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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday December 26th, 2022


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We had a quite Christmas  yesterday.  Talked to both DDs and wished them a Merry Christmas.  The roasted chicken came out perfectly with crispy skin and moist tender meat.  The dressing was as good as usual and the gravy was thick enough and without lumps for once.  The only hitch in the entire menu was there was only one giblet, the tiny heart, but no liver, gizzard or neck for making the stock for the gravy.  On the other hand, there have been times when the bird had extra giblets.  🤣  I managed to cut off the small section of the neck that was left and added the excess fat I removed from the bird to be able to add some more flavor to the stock.  DH pronounced both pies to be good.


There's not too much going on today.  I am doing laundry today so I won't have to bother with it while older DD and DSIL are here the next three days.  Once the dishwasher has finished, I'll make the green bean casserole for tomorrow along with another pie that DD requested.  This year younger DD and her SO will not be here.  Only DD would have been able to come, since someone has to stay home with the dog, Bea.  She is not ready to be around too many people since she has not gotten over some of her issues at being abandoned before she was six weeks old.  Younger DD may be able to come for a short visit in January.


1 hour ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. I feel like I am sliding full tilt to the New Year. Our weather is sunny today but beginning Tuesday night we go under a winter storm watch with periods of rain and snow arriving and lasting, with a few short breaks, until around Jan. 3. I will head out to the store tomorrow morning early to pick up a few items to carry me through although always have soups available. And some things that don't have to be heated. Also need to be sure I have dog food.... and speaking of dogs ------


Yesterday's dinner turned out well. There were 9 of us with lots and lots of food. However, I managed to inadvertently create some drama and at the same time test out the fall detector on my Medical alert system and no, I did not fall.  When I left home to go to dinner, I did not wear the device and I very carefully put it in the charger which I thought was high enough to be safe. Evidently the cord was dangling down, and some little dog of the Chihuahua variety pulled it down and carried it off to his bed on the sofa. That registered with the device as a "fall alert" and after the people who answer those things tried to reach me via the device and phone,  they began calling my contact list. First two did not answer and fortunately I was having dinner with the third who was very surprised to get a call telling her I needed help since I was sitting at her table eating a very good meal. We did get it all straight and I let the other two people know I was ok. When I got home it took me about an hour to find the device which, surprisingly, still works. I have moved the charger to a higher, more secure location and I will have to say that I am pleased with the way that the alert system did work.....have apologized to all who got calls.... have explained to the Chihuahua that he is not to steal things but I think that last fell on deaf ears.





Susan, I suspect you are correct about telling he Chihuahua not to steal falling on deaf ears.  It's good to know the alert system worked like it was supposed to work, but what a way to test it.


2 hours ago, HAL4NOW said:

I am sounding like a broken record; Power is still out in Skykomish, time for another gas run already. Highway 2 is still closed East of town because of freezing rain, and intermittently closed west of town due to debris flow from the Bolt Creek Fire.


US 2 at MP 64.3: West Stevens Pass - Ski Lodge 




Sorry the power is still out and you have to make another gas run.  Hope you can time it so the road will be open going and coming.  Stay safe and drive carefully.


1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

It's a blustery, WET morning here in the PNW, heading for the mid 50's F.

Happy Kwanzaa Day for all who celebrate, and Boxing Day.  As for myself, shopping is the last thing I feel like doing today (but then it usually is the last thing I'd like to be doing) 😉  We've owned 6 homes since 1976, this one since 1994.  It was a happy day when we paid off that mortgage.


I agree with the quote for the most part, but will pass on the meal, wine and drink.  I just finished my usual post-holiday breakfast, a piece of pie and coffee. 😄  Dinner tonight will be left over turkey, probably hot turkey sandwiches. 


Yesterday couldn't have been better.  Just having all my kids in one state was gift enough for me.  It was especially nice to have the morning in DS and DDIL's home, which other than a few tiny things is finished with the remodeling.  Then we all were at DD and DSIL's home for the afternoon and dinner.  Our niece and her family joined us, so nice.  I know my dear sister was smiling from heaven.


