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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday May 2nd, 2023

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Good morning,

It is another sunny windy day.  I have finished packing and closed up the suitcase. To say I am a little anxious is an understatement. DGS was crying yesterday that he will miss me. I am surprising him today and picking him up early from preschool and taking him to Dairy Queen (he loves the Oreo blizzard). 

Ivan looks like he is settling in. It will be good for both of you. My Molly will go to my sons and will have the DGK’s to play with. She does recognize suitcases and is sticking to me like glue. 

Prayers and good wishes to all. 

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@marshhawk safe travels and enjoy your cruise.  

@kazu beautiful flowers from your sister in memory of Jose's passing yesterday.  Thinking of you at this time.  Ivan looks cute and I am sure he will settle right in.  

Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports Sandi and Rich.   I appreciate my siblings and it is nice to have them all nearby.  

Thank you for the Cares and Celebrations reports.   Prayers for everyone needing them and the people of Ukraine.   

@ocean sounds how exciting to be heading to GB for the coronation festivities.  

Today's wine and cocktail look wonderful but will pass on the Tilapia.

It is a miserable day here.  36 degrees, windy and rain.  We are truly ready for spring.  🌷 Nancy 


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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Babies are a delight, especially when you can give them back to the parents when they won't settle.  Although I didn't know I had a brother and sisters until I was an adult, I do appreciate having them in my life.  We have a ukulele in the house, but it never gets played; there are too many guitars in line before it.


Well the "frozen tundra" isn't frozen any more; today we've got bright sunshine and clear skies again, with a predicted high of +25C (77F).  According to the weather channel, we are to expect a warmer than average summer, and it feels like we're starting early.  I'd better get the a/c guys over here to make sure it's in top shape before we really need it.  


Yesterday we got to the greenhouse about 10 minutes after it opened for the first time this year, and were able to purchase the papyrus plants we were wanting.  They'll have to reside on the deck for a couple of weeks though, because the ground isn't warm enough to put them in yet.  I was able to contact the community mental health group and they sent a couple of people over yesterday afternoon to take care of the front, back and side lawns, so our yard looks nice again, ready for another growing season.  DH mentioned that this year we might just get them to do weekly mowing for us as well - I think he's starting to feel his 82 years now.  


This morning I've got my monthly breakfast with retired colleagues, and a couple of us are going to show up wearing our tiaras in honour of the upcoming coronation.  That should spark a lot of laughs and conversation!  After that, it'll be a bit of shopping for DH and I, and then we'll head for home.  


@smitty34877I do hope Tana's health struggles will improve soon, and that her son will be able to breathe a little easier also.  Teenage years can be tumultuous at best, let alone tossing in a mother's health crisis to the mix.  Thank you for helping both of them through this scary time.

@kazu I had you in my heart yesterday, knowing what you went through a year ago.  It looks like Ivan is comfortable around you; I'm sure it won't be long that he'll feel he's a part of your family.


I like today's menu suggestion, as I really like rice bowls, but would probably substitute cod for the tilapia.  I think the drink of the day would make a great refresher on a BHB.  I'd like to try the wine, but it's a little pricey for my Cardboardeaux budget.  Because it's going to be so nice and warm, I'll be putting breaded chicken strips in the air fryer and we'll have a light dinner of chicken fingers and crudites on he deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers for all with celebrations.  


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Does adopting a brother as an adult count? Last weekend in the synagogue, our cantorial soloist sang various Hebrew prayers and songs to tunes by Harry Belafonte, with a member accompanying on a ukelele.


Maybe on the fish, if made with something other than tilapia and probably toned down a lot. Pineapple drinks are still no, no, no. I would probably like the wine but am unlikely ever to find out. I have not been to Ghana, but I had a friend in college who was from there.



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1 hour ago, dfish said:

We are going to spend the day taking things around to donation sites.  Like @Cruzin Terri, I have been pruning my closets.  I'm getting rid of the stuff that is too big for me.  That is a hopeful thing. 

@dfish, I just loaded my car last night with tubs of clothes from our closets.    Some too big, and some too small. 🤦🏼‍♀️

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Good Morning from a bright and sunny day at the beach

     Although it is very windy!

