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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday December 17th, 2022


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Hafa Adai!


Thank you Rich, thank you Roy, thank you Debbie, thank you Cat Shepard, and thank you Dixie for your daily contribution! And thank you all for being here!


That is the traditional greeting used on Guam. It is Chamorro for "Hello." I have been lucky by visiting the island twice but pre-digital camera days. It is an absolutely stunning island that is only 30 miles long and 8 miles wide. Many of the homes back then were built with concrete blocks to withstand typhoons. "Spam" in the can is a staple in households as it is the perfect "Typhoon" food. It was the first time I heard their reference of an "All-Weather  Road" which is actually a paved road but needs to be driven on very carefully as crumbled seashells are added to the mix making it very slippery when wet. A tradition I wish that we could see here in the States is the day after an election, the winning politcian stands on a street corner waving "Thank You" to the people passing. A nice touch of civility.


The first time I was there was during the Vietnam War as we were decommissioning the Coast Guard cutter I was on for further use by the Republic of Viet Nam (South Vietnamese Navy.) My parents were concerned as my orders just read that I was going to the South Pacific. I have heard that we were going to Viet Nam, then the Philippines, and then Guam as the War was heating up with Nixon's actions to be able to train the new crew. The USCGC McCulloch was renamed RVNS Ngo Quyen. It was lucky to have escaped to the Philippines when South Viet Nam fell in 1975. We flew back to New Jersey on a MAT flight. I was always amazed with the time changes enroute as we left at 0300 Wednesday from Anderson AFB - and arrived at 0700 Wednesday in NJ at McGuire AFB. This was after a 23-hour flight.


My second visit was when I was working for the large telecommunication company that was forced into divesting itself in 1984. The employees on Guam were due for annual training for which I volunteered to travel there to deliver. I was especially pleased as I was able to visit with a friend of my father's for the second time while there. Before retiring, he had been a US Government employee in Japan and then later Guam.


I have always wanted to make a third trip there.


Stay Safe!


- Jack



Edited by Heartgrove
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Happy Saturday!  Thanks for all the information!  I haven’t been to Guam.  I will pass on food, drink and wine. I love maple syrup!


Tonight we go to a lighted boat parade at my DS.  I will be wearing a heavy ugly sweater since it is cold now.  The prediction is for cold weather for a week or so.  

Best wishes to all!

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1 hour ago, 4966and556 said:

Thank you for the Daily Report.  Although we had a lot of rain a few days ago and many watches and warning from the weather reporters, we haven't had a single flake of snow.  


@grapau27 what do you put on pancakes and crepes and French toast?  My ex (who has British parents) always put HP sauce on his along with tomatoes.  He would put Canadian Maple syrup on vanilla ice cream. (Until we discovered Ice wine.)

My late good friend Ian was from Yorkshire and would only put Lyle’s Golden Syrup on pancakes. When we had dinner together on Shrove Tuesday we would have pancakes for dessert. They were thin and more like crepes. 

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@Heartgrove Jack....I would love to go back there too....the World Cruise stopped there a few years ago...I really should have taken that leg of the trip....!!


On January 3, 1947....my Mom and I boarded the USS Lejeune in San Francisco...to take us to Guam....where my Dad...a US Navy Seabee had served during WWII and was still there...


Those with family were given a quonset shell...if they could make it "liveable" and pass inspection...then we could join him.  We spent one year there and loved it...:)



Guam - January 1947.jpg

Quonset - Guam.jpg

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We love maple syrup!  @grapau27 I recommend next time you are on a ship, try a drop.  Make sure it is REAL maple syrup.


Elf is one of my favorite Christmas movies.


Four main food groups.


It’s good in coffee



And on spagetti


Finally…on a different note.


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Good morning from a sunny, and now, only slightly breezy central Texas.  It is 38F and is supposed reach 55F this afternoon.  I know this will sound crazy to those in the way of the winter storm and those in the far north, but if the prediction is correct, I will be mowing the yard this afternoon.  With all the rain we had in November and early December, plus the temperatures in the high 60s and the 70s last week, the grass started growing again.  This will be the last chance for awhile to get it looking less raggedy.  Besides, I need the exercise.  


I will definitely celebrate Canadian maple syrup day, and the Wright Brothers day.  I used to have an ugly sweater, at least I thought it was ugly, but everyone else thought it was nice.  I do own two sweaters which are in Quartzsite for the occasional odd day that it's chilly.  When we left last spring, we had no idea we'd still be in Texas this winter.


I like today's quote.


We'll pass on the meal, drink, but would try the wine if it was elusive and pricey.


We have been to Guam twice.  We were there in 2005 on Pacific Princess Theater of the War in the Pacific cruise and in 2018 on Coral Princess Circle the North Pacific cruise.  I'll repost my pictures a little later.


@summer slope Dixie, have a safe trip home.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, I hope you and Dennis have a safe trip home today.

@lindaler  Linda,  🎈 🛳️ BON VOYAGE!  🍾 🥂 I know you will have a wonderful time on your cruise.

@aliaschief  Bruce, I'm glad you are back to being your normal self.  I won't say ornery though.

