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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday April 27th, 2023


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Thank you Rich, Sandi, Eva, Debbie, Dixie, and Ann for the Friday Eve report.  I need to get my orange shirt out for the day.  I think the best stories are told around a roaring campfire.  I never learned Morse Code and as @0106 said I'm not far from Babe's birthplace.    I like the Ellis quote.  I've been to Delgada 3 times, Crystal Serenity in 2008, Queen Elizabeth in 2016, and Nieuw Statendam in 2019.  Beethoven was one of the true greats.  The meal sounds pretty good.  My alternative is Chilled Mixed Berry Soup, Australian Fruit Platter and Chateaubriand as served on MS Amsterdam April 27, 2014,  my final dinner of the 2014 World Cruise.




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Good morning,  A beautiful morning and hopefully the last freeze of the season.   We have rainy weather for the weekend but I will try to get a lot done outside today.   Yesterday I got three bags of mulch spread and some more plants dug out of that bed for our plant sale.   I will do the front flower bed today.   Tonight is my Deer and Vole Control talk at the local library.   

Sandi and Rich thank you for starting our Daily and Fleet Reports for us each day.   Thanks for the port photos from the Azores Sandi.  I will pass on the meal, cocktail and the pricy wine.    Prayers for all on our care list, especially for those in our group that had surgeries recently and for the people of Ukraine.  

Have a great day!  Nancy 

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16 minutes ago, RedneckBob said:

Thanks for the additional info Graham, formerly known as the UK guy ( too me ).


Today is National Story Telling Day and my story today involves Graham’s family, the British people. Though it is not a story about cruising hope y’all will enjoy. 

I call it the British Invasion.


Some 57 years and eight months and 22 days ago I was starting a new school year in High School. To my surprise the High School had gotten an exchange teacher from England to teach us kids British History. The teachers name was Professor Robert Griffith from Stoke on Trent, England. Now I thought was an unusual name for a town but I guess no different from the name of a town near where I grew up, Lick Skillet, Alabama. Prof. Griffith was an instant hit; looked like a young Peter Sellers with a Beatles haircut. The girls went crazy! In fact years later I found out he married one of his students. Now, it was a couple weeks week attending British History class. I was not feeling well. Prof. Griffith starting teaching the class and called on me first. He asked,

”RedneckBob, can you tell the class what you have learned about Tudors.” I Replied, “Well I have a Math Tudor and English Tudor, but not a History tudor”. That did not go over well. Then Mr. Griffith asked, “Are you not feeling well and will you need a lift to get to the second floor.”  I replied, “Are going to carry me to the second floor, I don’t think so.” Then the Professor asked, “If you are not feeling well is your Flat near hear”  “No, I don’t have any flat tires, I can drive home myself.” 
It took a couple of weeks to translate what Prof. Griffith was saying. He was one of best teachers I ever had,


Now the rest of the story. The following is true!!! 

After the first week of teaching British History Prof. Griffith spent his first weekend in town. He had not bought a car yet so he relied on public transportation. When he arrived for our Monday morning class he told this story of what happened to him over the weekend. On Saturday morning he was reading the local paper and in the movie section he saw a movie he wanted to see. It was Dr. Zivargo. But it was at a Drive In theater. Mr. Griffith did not know what this was and asked his neighbor does the City Bus drops you off at the Drive In not realizing you needed a car to watch the movie. So I guess understanding British and English language works both ways!

Good afternoon Bob.

Some English city's have the river name they are next to added to their name.

Stoke on Trent.

Newcastle Upon Tyne.

being 2 examples.


Edited by grapau27
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Good morning to all.  Happy Thursday.

Thank you to Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the Daily and Fleet Report.  

Interesting group of days.

Hai to the King of Netherlands and the Koenigsdam!

I can tell a story but it would be too long.  Like Babe Ruth and I do not know Morse Code.  

Good quote.

I have not been to the port but will visit it on our transatlantic in November. So the photos are most welcome.

Will pass on the meal and libations.


Today I am going to take @Quartzsite Cruiser’s Lenda’s advice and put aside the things that need to be done in this house and concentrate on preparing for our cruise.  Last night I stayed up until midnight in order to make our specialty restaurant reservations.  Since we are on a b2b cruise, we were unable to reserve the last 12 days until today.  So we on board 32 days with 12 specialties pre-reserved.  We can get more reservations once on board and will try. We especially like the French and Italian restaurants.  