  Love Babies! But not too many around. I have 2 sisters up north but both my brothers have passed. Too young and I miss them. My son plays the ukulele. He is quite good at it.  Never been to todays port.

      @superoma Thank you for putting me on the prayer list. 

I am waiting for the call from the hospital for what time to arrive tomorrow. I will be in for a few days so I wont be checking in here.  All will be well.

       @marshhawk Have a wonderful cruise!

          @kazu  Great pictures of Ivan. Looks like he is settling in nicely!


Stay safe and enjoy today


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Good morning Dailyites. 

A beautiful morning here, warming to 80.


I sent a Happy Baby Day to my niece and she sent an adorable picture of my nephew. He's already 4 months old and a very busy little guy.


My brother has been gone for 40 years. (Motorcycle accident) My sister and I are very close and talk or text daily.


I was pooped out last night. We got a lot accomplished at our friends yesterday and she treated us to Indian food. There are boxes and boxes of stuff we put in the greenhouse for her next garage sale.


Well, our mama bird that nested outside our window in the rose bush must have flown the cop. I haven't seen her in a few days, so may sneak over and see if the nest is empty. 


The sweet little dog we occasionally watch had a bad vet visit yesterday. She has an abscessed tooth and the vet said she'll need her remaining teeth pulled due to her age and having to be under anesthesia. 


Ukelele day? I enjoyed listening to the players in Maui but do not know anyone that has a ukulele except @ger_77 husband...




Prayers lifted to all on our list, and my prayer book. Thinking of you all today.

Blessings to you. Be kind.

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Sad to hear of Gordon Lightfoot’s passing. I grew up with ALL his music. Had every album until last October when I gave the whole collection to my NC brother. I went to several of his concerts before I left NY in the 70s. He took requests at one in Lincoln Center- asked us to write requests on a paper and leave it on stage at intermission. I managed to flick my paper slip to land closest to the mic stand. It was the first he picked up!  I had written the names if two songs:  Steel Rail Blues and Softly; he played Softly!  It is a very sweet memory!  I will always have his songs running through my head and heart. 

I have 3 siblings all older, a 4th died as an infant before me, so there is a 6-9 yr age gap between me and them. We are not close but we talk. The oldest brother, in NJ, I have tried to see several times but he refuses for unspecified reasons, just not a good time he’ll say. I know his wife is not well physically or mentally so I’ve accepted I’ll probably never see him again. It’s been 21 years now, since 2002. Even though we’ve buried 2 parents, the 4 of us haven’t been together since 1978, at my first wedding. None of them came to my second wedding in 1993.  NM was too far, not a good time, etc….  It’s not that we don’t love each other or care, but I think children from dysfunctional homes have such individual perspectives from their own personalized survival mechanisms that we lack deep bonds. It felt very good to see my sister in the FL Keys in December before we boarded Eurodam for our celebration cruise, but even 2 nights in a nearby motel was almost too much, we are just too different. Talking by phone is easier!  I wish them all wellness, peace and happiness. 

@kazu Beautiful of your sister!  Thanks for the pics of the flowers and Ivan!  He is one lucky dog!  

Annie, @marshhawk we’re all very excited with you!  Anyone who can do the job you do, can think on the fly and be flexible if travel plans need to shift.  You’ll do great!  And with your tender loving spirit you will be touched by sharing your adventures with Chuck and your BFF. We’re all on your side!  Wishing you lots of fun, and smooth healthy travels. We’ll miss you every day and look forward to your thoughts when you get back. Enjoy it all!  

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort, hope, guidance, strength…. And cheers to all celebrating!  Life is Good!  

Bon Voyage to our cruisers embarking!  And smooth travels to all who are away. 

Safety and endurance blessings to Fr David!  Wish we could follow along and hear where he is and how he’s doing. Hoping the pilgrimage is inspiring. 

Today is filing day!  Not just filing but also beginning a rework of our files to streamline them. Some day we’ll need to move and won’t have or need 6 drawers of files!  