@smitty34877  Terry, that is good news you are cleared for the surgery Monday.  Sending positive thoughts for you, your surgeons and an a great outcome from the surgery.  We talked to our neighbor who was home the same day as her hip replacement.  She said she did a lot of walking up and down the driveway and the street, first using the walker and later a cane.  Of course, this was in the summer.  She is fine now, and was out doing yard work when we talked to her last week.

@ottahand7  Nancy, I hope your DSIL and DB don't try to bring him home before the therapists and doctors feel he is ready.

@Heartgrove  I hope you make it back to Guam.  We have enjoyed our two visits, and I'm sure it has changed a lot since your last visit.

@smitty34877  Terry, Miss Camilla is adorable and so grown up.  I can't believe that is the same baby we all fell in love with almost two years ago.

@Rowsby  Thanks for the pictures of your Dad and you.  My DFIL was stationed in Guam toward the end of WWII.  He had worked for the company in San Diego that built part of the B-29s and was asked to join the Army to do maintenance them during the end of the war.  His specialty was changing the spark plugs in the engines.  He was stationed at what is now the Guam airport.  



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We have been fortunate to visit Guam twice.  In 2005, we did an Pacific Princess cruise to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the end of the War in the Pacific, and visited many of the islands in the Pacific Theater.   In 2018, on our Coral Princess Circle the North Pacific cruise, Guam was our first US port on the way home.


One of the big tourist spots is Two Lovers Beach near the hotel resort area. 




Looking from Two Lovers Beach into town



There is a park just outside of town and by the Cathedral.  Between our visits a statue of John Paul II was erected across the street from the cathedral.




In an area in the trees behind the statues above are some ancient native statues.  I'm sorry, but I can't remember what they are called.



Near this area is the World War Museum, which is run (and I think owned) by the gentleman in the picture.  If you like military history and equipment, this is worth a stop.



The US Park Service maintains several parks commemorating the US landings in the battle to liberate Guam.



This monument was erected to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the liberation of Guam.  Each side honors one of the branches of the military.  I chose the Army Air Corps because DFIL was in that branch and stationed on Guam.  He was a mechanic and worked on the B-29s.




These pictures were taken at Agat Invasion Beach which was heavily fortified by the Japanese.  The first pictures is a coast gun and the second picture is a Japanese anti-aircraft gun.




There is also a US Veterans Cemetery on Guam



The last two are from our drive around the island.




And finally the sunset as we sailed from Guam.




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This is the second post with pictures from May 26, 2021.


Between DH and myself, we found some more pictures of Guam that might give you a better idea of the island.   In 1972, the last surviving Japanese soldier, Shoichi Yokoi, was found in a cave not far from downtown in a very heavily wooded area..


The Chamorro are the people native to Guam, and the stone pedestals with a flat stone on top  (picture in previous post) are latte or latte stones used as building supports by the ancient Chamorro people.


These are some pictures of the resort area along Tumon Bay, not far from the airport.  There are a lot of high end stores in the area.  For a long time, mainly Japanese came to Guam for their vacations.  In 2018, the predominate tourists were South Koreans.



A few pictures of downtown taken from a view point and gun emplacement overlooking downtown a little further south from the resort area.





A few more pictures of Asan Landing Beach park.  The torpedo is at the entrance to the park.






For a good overview of the invasion of Guam by the U S Marines, the National Park Service Visitor Center is the place to go.  This is the only picture I have of the outside of the  building.



In 2005, we drove up to the north end of the island and around the tip.   Part of the area is a wildlife refuge and part is Anderson Air Force Base, which is closed to the public.






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Thanks for the Saturday Daily, Rich.


You just have to celebrate Maple Syrup - so good and without the Wright Brothers I wouldn’t be here getting ready to board so 🥂 to them.


Loved the Little Prince and I think there were a lot of truths in that gem of a book.


so glad to hear  that @smitty34877 is a go for her needed surgery 👍 


I’m in the first group to board so I best tidy things up and prep a bit & double check anything that should be attended to before the New Year.  Not sure how wifi will be on the ship.  CC won’t upload my pics right now so no memes right now 😠 

Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and a 🥂 to those on the Celebratory List.


Have a great Saturday everyone & stay safe.

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Good morning from a cold 27F start of the day here in Tucson. We live in an area that is always a bit colder than the official weather station (the airport) but still that’s just too many days below freezing. 


Yesterday I took DM to an appointment and we had Mexican food for lunch. 

When I worked I had several Christmas sweaters that would now be considered ugly. And I’ll celebrate the Wright Brothers and maple syrup. I’ll pass on the drink and wine. I’ve made chili Mac before but not vegetarian. 

I never told you all that I finally was approved by the foundation for financial support for the psoriatic arthritis medication. It took forever and I had to jump through all kinds of hoops and it didn’t help that I was traveling in October and November and then sick. So anyway, I started on it on Thursday and have had some side effects, which were expected. It’ll take a few months to see the benefits but I’m really thankful just to start taking it. 


How wonderful to see a picture of sweet Miss Camilla!!  Thank you Terry @smitty34877 and good wishes for a successful surgery on Monday!


