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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday February 11th, 2023

cat shepard

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3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Just spoke with BFF. The patriarch of his family in Germany (his Uncle) was just diagnosed with cancer, and may not make it to our visit in May. So sad. He and his wife were so welcoming to me on my first visit in 2003. Sadly she died in 2017, but we were able to make a special visit to see her before she passed. Although he didn't speak much English, he seemed to understand things, and we got on well. He always sent greetings to me when BFF talked to him on the phone.

Oh, Vanessa, I am so sorry.  Is there anyway you can move the trip up a bit?   

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Greetings from St Kitts!  Picture from our snorkel boat prior to departure.


Thanks to all who make the Daily happen.  Positive thoughts for all who need them.  Cheers to those who are celebrating,


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I really appreciate all the contributions to the Fleet Report and Daily.  Thank you everyone  


@marshhawki think I'm the only one in the family who has never tried Chick fil A.  Next drive through Seattle i must try it. Will check the bag before I leave. Was planning to be there today, need to check on my RV.  Decided to postpone for a few weeks as I forgot to order some home reno stuff I need to pick up.


Going to take it easy today.  Work has been very extreme and I'm exhausted. Still loving it though.


Looking forward to Super Bowl tomorrow.  Stocked up on lots of goodies at Costco so we will all feast.  Will try make Lamb Pops for the first time. Just need some beverages.  Have a great weekend everyone 


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23 minutes ago, dfish said:

Oh, Vanessa, I am so sorry.  Is there anyway you can move the trip up a bit?   

Unfortunately not that I can see. We are doing a transatlantic cruise late April that ends in Rotterdam (originally Amsterdam). Then flying to Germany. It would be cost prohibitive to fly to Germany and back sometime earlier, then cruise and fly back to the US. And I think our current flights are non-refundable. We have trip insurance but I don't think the family relationship is close enough to qualify.

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7 hours ago, puppycanducruise said:

I think some of that quote is missing.  If I recall it correctly "If you educate a man, you educate a man.  If you educate a woman, you educate a nation."  

I use a partially automated process for moving the quotes into the database that generates the Daily each day. Every now and then something slips thru.


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Just a quick note of appreciation from me today!  What a wonderful family there is here on the Daily!  I marvel at how so many have stepped in to keep things going, and moving along.  The sharing and caring is so joyful!  Thanks to all.  


I m feeling a little stronger today, so am trying to get caught up on a few things that have been neglected since I returned from Hawaii!  Finally got my brokerage statement via email this morning, so think my stuff may be ready to send to the CPA in NM.  I need to get this done, because I need to tend to the taxes before I leave for my Rotterdam TA in March.  Won't return til late April!


Have a great day everyone.  Thanks to all for sharing and caring.  Prayers for all in need.


Mary Kay

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Well I survived the zoom meeting, but not the job.  We all got laid off, turns out the management thought that more people in Houston had more money than they did.  Some people really do come from another planet. Our last day is Tuesday, and we can work all that we can in the next two work days, but cannot exceed 8 hours a day.  Lucky for me, I still have my other part time job, however, If i lose that one, I will be down at the unemployment office, just not sure if you get SS that you can get unemployment.?  Somehow doesn't seem right.


Right now, my most wonderful boss is trying to place the 5 employees that he has in other campaigns.  This means that someone must need us, or want us. I will not hold my breath.  If something doesn't come up by Monday, I will see if I can stock shelves for Dollar tree.  (1.25)  I wonder if they pay a dollar an hour????  Lisa wants me, but she doesn't have a campaign right now



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Getting ready to leave FLL around 3:30 if we are on time. Will have to see who gets out first of the three ships scheduled then. I’ll miss everyone!  

Nieuw Statendam hiding out over by the Celebrity ship. Pretty day so far and no rain like they predicted last week.



Edited by StLouisCruisers
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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I can’t tell if I’m 2 or 3 decks above the tenders. They jut out. Anyway wearing dark pink t shirt and waving my blue bandana when we pass by.  Bye all 

Just saw your ship sailing by my condo. Great weather for sailaway, enjoy your cruise.

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Afternoon all. Witmer FC posted on their FB page they are Sold Out🎉By the way , that’s 3,000 meals. 
Next up is in 2 weeks for Bird-in Hand fc for homemade chickenpotpie Pa Dutch style . Good eating for a worthy cause.

These fire companies are all volunteer and depend upon community support to exist.