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Good morning from central Texas.  It is cloudy and breezy with a current temperature of 66F.  We should reach 79F this afternoon.  The only thing on the agenda today is a doctor visit for DH in Waco.


There are no babies in the family now, and DHs youngest two grandnieces are in their teens.  I am an only child, but DH has two brothers.  We donated our ukulele to a thrift store last year.


The Samuel Johnson is probably true in some cases.  We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine today.


We were in Ghana in 2009 on Tahitian Princess, but we did not go to today's port.  Instead, we were in Accra.


4 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  Or should I say bad morning?  We have gremlins in our house and my computer was doing something with the "disc" this morning and refused to do anything else.  DH just turned on the treadmill (taking my spot) and it is doing all kinds of incline testing all on its own.  Let's hope the appliances aren't next!  The weather report for my location is 48F and it will rise to 70 with sunshine.  Hope the weather people are correct and that doesn't go downhill.


Anyway, thank you Rich @richwmn for the Daily and Fleet Report info and our day in history topic.  Today is a big day for the Noordam and Westerdam because after long journeys across the Pacific they are reaching their destinations - Vancouver and Kodiak.  Our days to celebrate are Baby Day, National Brothers and Sisters Day, and National Play Your Ukelele Day.  I love to celebrate babies and the only one in the family is my niece's DGD Elliott Rose.  Thankfully I still have a brother and sister but miss my DS Nancy.  And no way I could play a ukelele.  


 The menu suggestion today is spicy tilapia rice bowl, but I can't handle spicy so that's out!  The drink is Island Breeze🍹 and the wine is a shiraz🍷   Both I will pass on.  Thank you Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for the food and beverage reports today!


Prayers for our Care list people and there are quite a few of you.  Hoping things will be better soon for everyone.🙏  Cheers for our Celebration list folks.  Be happy if you have good news and have a great day if you're on a ship somewhere.🚢  Thank you Eva @superoma for taking care of the lists for us.  



Our port is Takoradi, Ghana which is a third time posting here.  Last times were July 28, 2021 and June 9, 2022.  I have not been there and probably won't go there.  Links will be posted below (fingers crossed).  Please feel free to post your photos for us!





Hoping everyone's day starts out better than mine did!  Take care and be safe!


PS - I noticed today is also Sandra Day so I think I will celebrate me today.  Couldn't hurt, could it?


Sandi, I hope your computer and treadmill are back to normal by now.


3 hours ago, TiogaCruiser said:

Good morning all,

Volendam is making her way towards San Diego now, to do the dirty deed of dumping us off. Back to reality soon. It’s been a great cruise.


Gonna get back in bed and enjoy the rocking while I can.




Laura, I'm glad you had a good cruise.  Safe travels to your home even if it's not too far from the port.


3 hours ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Tuesday Daily, Sandi.  Sorry to hear that the gremlins have struck you 😞 


Nice collection of days.  I think the one I will celebrate the most is brothers and sisters day.  My one sister is so thoughtful.  She knew what yesterday meant and sent me these.






Ivan helped me answer the door when they arrived.




Yes, Ivan has arrived.  




A bit earlier than planned but his mother doesn’t drive and relies on others.  he was a very sad boy with her gone and I worked at distracting him.  By last night he was getting pretty comfy.




 Sorry the pics aren’t the best - it was a dark and gloomy day & I only had my old Ipad handy.  By last night he was getting pretty comfy LOL.




LOL on today’s quote.  It’s a sad day in Canada as an icon in songwriting and singing has passed away - Gordon Lightfoot.  RIP and thank you for all your musical gifts to us all for so many years.




I think my day will be full between cleaning up from the mess Mother Nature made yesterday,  helping Ivan acclimate and with a visit from a friend.  But, with luck, if my elbow doesn’t object too much a bit of gardening?




Prayers for everyone on the care list & those that need them and a toast 🥂 to those celebrating.




Have a great Tuesday everyone !!!!


Jacqui, the thoughtful flowers from your sister are beautiful.  Ivan looks like he is settling into your house.  I too loved the picture of him with his head on your legs.