My main job today is to determine what we want to do in the various ports.  There are a number of repeats and we plan to make some of them a “sea day” so that we can have a restful day in between and yet other repeats will require doing something different, like Stockholm.  

Since we are not fans of Ship Tours, the one thing I need to find out is the availability of taxis in the various ports.  In other places, I need to get things in place before we leave.

Lots to do.


While I am at it, does anyone know how far the port of Copenhagen is from the city?  We will be staying at the Marriott after the cruise and wondering if just taking a taxi if worth it, or we should reserve a car.  Any advice would be welcome.  Thanks.


Prayers for all on the cares list.  @kazu and @bennybearI hope you are recovering well.

@smitty34877, I hope today’s visit what the doctor goes well for your DH.

Prayers for all on the cares list.


Cheers for all celebrating and cruising.  Enjoy!


Have a great day everyone.

God Bless,


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Good Morning from another warm but cloudy day at the beach

        Wicked storms yesterday although no hail or damage for us. Storms expected back again today. This will help with our rain deficit.

         Have not been to todays port, it was on our cancelled TA in 2020. Maybe another time!    

          @dfish Congratulations to your sister on her retirement. It is a wonderful feeling. May she have many happy and healthy days ahead.

            We watched the Carol Burnett special last night. She is an amazing lady and looks great!

           Heading to Orlando this AM for a haircut for myself and DD.  Hope to get back before the storms. 

         THank you all for this wonderful supportive thread. It is one of the few that I read.


  Stay safe and enjoy today


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Good Thursday Morning Daiyites!  Our home alarm keeps going off.  This started on the 22 when DH was gone, and I got the alarm to stop ringing, so for a week it didnt beep.  But today it was what woke me up.  ARghh!  DH is disconnecting the box.  After that, out we go!.



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37 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Good afternoon Bob.

Some English city's have the river name they are next to added to their name.

Stoke on Trent.

Newcastle Upon Tyne.

being 2 examples.


Thanks for the info Graham! In my story I did not include the dashes in the town’s name because I did not want this to be confused with Morse Code Day! 😀

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I am a trained storyteller but I haven't been doing a lot of it recently. King Willem-Alexander is a pilot and even as king continued to operate occasional flights as a first officer for KLM.


The combination of flavors in the meal suggestion doesn't sound like one that I like. I occasionally buy an Australian Syrah (Shiraz), but as cardboardeaux. Syrah is one of the darkest red wines, and one of the highest in tannins, which not everyone enjoys but which are healthful. No on the cocktail. I haven't been to Ponta Delgada but not for lack of trying.


This morning I want to take more cardboard, including some from cardboardeaux, to the recycling drop-off and then shop at Wegmans on the way back. Then lawn mowing and a Zoom meeting with next week's visiting speaker. Tomorrow I may get to the shop that stocks the Australian Shiraz cardboardeaux, if I go to Sherwin-Williams for paint for the garage steps, as it's in the same direction.



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Good morning,

I am waiting for DGS to show up after his dentist visit to pull an extra tooth he has. He will spend a grandma day and miss preschool. 

Thanks for all that contribute and thanks for the feedback from those cruising.  It is easy to go down the rabbit hole of negative posts. I am glad to see that others are enjoying their cruises.  I am struggling trying to decide what to bring. I have packed and repacked 3 times. I have decided on bringing a larger checked bag and not stress about it. With the new attachable luggage it will not matter. This will allow my carryon to be lighter and easier for me to handle with my bad hands. My toe is probable 50% better. The fracture area does not bother me just the infected area. 

Thanks for checking back with us Jacqui so we know how you are doing. Fingers crossed that it is much better by tomorrow. I hope everyone else is doing better too. Continued prayers for those on care list. Happy travels for those on the high seas. 

Have a great day. 

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2 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Excellent photos Sandi @StLouisCruisers


Thank you Graham!




2 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Good afternoon.

Happy 75th anniversary Israel independence.

It is currently 14°C and cloudy here.

Thank you for today's daily reports Sandi @StLouisCruisers.

3 good days.

Not sure about today's food and drink.

Great photos Sandi from a port we have not been to.

