your new cat.  I wish you all many happy years together.

@MISTER 67  I'm glad the hand doctor could fix your finger yesterday.  Sending positive thoughts for a quick and painless healing.  Hope you can go on your cruise.

@Lady Hudson  Katherine, I'm glad your DH is somewhat comfortable after the oral surgery, and I hope he heals quickly.  I hope you can go on your cruise too.

@NextOne  That is good news your bronchitis has cleared up.  Good luck on the pre-op exam and your cataract surgery.

@marshhawk  Annie, I'm sorry you have lost so many friends recently.  It does make one reevaluate things.

@dfish  Debbie, I'm sorry your DB tested positive.  I hope it's a mild case.

@durangoscots  Susan, it sounds like you have some hard decisions to make, but I'm sure you will make the one that's right for you.

@Cruising-along  That is a lot of damage to your neighbor's house.  I hope she can get it fixed soon, but it looks like a lot of work needs to be done.  Just read your last post.  That is good news about the insurance company's quick action.

@luvteaching  Karen, I hope your DH's congestion clears up quickly, and that he can get the boot off soon.


II'll be thinking of everyone in Nicole's path.  I hope there is nimimal destruction and flooding.  Everyone please stay safe.



That is excellent news they found the clots before they could cause any heart damage.

Thrombolytics are used to dissolve clots quickly.

I am on a low dose 75mg Aspirin daily for life to prevent blood platelets clotting and I would expect your husband will be put on blood thinners.

Take care.


Edited by grapau27
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4 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from central Texas.


There have been some serious complications with DH.  The rehab hospiital had been trying to lower his blood pressure and at times got it too low.  Yesterday, they became concerned he might have had a heart attack, so they sent two blood samples to a local hospital.  One or more enzymes were slightly elevated.  They transferred him to the hospital yesterday afternoon.  Tests revealed he had the flu, but that was not the problem.  They found blood clots in the pulmonary artery and going into arteries in both lungs.  He is in ICU and stable.  However, the cardiologist determined they need to go in and try to remove as much of the biggest clot as possible.  This will happen sometime between 2 and 3 this afternoon, and will take 1 to 3 hours.  He will be here for several  days,and then, hopefully be readmitted to the rehab hospital.  




Prayers, Lenda, that all goes well.  Thank goodness they found the clots.


3 hours ago, superoma said:

Thank you, all interesting recipes!


You're more than welcome.


1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

I just extended my hotel stay another day.  Strangely, they claim I need to move to another room because my category is fully booked.  I find it hard to imagine a lot of people actually arriving tomorrow.  Wondering if I should have made it 2 more nights.


I have brought every bit of food I have in the car up to my room, as I don't expect to go out to dine tomorrow.  It will be a strange day with a potential diet consisting mostly of pringles, peanuts, and chocolate mints.



That's an interesting diet, Roy.  I'm hoping you escape the worst of it and can get some real food.


@luvteaching How nice that your DH is progressing, but how strange that the x-ray doesn't show congestion nor a broken bone.  Did they perhaps mix up the x-rays?


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Definitely feels like the calm before the storm today, with sun most of the day (except for a morning heavy shower); rain is due to start about 6PM but I was out for a walk about 2.


Someone has gotten an email that boarding will begin about 2 Thursday.



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4 hours ago, luvteaching said:

then try to figure out why he's so congested and his lungs are wheezy. 


It sounds like he is having a reaction to one of his meds.  I hope they can figure it out soon.


@Quartzsite Cruiser, I am so very sorry to hear of your husband’s setback.  I think it was a very good thing that he was in the right spot for the clots to be detected and action taken right away.  Sending you hugs and prayers.


Wow, @Cruising-along, what a shocking picture of your neighbour’s house!  It’s nice to hear that the insurance company is working to make things right.


@rafinmd, I’m sorry to hear your embarkation has been delayed but happy you are able to stay another night in your hotel, even if they have to move you.  I remember scrambling to find my parents a suitable hotel room when their cruise was delayed due to a hurricane out of NYC.  It got a bit complicated because they were driving and didn’t have their cell phone turned on.  (Not to mention everyone else was trying to find a last minute room as well.)  Good times.


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@Quartzsite CruiserLenda I hope that Steve's blood clots can be resolved soon.  So sad that he has to be moved back to the hospital.   

I am afraid my DB may be heading back to the hospital again.   I visited him yesterday and he was very lethargic.  I told DSIL to watch the white blood cell count because if is is going up the infection is probably not getting better but worse.  Sure enough this morning he has high WBC count.  Now they want to give him a MRI so I think he may be back to the hospital again.   I hope that he doesn't lose his leg.   On a brighter note after all that time in hospital he has dropped down below 250 pounds so hopefully it will be easier when he can get back on his feet.  So my DB is Radiology Day for my family.  

We vote in early October.  Filled out our absentee ballots and off they went to the Post Office.