2 hours ago, ocean sounds said:

@kazu, Ivan is adorable.  Thank you for the pictures.  What a special sister  to send the beautiful flowers


Good morning from a foggy SE Texas.  I woke up earlier with the sound of a ship’s fog horn out on the river a half mile away.  Some think the sound of fog horns in a white blanket is eerie, but I think of it as comforting. 

Love brothers and sisters day.   There are 5 of us, and we are scattered among different areas of the country,  We all got together in February for 3 days, and it was wonderful!


One dear sister is traveling with me to London in 2 days!  We are so excited!  I came up with a crazy plan on New Year’s Eve to be in London during Coronation time. 👑  Being the awesome sister she is, she was all in, and dear brother in law told her, Yes, Go!  Booked a hotel that night.  Did I mention we leave in 2 days?!  So excited. 

prayers to all in need, and cheers to those with good news or traveling. 


Safe travels in two days and have a great time with your sister in London.


2 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites!  In an effort to clean out the fridge, I am making breakfast today. DH says we have a few more errands to run this morning, and then walk the dog, and then back to work, and then I'm done.  


Most of the packing is done, DH is still working on his. (with my left overs that didnt fit in my small carryon) I read last night we have three gala nights.  I also saw the pictures of the extremely long lines at embarkation.  Truly scary.  


I don't travel with phone, computer or any way to connect with you, so please all be safe, and I hope well. So, a busy day today, all day flying tomorrow and then I will be enjoying the beauty of Vancouver and Victoria until Sunday when we cruise!  I do keep a self created journal to complete each day for my adventures.  I am nervous, I am excited, and I wish I could hug you all!







Annie, safe travels tomorrow.  Enjoy Vancouver, and then the cruise.


2 hours ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone!


It is a chilly start to a colder than normal day here in mid-Michigan.  Temps are only getting up to the low 40s.  And there is the possibility of an s word.  Things improve tomorrow.  As the weather forecaster said, we just have to suffer through today.  


We are going to spend the day taking things around to donation sites.  Like @Cruzin Terri, I have been pruning my closets.  I'm getting rid of the stuff that is too big for me.  That is a hopeful thing.  Once this adrenal issue is taken care of, I am hoping I can lose weight instead of gain it.  So, I'm keeping the stuff that is just a little tight.  Sue has been tossing stuff as she unpacks.  She has a load for the resale shop.  We give as much as we can to the resale shop that helps support a residence for victims of domestic abuse.  Furniture, and we will have some, will go to Habitat for Humanity.  We got to know these places well after Dad died.  One step closer to restoring order.  


Today's meal is one I would like without the rice.  I would  use the riced cauliflower because otherwise the carb count is way too high for me.  Remember, if  you don't like Tilapia, you can always substitute another mild white fish.  There are plenty!  Use cod instead.  This first one doesn't seem too spicy hot, just flavorful.  https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/spicy-tilapia-rice-bowl/




If it is the heat you don't like, leave out the cayenne.  I love the cayenne and many times people don't notice it if you use it sparingly.  https://thebestblogrecipes.com/spicy-mexican-tilapia-bowls/




This last recipe sounded good with the pineapple added in.  https://www.thesecretingredientis.com/blackened-tilapia-rice-bowls/




Wishing you all a wonderful day.


Debbie, it sounds like you and Sue are going to be busy today.  I'm glad things will be going to places that can use them to benefit others.


1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Babies are a delight, especially when you can give them back to the parents when they won't settle.  Although I didn't know I had a brother and sisters until I was an adult, I do appreciate having them in my life.  We have a ukulele in the house, but it never gets played; there are too many guitars in line before it.


Well the "frozen tundra" isn't frozen any more; today we've got bright sunshine and clear skies again, with a predicted high of +25C (77F).  According to the weather channel, we are to expect a warmer than average summer, and it feels like we're starting early.  I'd better get the a/c guys over here to make sure it's in top shape before we really need it.  