Prayers 🙏 for any Dailyite who is unwell.

A big shout-out for all sailing or due to sail.




I'll join you in wishing Israel well on their 75th anniversary of independence.  Hope you and Pauline have a lovely day today.




2 hours ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Thursday Daily, Sandi.


Happy Kings Day to all our friends in the Netherlands and those on board HAL today.  Really enjoyed it when we were on the P’dam (before the creation of the Orange party).  They really knew how to celebrate it properly 🙂 


Great collection of days - all worthy of celebrating.  I do like that quote by Ellis.  There’s a lot of truth to it.


The meal sounds good  - looking forward to hearing about it.  Love today’s port.  Been there and happily going back in October. Doing something different his time for our visit I chartered a boat (not one of those rubber things) for our roll call to go whale watching. 




It’s a dreary day outside -  temps are up and down like a yo you 😠 and an ouchy day inside - LOL.    Thanks all for the good wishes yesterday.  I really appreciated them.




Sadly, I still have the snow tires on the car.  Dealership says they don’t have my wheel lock kit - but have some spare wheel locks and if one fits, I can have it.  So, I just have to get there ‘sigh’.  Hopefully they do as the tire place hasn’t been able to get the extractor yet.  Fortunately I do the bulk of my driving with my left hand (I do have permission to drive), so I’ll take the old road where the speed limit is not high and go slow and easy.  Once we get the tires off - they are all getting regular lugs on them.  




After that, I think a rest will be in order.  LOL.


@summer slope I hope all that is wrong with your kitty is all the company and you see improvement with them gone 🤞 


Prayers for those on the Care list & for those that need them and a toast 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.




Have a good Thursday, everyone !!!




Great memes today Jacqui.  Your whale watching tour should be a lot of fun in the Azores.  Always exciting with all the anticipation!  Good luck with the lug lock problem which has to be exceedingly frustrating.




2 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good morning all. Well, TT is supposed to be going to the vet today for his surgery but big brother Houdini knocked the cage off the table and he ran and is hiding somewhere in the house. It’s never easy. 
Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.


Best of luck today with TT''s surgery.  Those sneaky cats attempting to deter you from cornering him!  Glad he was located finally.




2 hours ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone.


Thank you to everyone who sent birthday wishes my way.  I had a wonderful day.  Lunch at Zinc Cafe was great.  I had honey chipotle chicken tartine and DS Mary Jo had Swiss onion soup and Mediterranean lettuce wraps.  All of our selections were divine.   


Today I am going up to Lake City so DS Sue can clean my teeth.  I will be her last patient of her career.  Once she finishes with me, she is retired.  We are then going out to dinner to celebrate.  Tomorrow she packs all day and Saturday she loads up the truck and moves down for good.  


Today's meal sounds good to me, but is a bit starchy with the penne.  I only found one recipe that was exact according to the title.  There are other pages with the recipe on them, but it is the same recipe.  https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/beef-and-blue-cheese-penne-with-pesto/




This one does not include the pesto.  You make a white sauce to go over the penne and slice the steak on top.  Greens are on the side.   https://www.girlgonegourmet.com/blue-cheese-pasta-with-steak/




Wishing you all a wonderful day.


How fitting Sue should end her career and start her retirement with you being her final patient.  We have something in common.  My twin was a hygienist too and is retired.  Enjoy your dinner with Sue tonight, and I wish her all the best with the move (plus her retirement).  Very exciting!  And thanks for the recipes today as well.




1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good morning to all.  Happy Thursday.

Thank you to Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the Daily and Fleet Report.  

Interesting group of days.

Hai to the King of Netherlands and the Koenigsdam!

I can tell a story but it would be too long.  Like Babe Ruth and I do not know Morse Code.  

Good quote.

I have not been to the port but will visit it on our transatlantic in November. So the photos are most welcome.

Will pass on the meal and libations.


Today I am going to take @Quartzsite Cruiser’s Lenda’s advice and put aside the things that need to be done in this house and concentrate on preparing for our cruise.  Last night I stayed up until midnight in order to make our specialty restaurant reservations.  Since we are on a b2b cruise, we were unable to reserve the last 12 days until today.  So we on board 32 days with 12 specialties pre-reserved.  We can get more reservations once on board and will try. We especially like the French and Italian restaurants.  

