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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday December 4th, 2022


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Good morning to all. Cloudy here and evidently for the rest of week with on and off again precip.... going to be rather dull week weather wise. Will just need to time my outings with the dogs to between the rain/snow. Right now they are curled up together in the large dog bed. Little Monty does love his Bandit. Not too sure how Bandit feels, but he tolerates the intrusion.


Yesterday was pretty much a lost day since we had a Kennel Club brunch to give out awards and exchange our usual presents in which we allowed to steel from each other. I did manage to hang on to the bottle of wine I scored late into the game .... I think people were afraid to try to take it from me.  Since I stayed to help clean up I did bring home lots of meat, salad and various other left overs so will postpone the patty melt for another day. I do like them. Dropped the sweets off at the shelter for the staff - the weekend crew often misses out. Today is going to be catch up with laundry and cleaning day.


Good Health to all .... and happy cruising for those lucky ones aboard.



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2 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Do you like moi feel there could be some  of us that actually are in full addiction mode to Cruise Critic Boards and to the Daily?

I can’t stand it anymore!


I have an addiction to the Daily!

Do you?


I think I do 😉 It got me through covid and helped me get through a tough 2022 for which I am eternally grateful ♥️ 



1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:

@kazuglad you can start to bear some weight on that leg.  Soon you’ll be running as fast as a cheetah!

I think it’s going to take a few days.  My legs are weak from being in a wheel chair so long - but, I’ll get there.  Thanks 🙂 



1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Please say a prayer that we see some work starting on our house this week.  I am losing my patience.

Absolutely prayers 🙏 I don’t blame you for losing patience - I’m afraid I would have long ago.


37 minutes ago, summer slope said:

Sorry I'm late. 

If you don’t stop apologizing, I”m going to beat you up with a wet noodle!



17 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

Dropped the sweets off at the shelter for the staff - the weekend crew often misses out.

That was so thoughtful of you ♥️ 



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Thanks for the votes of confidence for the cookies - we're heading out in a couple of hours to grab a few things, so I think I'll put another couple of rolls of dough into the basket as well.  


I meant to put this into my post this morning, but forgot; I'm pretty sure if Sochi lived in a particular European nation that is currently under siege, I'm thinking she and a friend would look like this:



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1 hour ago, summer slope said:

Sorry I'm late.  Was sitting outside and reading.


Apples and bourbon cocktail:


1 3/4 parts Maker's Mark® Bourbon
1/2 part Aperol® Aperitif
3/4 parts Lemon Juice
1/2 part Thyme Honey
1 dash Maple Bitters
Apples Garnish
Thyme Sprig

Infuse bourbon with apples. Add all ingredients to a shaker with ice. Shake vigorously. Strain over ice into a rocks glass. Garnish with thyme sprig and apple slice.


Screenshot 2022-12-04 at 11.37.48 AM.png


Dixie don't apologize!!! No one should be drinking so early anyway!!



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Hi!  Just got here after a busy morning.  We went and bought some ground beef and then came home and used the food saver machine to divide a lot of meat into 14 meals that will average out to $7/meal. Dh thought it was a good deal considering food prices right now.  I kept 1 package out for meatloaf tomorrow night because we are having rabbit tonight.  I am cooking it in the crock pot with a jar of butter chicken sauce.  


The sun is shining today.  Dh is watching American football pregame show.  Terry Bradshaw is one voice I recognize.  We also brought in a load of wood for the fireplace for later today.  Lots of apple and pear wood from a neighbour.

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1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good Sunday morning to all of you.

Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report.

Hats off to Cheetahs and to Cookies.  Banks as well.

I love the quote.

Patty Melts are good.  Would think about it for dinner except that we had hamburgers last night.

The wine sounds wonderful and I even looked it up to see if I could buy it at Total Wine in Miami before our cruise.  They don’t sell it.  Oh well!

Have not been to the destination.


Roy, I, too, just got a new laptop.  I have been struggling with a Mac for a little more than a year.  I don’t know what possessed me to change.  I finally gave up and bought a Windows 11 laptop.  i will not be able to set it up until we get back from our cruise at the end of December.  Just don’t have the time to devote to it right now.  

I would like to sell the Mac but just don’t know how to do it. It is in perfect condition.  Will look into it when I set up the laptop.    

I hope your lip is healing.