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2 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Afternoon all. Witmer FC posted on their FB page they are Sold Out🎉By the way , that’s 3,000 meals. 
Next up is in 2 weeks for Bird-in Hand fc for homemade chickenpotpie Pa Dutch style . Good eating for a worthy cause.

These fire companies are all volunteer and depend upon community support to exist.


Wish we were closer I’d get some of that!

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Good afternoon.  We’re doing our first overnight babysitting for DD’s two children (four-year-old and five-month baby).  DD and DSIL are going with a group to Temecula for wine-tasting.  DD baked a big quiche for the group’s breakfast tomorrow and dropped the whole glass tray right before they left.   I told her not to cry over spilt milk!  

I haven’t really had time to read all the Daily yet today, but just stopping in to wish everyone well.  Enjoy the evening!  We’ll be having a pizza party.



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Good afternoon.  We had a change of plans since the weather was nice.  We drove up to Fort Worth to restock the liquor cabinet.  The liquor stores near us are very expensive, and the nearest TW is in Fort Worth.  It wasn't a bad drive since we can take the back roads and the toll road and avoid the interstates.  On the way home, we made a quick WM stop.


6 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good morning from the Oceania Sirena.

Today is Day 5 of our cruise and as predicted, we missed our port of call in St. Barth’s.  So far we have missed 2 of the first 3 ports on this cruise and I predict there are more to come given the condition of the seas.  

It appears that we will probably not dock at any ports where the pier is not protected—especially on this little ship.

According to the Marine Forecast, this has no intention of letting up anytime soon. 

So this may turn into a “ Cruise to Nowhere”.  We shall see.


Thank you to @cat shepardfor the Daily and Fleet Report for today.  I like the combination of days. I think that we should take care not to spill milk these days or we will cry, given the prices of everything.  I have made many friends here and treasure them.  Hope to meet you all some day. Inventions are always good and interesting.

I like the quote, the full quote,  

The wine is a bit above my budget.  Will skip the meal.  We circled Cape Horn on the Veendam in 2012.  Enjoyed that cruise very much.

Thank you to @JazzyV for the Cares and Celebration list. Prayers to all that need them.

Good to see that Roy is improving slowly buy surely.  

Jacqui, hoping that Spring comes quickly for you and that your arm heals just as quickly.

Joy, hope you are feeling somewhat better.

Prayers for Kathi, Tana and all others who need them.


Cheers for those who are celebrating and cruising.  Bon Voyage to @StLouisCruisers. I hope you have calmer seas than we are having.

Thank you to @summer slopefor the drink recipe.  May try one.

And a thank you also to @dfishfor your dedication to making sure we are well nourished everyday.


Since we have an unexpected sea day, I plan to work on some ports for our upcoming Baltic Cruise.  i have put that on the back burner due to all the problems with our house.  This is a good opportunity today.

Hope everyone has a good Saturday and God Bless,



Terri, I'm sorry you are missing so many ports.  Just remember, you'll still be on a ship.


5 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning from a frosty Durango. At least it was above 0F when dogs and I went out, but just barely. Will be mid-40's today and then snow and cold return. Valentine's Day could be pretty white if the forecast holds true.


Have been 'round the Horn three times. The first time on the QE2 we had to go 'round and then wander back through the Straits of Magellan. The QE 2 was not allowed to dock in Argentina due to her participation in the Falklands War. We had good, but windy weather, all 3 times.


My lab results came back yesterday afternoon. All was good or improved. Guess I will be able to face my primary care doctor Monday although I have not lost weight. Need to work on that. Need to keep chugging. By the way.... I have the same sleep issues as many of you. I sleep until about 3 then wake up. Fortunately the dogs don't wake and I usually can get back to sleep for another hour or so after a brief bit of restlessness. I think 5 solid hours is what I am no programmed for. After that it varies but never more than a couple  more hours. I can live with it. My Sister is the same way.


Need to get moving now to take trash out and also recycling. Better do it today before it decides to freeze my cans shut.


Careful everyone.... no new falls, avoid those germs and those that are cruising... enjoy. I envy you.





Susan, that is good news all your tests were good or improved.  Hope your PCP will be happy.


5 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Today will be sunny and high 40's F so I hope to get out to the garden.  Now the Crocus are starting to bloom along with the Hellebore -- I love to see the first signs of spring! And they're predicting a little snow next week..... Also will paint that last wall in the entry.  Yesterday I had to stop painting to get to the dentist by 2:30.  


The meal today looks so good.  I printed off the first recipe and we'll have it tonight.  Nice to have all the ingredients already.