My main job today is to determine what we want to do in the various ports.  There are a number of repeats and we plan to make some of them a “sea day” so that we can have a restful day in between and yet other repeats will require doing something different, like Stockholm.  

Since we are not fans of Ship Tours, the one thing I need to find out is the availability of taxis in the various ports.  In other places, I need to get things in place before we leave.

Lots to do.


While I am at it, does anyone know how far the port of Copenhagen is from the city?  We will be staying at the Marriott after the cruise and wondering if just taking a taxi if worth it, or we should reserve a car.  Any advice would be welcome.  Thanks.


Prayers for all on the cares list.  @kazu and @bennybearI hope you are recovering well.

@smitty34877, I hope today’s visit what the doctor goes well for your DH.

Prayers for all on the cares list.


Cheers for all celebrating and cruising.  Enjoy!


Have a great day everyone.

God Bless,



Terri, I'm glad you decided to concentrate on cruise planning now so you will be prepared for it when the time comes.  You can get back to the home decor afterwards.  As far as the docks in Copenhagen we have been to Langelinje and have walked to the city center.  So I looked up the docks of Copenhagen and this has some starting information about how to get back and forth.  They list 3 docks so first find out which one your ship docks at.  That info could be on your itinerary online.  Good luck!






34 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

Good Thursday Morning Daiyites!  Our home alarm keeps going off.  This started on the 22 when DH was gone, and I got the alarm to stop ringing, so for a week it didnt beep.  But today it was what woke me up.  ARghh!  DH is disconnecting the box.  After that, out we go!.




How annoying!  Hope you can get that taken care of, and hope your day is a successful one.



9 minutes ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning,

I am waiting for DGS to show up after his dentist visit to pull an extra tooth he has. He will spend a grandma day and miss preschool. 

Thanks for all that contribute and thanks for the feedback from those cruising.  It is easy to go down the rabbit hole of negative posts. I am glad to see that others are enjoying their cruises.  I am struggling trying to decide what to bring. I have packed and repacked 3 times. I have decided on bringing a larger checked bag and not stress about it. With the new attachable luggage it will not matter. This will allow my carryon to be lighter and easier for me to handle with my bad hands. My toe is probable 50% better. The fracture area does not bother me just the infected area. 

Thanks for checking back with us Jacqui so we know how you are doing. Fingers crossed that it is much better by tomorrow. I hope everyone else is doing better too. Continued prayers for those on care list. Happy travels for those on the high seas. 

Have a great day. 


Lorraine, it's good to hear the fracture in the toe isn't hurting as much, but sad that the infection isn't totally cleared yet. Get well soon and good luck with the packing and toting of bags!





9 minutes ago, ClippyJoe said:

Thank you to everyone who posts here. You are the best part of my day.

Very nice of you to say!  Thank YOU for the compliment.



Edited by StLouisCruisers
change of word
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6 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Terri, I'm glad you decided to concentrate on cruise planning now so you will be prepared for it when the time comes.  You can get back to the home decor afterwards.  As far as the ports in Copenhagen we have been to Langelinje and have walked to the city center.  So I looked up the ports of Copenhagen and this has some starting information about how to get back and forth.  They list 3 ports so first find out which one your ship docks at.  That info could be on your itinerary online.  Good luck!



Sandi, thank you for that invaluable information.  I will print that out.  I am pretty sure we are at the Ocean Quay Terminal, but I will check again.  We get our cruise docs in a few days so I will know for sure.  We will definitely take a taxi to the hotel.  We don’t do public transportation with luggage.  Just too hard.  I assume that taxis are plentiful at the port.  Thanks for all your help.


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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Cheers for the King of the Netherlands; I can probably tell a story or two, I know Babe Ruth was a famous baseball player, and I've never tried to study Morse Code.  


Maybe spring is here?  I don't want to say it too loudly, but we did hear a robin singing last night.  Looking at the predicted temperatures for the coming week, our overnight lows will all be just slightly above freezing, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we just might have kicked old man winter to the curb.  But I'm not stupid, our heavy jackets are still in the front hall closet.


We took a tour at Ponta Delgada similar to @StLouisCruisers, except we didn't stop at a brewery first.  We were taken by the beautiful scenery along the way, the greenery, the hills with cows tethered to them, and of course the blue and green side by side lakes.  I'd love to be able to do that tour again some day.