Here's the 12 of us, tired, happy and FULL.  My niece is to my left, our daughter to my right.  Our son is on the end, DDIL on the far left and DSIL next to DH.  Oh, our 7-year-old is still working on his camera-worthy smile. 🤣






Carolyn, a great picture of your family.  Glad you all had a good time together.


1 hour ago, NextOne said:

Christmas Day this year was very different from past years. My DSIL had invited DS and me to their house in the mountains for dinner, but the ice up there was too bad. So I ran to the grocery store, picked up a rotisserie chicken & other fixings, and had a nice, warm dinner at home. We watched both "Top Gun" movies while we ate & had a fine time. I was still tired from the 8 hours at church the night before, so it was all good. Not the celebration we expected, but a memorable one nonetheless!

Today we 'll visit friends and celebrate Boxing Day with pizza. Tomorrow the diet restarts.....

Happy Holidays to everyone!


Edi, sorry your visit to DSIL's had to be canceled due to ice.  Glad you turned lemons into lemonade and had a good dinner and Christmas anyway.  Enjoy your visit with friends today.


10 minutes ago, cunnorl said:

Good Morning from the Noordam

     We are in Tauranga today, not yet docked. Looks like a bright and warm day. 
      We were in Napier yesterday , pretty town, nice weather. It was so crowded as there was also a Celebrity ship in. We walked around for awhile . There were shuttles to return to the ship.  There was 3 people in wheelchairs and DD was one of them. We waited almost 2 hours for an accessible bus. As anyone who deals with a disability knows, patience is required. Then one of the bus drivers said, “ these stupid people in wheelchairs, they shouldn’t be allowed here”.  I could not believe it. There were no taxis and no alternatives. I started to cry ( I never cry) . Several passengers yelled at the driver for his ignorance. 
     They brought us to the Celebrity line and put us on their bus. All turned out ok but left me feeling very sad and ruined what was a nice day. 
    So today is a new day and we will go out again.


Stay safe and enjoy today





Charlene, YIKES 😱 at how insensitive and thoughtless some people can be.  I'm sorry you were so upset, but glad other passengers called the driver on it.  It was nice of people to get you on the Celebrity bus.


7 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

So sorry Charlene had a bad experience yesterday.  Some people are very insensitive.  A bus driver should get special training!


Happy Boxing Day, Kwanzaa and Hanukkah!  No boxing here, I am still cleaning up after yesterday, will finish packing and try to organize the house a bit so that it will be ready for us when we get back.  DD will have to do the rest, watering indoor plants, feeding hummingbirds, etc.  Pat had an e-mail from Air Canada telling him to check in and I've done our health forms for the ship.  We will have leftovers tonight and then we're set to go!  It's supposed to be raining in SD tomorrow so I have transferred my umbrella from my suitcase to my carryon.


Ann, safe travels tomorrow to you and Pat.  Sending positive thoughts that all goes smoothly especially in Vancouver, and that you are between rain showers tomorrow between the airport and boarding the ship.



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We had a very nice Christmas Eve and Christmas day. Niall and Emilee (DS & SO) both were able to come over. Emilee usually goes to Wisconsin to spend the holiday with her family, but the roads and weather were bad enough that she decided to stay in Saint Paul this year. 


Christmas dinner was our traditional standing rib roast, creamed onions, wild rice pilaf, and broccoli casserole. We added some chicken breast in a creamy mushroom and parmesan sauce for Emilee since she is mostly vegetarian (but chicken and fish is OK). And Yule Log for dessert! 





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Good Afternoon from Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic.

We have chosen to stay on the ship today.

On Christmas Eve, DH had a “small accident” and cut his leg on the edge of a cocktail table in the Ship’s Library.  That was the day we were supposed to dock at first in St. Bart’s and when that didn’t work, we tried St. Maarten.  That didn’t work either due to rough seas that continued all day.  While up in the Library, the ship moved unexpectedly and DH bumped into the table, cutting his leg.

That prompted a trip to the Medical Center because of lots of bleeding.  Thankfully, they stopped the bleeding and took an X-ray to make sure his leg was not broken.  After bandaging up his leg, he was told to keep it elevated. Interestingly, they administered a breathalyzer test.  Since he had no alcohol as of that time, he passed with flying colors!