Yesterday we got to the greenhouse about 10 minutes after it opened for the first time this year, and were able to purchase the papyrus plants we were wanting.  They'll have to reside on the deck for a couple of weeks though, because the ground isn't warm enough to put them in yet.  I was able to contact the community mental health group and they sent a couple of people over yesterday afternoon to take care of the front, back and side lawns, so our yard looks nice again, ready for another growing season.  DH mentioned that this year we might just get them to do weekly mowing for us as well - I think he's starting to feel his 82 years now.  


This morning I've got my monthly breakfast with retired colleagues, and a couple of us are going to show up wearing our tiaras in honour of the upcoming coronation.  That should spark a lot of laughs and conversation!  After that, it'll be a bit of shopping for DH and I, and then we'll head for home.  


@smitty34877I do hope Tana's health struggles will improve soon, and that her son will be able to breathe a little easier also.  Teenage years can be tumultuous at best, let alone tossing in a mother's health crisis to the mix.  Thank you for helping both of them through this scary time.

@kazu I had you in my heart yesterday, knowing what you went through a year ago.  It looks like Ivan is comfortable around you; I'm sure it won't be long that he'll feel he's a part of your family.


I like today's menu suggestion, as I really like rice bowls, but would probably substitute cod for the tilapia.  I think the drink of the day would make a great refresher on a BHB.  I'd like to try the wine, but it's a little pricey for my Cardboardeaux budget.  Because it's going to be so nice and warm, I'll be putting breaded chicken strips in the air fryer and we'll have a light dinner of chicken fingers and crudites on he deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers for all with celebrations.  


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, I'm glad you were able to get the plants you wanted.  


28 minutes ago, cunnorl said:

Good Morning from a bright and sunny day at the beach

     Although it is very windy!

  Love Babies! But not too many around. I have 2 sisters up north but both my brothers have passed. Too young and I miss them. My son plays the ukulele. He is quite good at it.  Never been to todays port.

      @superoma Thank you for putting me on the prayer list. 

I am waiting for the call from the hospital for what time to arrive tomorrow. I will be in for a few days so I wont be checking in here.  All will be well.

       @marshhawk Have a wonderful cruise!

          @kazu  Great pictures of Ivan. Looks like he is settling in nicely!


Stay safe and enjoy today



Charlene, best wishes for a successful surgery tomorrow.


RIP Gordon Lightfoot.



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Good morning everyone.

Just a quick note as I have to get ready to go out.  This is the first time in ages that I am going out to lunch with a friend.  So no work today.  i will wait for tomorrow to do the other closet.

As for brothers and sisters, I have the half variety and they are not very communicative.

I was raised as an only child by my mom and never met my half siblings until adulthood.  They did not take it very well that my father never told them about me.  

I will post later in the day when i have more time.  Got to get ready to get out of here.

Take care, stay safe and God Bless,


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2 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Have a good one.



@aliaschief, this meme hit home.  

One summer afternoon, after a softball game at Asbury park by our house in Toledo, Ohio,  my older sister had the bright idea that we could ride our bikes to stables we knew in Michigan, to ride horses.    We were probably 9 and 12. 

We ran home, changed, and pedaled away without telling anyone.  We didn’t expect such a long ride, after all these were normal 1-speed manual bikes.    We rode horses for a couple hours and decided to head back home.  Yep - we got home well after dark.  Parents were furious!  They didn’t even miss us until supper time.  

it was probably my most thrilling and scary childhood adventure ever. 🚲🚲🐎🐎.  Scary in the dark, but more so thinking of angry father. 

Edited by ocean sounds
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Good morning, Dailyites!  I have been thinking of you all, especially Jacqui, @kazu, yesterday, and Tana, of course, even when I'm not posting.  I do wish I was going to be available to entertain @marshhawk in Victoria, but I think I'm going to have my hands full.  We are having multiple appointments daily it seems, with all the tests and meetings before Pat's surgery on Friday.  Today we will have a session with the ostomy clinic, and I'm expected to participate.  Not looking forward to that... Yesterday was a long time at the hospital with a full-body bone scan, to make sure nothing has spread.  It is interesting that in the hospital, a lot of people are not masking, we are, of course, especially because we've been travelling.