@grapau27 Graham, hope you enjoyed your cruise and that you have successful surgery on your face.

@smitty34877hope they can take care of that hip soon.

@kazuglad you can start to bear some weight on that leg.  Soon you’ll be running as fast as a cheetah!

Prayers for all that need them

@RedneckBobhope you’re enjoying your cruise.


We are devoting today to packing for our cruise and we will soon find out what we don’t have and have to buy.


This is the first time we are flying to Miami rather than driving.  It is just too long.  We are staying two nights at the JW Marriott Marquis and just got an email from them last night that my upgrade to a suite cleared.  Nice way to start off the trip.  It will be a big improvement from this dumpy apartment.


Please say a prayer that we see some work starting on our house this week.  I am losing my patience.


Hope everyone has a nice day.

God Bless,


Thanks. Ship is great. HMC today is beautiful. And just learned after having +2900 passengers over Thanksgiving only 1900 on current cruise!

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I'll salute cheetahs, banks, and most of all cookies! Good quote. I like patty melts. Pass on the drink and wine. 

I have been to Burnie, on my first HAL cruise, Auckland to Sydney.


It's chilly but sunny today. I was exhausted after yesterday, and got a good night's sleep fortunately. I forgot to mention that I wondered why the flowers I ordered were not at the viewing for BFF's Dad. Halfway through I called the florist. Apparently the person who took the order didn't write down the time, and it wasn't in the obit as it was private (they could have called the funeral home as I had given the phone #). It was on the truck for delivery, but wouldn't get there in time, so I cancelled it and was given a refund. Not happy.


Just a bit ago I went to the basement to do laundry, and heard drip, drip. Never good. One of the two hot water tanks had leaked a lot of water and some was dripping into the floor drain. But there was still a mini lake down there. Fortunately nothing ruined by water. I was using a squeegee to direct water to the drain; I didn't think of using the shop-vac for some reason. So I have to call the plumber in the AM. Sigh.


@Ichiban Nekko I'm glad David is recovering and out of the hospital. And that you will still have a birthday celebration for him.

@grapau27 Thank you for today's sermon.

@MISTER 67 Bon Voyage!

@HAL4NOW I hope you have power soon!

@kazu Good to hear you've started walking; take it slow. Great that you have a generator and wow on that bridge scaffolding coming down.

@rafinmd Sorry about the antivirus issues. I think you'll like Windows 11 eventually; it is very stable.

@StLouisCruisers Hugs on this sad anniversary day. 

@aliaschief I hope you're well enough to fly. And yes, I'm addicted to the Daily, lol!

@Cruzin Terri I certainly hope that work starts on your house next week.

@summer slope No need to apologize; we appreciate your posts at any time.

@RedneckBob Enjoy your time aboard ship.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.


Copied from my June 2021 post.

The Mayor of Burnie greeting us as we came off the ship (Statendam)



Scenery on the way to a wildlife tour



Tasmanian Devil






Penguin Statue in Penguin, Tasmania



Shoreline in Penguin



View of Burnie as we are about to depart



Sendoff by pipers as we leave Burnie




Edited by JazzyV
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Well, I’m kind of surprised that I’m the only admittedly CC addict here  after my morning question.😁

Just back from medical appointment after some lung therapy and some prescriptions .I’m cleared to fly back tomorrow. Negative on the Covid. Just a good old fashioned head cold that was a little stronger then norm. 


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32 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Well, I’m kind of surprised that I’m the only admittedly CC addict here  after my morning question.😁

Just back from medical appointment after some lung therapy and some prescriptions .I’m cleared to fly back tomorrow. Negative on the Covid. Just a good old fashioned head cold that was a little stronger then norm. 


Count me as a CC addict --- I read daily but seldom post.

Glad you got the clearance to fly!

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32 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Well, I’m kind of surprised that I’m the only admittedly CC addict here  after my morning question.😁

Just back from medical appointment after some lung therapy and some prescriptions .I’m cleared to fly back tomorrow. Negative on the Covid. Just a good old fashioned head cold that was a little stronger then norm. 


I think all who regularly post and read (like me) the daily are addicts....give them time...it's a busy tine of year!


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Well I think I'm becoming addicted now.  Usually read later on the thread with my west coast time zone and work.  


Enjoying a few days off, tree going up today.  Still suffering from sushi overload last night, so DW and isitting around and watching too much football and trying to avoid the spoilers. All of DWs favorite teams playing today.