So far, so good with the shingles vaccines; both DH and I are only feeling soreness in the arm muscle - I hope that's the only reaction we get from it.


@dfish please wish your DS Sue a Happy Retirement!  Tell her that retirement is the time of your life when every night's a Friday and every day's a Saturday!

@smitty34877sending good vibes for DH's consultation today.

@kazu I hope the ouchies don't last long for you.


Does anyone here have one of those robot vacuums?  I purchased one online a week ago and had to return it.  I just wasn't happy with it; first of all, it wouldn't go from the hardwood to the area rug in the living room, and it seems we have way too many things on the floor (chair legs in the dining room, cat bed, plants) for it do actually do much cleaning.  Finally I found Steve (yes, I gave him a name) stuck in a corner trying desperately to fight his way out, to no avail.  I put Steve back in the box and returned him to the store where they said they weren't surprised, as others have returned theirs as well.  LOL


I'd like to try the drink, even though I'm not a fan of tart drinks, it might be good.  I'm pretty sure I'd like the wine, but it's above my price point, and if I were to make today's menu suggestion, I'd have to leave the blue cheese off, as I'm allergic to it.  Tonight I'll make panko crusted salmon with parmesan potatoes and green beans that we'll enjoy at the kitchen table.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them, and cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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I haven't done much in the way of personal updates the last few days, a combination of being busy and not really knowing what to say.  I think there's been a bit of a combination of progress and adaptation.


We've had weekly curbside recycling for many years.  I don't really have a lot to recycle and declined one of the baskets they issued. Instead I've been using a combination of paper grocery bags and shipping boxes to hold my small items.  We've had more wind in recent days and carrying 2 or 3 bags to the curb early in the morning has become a pain.  I don;t feel safe using 2 hands to carry a big basket out to the curb, especially over the curb.  The county now supplies rolling carts and I ordered one which was delivered yesterday.  One adaptation completed.


I should actually be in Fort Lauderdale waiting to board Vision of the Seas back to Baltimore but didn't feel strong enough to take a cruise for the next several months.  I do still have 2 cruises on the books, QM2 New England/Canada from New York in September-October and Rotterdam out of Fort Lauderdale over Thanksgiving.  I now feel like those cruises will work and have fleshed them out with train reservations and hotel in New York and Auto Train and several days of Florida hotels booked for Rotterdam.



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@cruising sister The old packing advice is: Take half the clothes and twice the money!  

@dfish Debbie, congrats to Sue!  Enjoy beautiful Lake City!  It is such a spot of heavenly beauty!  

I was so thrilled the first time in Ponto Delgado!  As a geologist it was spine tingling for me to be walking around on the tips of the mid-Atlantic Ridge!  I loved sitting on the harbor side benches made of the local basalt, even seeing many blocks with green olivine crystals. Very special place for me!  We walked up to the fort and enjoyed the museum there, lots of WWII exhibits. Of course it is such a strategic location. Also found a scarf store- bought a bunch for friends, so glad I’ve kept a couple for myself!  Wore one yesterday. 

Talked with DH last night about travels. Time to start making some plans, assuming next week we get a good report from the eye doctor, and find out if she has a plan for the left eye. We’ll figure it out!  

Since 2019 we’ve been trying to get to Newfoundland to visit friends we met on a houseboat trip in the St Lawrence Thousand Islands in 2018. But first it was a cancer treatment series, then COVID, moving, more COVID…. Now it’s time!  Need to nail down ferry reservations and just do it!  

And Idaho daughter loved our family cruise so much she’s booking HAL to Hawaii Jan 2025… maybe we will too?  Feels good to be thinking of fun life ahead!  

Healing blessings to Jacqui and Brenda!  And for a path forward for @smitty34877 and DH. And all on the Care List… @cruising sister, @mamaofami … Arrrgh I’m not making it work.  Well, all of you… Annie and Chuck with Irving today, keeping all of you in my heart and prayers!  Sending blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope!  