Jacqui @kazu and Linda @lindaler — Bon Voyage!!

Have a great day everyone!


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34 minutes ago, Rowsby said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser  Thanks Lenda...those are great photos...!!


Our quonset was on Asan Beach....a National Park now....:)


My Dad was wearing a gun in my photo...all service men had to when leaving the base....there were still Japanese on the island....!!


My first visit to Guam while in the CG was April-May of 1972. Just a few months earlier they had found what they thought was the last remaining Japanese soldier that had been hiding on Guam since the war ended in 1945. I also remember that they warned us about exploring remote areas of Guam as there was still unexploded ordinance in the area. No problem as long as we frequested the EM Club!

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Another really cold morning- just 3F when we went out at 7:30 but it is supposed to begin a slow warm up. Both dogs were cooperative and we will go out later when it gets up into the 20's and the sun is shinning. Mid-week we have high hopes of getting up to 40F. Will feel like a real heat wave.


@smitty34877glad to hear that everything is a go for you hip and that you will be home so quickly. And Happy Travels to all those starting our for wonderful Holiday cruises. I look forward to tagging along in my dreams.  Except for the group Christmas meal planned for Christmas day, I intend to take it very easy this week. Will be spending a good deal of time on the phone with various family members. My nieces and nephews are very good about checking in around the holidays.


Today's meals both sound good. Have not been to Guam. Another place to put on the overgrowing list.





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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

We have been fortunate to visit Guam twice.  In 2005, we did an Pacific Princess cruise to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the end of the War in the Pacific, and visited many of the islands in the Pacific Theater.   In 2018, on our Coral Princess Circle the North Pacific cruise, Guam was our first US port on the way home.


One of the big tourist spots is Two Lovers Beach near the hotel resort area. 




Looking from Two Lovers Beach into town



There is a park just outside of town and by the Cathedral.  Between our visits a statue of John Paul II was erected across the street from the cathedral.




In an area in the trees behind the statues above are some ancient native statues.  I'm sorry, but I can't remember what they are called.



Near this area is the World War Museum, which is run (and I think owned) by the gentleman in the picture.  If you like military history and equipment, this is worth a stop.



The US Park Service maintains several parks commemorating the US landings in the battle to liberate Guam.



This monument was erected to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the liberation of Guam.  Each side honors one of the branches of the military.  I chose the Army Air Corps because DFIL was in that branch and stationed on Guam.  He was a mechanic and worked on the B-29s.




These pictures were taken at Agat Invasion Beach which was heavily fortified by the Japanese.  The first pictures is a coast gun and the second picture is a Japanese anti-aircraft gun.




There is also a US Veterans Cemetery on Guam



The last two are from our drive around the island.




And finally the sunset as we sailed from Guam.





Thank you for the memories for my second visit in 1996. One of your photos looking across Tumon Bay shows the Hilton that I stayed at for a week. On my original visit in 1972 Guam wasn't quite the tourist attraction that it would become. I remember that the reason it was so popular for the Japanese tourists was that it was only a three hour flight away.


- Jack

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Good morning all!  Another day of early morning shopping and think I am done!  My twin and I are doing last minute planning for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day dinner — looks like prime rib and ham.  Since my twin lives a 20 second walk from my house doing meals together is easy.


Prayers to all in need.  Have a blessed weekend.  Katherine 

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Just now, Seasick Sailor said:

@richwmn and @Sharon in AZ 


Remember the couple who joined us last year for Trivia? They are back on board with parents and brother! We played with them and the brother. Ended with 12. 2 play offs.. They don't want to be named but said to tell Rich hello!

I think I know who you are talking about. nice couple.

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Good morning, all.  Do you realize that a week from today will be Christmas Eve?  I'm heading out today to buy maple syrup, as ordered by DD, who is going to make some sort of vegan dessert for Christmas with it.  She has ordered a vegan dinner for two (DS and his partner) from Whole Foods, plus extra turkey gravy for us.  I have a turkey breast in the freezer so will cook that.  She has also ordered some vegan vegetable dishes and I will just have to add potatoes.   We'll give vegan leftovers to DS to take home and we'll eat turkey on the 26th and leave for the airport early on the 27th to join Jacqui on the Koningsdam.  


@smitty34877, good luck with your surgery, do remember to take it easy after, don't go racing around doing things!  Miss Camilla looks so sweet!  





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5 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning to all. It is chilly here but the sun is out at last. I love maple syrup and salute the Wright brothers. I hope my sweaters are not ugly. We have not been to the port and await meal descriptions.

By three pm yesterday I was declared safe for surgery. The hematologist was so wonderful to fit me in to his busy schedule but I had seen him for many years and was not a new patient. They actually took a total of ten small vials of blood to test,making that the third time this week the vampires got me! I had confirmation of the time to arrive at Columbia Presbyterian on Monday with lots of pre surgical instructions by 5 pm.

I can’t tell you how relieved I am to be able to get this problem fixed. The advances in surgical procedures will enable me to get back home Monday night. Wow. 
Welcome home to   @RedneckBob and  @summer slope !

Thanks smitty34877

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