We're getting lots of photos from DD of the new kitties -- no names yet!  Last night went well,  the cats seem to have settled in quickly.  Each of the boys had a cat in his bed again.  DD said to hear the sound of purrs in the house again was so good. 🙂  Cannot wait to meet them tomorrow.


Vanessa @JazzyVI'm so sorry to hear that your BFF's uncle was diagnosed with cancer.  I hope you'll be able to see him when you visit in May.  


Prayers for all on the care list and cheers to all who are celebrating.  Have a great day everyone!




Carolyn, I'm glad the kitties have settled into their new home so well.


4 hours ago, sailingdutchy said:
We had our cruise to Antarctica on the Zaandam in January of 2015 from Valparaiso to Buenos Aires and had one of the calmest passages of Cape Horn than went completely around the Cape from Atlantic to Pacific Ocean and back . 
Cape Horn is well known of very stormy seas first described by the early discoverers and the Cape was named by navigator Willem Schouten in 1616 after his hometown in the Netherlands . He named it “Kaap Hoorn “  after Hoorn in the province of North Holland . Captain Cook also managed to circumvent Cape Horn about 150 years later .
Our Captain PJ van Maurik reported the weather that noon being 8C ( or for Americans 46 F ) , clear skies with winds from North West at 21 knots .
See here how we tracked that day and some more familiar pictures of the small Island and in a way the shape of the Island is like the shape of a horn.
Our friend from The Netherlands took this gorgeous picture ! 
The monument on Cape Horn , the “ Albatross Monument “ made by the Chilean sculpture Jose Balcells featuring the silhouette of an Albatross in honour of the many sailors who have died while attempting to ‘round the Horn ‘ is 24 feet high had been heavily damaged by one of these storms , when we passed
No photo description available.
Chilean Navy approaching the Zaandam on an exorcise  manoeuvre .
Gorgeous sunset that evening and now on our way to Antarctica .



Tony, thanks for the pictures, and I hope the statue was repaired.  In 2015, the seas were very rough, but in 1999 on our first time there, the seas were almost glassy.


2 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Well I survived the zoom meeting, but not the job.  We all got laid off, turns out the management thought that more people in Houston had more money than they did.  Some people really do come from another planet. Our last day is Tuesday, and we can work all that we can in the next two work days, but cannot exceed 8 hours a day.  Lucky for me, I still have my other part time job, however, If i lose that one, I will be down at the unemployment office, just not sure if you get SS that you can get unemployment.?  Somehow doesn't seem right.


Right now, my most wonderful boss is trying to place the 5 employees that he has in other campaigns.  This means that someone must need us, or want us. I will not hold my breath.  If something doesn't come up by Monday, I will see if I can stock shelves for Dollar tree.  (1.25)  I wonder if they pay a dollar an hour????  Lisa wants me, but she doesn't have a campaign right now




Annie, I'm sorry everyone was let go from the Houston campaign.  I hope you get a new campaign soon.  I could have told the bosses there are a lot of rich people in Houston, but they have their pet causes.  I doubt if the very rich even answer their own phones, and they would never be told about telemarketers. There are more middle class and poor living in Houston than the very rich.


1 hour ago, cruising sister said:

Good afternoon,

I will keep this short as it has been a rough day. Block has definitely wore off. Bon voyage to all and prayers for those on care list. 


Lorraine, I'm sorry today was a rough day.  I hope tomorrow is a much better day.



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Many thanks yesterday for everyone's kind comments for our Caribbean cruise on Oasis of the seas and stay in Miami South beach.

A few final photos.

Last night Restaurant in South beach Miami.

Church in Miami.

Relaxing in a cabana at our hotel.





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Sandi and Dennis enjoy your cruise. Weather here is much better than last week. Saw the picture of the Eurodam going through the canal- made me sad, but glad that others are having a great time.  


The cruise on RC looked like a lot of fun -you have been longer in Miami  than we have ever been even though we live about 1 1/2 hours away. We keep saying we should go for a staycation but never seem to get around to it.  It looked like you had a great time at the hotel too. Weather has warmed up here and it was a spectacular day today.


Sorry to hear about lost jobs, and people still not feeling up to par, I think many of us get frustrated with ourselves and try to do too much and have to learn the hard way to take it easy.


Have a wonderful evening everyone.  Pizza tomorrow for us is super bowl tradition.  I guess I am going to root for Philadelphia since I went to Penn State and then Penn.  When I lived in Philly tickets were pretty cheap to see their games since they consistently lost.  

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