And congrats to all celebrating milestones and new chapters!  🌟🌻🥂🎂


Smooth travels to all away and especially our lucky cruisers! 🚢


Life is good👍. Even on the tough days!  One day at a time is enough!  
💖 love to you all!  Maureen 


Edited by RMLincoln
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Good morning from a windy and still fairly cloudy central Texas.  We have a reprieve from from rain until tomorrow afternoon.  Then, it is supposed to rain from late afternoon through most of Saturday.  Our temperature is currently 59F, but feels like 57F.  It is supposed to be sunny and 75 later today.  The only thing on the agenda today is a dermatologist appointment for both of us.  It is the six month follow-up to from one last year, and we're not expecting any surprises today.  While we are out, we'll stop at W-M since it's on the way.


In honor of King's Day, I found a shirt that has some orange flowers on it.  I'm not a great story teller, but I do manage to tell a few.  Babe Ruth was a great baseball player.  I tried but failed to learn Morse Code.


The Havelock Elis quote is interesting, but it took reading it a couple of times to really understand it.


We'll pass on the meal, the drink and the wine.


We have been to Ponta Delgada several times beginning in 2001 on our first TA.  I'll look for my pictures to repost in a few minutes.


@smitty34877  Terry, I hope your DH's consultation with the surgeon goes well today, and that the traffic isn't too bad.

@kazu  Jacqui, I hope the dealership can help you, and you can finally get the snow tires removed.

@dfish  Debbie, please add our congratulations on Sue's retirement.  I agree, it's fitting you will be her last patient.  Enjoy the celebration dinner.

@mamaofami  Carol, I'm glad Sam is feeling a little better today, and I hope he continues to feel better everyday.

@1ANGELCAT  I'm glad you found TT and thwarted the other cats.  I hope his surgery goes well.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I hope you can get all your cruise plans finalized easily.  

@cruising sister  Lorraine, I'm glad the infection is getting better and that the fracture isn't a big problem.

@rafinmd  Roy, it's good to see you are feeling stronger and more confident about cruising.  

@RMLincoln  Maureen, I'm glad you are beginning to think about traveling again.  Very slowly we are beginning to talk about cruising again in a few months.


While I've been writing this, the clouds have mainly disappeared and the sun is out.  ☀️  I can live with the wind better when it's sunny.




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Our first time in Ponta Delgada was on October 4, 2001, on Golden Princess' maiden crossing.  That day we walked around town.  About 90 minutes after we sallied, DH was on the balcony and noticed we'd turned around.  A few minutes later, the captain announced we were turning back because a couple had suddenly left the ship with the luggage 30 minutes before we sailed.  The ship was returning until they could determine what was happening.  We made it back to Ponta Delgada in 45 minutes, and dinner was very quiet that night.  We hung out off the port for a while, then sailed toward the USA.  We later learned they knew the couple was disembarking and used their departure as a cover story.  A member of the Cruise Staff as a joke had called in a bomb threat.  He spent the rest of the cruise confined to his cabin.  Remember this was less than a month after   9/11.


Our pictures from our first stop.



Igreja de Sao Sebastiao




Portas da Cidade



Igreja ds Sao Jose



In 2019, I took these pictures inside the church.




We were back in 2002 on Noordam III, and we walked around town.






The harbor with Noordam docked at the far end.






Our first time in Ponta Delgada was on October 4, 2001, on Golden Princess' maiden crossing.  That day we walked around town.  Absit 90 ,minutes after we sallied, DH was on the balcony and noticed we'd turned around.  A few minutes later, the captain announced we were turning back because a couple had suddenly left the ship with the luggage 30 minutes before we sailed.  The ship was returning until they could determine what was happening.  We made it back to Ponta Delgada in 45 minutes, and dinner was very quiet that night.  We hung out off the port for a while, then sailed toward the USA.  We later learned they knew the couple was disembarking and used their departure as a cover story.  A member of the Cruise Staff as a joke had called in a bomb threat.  He spent the rest of the cruise confined to his cabin.  Remember this was less than a month after   9/11.


Our pictures from our first stop.


Igreja de Sao Sebastiao



Portas da Cidade


Igreja ds Sao Jose


In 2019, I took these pictures inside the church.



We were back in 2002 on Noordam III, and we walked around town.





The harbor with Noordam docked at the far end.






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1 hour ago, RedneckBob said:

Thanks for the info Graham! In my story I did not include the dashes in the town’s name because I did not want this to be confused with Morse Code Day! 😀

Stockton on Tees.