I'm not fond of tilapia, we ate it a lot in Kenya, and spicy is not for me, either.  It does make me happy to see Ivan making himself at home at Jacqui's.  Does he think he's a lapdog?  We met a very large dog the other day at the Ogden Point while we were waiting for Copper to come off the NA, and we were told he definitely thought he was a lapdog.


I have been tracking my missing AirTag, it is in Alesund Norway, today!  I have now put it in "lost" mode, so someone on the Rotterdam with an iPhone may discover it and it will tell them who it belongs to...  I don't know if I'll ever see it again.



Edited by Vict0riann
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Good morning from sunny (and soon to be windy) Durango. Looks like it is going to be nice day weather wise except for the winds. Will have to keep the windows shut to keep Utah from blowing through..... or maybe it is Arizona.


Glad to celebrate my siblings and some of my step-siblings. I keep in close touch with my sister and two of my step-sisters. My 1/2 brother is gone and I miss him. We were very alike in interests despite the fact I was 12 years older. The last years before he passed we spent a good deal of time together. Time marches on. His son and his wife are expecting a baby any day now so the family continues to grow although rather slowly.


@kazuI am glad to see Ivan with you and hope he works out. He looks to be a real sweetie and a dog can be such a comfort. And, when you are walking around the house muttering about things it is nice to know you are talking to the dog, not to yourself. Makes me feel better anyway.


Sorry to hear about Gordon Lightfoot...I still enjoy his music. Have several old LPs and some CDs.


Best wishes to all.... take care. Hope to hear that Tana is improving.







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2 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites!  In an effort to clean out the fridge, I am making breakfast today. DH says we have a few more errands to run this morning, and then walk the dog, and then back to work, and then I'm done.  


Most of the packing is done, DH is still working on his. (with my left overs that didnt fit in my small carryon) I read last night we have three gala nights.  I also saw the pictures of the extremely long lines at embarkation.  Truly scary.  


I don't travel with phone, computer or any way to connect with you, so please all be safe, and I hope well. So, a busy day today, all day flying tomorrow and then I will be enjoying the beauty of Vancouver and Victoria until Sunday when we cruise!  I do keep a self created journal to complete each day for my adventures.  I am nervous, I am excited, and I wish I could hug you all!






Safe travels tomorrow and enjoy beautiful Vancouver. Bon Voyage as well. I will miss you but I am so glad that you are going away.

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Good morning to all!

Another cool rainy day, seems like it will never end.

Always glad to celebrate my wonderful siblings!

@kazu. Ivan seems so sweet, congrats!  we swore off getting another dog after our senior dogs passed in 2021.  Our “never again” rescue pup is snuggled on the sofa with me at this moment.😄

@marshhawk  Bon Voyage!

RIP Gordon Lightfoot, truly a Canadian legend.

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1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good morning everyone.

Just a quick note as I have to get ready to go out.  This is the first time in ages that I am going out to lunch with a friend.  So no work today.  i will wait for tomorrow to do the other closet.

As for brothers and sisters, I have the half variety and they are not very communicative.

I was raised as an only child by my mom and never met my half siblings until adulthood.  They did not take it very well that my father never told them about me.  

I will post later in the day when i have more time.  Got to get ready to get out of here.

Take care, stay safe and God Bless,



Terri, enjoy your lunch with your friend.


1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites!  I have been thinking of you all, especially Jacqui, @kazu, yesterday, and Tana, of course, even when I'm not posting.  I do wish I was going to be available to entertain @marshhawk in Victoria, but I think I'm going to have my hands full.  We are having multiple appointments daily it seems, with all the tests and meetings before Pat's surgery on Friday.  Today we will have a session with the ostomy clinic, and I'm expected to participate.  Not looking forward to that... Yesterday was a long time at the hospital with a full-body bone scan, to make sure nothing has spread.  It is interesting that in the hospital, a lot of people are not masking, we are, of course, especially because we've been travelling.


I'm not fond of tilapia, we ate it a lot in Kenya, and spicy is not for me, either.  It does make me happy to see Ivan making himself at home at Jacqui's.  Does he think he's a lapdog?  We met a very large dog the other day at the Ogden Point while we were waiting for Copper to come off the NA, and we were told he definitely thought he was a lapdog.