Loved all of today's pictures.


Had a wonderful cruise memory yesterday.  Was thinking back to a pre covid cruise where an elderly gentleman was seated in the MDR near us.  No wife but surrounded by his huge multi generational family.  He was all dressed up in a white dinner jacket with teal trim.  I remember his face, so happy, and this massive family all smiles, cheerful, and just enjoying the moment. I hope to be him one day, but with my DW. I did mention it to my wife, but she still insists I cannot have the jacket, my son says otherwise.

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Good afternoon from a cloudy, chilly day in central Texas.  At least, the wind is not blowing today.


The morning got away from me.  We have an air mattress and for quite a while DH's side of the bed has been losing air.  We replaced the air pump a few years ago, but lately, we have to add air every time DH gets out of bed.  Granted, the mattress is almost 25 years old.  After checking and cleaning the pump and all the connections, we finally decided there was a leak in the air bladder, and a new one will be here tomorrow.  I hope that solves the problem.


Later, at DH's request, we took a golf cart ride around our little community, and visited with one brave neighbor who was doing yard work in our chilly weather.  


Cheetahs are one of the prettiest cats to watch run.  We also need banks for the economy to function.  Cookie day should be everyday, and we are slowly working our way through the gingerbread cookies.


I like today's quote by Brigham Young, but there are men who also educate a generation.


Patty melts, the ones with Swiss cheese on rye bread are good.  I've just never made one.  One of the best was at a restaurant in Skagway.  We'll pass on the drink and the wine.


We have not been to Burnie, or any other port in Tasmania.  Tasmania is on the bucket list.


@kazu  Jacqui, I'm happy your foot and ankle are well enough to support your weight.  Please be careful and don't over do.  Glad you have a generator for those pesky power outages.  Oh no to the scaffolding that fell.

@MISTER 67  By now, you should be safely aboard and beginning to enjoy your cruise.  Have a great time.

@HAL4NOW  Good to know that you also have a generator.  Your town tree lighting sounds like fun, and glad the fire department could rescue the event with a generator.

@rafinmd  Roy, I'm sorry about the issues with your new computer.  DH is going well and making progress, but it will take time for the healing to be complete.  I think you can take him off the celebration list now.

@dfish  Debbie, good luck with the painting, messy or otherwise.

@ger_77  Gerry, what an interesting story about getting to pet Tawanah.  I got to pet a lion cub when we were in Sochi.  I have also gotten to hold a bobcat, but catch is a better term.  We had neighbors whose pet bobcat, Ti Tac (letters reversed for It Cat) loved women and would jump up and cling with his front legs around your neck.  You had to watch him carefully and be braced for an incoming 35 pound bobcat.  I have not had time to watch the video, but plan to soon.  Bake the cookies!

@Rowsby  Good luck setting up your new computer.

@lindaler  Linda, I hope you adjust to your new glasses soon.

@aliaschief  Bruce, yes I have an addiction to The Daily, and I'm not going to try to change that.  I'm glad you are cleared to fly home tomorrow and that you tested negative.  Safe travels.

@ottahand7  Even though we are UT fans, we were sad to see TCU lose in OT.  I hope you DB gets a decision soon, and that he improves.

@Cruzin Terri  Teri, how nice you got an upgrade at the hotel.  That is nice way to start your trip, and I hope the cruise is relaxing.  By the time you return, I hope there has been a lot of progress on the repairs to your house.  Yes, I would be losing patience too.

@Sharon in AZ  Sharon, I'm glad that Tucson is getting rain.  I just wish Quartzsite had gotten some too, but as far as I can tell, it missed Q.

@durangoscots  Susan, I'm glad that Bandit and Monty are getting along.  Great that you kept the bottle of wine, and how nice to drop some of the brunch leftovers off at the shelter.

@JazzyV  Vanessa, how sad that the florist dropped the ball on getting your flowers to the viewing on time.  At least, they gave you a refund, but that's not much consolation for missing the viewing.  I'm glad you were able to get a good night's sleep.  Yikes  😱, on the leaky hot water tank.  Glad there was no damage, and hope it's not an expensive fix.

@Ichiban Nekko  Cat, glad you both got home safely and you will be able to celebrate David's 80th birthday in style, if not in the original style.  


Thank you all who posted pictures of today's port. 