Kingston on Thames.

Stratford upon Avon.

Berwick upon Tweed.

To name a few more towns that originated by a river.

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In 2004, again on Noordam III, we rented a car and toured the country side.


One of the days on August 7, 2022 was National Lighthouse Day.  To honor lighthouses, this is the ruin of what appears to be an old lighthouse.



Some scenes from our day in the country.  Town from a scenic view point.



Another small town



An old volcano crater



Blue and Green lakes



Sete Cidades and the church




Noodam at anchor



Our final visit was in 2019 on Veendam.  By then, the new dock had been built with cafes along the waterfront.







Veendam at the new dock



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Just waking up and to the sound of the ship’s fog horn. We had a fantastic dinner last night. The food porn pics have not synched from phone to I Pad yet so will post later. We don’t arrive to noon so I have elected to lounge in this morning. David Burke is giving another food demo at nine. After dinner we went to the Showroom and enjoyed the featured entertainer who sang a Carol King Tribute. Enjoyable evening.

Thanks for the reports and features. Bruce



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7 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Our first time in Ponta Delgada was on October 4, 2001, on Golden Princess' maiden crossing.  That day we walked around town.  About 90 minutes after we sallied, DH was on the balcony and noticed we'd turned around.  A few minutes later, the captain announced we were turning back because a couple had suddenly left the ship with the luggage 30 minutes before we sailed.  The ship was returning until they could determine what was happening.  We made it back to Ponta Delgada in 45 minutes, and dinner was very quiet that night.  We hung out off the port for a while, then sailed toward the USA.  We later learned they knew the couple was disembarking and used their departure as a cover story.  A member of the Cruise Staff as a joke had called in a bomb threat.  He spent the rest of the cruise confined to his cabin.  Remember this was less than a month after   9/11.


Our pictures from our first stop.



Igreja de Sao Sebastiao




Portas da Cidade



Igreja ds Sao Jose



In 2019, I took these pictures inside the church.




We were back in 2002 on Noordam III, and we walked around town.






The harbor with Noordam docked at the far end.







Our first time in Ponta Delgada was on October 4, 2001, on Golden Princess' maiden crossing.  That day we walked around town.  Absit 90 ,minutes after we sallied, DH was on the balcony and noticed we'd turned around.  A few minutes later, the captain announced we were turning back because a couple had suddenly left the ship with the luggage 30 minutes before we sailed.  The ship was returning until they could determine what was happening.  We made it back to Ponta Delgada in 45 minutes, and dinner was very quiet that night.  We hung out off the port for a while, then sailed toward the USA.  We later learned they knew the couple was disembarking and used their departure as a cover story.  A member of the Cruise Staff as a joke had called in a bomb threat.  He spent the rest of the cruise confined to his cabin.  Remember this was less than a month after   9/11.


Our pictures from our first stop.


Igreja de Sao Sebastiao



Portas da Cidade


Igreja ds Sao Jose


In 2019, I took these pictures inside the church.



We were back in 2002 on Noordam III, and we walked around town.





The harbor with Noordam docked at the far end.







Great photos Lenda.


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57 minutes ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning,

I am waiting for DGS to show up after his dentist visit to pull an extra tooth he has. He will spend a grandma day and miss preschool. 

Thanks for all that contribute and thanks for the feedback from those cruising.  It is easy to go down the rabbit hole of negative posts. I am glad to see that others are enjoying their cruises.  I am struggling trying to decide what to bring. I have packed and repacked 3 times. I have decided on bringing a larger checked bag and not stress about it. With the new attachable luggage it will not matter. This will allow my carryon to be lighter and easier for me to handle with my bad hands. My toe is probable 50% better. The fracture area does not bother me just the infected area. 

Thanks for checking back with us Jacqui so we know how you are doing. Fingers crossed that it is much better by tomorrow. I hope everyone else is doing better too. Continued prayers for those on care list. Happy travels for those on the high seas. 

Have a great day. 




Sounds like me with packing.  For next trip, I'm doing something new.  I was getting all wound up about separating pre-cruise travel and hotel clothes from my other stuff that I don't want messed up in the suitcase, and don't want to take a second piece of luggage, so now for the hotel days, I'm taking old clothes that I had set aside for donation box and will just leave the stuff at the hotel.  It'll all be under a jacket anyhow, right?  lol




33 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Cheers for the King of the Netherlands; I can probably tell a story or two, I know Babe Ruth was a famous baseball player, and I've never tried to study Morse Code.  