So yesterday our plans to go to Mass at the Cathedral in Old San Juan were dashed.  We did watch Mass on TV instead.  Sadly, Oceania does not have a priest on board.

Today, when we woke up, his foot was somewhat swollen and that brought us back down to the Medical Center.  They removed the wrapped bandage saying that we were told to remove it before retiring last night.  We did not. Again he was told to keep the leg elevated to reduced the swelling.  

So we did not leave the ship today as well.  

Tomorrow is a sea day.  So we will pack up.  

Basically, we have done all the ports we are going to do.

Jim will be all right.  The cut is superficial and it is clean and not infected.  I will keep an eye on it.  

Disembarkation is Wednesday morning.  

This is the first time that we decided to fly to and from Miami.  I am sorry we decided to do so.  Think we should have driven.

So that is the update for now.

Will post when i can.

God Bless everyone.


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We made it home with two granddaughters riding in back. They were darlings and no fusses. Our seven year old Lana Jane wanted to come to Nana’s and Pop Pop’s house so we’ll have her till Friday where we will meet her mom half way in Tallahassee. Ms. Mathilda aka Tilly (almost three) rode with us to give her parents a little break before arriving later today  we’re  fresh Oyster Stew is on the evening menu.

The car is unpacked and old Pop Pop who drove the 5+ hours with only one pit stop for gas is taking a break. At times 1-10 looked like rush hour in LA but it did thin out. Not one Florida Highway Patrol seen all day.

Here’s pics of Lana and Tilly two of our five grandchildren.





Edited by aliaschief
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1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good Afternoon from Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic.

We have chosen to stay on the ship today.

On Christmas Eve, DH had a “small accident” and cut his leg on the edge of a cocktail table in the Ship’s Library.  That was the day we were supposed to dock at first in St. Bart’s and when that didn’t work, we tried St. Maarten.  That didn’t work either due to rough seas that continued all day.  While up in the Library, the ship moved unexpectedly and DH bumped into the table, cutting his leg.

That prompted a trip to the Medical Center because of lots of bleeding.  Thankfully, they stopped the bleeding and took an X-ray to make sure his leg was not broken.  After bandaging up his leg, he was told to keep it elevated. Interestingly, they administered a breathalyzer test.  Since he had no alcohol as of that time, he passed with flying colors!

So yesterday our plans to go to Mass at the Cathedral in Old San Juan were dashed.  We did watch Mass on TV instead.  Sadly, Oceania does not have a priest on board.

Today, when we woke up, his foot was somewhat swollen and that brought us back down to the Medical Center.  They removed the wrapped bandage saying that we were told to remove it before retiring last night.  We did not. Again he was told to keep the leg elevated to reduced the swelling.  

So we did not leave the ship today as well.  

Tomorrow is a sea day.  So we will pack up.  

Basically, we have done all the ports we are going to do.

Jim will be all right.  The cut is superficial and it is clean and not infected.  I will keep an eye on it.  

Disembarkation is Wednesday morning.  

This is the first time that we decided to fly to and from Miami.  I am sorry we decided to do so.  Think we should have driven.

So that is the update for now.

Will post when i can.

God Bless everyone.


I am sorry to hear of Jim's  accident and hope all goes well for the trip home.

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Happy Boxing Day!  Thanks for the photos of Bordeaux, we enjoyed a stay at a wine agents home.  Wonderful wines to say the least!  And we enjoyed our visit to Cognac too!  

Add  me to the fruit cake camp, thankful for Costco!  They make a pretty good one, as I didn’t get one made this year. 


@cunnorl I am so sorry you were treated so poorly! No excuses! 
@HAL4NOW praying you get power soonest! 

Today is recovery, lol! 



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5 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning to all. It remains cold but less so than yesterday. We have always celebrated  Kwanzaa as Tana’s son is biracial and enjoys the tradition. The first night here will be about unity,one of the seven principles marked by the holiday. I am not sure what our menu will be tonight but DD and Tana have good recipes for the week.

We sold our home when DD and SIL bought this two family home and invited us to live here. It has been a very good experience for all of us as we work together to get through these difficult times. Tana sold her house when she went on Hospice and I think she misses being in her own place a lot. We all try to give her space and remain helpful but it can be a balancing act.