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Good afternoon, all --

Trying to catch up after three days of intermittent Wifi outages -- not totally unexpected as utilities continue to sort through Hurricane Ian caused downed lines and replace temporary fixes. So, reading backwards I've likely miss something, but...


Patty Melts - YUM!

@MISTER 67 - have a great NA cruise.

@rafinmd - thanks for continuing DSIL on Rotation. And, continue to take care of yourself as you care for all of us.

@smitty34877 - prayers for Tana and for you to get a schedule for your hip.

@Quartzsite Cruiser -- so glad to hear DH is home.

@kazu -- it's wonderful to hear you are walking again. Go easy, please.

@Ichiban Nekko - so glad HAL helped with your evacuation and that you are now home with DH recovering.

@ottahand7 -- prayers for your DB.

@ger_77 - just declare those cookies home BAKED!

@Cruzin Terri -- patience is a hard virtue when it involves the roof over ones head. Hang in there...

@aliaschief -- 🤔I don't know about being addicted but I can testify to three days of no WiFi withdrawal.🤔


And, for those I've missed while trying to catch up -- as surely I have -- know it wasn't intentional and my prayer and care and joy are with you.


On a final NCAA note:

Bulldogs, and

Wolverines, and

Horned Frogs, and


oh, my...



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1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

Well, I’m kind of surprised that I’m the only admittedly CC addict here  after my morning question.😁

Just back from medical appointment after some lung therapy and some prescriptions .I’m cleared to fly back tomorrow. Negative on the Covid. Just a good old fashioned head cold that was a little stronger then norm. 


Sorry, not the only one! Just didn’t respond! Even though we have decided we will probably not cruise again, the daily is the first thing I open every morning, sometimes even before my email. Just a really great group of people and I enjoy reading everyone’s stories.

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1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

It's chilly but sunny today. I was exhausted after yesterday, and got a good night's sleep fortunately. I forgot to mention that I wondered why the flowers I ordered were not at the viewing for BFF's Dad. Halfway through I called the florist. Apparently the person who took the order didn't write down the time, and it wasn't in the obit as it was private (they could have called the funeral home as I had given the phone #). It was on the truck for delivery, but wouldn't get there in time, so I cancelled it and was given a refund. Not happy.

What a disappointment 😔 So sorry that this happened for such an important and sad occasion 😔 


1 hour ago, JazzyV said:


Just a bit ago I went to the basement to do laundry, and heard drip, drip. Never good. One of the two hot water tanks had leaked a lot of water and some was dripping into the floor drain. But there was still a mini lake down there. Fortunately nothing ruined by water. I was using a squeegee to direct water to the drain; I didn't think of using the shop-vac for some reason. So I have to call the plumber in the AM. Sigh.

Yikes - how old are your hot water tanks?  If they are nearly 15 years old, here they need to be replaced.


1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

Well, I’m kind of surprised that I’m the only admittedly CC addict here  after my morning question.😁

You must have missed my reply 😉 


1 hour ago, aliaschief said:


Just back from medical appointment after some lung therapy and some prescriptions .I’m cleared to fly back tomorrow. Negative on the Covid. Just a good old fashioned head cold that was a little stronger then norm. 

Yay!  Glad you are cleared to fly and covid free 👍 


54 minutes ago, kochleffel said:


I'll never admit it.


The first step to dealing with an addiction is admitting you have a problem 😂 

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4 minutes ago, kazu said:

Yikes - how old are your hot water tanks?  If they are nearly 15 years old, here they need to be replaced.


I looked at the label on it from the plumber and it was installed in November 1996! I guess it was due. The other one is newer, but quite a few years old too; I'll have to see if I can find the work order for it. It's too expensive to replace both right now, but will likely need to replace that one maybe next year.

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Just now, JazzyV said:


I looked at the label on it from the plumber and it was installed in November 1996! I guess it was due. The other one is newer, but quite a few years old too; I'll have to see if I can find the work order for it. It's too expensive to replace both right now, but will likely need to replace that one maybe next year.

Thankfully mine are rented from my power company - I know it probably adds up to the same thing - but once I see I am close to the 15 year mark, I call and get a new one.


I got caught once with a leaking one - never again. 🙂 


Hopefully the plumber can help you so that you don’t have to replace both right now 🤞 

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1 minute ago, kochleffel said:


Why is it a problem?