Maybe spring is here?  I don't want to say it too loudly, but we did hear a robin singing last night.  Looking at the predicted temperatures for the coming week, our overnight lows will all be just slightly above freezing, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we just might have kicked old man winter to the curb.  But I'm not stupid, our heavy jackets are still in the front hall closet.


We took a tour at Ponta Delgada similar to @StLouisCruisers, except we didn't stop at a brewery first.  We were taken by the beautiful scenery along the way, the greenery, the hills with cows tethered to them, and of course the blue and green side by side lakes.  I'd love to be able to do that tour again some day.


So far, so good with the shingles vaccines; both DH and I are only feeling soreness in the arm muscle - I hope that's the only reaction we get from it.


@dfish please wish your DS Sue a Happy Retirement!  Tell her that retirement is the time of your life when every night's a Friday and every day's a Saturday!

@smitty34877sending good vibes for DH's consultation today.

@kazu I hope the ouchies don't last long for you.


Does anyone here have one of those robot vacuums?  I purchased one online a week ago and had to return it.  I just wasn't happy with it; first of all, it wouldn't go from the hardwood to the area rug in the living room, and it seems we have way too many things on the floor (chair legs in the dining room, cat bed, plants) for it do actually do much cleaning.  Finally I found Steve (yes, I gave him a name) stuck in a corner trying desperately to fight his way out, to no avail.  I put Steve back in the box and returned him to the store where they said they weren't surprised, as others have returned theirs as well.  LOL


I'd like to try the drink, even though I'm not a fan of tart drinks, it might be good.  I'm pretty sure I'd like the wine, but it's above my price point, and if I were to make today's menu suggestion, I'd have to leave the blue cheese off, as I'm allergic to it.  Tonight I'll make panko crusted salmon with parmesan potatoes and green beans that we'll enjoy at the kitchen table.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them, and cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️




Gerry, we had exact same experience with the robot.  Didn't work for us at all and went right back to the store.

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43 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Cheers for the King of the Netherlands; I can probably tell a story or two, I know Babe Ruth was a famous baseball player, and I've never tried to study Morse Code.  


Maybe spring is here?  I don't want to say it too loudly, but we did hear a robin singing last night.  Looking at the predicted temperatures for the coming week, our overnight lows will all be just slightly above freezing, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we just might have kicked old man winter to the curb.  But I'm not stupid, our heavy jackets are still in the front hall closet.


We took a tour at Ponta Delgada similar to @StLouisCruisers, except we didn't stop at a brewery first.  We were taken by the beautiful scenery along the way, the greenery, the hills with cows tethered to them, and of course the blue and green side by side lakes.  I'd love to be able to do that tour again some day.


So far, so good with the shingles vaccines; both DH and I are only feeling soreness in the arm muscle - I hope that's the only reaction we get from it.


@dfish please wish your DS Sue a Happy Retirement!  Tell her that retirement is the time of your life when every night's a Friday and every day's a Saturday!

@smitty34877sending good vibes for DH's consultation today.

@kazu I hope the ouchies don't last long for you.


Does anyone here have one of those robot vacuums?  I purchased one online a week ago and had to return it.  I just wasn't happy with it; first of all, it wouldn't go from the hardwood to the area rug in the living room, and it seems we have way too many things on the floor (chair legs in the dining room, cat bed, plants) for it do actually do much cleaning.  Finally I found Steve (yes, I gave him a name) stuck in a corner trying desperately to fight his way out, to no avail.  I put Steve back in the box and returned him to the store where they said they weren't surprised, as others have returned theirs as well.  LOL


I'd like to try the drink, even though I'm not a fan of tart drinks, it might be good.  I'm pretty sure I'd like the wine, but it's above my price point, and if I were to make today's menu suggestion, I'd have to leave the blue cheese off, as I'm allergic to it.  Tonight I'll make panko crusted salmon with parmesan potatoes and green beans that we'll enjoy at the kitchen table.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them, and cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


I have a Roomba & like it but it occasionally gets stuck on a lower chair rail....I'm amazed at what a good job it does.

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