I have been tracking my missing AirTag, it is in Alesund Norway, today!  I have now put it in "lost" mode, so someone on the Rotterdam with an iPhone may discover it and it will tell them who it belongs to...  I don't know if I'll ever see it again.




Ann, I'm sorry you and Pat are having to go through so much before the surgery.  Sending positive thoughts for a successful surgery and a quick, uneventful recovery.


Since no one has posted pictures from today's port, I decided to move us down the coast and to share my pictures from our day in Accra.  We had a city tour with stops at the national museum and a park, before a few stops near the coast.  Like many African countries, Ghana is a contrast between grand buildings and poverty.


We were greeted by these dancers and musicians upon arrival at the dock.





Some of the pictures were taken from the bus and are not as good as I'd like.  



Accra Temple (Mormon)



A couple of exhibits at the National Museum





Next was the obligatory shopping stop





Our next stop was the Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park and Mausoleum.   Kwame Nkrumah was the first Prime Minister of Ghana.









Another part of town



Our next stop was a nice hotel and resort for a cold drink.



One of the natives



Our final stop was the strangest and most interesting -- a coffin "factory".  From the size, I think they were for children or for ashes.







Looking at the neighboring area from the upstairs display area.




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Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. No baby, no brothers or sisters, and no ukulele here. Pass on the meal, but maybe on the drink and wine. I haven’t been to the port. 

Good evening as we sail away from Cobh. it started cloudy but by late day the sun had come out. We did the Titanic Experience, then walked about town. I couldn’t walk up to St. Colman’s, but did as much as I could with my sore knees and legs. 

@StLouisCruisers a thanks for the startup. 
@kazu Ivan looks at home. 
@dobiemom I’m glad you can sleep on your side now. 
@St Pete Cruiser Thank goodness for the medical care you received. 
@smitty34877 Many prayers for Tana and your family. 
@superoma Great job in the lists!


Prayers to those in need, bon voyage to those about to cruise, and Cheers to those with reason to Celebrate. 

St. Colman’s and the colorful houses in Cobh. 


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5 hours ago, ocean sounds said:

@kazu, Ivan is adorable.  Thank you for the pictures.  What a special sister  to send the beautiful flowers


Good morning from a foggy SE Texas.  I woke up earlier with the sound of a ship’s fog horn out on the river a half mile away.  Some think the sound of fog horns in a white blanket is eerie, but I think of it as comforting. 

Love brothers and sisters day.   There are 5 of us, and we are scattered among different areas of the country,  We all got together in February for 3 days, and it was wonderful!


One dear sister is traveling with me to London in 2 days!  We are so excited!  I came up with a crazy plan on New Year’s Eve to be in London during Coronation time. 👑  Being the awesome sister she is, she was all in, and dear brother in law told her, Yes, Go!  Booked a hotel that night.  Did I mention we leave in 2 days?!  So excited. 

prayers to all in need, and cheers to those with good news or traveling. 

Enjoy. But just in case your invitation didn’t come in time, here is another one. Just fill in your name!


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28 minutes ago, superoma said:

But just in case your invitation didn’t come in time, here is another one. Just fill in your name!


I'm not going to recite the oath of allegiance, though.


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6 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites!  In an effort to clean out the fridge, I am making breakfast today. DH says we have a few more errands to run this morning, and then walk the dog, and then back to work, and then I'm done.  


Most of the packing is done, DH is still working on his. (with my left overs that didnt fit in my small carryon) I read last night we have three gala nights.  I also saw the pictures of the extremely long lines at embarkation.  Truly scary.  


I don't travel with phone, computer or any way to connect with you, so please all be safe, and I hope well. So, a busy day today, all day flying tomorrow and then I will be enjoying the beauty of Vancouver and Victoria until Sunday when we cruise!  I do keep a self created journal to complete each day for my adventures.  I am nervous, I am excited, and I wish I could hug you all!






I hope you have a fantastic cruise Annie @marshhawk.

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