I am one week post op today and think I am doing well. I walk with the walker as much as possible and it is remarkable to me to not have the severe pain that was there prior to the hip replacement. There is only moderate post op pain now and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

We have been to Bordeaux twice on the Prinsendam and just loved the city.

The first time we went on a walking tour with other CC members and the second time DH and  I ambled the streets on our own. We left before sunrise and watched that beautiful bridge recede as we went downriver.




I'm really happy for you Terry that your hip op has been very successful and your severe pain has gone.



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5 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Before the pictures of Cognac, here is one more of the pilot being lifted off the Prinsendam.  He had a harness that went under his arms.  He did not hold onto the harness, but kept his arms straight down.



Our tour to Cognac took us to the Hennessey Distillery. The bus dropped us off at the visitor center where we boarded a boat to take us across the river to the distillery.





We then went back to the visitor center for a tasting where DH got my sample.  Following that we had lunch at this restaurant, and as the name says, we had chicken.



After lunch, we had some free time to wander around Cognac.






We found the flower market, which was basically closed by the time we got there.



On the way back to Bordeaux, we crossed the Camino de Santiago de Compostela, where a monument to the pilgrims had been erected in the roundabout.




Thank you Lenda for posting your great photos.


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4 hours ago, sailingdutchy said:


We were on a very nice walking tour on our second day in Bordeaux that Jacqui @kazu  had organized and I saw a lot of pictures from that tour already today so will only add a few that I don’t think I have seen yet from us. 

Leaving Bordeaux going through the nice estuary of the Garonne and the Gironde out to sea while having a special dinner  what else can you ask for ?
Je t'aime Bordeaux !










Those were the days ……on the beautiful Elegant Prinsendam !

Excellent photos Tony.

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3 hours ago, cunnorl said:

Good Morning from the Noordam

     We are in Tauranga today, not yet docked. Looks like a bright and warm day. 
      We were in Napier yesterday , pretty town, nice weather. It was so crowded as there was also a Celebrity ship in. We walked around for awhile . There were shuttles to return to the ship.  There was 3 people in wheelchairs and DD was one of them. We waited almost 2 hours for an accessible bus. As anyone who deals with a disability knows, patience is required. Then one of the bus drivers said, “ these stupid people in wheelchairs, they shouldn’t be allowed here”.  I could not believe it. There were no taxis and no alternatives. I started to cry ( I never cry) . Several passengers yelled at the driver for his ignorance. 
     They brought us to the Celebrity line and put us on their bus. All turned out ok but left me feeling very sad and ruined what was a nice day. 
    So today is a new day and we will go out again.


Stay safe and enjoy today




That was terrible what happened to your daughter and the other wheelchair users Charlene and the bus driver was disgusting for his comments.


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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @rafinmd.

I will salute Kwanzaa, Boxing Day and Homeowners. Nice quote. The meal sounds good, but I'll be having leftovers from yesterday. Pass on the wine, and yes to the wine.

I haven't been to Bordeaux.


Woohoo, up to 21F. Yesterday went well with opening presents and dinner. Then in the evening, I noticed the dishwasher had an error code. I'd never seen that before. I opened it and there was water standing in the bottom. I emptied it (it hadn't even gotten to dispensing the detergent) and had washed all the dishes. I got as much water out as I could. I looked it up and then checked the filter, which was ok. The instructions to check the drain pump were daunting, so late this morning I just turned it on to run. So far so good. And to top things off, after a poor night's sleep, I woke up with my eye red and painful. I'm treating that (Sunglasses are on) and BFF is napping.


@aliaschief I'm glad you got home safely. Cute grands.

@StLouisCruisers Great photos.

@marshhawk I make a German fruit bread that's very good.

@smitty34877 I'm glad you're getting around with a walker and have less pain. Nice to celebrate Kwanzaa with Tana's son.

@rafinmd Thanks for our list.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Lovely photos.

@HAL4NOW Sorry to hear you still have no power.

@sailingdutchy Thanks for the Bordeaux pictures.

@Cruising-along Nice picture of the family.