I hope everyone who is delayed one was or another due to the hurricane aren't messed up too badly.   

Have a good day.  Nancy 

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27 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

That is excellent news they found the clots before they could cause any heart damage.

Thrombolytics are used to dissolve clots quickly.

I am on a low dose 75mg Aspirin daily for life to prevent blood platelets clotting and I would expect your husband will be put on blood thinners.

Take care.



Graham, they gave him blood thinners and low dose asprin last night to help prevent more clots.  From the cardiologist's description this morning, by the time the body could get rid of the clot there would be damage to the heart and the lungs.  They don't expect to be able to get all the clot, but enough to prevent permanent damage.  Unfortunately, he can't take asprin for prolong periods.




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6 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

@Quartzsite CruiserLenda I hope that Steve's blood clots can be resolved soon.  So sad that he has to be moved back to the hospital.   

I am afraid my DB may be heading back to the hospital again.   I visited him yesterday and he was very lethargic.  I told DSIL to watch the white blood cell count because if is is going up the infection is probably not getting better but worse.  Sure enough this morning he has high WBC count.  Now they want to give him a MRI so I think he may be back to the hospital again.   I hope that he doesn't lose his leg.   On a brighter note after all that time in hospital he has dropped down below 250 pounds so hopefully it will be easier when he can get back on his feet.  So my DB is Radiology Day for my family.  

We vote in early October.  Filled out our absentee ballots and off they went to the Post Office.

I hope everyone who is delayed one was or another due to the hurricane aren't messed up too badly.   

Have a good day.  Nancy 


I'm very sorry your DB is still having problems with the infection.  I hope they can get it under contol and cleared up quickly.  Good news he has lost some weight.



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19 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

@Quartzsite CruiserLenda I hope that Steve's blood clots can be resolved soon.  So sad that he has to be moved back to the hospital.   

I am afraid my DB may be heading back to the hospital again.   I visited him yesterday and he was very lethargic.  I told DSIL to watch the white blood cell count because if is is going up the infection is probably not getting better but worse.  Sure enough this morning he has high WBC count.  Now they want to give him a MRI so I think he may be back to the hospital again.   I hope that he doesn't lose his leg.   On a brighter note after all that time in hospital he has dropped down below 250 pounds so hopefully it will be easier when he can get back on his feet.  So my DB is Radiology Day for my family.  

We vote in early October.  Filled out our absentee ballots and off they went to the Post Office.

I hope everyone who is delayed one was or another due to the hurricane aren't messed up too badly.   

Have a good day.  Nancy 


More prayers for your DB, Nancy.  This sounds like a tough case, but I hope they can find the problem on the MRI and he can get back to good health and fast rehab.  The weight loss is a positive note. 

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1 hour ago, ottahand7 said:

@Quartzsite CruiserLenda I hope that Steve's blood clots can be resolved soon.  So sad that he has to be moved back to the hospital.   

I am afraid my DB may be heading back to the hospital again.   I visited him yesterday and he was very lethargic.  I told DSIL to watch the white blood cell count because if is is going up the infection is probably not getting better but worse.  Sure enough this morning he has high WBC count.  Now they want to give him a MRI so I think he may be back to the hospital again.   I hope that he doesn't lose his leg.   On a brighter note after all that time in hospital he has dropped down below 250 pounds so hopefully it will be easier when he can get back on his feet.  So my DB is Radiology Day for my family.  

We vote in early October.  Filled out our absentee ballots and off they went to the Post Office.

I hope everyone who is delayed one was or another due to the hurricane aren't messed up too badly.   

Have a good day.  Nancy 

I am so sorry to hear  your DB has complications.I hope things are sorted out soon.


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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Graham, they gave him blood thinners and low dose asprin last night to help prevent more clots.  From the cardiologist's description this morning, by the time the body could get rid of the clot there would be damage to the heart and the lungs.  They don't expect to be able to get all the clot, but enough to prevent permanent damage.  Unfortunately, he can't take asprin for prolong periods.




There are better anticoagulants with less side effects than Aspirin.

Aspirin is cheap and effective but can cause stomach and brain bleeding.

I was prescribed Lanzoprazol after my heart attack to protect my stomach with having to take Aspirin.

The type of cardiac stent I had meant I had to take an additional blood thinner for 12 month's after my heart attack (nstemi).

I am thinking of you both Lenda and pray Steve does not have any permanent heart damage and his recovery can progress.



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3 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Thank you Sandi.  So far her insurance company has been stellar.  After determining the damage they will cut her a check and she can get the work done -- no waiting for the insurance company to choose the contractors etc.  Hopefully things will continue to go well.  

That roof looks very fixable.  Looks like the trunk went in between the rafters.  Looking at the angle of the tree, there is probably much more damage on the other side of the roof.  The good news is that we will probably have dry weather for the next ten days so hopefully it can be repaired in that time frame.