LOL - it’s the first step for overcoming addictions that are not good.

Said in jest - sorry.  The Daily is not a bad addiction 🙂 

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We decided to go ahead today and take the short tender ride to Boca Da Valeria. This village has 100 or so native residents but apparently folks from other nearby rural areas show up when a ship comes to call. CD Ryan says the first time a ship dropped anchor there to make a repair they sent the restless passengers ashore for a little look around while the repair was in progress. The locals ran for the hills not knowing what to expect. Now they come running FROM the hills to greet passengers with dollar bills in hand. Here is an early morning photo of our destination. 132FE92A-795D-4E40-A7DF-C7B2612C7011.thumb.jpeg.0bac6fcade1596fb9477a74611eae4dc.jpeg

Captain Arno Jutten wanted to stop in and pay a visit so here he is driving our tender to shore. One of the other drivers was quick with advice on moving a little closer to the dock (which appears to be a recent addition to the village).  F70CBF44-7CB7-4A76-B8D7-6AC584088644.thumb.jpeg.4c1b6c8c4e221f1847aaee0a101a2d0b.jpeg

The children were lined up to adopt you for a while and I quickly had a boy hanging on my left arm and a girl holding my right hand. I allowed it because I had those dollar bills ready for their reward. We walked along the dirt path towards the church and school. 54C0373D-4BCD-4471-AD4A-22034C9AC61E.thumb.jpeg.9011bdf5a8d89eb9b3ba6633458854bb.jpeg

Here’s the churchCC00D568-CC31-461C-B264-DCA02EDFCFD4.thumb.jpeg.f73fe00152290fb5bfa4027dcaf7e9a6.jpeg


and inside where the wooden pews are a new feature. My adopted daughter sat on one to pose. 0B617C2D-71F4-4BD8-9163-9612E155D0E8.thumb.jpeg.0d49cb67dbc85ef79b143683ad5d31d7.jpeg

we continued on and saw the school, the local watering hole, a display of artwork and many pet sloths, parrots, and even a large turtle. There is a small tributary running along the village to the Amazon and some people took boat rides for a small fee. CF3FE97F-4F9B-471D-82EA-976AD5D5DB11.thumb.jpeg.6e3366df9315d9c441170dc8796183a5.jpeg









I rewarded this young lady for taking a picture with me. 57711AA8-795E-405A-A80F-C05ED3E7FFD3.thumb.jpeg.af0f72d20428fea100f1602e3da423de.jpeg


I said goodbye to my new family and they took off clutching their reward and got back into line to adopt another new Mom or Dad. 9AC98C54-11FB-4FA2-9F20-3643B53BEB0A.thumb.jpeg.a723dbb6d6bae1adfff1cc3c4816ca58.jpeg




It was fun and more like what I imagined the Amazon River cruise would be like. Another bonus today was seeing a few pink dolphins cavorting beside the ship from my room.  You can see just a speck of pink in this photo. 215B8ED6-9322-4B60-91D9-8EF649C6B7CD.thumb.jpeg.58d6f9eb78eb98ce7c20db9184b15ca4.jpeg


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@grapau27 congratulations on England's victory over Senegal.


@JazzyV Power was still off when we had church this morning, and our oil furnace broke down, so it was not able to heat the building even with a generator. The inside temperature for the service did make it up to 38 degrees F. with the small portable heater we were using.

Power at the house came on a little before 1PM. We hope it lasts at least 24 hours this time. The old-timers in town are saying this winter feels like it used to back in the '50's when power kept going off for extended periods. I got to know one of the old linemen that used to take his horses up on the power lines with equipment to make repairs. Now Puget Sound Energy flies helicopters up and down the lines to find the damage and then they send crews out. Times have changed, but it still requires some hard work and physical labor to keep the electricity flowing.

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2 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Well, I’m kind of surprised that I’m the only admittedly CC addict here  after my morning question.😁

Just back from medical appointment after some lung therapy and some prescriptions .I’m cleared to fly back tomorrow. Negative on the Covid. Just a good old fashioned head cold that was a little stronger then norm. 


Sorry, I had lots going on today so didn't get to reply.  I definitely admit I'm addicted to the Daily. I check it when it get up, then again around lunchtime, and later in the afternoon (like now), and then once more before dinner.  And in the morning I'll see if anything was posted to the day before!!


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