@cunnorl What an awful thing for that bus driver to say; so insensitive.

@Vict0riann Safe travels tomorrow.

@Overhead Fred Delicious meal. And that Yule Log looks yummy!

@Cruzin Terri Sorry to hear about DH's accident and I hope he heals up ok. 

@luvteaching So sorry to hear that the transport company cancelled on you and messed up your holiday plans. That's a shameful way to do business. I'm glad you still had a nice day with family and got to see DH.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.

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2 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good Afternoon from Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic.

We have chosen to stay on the ship today.

On Christmas Eve, DH had a “small accident” and cut his leg on the edge of a cocktail table in the Ship’s Library.  That was the day we were supposed to dock at first in St. Bart’s and when that didn’t work, we tried St. Maarten.  That didn’t work either due to rough seas that continued all day.  While up in the Library, the ship moved unexpectedly and DH bumped into the table, cutting his leg.

That prompted a trip to the Medical Center because of lots of bleeding.  Thankfully, they stopped the bleeding and took an X-ray to make sure his leg was not broken.  After bandaging up his leg, he was told to keep it elevated. Interestingly, they administered a breathalyzer test.  Since he had no alcohol as of that time, he passed with flying colors!

So yesterday our plans to go to Mass at the Cathedral in Old San Juan were dashed.  We did watch Mass on TV instead.  Sadly, Oceania does not have a priest on board.

Today, when we woke up, his foot was somewhat swollen and that brought us back down to the Medical Center.  They removed the wrapped bandage saying that we were told to remove it before retiring last night.  We did not. Again he was told to keep the leg elevated to reduced the swelling.  

So we did not leave the ship today as well.  

Tomorrow is a sea day.  So we will pack up.  

Basically, we have done all the ports we are going to do.

Jim will be all right.  The cut is superficial and it is clean and not infected.  I will keep an eye on it.  

Disembarkation is Wednesday morning.  

This is the first time that we decided to fly to and from Miami.  I am sorry we decided to do so.  Think we should have driven.

So that is the update for now.

Will post when i can.

God Bless everyone.


Sorry to hear about Jim's accident Terri.

Best wishes.


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We're still haven't celebrated Christmas. DDIL is still in the hospital waiting for 1 last test. All day they were told it would happen soon and now they were told that the specialist that needs to observe the test isn't available so one more night. Hopefully she will be released tomorrow. At least with the treatment so far, she is feeling better. After taking us to the airport on Wednesday, they are supposed to leave for St. Augustine for their anniversary trip. Fingers crossed. Stay well and warm everyone!

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5 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:



It's terrible you've been out of power for so many days.  How many has it been?  And especially during the Christmas/Hanukkah holidays.  Prayers the power is restored for good soon!🙏

Just four days so far this time; 15 days so far in December. Here is a quote from our latest email from Puget Sound Energy: "Thank you for your patience during this latest extended power outage. We know the last few months have been an exceptionally difficult time for your community."

We also had some extended outages in September and October while the Bolt Creek Fire was active, and a few days in November around Thanksgiving.

I know that the line-workers are doing everything they can to restore power. We are thankful they have not experienced any loss of life while working on this situation. The conditions they are asked to work in are never the best, and for this particular outage, the conditions have been abysmal. Their safety takes precedence over any need we have for flowing electricity. Because of the temperatures we have experienced, a number of neighbors are without water due to frozen pipes. Having to do gas runs is just an inconvenience and an extra cost, but nothing compared to what so many are experiencing.

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36 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @rafinmd.

I will salute Kwanzaa, Boxing Day and Homeowners. Nice quote. The meal sounds good, but I'll be having leftovers from yesterday. Pass on the wine, and yes to the wine.

I haven't been to Bordeaux.


Woohoo, up to 21F. Yesterday went well with opening presents and dinner. Then in the evening, I noticed the dishwasher had an error code. I'd never seen that before. I opened it and there was water standing in the bottom. I emptied it (it hadn't even gotten to dispensing the detergent) and had washed all the dishes. I got as much water out as I could. I looked it up and then checked the filter, which was ok. The instructions to check the drain pump were daunting, so late this morning I just turned it on to run. So far so good. And to top things off, after a poor night's sleep, I woke up with my eye red and painful. I'm treating that (Sunglasses are on) and BFF is napping.