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@rafinmdYour diet for tomorrow sounds perfectly normal to me, add in some butterfingers, some Sunchips, and some wheat thins, and it's just healthy!  I especially like the chocolate mint.  Mint is a veggie isnt it?

@ottahand7Your brother is going through Hades with this knee. I hope that he is getting better soon!

@Cruising-alongYour neighbor was so lucky she was not in the room at the time that the tree decided to fall over.

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My big project for today was getting the guest-room headboard and bed frame to the rummage sale, along with the guest-room coverlet, throw, and Euro pillows, and then starting to test and set up the electronics section. This year I took a firm line that TVs and other devices had to come with their power cords and remote controls and so far everyone has complied -- unlike 2019, the last time we had a large sale, when there were two 42-inch TVs with neither power cords nor remote controls. The expected prices justified buying the cords and remote controls; one could use a universal remote, but the other had features that required the dedicated one. However, I'm short a remote control for a DVD player donated in 2019 that I'll use to demonstrate one of the TV sets.


I still need to move the guest-room nightstands -- they won't fit in the new configuration and are too low to be convenient.


Meanwhile, the washing machine is now rescheduled for delivery tomorrow, between 4:00 and 8:00 p.m. That means that I'll have to stay home from about 2:00 since they are about as equal to show up early as not at all. I hope they come while there's still daylight, but I'll check the outside light on that side of the house.


Plans for the April-May trip to Arches and Canyonlands are on hold for the time being, because of two events at work that don't have firm dates. One will be relative easy to set since it's with a visiting speaker, somewhat famous, who is not flaky. The other involves a committee that is very flaky and should have met today but didn't.





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I'm in the midst of something very unexpected (not DSIL nor DH related) and have only been able to skim yesterday's and today's posts. But, I send my prayers to those in crisis and/or undergoing medical care along with prayers for those in the path of and/or impacted by Hurricane Nicole.


BTW, this unexpectedness took me to another state and to a hotel with a very unusual election polling place in the hotel. (Long story why it's in a hotel.) The voting lines were long and filled with young people and young families with children in tow -- young, young, young! After the polls closed, a precinct worker here told me that they had almost 90% turnout. No matter the election outcome, I think it is a credit to the younger generation that they are voting. It makes my heart sing!


More from me tomorrow -- including an explanation of the unexpectedness.

I hope...



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Good evening.  Sorry I'm late gettimg back here.  There were a few things to take care of earlier.


The good news is DH came through the procedure with flying colors.  They didn't come for him until a little after 3 pm.  I got to go with him to the room where they do the angiograms.  Then I was taken to the waiting room.  One of the nice nurses came out part way through the procedure to tell me everything was going well and they had removed a lot of the clot, but they still had about 30 more minutes work to finish. 


Once everything was finished, one of the doctors came to tell me they removed  most of the clot down into the lungs, and that DH was stable and his oxygen levels were already up.  Since DH was not sedated, they took him right back to his room.  On the way back to ICU, the nurse showed me a picture of the clot, and it was huge.  Boy was I glad the nurses knew the way.  Those back corriders are a maze.


He may be moved from ICU to the stepdown unit tomorrow. His oxygen levels are back up and his color is better.  It turns out the procedure to go in through a vein in the groin and remove the clot from the pulmonary artery is still experimental, but it was exactly what DH needed.    When I left to go to the hotel, they were giving him IV fluids and a blood thinner.


I think we'll both sleep better tonight.  Again, thank all of you for your prayers, good wishes and support.  It means a lot to have so many people supporting us.



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14 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good evening.  Sorry I'm late gettimg back here.  There were a few things to take care of earlier.


The good news is DH came through the procedure with flying colors.  They didn't come for him until a little after 3 pm.  I got to go with him to the room where they do the angiograms.  Then I was taken to the waiting room.  One of the nice nurses came out part way through the procedure to tell me everything was going well and they had removed a lot of the clot, but they still had about 30 more minutes work to finish. 


Once everything was finished, one of the doctors came to tell me they removed  most of the clot down into the lungs, and that DH was stable and his oxygen levels were already up.  Since DH was not sedated, they took him right back to his room.  On the way back to ICU, the nurse showed me a picture of the clot, and it was huge.  Boy was I glad the nurses knew the way.  Those back corriders are a maze.


He may be moved from ICU to the stepdown unit tomorrow. His oxygen levels are back up and his color is better.  It turns out the procedure to go in through a vein in the groin and remove the clot from the pulmonary artery is still experimental, but it was exactly what DH needed.    When I left to go to the hotel, they were giving him IV fluids and a blood thinner.


I think we'll both sleep better tonight.  Again, thank all of you for your prayers, good wishes and support.  It means a lot to have so many people supporting us.



Lenda, you and Steve are in my prayers and prayer book, to live for many weeks.


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