@aliaschief I'm glad you got home safely. Cute grands.

@StLouisCruisers Great photos.

@marshhawk I make a German fruit bread that's very good.

@smitty34877 I'm glad you're getting around with a walker and have less pain. Nice to celebrate Kwanzaa with Tana's son.

@rafinmd Thanks for our list.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Lovely photos.

@HAL4NOW Sorry to hear you still have no power.

@sailingdutchy Thanks for the Bordeaux pictures.

@Cruising-along Nice picture of the family.

@cunnorl What an awful thing for that bus driver to say; so insensitive.

@Vict0riann Safe travels tomorrow.

@Overhead Fred Delicious meal. And that Yule Log looks yummy!

@Cruzin Terri Sorry to hear about DH's accident and I hope he heals up ok. 

@luvteaching So sorry to hear that the transport company cancelled on you and messed up your holiday plans. That's a shameful way to do business. I'm glad you still had a nice day with family and got to see DH.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.

Thank you, @JazzyV for caring.

If anyone is struggling to get through reading all of the Daily entries, JazzyV does an excellent job of acknowledging people that have commented. By reading through JazzyV's post each day you would get a good synopsis of what has been posted in the Daily.

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3 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Sorry the power is still out and you have to make another gas run.  Hope you can time it so the road will be open going and coming.  Stay safe and drive carefully.


We made it to Monroe and back (74 miles roundtrip) without incident. Purchased three more 5-gallon gas cans while in town to stretch the time between runs. Got $0.40 off per gallon at Fred Meyer, so gas was only $3.59 per gallon today.

My DW was able to come with me today, so we added a lunch at Ixtapa into the trip.

Edited by HAL4NOW
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5 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

It's a blustery, WET morning here in the PNW, heading for the mid 50's F.

Happy Kwanzaa Day for all who celebrate, and Boxing Day.  As for myself, shopping is the last thing I feel like doing today (but then it usually is the last thing I'd like to be doing) 😉  We've owned 6 homes since 1976, this one since 1994.  It was a happy day when we paid off that mortgage.


I agree with the quote for the most part, but will pass on the meal, wine and drink.  I just finished my usual post-holiday breakfast, a piece of pie and coffee. 😄  Dinner tonight will be left over turkey, probably hot turkey sandwiches. 


Yesterday couldn't have been better.  Just having all my kids in one state was gift enough for me.  It was especially nice to have the morning in DS and DDIL's home, which other than a few tiny things is finished with the remodeling.  Then we all were at DD and DSIL's home for the afternoon and dinner.  Our niece and her family joined us, so nice.  I know my dear sister was smiling from heaven.


Here's the 12 of us, tired, happy and FULL.  My niece is to my left, our daughter to my right.  Our son is on the end, DDIL on the far left and DSIL next to DH.  Oh, our 7-year-old is still working on his camera-worthy smile. 🤣





Lovely happy family photo.

Nice to see.


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1 hour ago, HAL4NOW said:

We made it to Monroe and back (74 miles roundtrip) without incident. Purchased three more 5-gallon gas cans while in town to stretch the time between runs. Got $0.40 off per gallon at Fred Meyer, so gas was only $3.59 per gallon today.

My DW was able to come with me today, so we added a lunch at Ixtapa into the trip.

Sorry your having to go through this. I do hope it all gets resolved soon.

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48 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

In Arlington, rather later than planned. Why should there be bumper-to-bumper traffic in Shamokin Dam, PA, pop. 1,647? Or in semi-rural Maryland and yet traffic moved swiftly closer to the I-495 Beltway?

Government holiday.

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Thanks for all the Daily information.

Noordam today is berthed at Mount Maunganui.

We have owned several  homes, 3 were built to our specifications, we rented twice while living in England for 3 years. 


@cunnorl  we are very sorry that you had such an unpleasant and disappointing  experience with the bus driver in Napier.  Once back on board Noordam, we hope that you reported him, you probably did not get his name, but you would know the time that the incident occurred.   


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